WHO WILL WIN ECHO ENTER GEM CONTEST? SEE EDITORIAL THE ECHO SNAPSHOT CONTEST VOLUME XVII TAYLOR UNIVERSITY, UPLAND, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1930 NUMBER THIRTEEN THALOS PRESENT HANSEN IN ORGAN RECITAL "A DAY IN BORNEO" Dow Bancroft Delivers Mooney Library Rec'v's Sun. Chapel Address FORMER T.U. STUDENTS Book From Dr Wray BLIND ORGANIST TO BY REV. G. D. GLENGH Mr. Do'w Bancroft brought the mes­ MARRIED IN CHICAGO Dr. Newton Wray recently present­ (A T. U. Alumnus) sage of the Sunday afternoon chapel APPEAR FOR THIRD ed his latest production, "The Book service. The theme of his talk was DOROTHY ATKINSON WEDS of Job, A Biblical Masterpiece," to MISSIONARY DESCRIBES LIFE world wide evangelism. He outlined SPRAGUE WILLARD Mooney Library. This act is very TIME AT TAYLOR IN BALIK-PAPAN, BORNEO for his audience the program of this DECEMBER 27 greatly appreciated by the Librarian DUTCH EAST INDIA year for pushing out and helping al­ and the students. CLASS OF '28 TO RECEIVE ong this movement. The first thing Dorothy Atkinson, well-known grad The book is very highly praised by PROCEEDS FOR PAYMENT Just supposing that you could step he stressed was religion in the home, of '28, and Sprague Willard, former many of the leading Bible Expositors ON ORGAN out of your part of the world into including family worship daily at the Taylor student, became "one" Friday, and writers of today as being "quite ours, what do you think a day in Bal- family altar. Then too, he brought out december 27th at 8:45 P. M. "Jack" different from the ordinary run of Taylor University music-lovers will ik-papan would be like? If you will very strongly the necessity of evan­ Shilling, popular campus leader of commentaries and expository writ­ be pleased to hear that our friend, allow yourself to be lifted gently gelizing young people in the service '27, detrained at Cnicago to perform ings. It has a distinctive character of Professor Charles F. Hansen, of In­ from that comfortable chair you are of our Lord. We must take an active the ceremony. Donald (Chunk) Wing its own." Professor Wray clearly. dianapolis, will be with us Friday ev­ sitting in, and transported bodily to and enthusiastic interest in the youth of basketball and tennis fame at Tay­ shows that the object of his book is ening, January 10, to present to us this particular place, maybe we'll give of our day and age. In conclusion, he lor, drove way through the Indiana "to show that God is not served by another of his delightful organ recit­ you a chair over here, and let you put this thought into the minds of and Illinois snowbanks to be best man. the faithful because of His benefits, als. find out for yourself just how the everyone. Are we as interested in in­ Marion Atkinson, Taylor co-ed and but because He is such a Being that Mr. Hansen, who was a pupil of other half of the world lives. We in vesting our means for the evangelism sister of the bride, made a very pret­ they would cleave to Him at any cost." Robert Newland, has been for more Balik-papan are the "other half of the of the world as for our own selfish ty bridesmaid. Since Dr. Wray has made his book than forty years, organist and choir world," you understand that, of course. luxuries ? The wedding took place in the At­ available to all of Taylor's students director in leading churches of Indi­ Let us locate ourselves in our Mis­ kinson apartment, 6150 Winthrop Av­ there is no doubt that it will be in anapolis, as well as a teacher and sionary Home in Balik-papan. It is enue, Chicago. Before the ceremony constant use. accompanist. twelve o'clock midnight. You are SULLY COMMUNITY, IOWA there was a real reunion of Taylor Mr. Hansen is a frequent visitor stretched out on a little, hard, narrow friends. Handshaking and backslap- at many musical affairs in Indianap­ folding cot, perhaps your legs are REVIVAL GONDUGTED BY ping were the order of the day for olis and other cities, where he ex­ draped out over the edge of the thing for the fellows; kissing for the girls. T. U. GOSPEL TEAM presses his enjoyment by a character­ and as for your arms, you have mov­ SPARKS AND MCKENZIE At 8:45, Frances Thomas, prominent istic rocking movement of his body, ed and shifted them so many times class and society leader (Taylor '28) HOLDS REVIVAL AT accompanied by a lighting up of his that you've forgotten just* where they The Sully, Iowa revival, conducted began playing the wedding march, countenance that often has been a really are. A herd of mosquitoes have by Hazen Sparks and Fred McKenzie and the wedding party took its place GHURCHVILLE, N. Y. subject of comment by those about stampeded their way into the private was considered a great success. in the archway of the living room. him. His cheerfulness and ready wit sanctum of your net, and it's a "slap have endeared him to many persons. The meetings opened on a Saturday Before it seemed possible, Dorothy A Gospel Team, composed of Jan­ here, a slap there, everywhere a slap." Born without sight, Mr. Hansen night with almost a full house, and and Sprague were Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ ice Morgan, "Bob" Annand, "Mike" When will morning come? Promptly studied voice and choir training, or­ as the meetings got under way, the lard and were receiving the congratu­ Palacio and Cleo Skelton, had a glor­ at three o'clock in the morning there gan, piano, and piano tuning. He be­ crowds increased. The second Sunday lations of their friends and relatives. ious Christmas working in a series is a startling crash and much "clat­ gan to play the organ at church at the many people were turned away from After the ceremony, the bride and of meetings in the latter's home town tering among the movables." You age of sixteen. the church for lack of seating room. groom seated themselves in two chairs church at Churchville, N. Y. grope fearfully for that elusive flash­ He has been the organist and music­ Mr. McKenzie had complete charge in front of a centrally located daven­ The team left T. U. Thursday after­ light and turn a ghastly beam of light al director for thirty-two years of of the singing and music. He also port, while the rest of the wedding noon, December 19, and made its way around the room; something scurries the Second Presbyterian Church in preached one evening when Mr. Sparks party took the davenport. Jokes and through deep snow drifts to the Ohio out the door and disappears, and you Indianapolis, and has played the mu­ was unable, due to a cold. Taylor gossip broke loose as the prin­ line, where the roads were almost pick up the broken pieces of a favor­ sic for many of the city's large wed­ During the meetings about thirty- cipals and their guests sat expectant­ bare. Half way across Ohio a sleet ite cup, and mutter unintelligible dings. Previous to 1897 he held the five souls found the Lord. Five of ly waiting. It came—plates of "lov- storm made the roads a glare of ice things about that rat. Before you have position of organist at Fletcher Place these were the brothers of Sparks. ey-dove" ice cream with wedding cake and from there all the way to Church­ become firmly established in the cot M. E. Church, at Mayflower Congre­ The meetings were backed by the and salad—and the hum was more in­ ville it was only God's watchful care once more there is a swift rush of gational Church, and at Meridian St. prayers of many Taylor students and termittent. The ceremony and the that took the team through. light and all the roosters in Balik- M. E. Church, all of Indianapolis. friends, and the boys want to take lunch over, the crowd began breaking The pastor of the Churchville Meth­ papan announce the new day—sweet In addition to his teaching and his tbis means of thanking you all for up soon after ten. odist Church is Rev. Henry I. Chattin, dawn! Homer would say, "Dawn the church work, Mr. Hansen has played your keen interest and help. (Continued on page 3 col. 1) agraduate in Taylor's class of 1905. rosy fingered," but Homer was a dedicatory programs on many organs The meetings started on Sunday, poet and didn't know any better. throughout the middle western states. December 22, and closed ten days lat­ When morning comes in this coun­ er with a beautiful watch-night ser­ try you have to get up, that's all RADIO MADE POSSIBLE Most of the proceeds of this re­ vice. In the last few minutes of the there is to it. The Chinese family in cital will go to the Class of 1928, who' EVERYONE ENJOYED old year almost all of the congrega­ the servants' quarters see to that; the BY EFFORTS OF FRIENDS gave to us our organ. A small part tion gathered around the altar and youngest members of the family es­ will be given to the Thalonian Liter­ For over a year Dean Vandament vowed a deeper consecration to Jesus pecially! If you are a man,—and you CHRISTMAS VACATION ary Society, who have kindly consent­ and the students of T. U. have been Christ during 1930.
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