'( OF'FICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH :1 OFF'ICER. SUIIDARGARH 6nr qsv 66qr 0 6'ogtgl aqotol q'ornjqrna, Eae6o Letter ruo:-..."5 ....., *rt#ilftry o ated:...Q /... / .. /2.. / zo:.s To Dy. Director (Advertisement) - cum- Secretary to Govt. I & PR Deptt., Odisha Bhubaneswar Sub: - Advertisement ofNotice Invitation Bid, (At6e0e OtO-6gtOOt. Sir, Please publish the advertisement (Annexure- A) using minimum space as per Govt. norms in one Odia & English newspaper for one day & single edition only. The bill will be submitted to the Collector & District Magistrate, Sundargarh for payment. Yours Faithfully Chi blic Memo No- copy . lr, NIC, Sundargath for information and you are tequested to upload the details information(Annexure- A) & publish the same in the district website. Memo No Date- I// / Copy forwatded to the Notice Board, Of the CDMo/RTo/Municipalityi OIpIO/ Collectorate Sundatgath for information and necessary acnon. They are requested to display the same in their notice boatd for wide pubJication. Health Officer, Sundarga rh T ,' OF'F'ICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PI]BLIC HEALTH : (' OF'F'ICER, SUNDARGARII Gnt qetv 66qr g G'G,qtgrt at{G,to1 q orgiqrna, go6r6to Email : dpm [email protected] oated :...Q/. / ../. 4..lzoll. OFF'ICE OF THE CHIEF'DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH OFF'ICE& SUNDARGARH 6nr clslv 66ql 0 G,oqtgq aqotol G. c{dqt$o,ggo6q., Website: www.sundergarh.nic.in, E-mail: [email protected] Bid Reference No. : '/1 Date: Ot /ta /Z NoncE tNVtnNG gto (areaae oro'Ggroet Bids are invited from eligible transporters to transport Khushi - Sanitary Napkins ( 61al - 96fl6 qlqq o6Qee ol6i') from the Block warehouses of sundargarh District to different Govt. schools under the Blocks. The willing reputed transporters are requested to submit sealed tenders to the office of the undersigned on or before 24.L2.2oLg till 5 p.M through Regd post/ Speed Post/ Courier only. Tender documents can be downloaded/ obtained from the district website www.sundergarh.nic.in. This office wilt not entertain any tender after the due date/time fixed for at any circumstances. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or whole tender without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/- Chief District Medicat & pubtic Heatth Officer, Sundargarh OFFICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER, SUNDARGARH 6nr qstq 66qt CI c,cqnq ar{ator q'olriqtng, qgoctg BID DOGUMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION OF KHUSHI - SANITARY NAPKINS qQ (ql6el6 eto6c; er odq'ec EIO|66l 6ntn ote ogl6e Reference No: NHM 18-19 Date: Address with Phone Nos.: website : www.su ndergarh.nic.in, E-Mail : [email protected] Page 1 of 29 ( CONTENT Section Clause Component Page No. Section - | 1 Background 5 General 2 Description & Directives 5 lnformation About Tender 1, Eligibility Criteria 8 2 Tenure ofthe Contract B Section - ll 3 lmportant Notes for Bidders 9 Specific 4 Bidding Process 9 Information for Bidders 5 Evaluation and Selection LT 6 Award of Contract L2 7 Performance Security L2 L Scope of Work L4 Section - lll 2 Contract Management 1_5 Conditions of 3 Payment Terms 19 Contract 4 Resolution of Disputes 20 School-wise Distribution Plan of Khushi -Sanitary 21&30 Napkins tl Format for Turnover Certificate 22 ill Format' for Submission of Clientele 23 (Details of Present and Past Clients) Annexure IV Format for Declaration 24 V Format for General Details of the Bidder 25 VI Agreement Format 26 vll Format of Bank Guarantee for Performance Security 28 Page 2 of 29 Website: www.sundergarh.nic.in, E-mail: [email protected] Bid Reference No. : /wHM 18-L9 Date: Bids are invited from eligible transporters to transport Khushi - Sanitary Napkins from the Block Warehouses of Sundargarh District to different Govt. Schools under the Blocks as per the details in Annexure I and as per the particulars mentioned below: sl. Particulars Date and Time No. 1.. Date & time of release of bid 01.12.20L8 Venue: Conference Hall, Office of the 2 Date & time of Pre-bid meeting 11.30 A.M. Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh Office of the Chief District Medical Last date & time for submission of & 3. 24.12.2018, 5 P.M. bid Public Health Officer, Sundargarh Date & time of Technical bid Venue: Conference 4., 11.30 A.M. opening Hall, Office of the Chief District Medical To be informed to the & Public Health 5. Date of opening of Price Bid Officer, technically qualified bidders Sundargarh The bid document with all information relating to the bidding process including cost of bid document, EMD, Eligibility criteria and terms & conditions are available in the website: www.sundergarh.nic.in. The Authority reserves the right to accept/ reject any part thereof or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof. sd/ Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh Page 3 of 29 sEcTroN - | GENERAT INFORMATION ABOUT TENDER Page 4 of 29 ( 1. Background Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh is inviting bids for engagement of commercial transport vehicles for transportation of Khushi - Sanitary Napkins from the Block Warehouses of Sundargarh District to different Govt. Schools underthe Blocks (see Annexure lfor details) on behalf of Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Odisha. This agreement describes the terms and conditions under which the agency (successful bidder to whom contract is awarded) agrees upon to transport and deliver the sanitary napkins with its vehicles, for a nd on behalf of Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Odisha. Note: All products shall be owned by the Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh and provided to the agency (successful bidder to whom contract is awarded) for delivery under the terms and conditions of this contract. 2. DESCRIPTION & DIRECTIVES Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh [hereinafter referred as Tender Inviting Authority unless the context otherwise requires] invites sealed bids for engageme nt of commercial transport vehicles for transportation of Khushi - Sanitary Napkins to different Govt. Schools as per Annexure l. Bids are invited for Sundargarh District in this bid document. The details are given below - No. of Blocks Nos. of Recipient Quantity of Cost of EMD (Rs.) Remarks Schools Khushi - Tender Paper Sanitary including Napkins GST (Nos.) {Rs.) 1,oo,ooo/-(May be deposited Details are 2,240/- within 07 days grven In after finalization Annexure I of bid) Note: Exact location of delivery will be intimated before signing of contract. A carton of 4.5 cubic feet contains 16 packets (6 pcs. per packet) of sanitary napkins. 3. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION a) Tender Type : ManualTender, 2 envelop System - one labeled as Technical Page 5 of 29 ( Bid and the other one as Financial Bid. b) Vehicles Required Goods Carrier Vehicles of various capacity as per ordered quantity for transportation c) Mode of Operation To be decided by the Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer. d) Nature of work Transportation of Khushi- Sanitary Napkins e) Cost ofTender Paper Rs.2,24O/- (inclusive of GST) in form of Demand Draft/ PaV Order, in favour of Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, payable at Sundargarh f) EMD Rs.1,00,000/-( fUay be deposited within 07 days after finalization of bid)in form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favour of Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, payable at Sundargarh g) lmportant Dates Tender Release: 01,.12 .2078 Pre-bid meeting: 07.12.2018, l-l-.30 A.M. in Conference Hall, Office of the Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh Last date & time for bid submission:24.12.2018, 5 P.M. Bid Opening: 26.12.2018, l-l-.30 A.M. in Conference Hall, Office of the Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh h) Validity of Bid : 180 days from the date of bid submission i) Address for Communication: Office of the Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Sundargarh, PIN - 770001. e-mail: [email protected] The bidders shall be solely responsible for checking the website www.sundergarh.nic.in for any addendum/amendment issued subsequent to the release of bid document and take into consideration the same while preparing and submitting the bids. Page 6 of 29 (.' , SECTION - II SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Page 7 of 29 ( 1. ETIGIBILITY CRITERIA The interested Bidders shall have to comply to the following criteria to participate in the tendering process Must be registered for under."Carriage by Road Act,2OO7" and "Carriage by Road Rules, 20L!" . (Self-attested copies of the Registration Certificates to be furnished.) b. Must have either its registered office or operating office in Odisha. (Self-attested copy of the documentary evidence in this respect to be furnished.) Must have all relevant statutory documents such as Registration Certificate of firm, PAN Card, GST Registration Certificate, etc. d. Must have minimum 5 (five) number of heavy vehicles with capacity of 5 tonnes or more to carry drugs/ pharmaceuticals/ perishable items/ consumable goods, etc. The heavy vehicle like tipper shall not be considered as a vehicle carrying drugs/ pharmaceuticals/ perishable items/ consumable goods, etc. for the purpose of this tender. (Self-attested copies of R.C. Books along with the copies of the Fitness Certificates to be furnished) e. Average annualturnover in last 3 financial years i.e. 2Ot4-L5,2015-16 &20I6-L7 or 2015- 16,2OL6-L7 &2O17-L8 must be at least Rs.10 lakh. (Reporton the financial standing of the Bidder such as Turnover Statement, duly certified by a Chartered Accountant, as in Annexure f l for the Financial Years 2014-L5,2OL5-L6 & 2016-17 or 2Ot5-L6,2OL6-t7 & 2Ot7-L8 to be furnished. ProvisionalTurnover shall not be considered.) f. Must have executed similar work (transportation of drugs/ pharmaceuticals/ perishable items/ consumable goods, etc.) during any of the three (3) Financial Years i.e.
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