Emblem elubs throughout Con- m tha malla arriving in Hanehsa- iiSEBAU TONIGHT dance dance necticut will hold their first Joint tsr under the frank of Congrase- outing at Savin Rock on Wednes- man Harmaii P. Kopplemann, la a Old Fashioned and Modern day, August 22. The West Haven large envelope containing a picture (Bast Side League) Emblem club Is sponsoring the oup- of Preeident Rboeevelt. There ie an Every Thursday Night ing and making all arrahgemenji, engraved card carrying the name of BALDWINS TB. G R E E N for the. shore dinner at noon and the Congreaeman in which be atat's Miaa Ruth Hunt and MIm Con- cards ^hd games in the afternoon. that, ’’believing we are now under tance Hunt of Pine street have re- Jarvis Grove 6 p. m. Rainbow Dance Hall Jt will be an excellent opportunity the government of one of the great- turned from a visit with their aunt Bolton Notch for the members 'of the Rockville eat Presidenb” the picture ie being and uncle, i t r . and Mrs. John Joyce Emblem club, which draws from enclosed. of.'Caiapel street, East Hartford. Music by Webster’s Old Timers. Manchester and nearby towns to be- Oates and Taylor, Promptera. come acquaintefi with the others. HALES sel f - ser ve: Those who would, like to go should get ill touch wdtlf'Mrs; Mary Qrazla- Mr. and Mrt. C. V’on Borchere of , Mf»- C- Bunce of 889 Hart- Victoria road have just returned dlo of this- town, president of the ford Road returned home last eve- Rockville branch, or Mrs. Georgs’ ri. G n a c e : r \ AUSTRIA PAYS from a vacation In Maine .where INSIDE OR OUTSIDE MAYO BROTHERS ning after spending several weeks Williams, both of this town. LAVERY MENTIONED BRITISH FLIERS HOP Ihev enjoyed flah’lng tripe to Branch In Woodstock. Pond. Cold Spring Pond and Beach McOILL PAINT IS BEST HIU lake. Mr. Von Borchera caught The , usual Wednesday ' evening A TRIBUTE TO ARE LAUDED BY the limit;of aalmon each day, often Ross S. Towle of 721 Tower av'e- setback party will be omitted to- irithln three houra of caatlng hU I nue, Hartford, for' 15 years an ac- morrow evening at House's Pine SatisfaeffaQ 100% PURE FOR GOVERNORSHIP ON ATLANTIC TRIP, : countant employed by Stone and flrat hook. He also landed two lake Grove, Wapplng, on account of the Early Rird”^ C ^ ^ ! a- GERMMDEAD THE PRESIDENT trout, each of which weighed more tVebster, Inc., of Boston, died at his lllne.ss of Mra. Frank House. Guaranteed I, I home yesterday. Mr. Towle is sur- Outside Paint than' lO’ .i pounds. The trout aver- FROM 9 TO 12 O’CLOCK WEDNESD A Y m S r ^G 1 iged between' two and 10 pounds I vlved by two nieces living In Man- The highway department scarified in Material Former Senator of f airfield ind the salmon about six pounds. j che.ster. Miss Jeanne Towel and Mrs. rnd rolled Summit street from East ONCE A CONVICT, Prince Alois Places Wreath Chief Executive Honors CANADA TOJRAQ Roasa A. Brookings, both of 141 Center to Wadsworth street yester- DRAM PERFUMI and $2.55 I East Middle turnpike. day. Burnett's Extracts per gMlon Boomed at G. 0. P. Gather- Through the Hasting Wayside SM ClAi ON DIES A REFORMER on Soldiers* Memorial and World Famous Surgeons; Agency, Annie and Emella Broroskl Craftsmanship In 5-gsllon cuts. of Birch street have-purchased the Mr. ad Mrs. Arthur Turklngton of ing; Democrats to Disciiss PRESIDENT URGED Making Attempt to Break Mar>' Magnuson farm of 100 acres I hnox street entertained friends at a Any flavor. Small bottlea. .2 for .............. j party Saturday evening. Speaks About Relations American Legion Presents in Tolland. They have already tak- HIGHEST PRICES 'S even teen 19 “NOTHING BUT THE BEST II^^FAINTS” en poasesslon of the’ farm and are P.\ID FOR Save Money By Buying Your Paint At R t^ ry Prices Politics at Banqnet. John G. Goode — Yegg, TO SETTLE STRIKE Long Distance Record — I Mrs. Jennie Hunt and daughter, PIRPUMI ^ With the Sister Nation. Them With llaqne. _ ___ I Heayily Loaded Plane Drunkard and D erelict^ I I By ASSOCIATED PRESS Berlin, Aug. 8— (AP) — Prince Rochester, Minn., Aug. 8.— (AP) Minneapolis Group Pleads Runs Mile and Half Be- IPoUtical talk was indulged in lost Alois of Schoenburg-Hartenstein, Passes Away at 70. — President . Roosevelt shared the aght over a wide front by both colonel general of Austria, Austrian rpotllght today with Rochester’s Democrats and Republicans, the That Citizens Are De-I * fore Bemg Lifted h to Air minister of defense in the second most famous citizens, the Mayo most pointed discussion being that New York, Aug. 8.— (A P )—John Cabinet of the late Chancellor DoU- Efothers; as this city combined Its ''at a dinner to former Senator Al- G. Goode, once infamous os a crook, fuss, and leader of the Austrian prived of Rights. — Expect to Cover About forces on the Italian front during entertainment for the Ghlef Execu- beH.^;. Lavery of Fairfield when he later famous a* a reformer, died at tive with ceremonies -honoring the the World War, appeared at 1 p. was offered as a possible nominee his home in Brooklyn last night. He niodlcs. for govern^ at the Republican m. today at the Soldiers’ Memorial 6,500 Miles. was 70 years old. on Unter-Den-Llnden. Praising the two world renow-ned Minneapolis, Aug. 8.— (A P )—An . state «onventipn. plyslcians. Dr. William , J. and He was dressed In the old Im- rppeal to President Roosevelt to Lavery was pvra a pocket watch He had been a yegg, a till pilfer- Charles H. Mayo, operators of the er, a train robber, a highwayman, a perial Austro-Hungarian uniform take a hand in the Minneapolis truck with chain and knife attached.,- Mayo Clinic, for their services. Mr. arlvers’ strike was made today by BCLLEITN! The praise of Lavfery by many non-working New York policeman, and he deposited a wreath' on be- half of the Austrian army In Roosevelt added that their "true dis- the Minoeann'is nri.tectlve commit- Quebec, Aug. ‘ 8.— (AP) —Tbe was profuse and brought. Into the then a derelict and finally a lectur- memory of their German comrades- tinction Is In the simple fact that tee, a group of citizens, who charged plane '*11-011 of the Caribou," on open sentiment expressed qtBe.where er on prison reform. you have put men’s .sense of brother- In the county that Fairfield' w^a In-arma who fell in the World War. that rc.nrienta are being deprived of He was born in Boston in 186+ hood and interdependence Into a a projected non-stop flight from able to offer a name for th* head of. and taken to Colorado by his par- Yesterday Prince Alois attended luclr constitutional rights by mili- tht obsequies for the late President setting and have given It a new tary control. Wasaga Beach, Ont., to Bagh- the Republican ticket if the con- ts when be was 5 years old. At meaning." vention wanted one. ll''l»e ran away to Join- a band of Von Hlndenburg as a special Aus- Captain M. J. Ayling (left), and Captain Leonard O. Reid, British A telegram addressed to President dad, passed over Quebec at State Chairman J. Henry Rora- y eg g sX ^ u g h t, he served a terra In trian delegate. flyers, leave Ontario at dawn for non-stop record flight. Addressing them as "nelghbo’’,'the Roosevelt in care of his special train 10:05 a. m., e. s. t. This Monarchist, aristocrat and Chief Executive participated lo back made known that Congress- MlBaouri%Nntate penitentiary. Then at Roche.ster, where he Is participat- man Charles M. Bakewell, Just back knight of Pour. Le -Merlte, who re- ceremonies In which the American he robbed il AIU In his native city, li.g In cercraonlrs honoring the Mayo THE HOP-OFF from the British Isles where he Boston, at 13, ahdw as sent to the signed from the Dollfuss Cabinet Legion presented to the brothers brothers, urged him "to take Imme- because he did not approve of its citations voted at the last NaUonal Washago Beach, Out., Aug. 8 — gave attention to economic and In- Massachusetts ataib^^teformatory. o'.ate steps to remedy the situation” , dustrial conditions, bad accepted Escaped ~ anti-German course, expressed the convention, honoring them for their (A P )—James Ayllhg and Leonard hope that better roiations ' might H ere's A m a z i n g Lif e Story and requested conciliators "who will an invitation to be keynoter and He escaped twice from''+be refor- luimanitarlan accomplishments. recognize the needs of all citizens Reid, British airmen, took off at soon -develop between Austria and Edward A. Hayes, NaUonal com- dawm today In an attempt to fly temporary chairman of the Repub- matory, and because of that occame and prevent further demonstration lican state convention at Hartford, Germany. mander of the Legion, presented the non-stop to Baghdad, Irag, and the only Juvenile ever to be senK^o “ A fundamental change for the O f F a m o us Q u in t u p le ts of the situation for political pur- September 10 and 11. Massachusetts’ Deer Island prison' citaUons, while the President spoke pcses." break tbe world's long distance 'better In the relations of Austria flight record. To Be Renominated Hd escaped from that, too, after be lu presenUng a p.Iaque given by the The Rev.
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