Tempest in Phone Erupts By Paul Blackwell and colored phones that they telephone company employes did 75 cents a month is added Bell student should contact our of didn'l even order, and when the not make clear all costs involved chimes cost six cents more per fice " A tempest in a telephone was company was informed of this, when they signed students up month For most of the charges, F^ach case must be handle I br< ■■ ing on campus this week the;, said we would have to pa\ as customers and some dorm taxes must be tacked on individually. Howard said, add because of confusion a motif! the extra installation charges residents received equipment Miss Pilcher's dilemma didn't ing that more than 600 phones dormitory students as to how anyway, she said. they did not order end with the misunderstanding will have been installed in Unit much they will pay for their I feel that students have been Miss Pitcher's was a case in about cost After her phone was ersity dorms by the end of next phones taken advantage of in this case point installed, she discovered bell week The controversy was made pub by high pressure selling by the She and her roommate went chimes had been included despite Most of the student customers lie Tuesday at the Student I company were signed up during rush or In the phone company desk dur her definite instruction against ress meeting. them registration Linda Pilcher, Tyler lophomore Bell Men Arrive ing rush They declined invita- tions to buy a new "Princess" Miss Pilcher said she knew of and a congress member, rose Presto Changes at least nine students who were By Wednesday afternoon, two model phone or an instrument fo protest what she called "high confused about the telephone Southwestern Bell representa with bell chimes, rather than A Southwestern Bell service pressure selling" by Southwest tives. including WAInut exchange the standard ringing signal man who came to Miss Pilcher's charges or had received equip ero Bell Telephone Company in Manager H .1 Howard, were on The two coeds then were told room in Colby Hall Wednesday ment they had not ordered. signing students up for dorm campus to talk with Miss Pilcher that a colored phone would cost while she was away removed the yooin phones Pay Not Expected They're eager about straigt "$10" for installation They pre colored phone He- left in its HI ',. Many students, charged Miss ening out the problem,' Miss viously had known that a stand- place a black one — also con "OUT company wouldn't expect Pil< her. were not properly in Pile her told the Skiff late Wed ard phone is installed for a $7 taming the bcdl chimes anyone to pay for something thev for: led by the company as to nesday fee For a colored or Princess Phone man Howard empha didn't order," Howard said the full charges for the telephone The telephone men were re- phone, $10 is added, making a sized to the Skiff in an inter But the phone firm official in- ser ee, including installation and luctant to say. however, that the total of $17. view Wednesday that his com- dicated that students probably month!'. "straightening out" wouldn't cost If the bell chimes are included. pany is anxious to discuss any will have to pay installation char Students Charged ■-Indents extra installation char- $3 more is charged for putting questions or problems students ges on any phone they ordered ges in the instrument may have about the phones "Our and accepted Acceptance would "Several students were charged The major problems, as Miss The basic monthly service rate only interest is to have satis be indicated in most cases b> Installation fees lor hell chimes Pilcher saw them, were that is $5.50. For a Princess phone, fied customers," he said. "Each (Continued on Page S) TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skill * * * * FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOiVOL 61, No. 3 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1962 8 PAGES h ,073 in Contributions IPs Goal on Campus Highest Ever Tl highest goal ever set in but not from students The largest amount ever giv TCI innual United Fund Drive Contributions have been 100 en in the campus United Fund is this year's aim — $8,073. per cent for the last two years, drive was $6,400 in 1961. TCU re nived an award for this gift as At stake is the Outstanding but the "quick cash gift" has Ommunit) Leadership Award. kept the total below the amount t h e largest donation from a school in the Tarrant County given by the Tarrant County necessary for the leadership a- drive Dri\c Committee Eligibility is ward based on 90 per cent of the em- ploy s donating and 65 per cent giving a "fair share," one hour's pay each month for 12 months Semifinal Round To Begin | J "To help us reach our goal, we dope everyone will consider a pledge, to be deducted from Sunday in Cliburn Event his pay check each month, rath er than a quick cash gift," said Mrs Jo Boatnght of Dallas is Semif|nalisLs will play three Amos Melton, TCU drive chair- one of three people destroying days starting Sunday, before a constantly growing audience. man the popular image of Texans "In this way, we can give Sunday's performance already is Today she trades a saddle for more to a worthwile cause, and sold out and threre are few a piano bench to compete in the not miss the dollar or two each tickets available for the Oct. 5 Van Cliburn International Piano finale. month " Competition. Mrs Boatright is Funds will be solicited from Winner of the $10,000 first one of eight contestants sched- prize, and five other prizes bring 450 fultime campus employes, uled to play today in Ed Landreth ing the total to almost $20,00 0, Auditorium in the preliminary will be known within an hour competition. after competition is completed Other Texans entered in the next Friday night. Manigirdas Motekaitis, Lithuanian-born pianist representing ite Music Man contest are James Jolly of Hous Order of the remaining pre Chicago in the Van Cliburn international Piano Competition, was ton, who performed Tuesday, liminary contestants whose ap- one of several contestants who helped publicize the contest in and William D Cooper of Gar pearance begin at 9 a m and the window of a downtown savings and loan association building this week. The pianists were paid for their efforts. Lots of people EK To Initiate land, who was in Wednesday's end at 4 p. m. include: competition. stopped to gawk. Prof Series So far 32 contestants have Friday played for the panel of 11 judges Carmen Alvarez of Montevideo, B. R (Bev) Henson, assistant The remaining 14 pianists will Uruguay. professor of music, will take a compete tcxiay and Saturday be- Chancellor Plans Talk fore the 12 semifinalists are John Perry of Lawrence, Kan look at "Backstage at the Opera" sas Dr. ME. Sadler, TCU chan James Allan Hunter Newton Tuesday for the first Professor announced Saturday night Raul Sosa of Buenos Aires cellar, will speak at the annual grange. Scotland, and Janet Ken , .■' Serie. program of the year. in Zoila Lux Garcia Salas A of International Convention of Chris Henson will make his presen Hunter, Quebec, Canada, will Guatemala City tian Churches to be held in kiff 1 tatkm in Room 204 of the Stu serve as educational missionaries Hiroko Nakamura of Japan Los Angeles. Sept 30 through it (''■ dent center at a time to be an- ACTIVITY CARDS Oct. 4. His topic will be on to Jamaica nounced Jo Carner Boatright of Dallas the role of the Christian Citizen Robert l.ee Tice St Joseph, The Professor Series was 01 DUE TUESDAY Edward clement Bethel of Nas He will address the group at Mo., and Joyce Ford Tice. Goose gani/ed to give students and pro sau. Bahamas one of the "Morning Glow' ses Creek, will serve as educational fessors a chance to discuss mat Students may pick up then Rafael Borges of Mexico City. sums. Oct. 2, at which time missionaries to Africa iters of common interest The at tit itj cards, ;<t the informa- eight missionaries will be ap Robert Clyde Williams and Saturday series also pros ides more fac- tion desk in the Student Center pointed by The United Christian Jane Kite Williams, both of Mem ulty and student contact beginning Tuesday Takashi llironaka of Tokyo Missionary Society phis, Tenn . will work in church In previous programs the Prof Cards will he issued by the Dorothy (Catherine Payne of The missionaries are all Pis ma.ishi i in Basutoland, South essor Series Committee has pre numbers stamped on the hack ciplcs of Christ and have (wen Africa sented a variety of topics, per Tacoma, Wash ,' students' pink cards during Ralph Votapek of Milwaukee trained in TCU'S Brite College others attending the convention sonalities and ideas to reach al n „istration Those to be appointed are Fd from TCU will be Dr Elmer D students Andre de (iroute of lleverlee, Students who were not photo Belgium. gar William llennig. Swcctwater, Henson, dean of Brite College, All programs are designed to graphed should have their pic- Leslie Marie Wells of Jackson and Mary (Jail Pate Henning. Rev Clyde Foltz. director of the stress quality and informality ra tures made at Allen Studios, ville, F'lorida. Albany, who will serve as ev ex student fund; and Dr. Johnny )her than quantity.
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