E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014 No. 56 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was teered for the U.S. Army in 1967 and is Chamber of Commerce and the south- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- a decorated Vietnam veteran. He was eastern Indiana Shrine Club. He also pore (Mr. WOLF). awarded the Bronze Star for saving a served on the Dearborn County Hos- f man’s life and also earned a Combat In- pital board of trustees. fantry Badge and four Air Medals. Both Allen Paul and Johnny Nugent DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO After being honorably discharged serve as shining examples of what it TEMPORE from the Army, Allen was elected to means to be a public servant. I ask the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the State senate in 1986, where he was entire Sixth Congressional District to fore the House the following commu- a tireless advocate for military mem- join me in recognizing these two out- nication from the Speaker: bers and their families. He passed im- standing Hoosier legislators. WASHINGTON, DC, portant legislation to help veterans re- I have no doubt these great men will April 7, 2014. ceive a college degree and supported bring the same commitment, dedica- I hereby appoint the Honorable FRANK R. legislation to offer in-state tuition for tion, and enthusiasm that they have WOLF to act as Speaker pro tempore on this veterans. had during their service to their con- day. Senator Paul has the distinction of stituents and their communities, and JOHN A. BOEHNER, apply that in the next chapter of their Speaker of the House of Representatives. being the first legislator from eastern Indiana to serve in a leadership posi- lives. f tion within his caucus. During his 28- f MORNING-HOUR DEBATE year tenure in the senate, he served as FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- majority whip, chairman of the Insur- FREEDOM OF RELIGION ant to the order of the House of Janu- ance Committee and chair of the Fi- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. nancial Institutions Committee. His ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- MESSER). The Chair recognizes the gen- political savvy and institutional nize Members from lists submitted by tleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF) for 5 the majority and minority leaders for knowledge will certainly be missed by minutes. morning-hour debate. his colleagues in the State legislature. Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, our Nation The Chair will alternate recognition Senator Paul’s dear friend Senator was founded on two core principles: between the parties, with each party Johnny Nugent has also decided to re- freedom of speech and freedom of reli- limited to 1 hour and each Member tire after more than 30 years in office. gion, both of which are contained in other than the majority and minority He too is a veteran of the U.S. Army the First Amendment of the Constitu- leaders and the minority whip limited and Army Reserve. tion. No one in America is arrested for to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- At the age of 26, Johnny was elected criticizing elected officials, including bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. Dearborn County commissioner, the the President. No one in America is im- f youngest commissioner ever elected in prisoned for going to a mosque on a Indiana. As a State senator, Johnny Friday, a synagogue on a Saturday, or HONORING RETIRED STATE SEN- Nugent held numerous leadership posi- a church on a Sunday. ATORS ALLEN PAUL AND JOHN- tions, including majority floor leader, The fact that we as Americans can NY NUGENT chair of the Agricultural and Small express ourselves so freely and choose The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Business Committee and ranking mem- to worship whenever and wherever we Chair recognizes the gentleman from ber of the Insurance and Financial In- want are at the heart of America’s Indiana (Mr. MESSER) for 5 minutes. stitutions Committee. greatness. That is why I am so troubled Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Senator Nugent has been a tireless by the recent events surrounding the today to recognize the career of two ex- defender of the Second Amendment and high-tech entrepreneur and Mozilla co- traordinary Indiana State legislators: served two terms on the NRA’s board of founder, Brendan Eich, who, despite his Senators Allen Paul and Johnny directors. During his tenure in the sen- unquestioned professional credentials, Nugent. These two close friends have ate, he successfully sponsored Indiana’s was forced to resign because of a $1,000 served the State of Indiana for decades. ‘‘Castle Doctrine,’’ as well as the Na- personal donation he made in 2008 in I want to personally thank them for tion’s first lifetime concealed-carry support of Proposition 8, the California all of their hard work and recognize permit. ballot initiative in support of tradi- them for their many accomplishments. Senator Nugent is also known for his tional marriage. First, let me tell you a little bit involvement in his local community. Regardless of your views on mar- about Senator Allen Paul. Allen volun- He is a member of the Dearborn County riage, any American who values the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2963 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:03 Apr 08, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07AP7.000 H07APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 7, 2014 First Amendment should be deeply Dear Lord, we give You thanks for local hospital. Trying to obtain an al- troubled that this man was essentially giving us another day. ternative policy that would be taken at driven from his job because of his per- At the beginning of a new workweek, Spartanburg Regional has been even sonal beliefs. I want to stress his per- we use this moment to be reminded of more difficult due to the lack of com- sonal beliefs, not his company’s, but Your presence, and to tap the resources munication between the provider and his own. needed by the Members of this people’s the hospital. Nowhere have I read that Mr. Eich House to do their work as well as it can This story, highlighted over the ever discriminated against coworkers. be done. weekend in the Spartanburg Herald In fact, by all accounts, he is a fair and We ask that You send Your spirit Journal, reveals the nightmares South honorable employer. Yet, because of upon them, giving them the gifts of pa- Carolinians and millions of Americans his private beliefs about traditional tience and diligence. With all the pres- are experiencing as a direct result of marriage, which I share, he has been sures for action that cry out each day, ObamaCare’s failures. demonized and his livelihood has been and with all the concern and worry This unworkable law is tragically compromised. that accompanies any responsibility, flawed. It is not fair that the Presi- As troubling as this particular inci- we pray that they might know Your dent’s broken promises have created dent is, the chilling effect it will have peace, which surpasses all human un- barriers when making a trip to the doc- on the broader issues of free speech derstanding. tor. cannot be overstated. May Your voice speak to them in the ObamaCare will continue to hammer I find it notable that Andrew Sul- depths of their hearts, illuminating down on our families if it is not re- livan, a leading activist in the gay their minds and spirts, thus enabling pealed and replaced with a common- community, has come to Mr. Eich’s de- them to view the tasks of this day with sense solution that maintains the doc- fense. Mr. Sullivan has been widely confidence and hope. All this day, and tor-patient relationship, instead of Big quoted as writing: through the week, may they do their Government’s dictates destroying jobs. The whole episode disgusts me, as it should best to find solutions to the pressing In conclusion, God bless our troops, anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse issues facing our Nation. and we will never forget September the society. If this is the gay rights movement May all that is done this day be for 11th in the global war on terrorism. today, hounding our opponents with a fanati- Your greater honor and glory. f cism more like the religious right than any- Amen. one else, then count me out. THE FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT Yes, public opinion on gay marriage f INSURANCE PROGRAM has shifted since 2008, when both then- THE JOURNAL (Mr. LEVIN asked and was given per- Presidential candidates Barack Obama The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mission to address the House for 1 and JOHN MCCAIN supported defining Chair has examined the Journal of the minute and to revise and extend his re- marriage as a union of one man and last day’s proceedings and announces marks.) one woman. But America has never to the House her approval thereof. Mr. LEVIN. Madam Speaker, today been defined by mob rule. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- marks the 100th day that unemployed Even if just 1 percent of the country nal stands approved.
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