THE:CITY.RECORD. VOL. XLV. NUMBER 13526. • NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1917. Pluck, 3 Curs. THE CITY' RECORD. McClure, 969 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn, 78.53. 36. Isidor Lentchner, 162 Montauk ave., Brooklyn, 78.45. 37. Patrick Reilly, 163 E. 95th st., 78.36. 38. Richard F. Walsh, 764 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, 7826. 39. James F. Labdon, 416 Seventeenth st., Brook- OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE 'CITY OF NEW YORE. lyn, 78.13. 40. Michael Rodgers, 1238 Thirty-eighth st., Brooklyn, 78. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the 41. George W. Savage, 5910 Seventh ave., Brooklyn, 78. 42. Martin Dickemann, BOARD OF CITY RECORD. 1820 Mohegan ave., Bronx, 78. 43. Michael J. Dolan, 342 W. 47th st., 78. 44. Peter JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Maya. Boyle, 767 Ninth ave., 78. 45. Martin S. Mannix, 388 Seventh st, Brooklyn, 78. LAMAR HARDY, CORORATION COUNSEL. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comma= 46. John McKenna, 206 E. 36th st., 78. 47. Dennis P. McGrath, 1466 St. Nicholas ave., 78. 48. Richard F. Colleton, 362 Hawthorne st, Brooklyn, 77.95. 49. James J. Wilson, JOSEPH N. QUAIL, STIPIEVIROL 544 W. 134th st., 77.92. 50. Frank A. Eschmann, 40 Essex st., Brooklyn, 77.91. 51. Max Supervisor's Office, Municipal Building, $th floor. Schmilowitz, 961 E. 156th st., Bronx, 77.87. 52. Henry C. Lichten, 10 Earlington ave., Published daily, at 9 a. in., except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 913 Rode at. (north aide), South Jamaica, '77.65. 53. James F. Gormley, 2183 Ryer ave., Bronx, 77.65. 54. John between West Broadway and Church st, Manhattan, New York City. S. McEntee, 907 St. John's pl., Brooklyn, 77.65. 55. Michael J. Keogh, 626 Bedford Subscription, $9.30 a Tear, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Doi- ave., Richmond Hill, Queens, 76.42. 56. Thos. McBonie, 346 St. Nicholas ave., 75.30. tars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law 57. Edw. A. Farrell, 134 Fourth pl., Brooklyn, 74.97. 58. Martin J. Colbert, 940 Kent Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section; postage extra. ave., Brooklyn, 74.85. -59. Patrick Mulligan, 114 W. 102d st., 74.62. ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before Publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Promotion to Matron, Department of Correction. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least 1. Margt. A. Ryan, 231 Franklin ave., Brooklyn, 83. 2. Margt. J. McCormack, THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. 979 St. John's pl., Brooklyn, 77.50. 3. Susan Green, 1052 E. 38th st., Brooklyn, 77. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. Borough of Brooklyn. Gowanus Pumping Station : Stationary TABLE OF CONTENTS. Report for Week Ended Oct. Engineers, 2; Laborers, 5. 20, 1917. Bureau of Highways. Assessors, Board of- Municipal Civil Service Commission- Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices. Work Done-Dangerous holes repaired Notice to Present Claims for Damages 7408 Amended Notice 7411 Orders Issued-For supplies, 13; for re- and made safe, 116. Work done by Re- Bellevue and Allied Hospitals- Eligible Lists Promulgated November Proposals 7416 5, 1917 7373 pairs, 45. pair Gangs-Square yards. Granite. grade Board Meetings 7408 Notices of Examinations 7410 Bills aggregating $3,115.23 were trans- 1, T. and G., 3; granite, grade 2, T. and Eronx, Borough of- Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- mitted to the Department Finance for Local 'Board Meetings 7411 G., 847; granite, No. 1, grouted, 3: gran- ings, etc. 7416 payment. Proposals 7411 Official Directory 7407 ite on sand, 919; cobble pavements, n; Report for Week Ended October 27, Bureau of Incumbrances and Permits. iron slag blocks, 13; asphalt blocks, 210; 1917 7373 Plant and Structures, Department of- Proposals 7416 Brooklyn, Borough of- Complaint Department-At office, 7; total, 2,034. 1,009 square yards 6-inch con- Proposals 7412 Police Department- mail, 10; inspectors, 21; Police Depart- crete under asphalt, 68.3 square yards 6- Report for Week Ended October 20, Auction Sale 7408 ment, 5. Classification and Disposal: inch concrete under blocks; removing as- 1917 7373 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- phalt pavement and block pavement; Changes in Departments 7406 crty 7408 Household furniture, dispossess, 2 loads; Docks and Ferries, Department of- Public Charities, Department c,f- machinery, dispossess, 10 loads; boulders, square feet cement walk repaired, 2,064; Proposals 7408 Proposals 7411 41; trees and limbs, 26; earth and refuse, linear feet concrete curb foundation,' 5; Estimate and Apportionment, Board of- Public Service Commission- Minutes of Meetings Held October 20 Calendar of Hearings Commencing 35. number of square yards of pavement re- 24, 26, 27 and 29, 3917 7373 November 5, 1917 7373 Inspectors Department-Complaints paired, 4,191; square feet of bridging re- Notice9 of Public Hearings-Public Notice of Proposed Sale of City laid, 391 ; linear feet of curbing reset, blue- Improvement Matters 7412 Property 7412 made, 21; complaints settled, 63; inspec- Finance, Department of- Queens, Borough of- tion building operations, 393; applicationi stone, 23; square feet of flagging relaid, Confirmation of Assessments-Notice Proposals 7409 approved, etc., 64. bluestone, 3,32e; linear feet cement curb, to Property Owners 7409 Richmond, Borough of- 40; macadam roadway cleaned, square Corporation Sale of Buildings and Ap- Report of Bureau of Buildings for • Permit Department - Permits : Tar purtenances Thereto on City Real Week Ended November 3, 1917 7406 kettles, 1; flag walks, 38; building ma- yards, 2,067; dirt roadway repaired and Estate by Sealed Bids 7408 Supreme Court, First Department- terial, 35; vaults, 1; crosswalks, 40 ; spe- cleaned, square yards, 37,052, by machine; Corporation Sale of the Lease of Cer- Application to Amend Proceedings 7414 gutter cleaned, square yards paved, 4,799; tain City Real Estate 7409 Application to Court to Condemn cial, 64; vault repairs, 2; cement walks, Corporation Sale 4 Real Estate 7408 Property 7414 21; driveways, 29; Edison Company, (7; dirt roadway repaired, by hand, square Interest on City Bonds and Stock 7409 Filing Bills of Costs 7414 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 11; Brook- yards, 26,969; repairs made to macadam Sureties on Contracts 7409 Notice to, File Claims 7414 roadways, 1,938; gutters paved. square Vouchers Received November 8, 1917 7405 Supreme Court, Second Department- lyn Union Gas Co., 97; Department of Warrants Made Ready for Payment Application to Amend Proceedings 7415 Water Supply, 41; tool houses, 21; Bu- yards, 21; ash sidewalks built, 665 square November 8, 1917 7403 Application to Court to Condemn reau of Sewers, 8. yards; dirt sidewalks built, 75 square Fire Department- Property 7415 yards. At Asphalt Plant-Box plant prod- Proposals 7413 Filing Bills of Costs 7415 Cashier's Department-Moneys Received: Health, Department of- Rine Preliminary Abstracts 7415 Repaving over water connections, $626.20; uct, 1,534. Street Maintenance--6,510.2 Proposals 7412 Hearings on Qualifications 7415 repaving over sewer connections, $304.40; cubic feet asphalt laid ; plant repairs ; auto Summary of Vital Statistics for Week Taxes and Assessments, Department of- truck repairs. Street Restoring-1,849.4 Ended November 3, 1917 7406 Notice to, Property Owners-Annual inspection of work done by corporations, Instructions to Bidders for Work to be Valuation of Property 7413 $158.73; extra paving, $22.38; special pav- cubic yards asphalt laid Repaving Bond Done or Supplies to be Furnished 7416 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- ing, $212.25; gas accounr, $2,152.41; vaults, Fund-3,647.2 cubic feet asphalt laid. By Manhattan, Borough of- partment of- Connection Gangs-Square yards : Gran- Proposals 7416 Proposals 7413 $41.25; total, $3,517.62. Mayor, Office of the- Report for Week Ended September 29 Bureau of Sewers. ite, grade 1, 'T. and G., 61; granite, grade Special Meeting 7373 1917 7406 2, T. and G., 582; granite, grouted, No. Moneys Received-For sewer permits, 1, 28; granite, grouted, No. 2, 424; granite $543 .05. on sand, 154 ; Belgian blocks, 2; cobbles, 18; PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT. Permits Issued-For new sewer connec- iron slag blocks, 1; asphalt blocks, 39; me- tions, 42; for old sewer connections (re- dina pavement, 7; macadam, 841; total, 2,- No. 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. pairs), 34. 157. Miscellaneous Work-3 cesspools Calendar of Hearings Commencing Nov. 5, 1917. Work Done-Linear feet 6-inch house cleaned or repaired; 82,993 square yards connections, also 8-inch, 187; linear feet .Friday, Nov. 9, 1917-2.30 p. m.-Room 2562-Case No. 2193-The Long Island streets sprinkled with oil; 243 miles streets sewer built, 90-inch to 166-inch, 111 ; lin- Railroad Company-"Alteration of grade crossings at Lawrence st. and other streets sprinkled with water; bridge repairs, ear feet sewer built, 24-inch to 90-inch, drainage; care of yards; details; miscel- on Whitestone Branch and Northside Division"-Whole Commission. 2.30 p. 315; linear feet pipe sewer built, 521; Room 2523-Case No. 2226-Edison Electric Illuminating Company of, Brooklyn- laneous trucking; repairs to tools and manholes built, 8; basins built, 7; feet of equipment; filling washouts ; cleaning mis- Bay Ridge Theatre Corporation, Complainant-"Refusal of Company to relocate sewer repaired, 104; basins repaired, 46; transformers"-Commissioner Hervey. cellaneous. streets; inspections; miscel- linear feet of pipe sewers cleaned, 236,050; laneous work not street work.
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