+ * L PrideFest' W 1S ' 419.014 , 111- .17 .1DEE' AN J 1 @ SUM MERFEST SATURDAY: JASON STUART, TAYLOR DAYNE, RUPAUL SUNDAY: PAMELA MEANS, JADE ESTEBAN ESTRADA, SOPHIE B. HAWKINS CREA1 WINDY CITY F I T MEDIA 00 oN GROUP MILWAUKEE LGBT 61 ‘IF COMMUNITY CENTER CAGE scene QUEER LIFE /1410WEST ) AIRIINF, Vol. 3 • No. 3 • June 2005 The Official Beer Of PrideFest 0 99 WYNDHAM MILWAUKEE CENTER- WIPAYX MNCO.CAMNO 1i1 11B1B 11 fiEH]H!BEis{fa¥*¥rty £11/B .D I •ilRI ++++i r55i .IE ]ZZZzzliiLSE !!ifJH MimiSNP zl` +..+..I,.,5, ffl` 1111111- J.+TJTt++i s`( 132 W. ERZ AVENUE • BELOIT, WISCONSM I. 3i¥ing,!# flE Saturday, June 11th lil ISM 3570000 ++++++ Ill. MALE STRIPPER REVUE . chl,#rfe PERFORMING IN OUR SHOW LOUNGEUNGE I .I.VfF REEEEEREREREEEiEREEiHHmREH]EHE rfeL, &RE+ilE Ill THE DANCE FLOOR gjz`;ng:* FTJEED=EE `tife\y=^* •REB tr)ee I €( STARTS @ 11 i¥ pm @¥lli;'m i 'J 111. *-yc -: ]TE]EEillHHEHE I 11 5 Ea Saturday, Juneune,18th 18th lEFEES FIE-EEH.Et*k`Fdsi;rf*is L_`. +T •{ STARTING DATE BE ANNOUNCED PERFORMING I IN THE EiEHHEENoqucED 13b1a I OFFICE NITECLUB SHOW LOUNGE... H !^ REE]EREprE|E,EEiEBD OUR0 OWN CECE MARTIN & TAJMA HALL a y HaurB.,rY IRE FROM MADISON - CASS MARIE DOMINO FhaR FROMF CAS VEGAS - COCO VANCARTIER on ay Friday -6 Jai ffi, - SPECIAL GUEST FROM SAN ANTONIO TEXASAS- r- MISS CONTINENTAL ERICA ANDREWS REREREB& .50 Ra Domestic Beer .E. SHOW STARTS 2[HI @ 11:30pm E IE ^`7'lEfr,u EEENT Monday - Siall-5H _Gil -an(!¢|E &`quff`a # Saturday, July 2nd Tuesday - eft iir -fail Meer (, u?8& HER Z in..ii,T Ii „!fr;::A,` jE ID I ae PERFORMING IN THE `1 Wednesday - S i _GO 111/iiii0P tiviniticts I 'o ED=|DEBH-i E OFFICE NITECLUB SHOW LOUNGE...~( Thursday - fuSrfeEm with Ca • BOEE -. jxS!,; OURTWN CECE MARTIN & TAJMA HALLA utRTerN IE. LL Fri & Sat - rly Eli riot Wiaa N FROM CHICAGO - MONIQUE E H' GREEN EiEE T,di # BI., flll' -,S SPECIAL GUESTUESTFROM FROM Sunday - S2_11til Meetly iiiialrylc ar_ no. ' IEid1 I CHICAGO'ScmGAc;a BATON 7- . REGINE fe=&Efl,::5ppmHILL,P§ PHILLIPS xp+}t;nI¢3r #S #ry`!tr+* 1111 •r, E D=DEII`S'fiow SHOW STARTS @ 11:30pm EH +i •i,,,::+!:rJ% <%h FpiHny3#:#=:#REis I '?jL Monday thrall Friday - #?Fj;`REB I. RE f * 7 iElilEj .^§-?ryy I / Saturday & Sunday fi•- rliii - ul7th A,I.. 'if Thursday, July 7th •E. I+ ?gf4, FREE & CONFIDENTIAL #,D"r,'»,`1 E-+€.- i' EHIV : '.-:- ¥b /+ `ill% HIV TESTING 0'7pm@"v7pm i/- I ill- I -*# b,,/::jty illHII. -i!'i.-;;r,:ffl# REF/fy Lgot,;; 1`;(i EE HE` :J.. ul9thEl I¢'? Saturday, July 9th \ HID mai ttiVi EE - #(`''` MALE STRIPPER REVUE I, PERFORMING IN OUR SHOW LOUNGE E I I HEWCZOMMPULSE@ROLCO/11 Old D, & THE DANCE FLOORFLOOR 7,. rjffi STARTS @ 11 pm iEa 8iffi I. E.Ei, I("`/ky 1111 .ED oEDloE ~+EPEE:E .Big ®f"5.9'65-0344 thxy EiD ~i` iF .,'1 reet Rockford, I 07,,:aeS I !! -E`ca, ,) 2nd Wednesday of the month_ Starting May 71th Free RAPID HIV Testing at Pridefest. No Needles! No Blood! AIDS is still killing people. HIV infections are on the rise. Be tested. ESTD BESTD CLINIC • 1240 E. Brady Street • 414.272.2144 • www.bestd.org - 5 Applegate Court • Madison, WI 53719 B 608.277.9700 • [email protected] • www.club-5.com • it's easy, Last Saturday of the Month Enforced Dress Code Drink•Specials & Contests For Guys in Le5ther 3rd Saturday of the Month Drink Specials For GU—y-s'rin Leather THE BARRACKS HUNToner) 5 Applegate Court • Madison, WI 53713 • 608.277-9700 CLUB5Q©AOL.COM • www club-5 com you've got- male. Madison Rockford, ILlL Club 5 5 .............. 5 Applegate5 Applegate ct ......... Ct. 608-Z77-9700 608-277-9100 The Office Offi(e NiteClub Nile(Iub .............. 513513 E.I. State St.5t .......... 815-965-0344 815-965-0344 GreenbushGreenbu§h ...„„ .......914 914 Regent Regent St. §t ........... 608-251-2814 608-257-2874 The Oh'ione oh'Zone ............ 10141014 (harles Charles st St......... 815-964-9663 815-964-9663 Slipper ClubClub ......................... 121121 W. MainMain St. St .......... 608-251-1030 608-251-1030 Aids Care Care Network Network .............. 310310 5.S. Avon .............. 815-968-5181 815-%8-5181 Ray's Bar & Grill .............. 2526 I. Washington . 608-24l-9335 Horoscopes 2 Bar & Grill 2526 E. Washington . 608-241-9335 T.H.A.TI.H.A.T .............. 614 7'h614 §t 7'" ............ St. „... 815-96l-1269 815-961-1269 ePt7 Shamrock§hamro{k ........... 117 W.111 Main W. Main st .........St. 608-255-50Z9 608-255-5029 Beloit, WIWl Take My Advice 5 /Waga,z/pe The Barracks Barracks .............. 5 Applegate5 Applegate ct Ct. ......... 608-277-9700608-271-9700 Club[Iub ImpulseImpulse ............ 132 W.132 W.Grand Grand Ave Ave ..... 608-361-0000608-36I-0000 Drag Drama 10 3720 Pinecrest Road The foxhole Foxhole .......................... 5 Applegate (t ......... 608-277-9700 5 Applegate Ct. 608-271-9700 Green Bay, WIWI Montage 14 Rockford,Plockford, IL lL 61107-1310 61107-1310 Vibes Adult Adult Gift Gift Shop Shop .............. 1631 1637 Thierer Thierer Rd. Rd ....... 608-301-0290 608-301-0290 Brandy's II ll ....... 1126 Main1126 Main st ............. St. 920-437-3917 920-437-3917 Personals 29 Printed in the U.S. Napalese ............ 135 I Cedar1351 Cedar 5t ........... St. 920-432-9646 920-432-9646 Directory 31 & 32 RockfordRocktord Office: (815)(815) 378-2215 RestuResturahts/Cafesrants/Cafes Sass .............. 840 S. Broadway840 S. Broadway ...... 920-437-7Z77 920-437-7271 Madison Edible Edible Complex (omplex ......... 5 5Applegate Applegate Ct. [t ......... 608-277-9700 608-277-9700 Cricket's(ricket's FoxFox River Lounge Lounge ...... 715 715 S. i. Broadway Broadway ......920-884-2835 920-884-2835 Milwaukee Pictures 8 Editor:Editoi.: CodyCody Barron - Ray's Bar Bar & & Grill Grill ........... 25262526 E. E. WashingtonWashington . 608-241-9335 608-24I-93}5 Al'sA|'§ .............. 30l §. Broadway301 S. Broadway ...... 9ZO-436-9970 920-436-9970 Miss Gay USofA Pictures 18 Sr 23 [email protected] The Shelter shelter .............. 730 730N.Quin(y N.Quincy st St......... 920-217-Zl99 920-211-2199 Miss Illinois Continental Pics 26 Other OrganizationsOrganizations XSXs Niteclub witeclub ........... 1106 1106 Main Main st St............. 920-884-2949 920-884-2949 Columnist: Tajma Hall, Lottie Lottie Dodget OhZone Pictures 4 Dodge, AIDSAID§ Network Network ......................... 600 Williamson §t.St. Appleton, WI Richardf3ichard Brown,Brown, Travis Travis Copeland, Copeland, Marc Mare OutReach Inc ln( .............. 600 600 Williamson Williamson §t. St. Suite Suite pIPI CrossroadsCrossroals ............ 1042 W.1042 Wisconsin W. Wisconsin .... .... 920-830-1927 920-830-1927 & Tom.Tom, Baily Baily D D and and Carin Carin Lessnless. Le§snless. LGBT Business Busi"s Allian(eAlliance ........... P.O.P.0. Box Box 168 168 [email protected] [email protected] Rascal's BarBar & & Grill Grill ........... 702702 E.E. Ws{onsinWisconsin ...„ 920-954-92629ZO-954-9262 La Crosse,Crosse, WIWI Photography: Dan ValleyValley & Cody Dubuque, IAlA My Place place .,............ 320l South3201 South Aye Ave ........ 608-788-9073608-788-9073 One Flight mght Up up .............. 44-4844-48 Main Main 5t St .......... 563-582-8357563-582-8351 Ramblin Rose Rose ........................ 717 Rose Rose St. St ............... 608-796-1161608-796-1161 ILJ M="' AAA II 1\111M Production.Production, Printing & Distribution: IowaIowa City, IAlA Players ...................... 214 214Main Main §t St.......... „„ 608-784-2}53608-784-2353 IC011F"..ICI•R Cody Barron,Barren, Joe Galvanoni. The AlleyAlley Cat Cat ..................... „ LinnLinn StSt in the alley .... 319-887-1305 319-887-1305 Rainbow's EndEnd ..... „ .......411 417 Jay Stlay st ............... 608-784-2353 608-784-2353 Cedar Rapids, IAlA Eau Claire, WIWI Wednesday, June 22nd The Edge Magaz/neMagazine is published Club Basix Basix .............. 3916 Ist Aye .............. 319-363-3194 3916 1st Ave 319-363-3194 Wolfe's Den Den .............. 302 302I. Madison E. Madison ......... 715-832-9237 715-832-9237 for monthly, and and isis distributeddistributed FREEFREE Alley Cat cat ................... 15481548 A §t.A St. §W SW ........... 319-363-595.319-363-5959 Scooters ......................... 4I I411 Galloway Galloway 5tSt. ........ 715L835-9959 715-835-9959 throughout Northern Illinois,Illinois, Waterloo, IAlA Wisconsin Dells,Dells, WIWI July 7th PRIDE Issue Wisconsin, Chicagoland, Chicagoland, and and Club Metro Metro .......................... 510 Mulberry 5t ........ 319-Z32-Z239 Club 510 Mulberry St. 319-232-2239 Rainbow Valley Resort Resort ............ 4124 4124 River River Road Road ........ 866-553-1818 866-553-1818 Vol. 3 • No. 4 Eastern Iowa in businessesbusines§es that Davenport, IAlA (QuadCities) (Quadcities) Stevens Point,Point, WIWl r@edgemagonlme cater toto thethe GLBTGLBT community.community. Liquid .......................... 822 822 W. W. 2nd 2nd §t St. .......... 56}-324-9675563-324-9675 (lub Night Out ...................... 2533 (ty.Rd. M .......... 715-}42-5820 Club Night Out 2533 Cty.Rd. M 715-342-5820 815.378 2215 Mary'sMary'S on on 2nd 2nd .................,. 83Z832 W.W. 2nd St st .......... 563-884-8014 563-884-8014 Central(entral Wis(onsinWisconsin Rainbow AllianceAlliance ................ P0 PO BoxBox 390, 5448154481 Publication ofOf the the namename of photo- Fusion .................................. 813813 W. W. 2nd St.§t ........... 563-326-345256}-}26-3452 Sheboygan, WIWI graph Ofof any any personperson or business inin 811all Lockdown ......................... 811811 W. 2nd 2nd St. §t ........... 563-322-3292 563-}22-3Z92 Blue Lite Lite ............... 1029 1029N. 8thN. 8th ................ ZO-457-1636920-457-1636 this magazine does notnot reflectreflect upon AugiesAugje! (Rock (Ro(k Island, lsland, IL) lL) .........313 313 20th 20th St. §t ..........,.,. 309-788-7389 309-788-7389 Wausau, WIWl DRAG ones sexualsexual orientation.orientation. OzOn ........................................... 3Z0320 Washington St. §t .......715-842-3225 715-842-3225 E Shoes • Fringe This Publication may not be Life just keeps getting better..
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