Radiocarbon, Volume 15, Number 2 (1973) Item Type Journal; text Publisher American Journal of Science Journal Radiocarbon Rights Copyright © The American Journal of Science Download date 05/10/2021 14:21:24 Item License http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/ Version Final published version Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/655401 I Volume 1.5, Number 2 - 1973 RADIOCARBON Published by THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Editors RICHARD FOSTER FLINT-1. GORDON OLDEN, III IRVING, ROUSE - MINZE ,S'FUIVER Managing Editor RENEE S. KRA YALE UNIVERSITY 798 NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT w U3 V3 U RADIOCARBON Editors: RlcH.vcl( FosrI R FtINr-J. GORDON OlCI N, III-IRt'1Ne ROUST-MINZ6. Srmvr:R Managing Edilor: RtNF.r. S. Kltn Published by THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Editors: JOHN ROUCt:RS, JOHN 11. OSIROJT, AND PHILIP M. ORv'n.ti, Published tri-annually, in Winter, Spring, and Sltulmer, at Yale University, New Ilasen, Connecticut. Subscription rate 515.00 (for institutions), 530.00 (lot- individuals), available only in whole volumes. All correspondence and Iuanuscripis should be addressed to the Managing Editor, RADIOCARBON, Box 21(11, `ale Station, New Ilavcn, Conucclicut 06520. INSIRCCHONS 10 CONTRIBU TOILS \[auuseriltts of rediouufi0H papers should follow the recommendations ill Su.i;ges- (totts to .lullims, 501 ed.* All cola' (including the hibliographv unrst be lvpetvritten in doable dune. Nlanu.scripts [or vol. 16, to. I must he submitted in dttltlirnle by Juuc 1, 1973. Vol. 15, no.03 has ahradv been filled. I)esnil)liotts of samples, in date lists, should follow as closely as possible the style shown in this volume. Each separate entry (date of series) in a date list should be considered an abshnrl, prepared in stall a tray that descriptive material is distinguished flout geologic or archaeologic iutcrpretalioo, but description and intetprclation Htust be both brief and inforutatiyc, emphasis placed off signilieant eounncllts. Date lists should therefore not he picceded by ahstacts, hill abstracts of the more usual fount should accourpanv all papers (e.g. geoclremi(al contributions) that are directed to specific pruhleuts. I'aclt description should iuclnde the following data, il possible ill the order given: 1. Laboratory mttJber, descriptive nnure (oldinatily that of the locality of collec- ltoll), and the dale expressed ill years It.1'. (before present, i.e., before A.n. 1950) and, for finite dates, ill years A.o./It.C. The standard error following the date should express, within limits of for, the lahoralort's eslimate of, the acctnuacy of the radiocarbon tne:uureutenl, as judged on l)hosirorltrntirnl (not geologic or atrleneologir) grounds. 2. Substance of isInclt the sautple is composed; if a plant or aniutal fossil, the scientific mute if possible; otherwise the popular name; but not both. Also, where pertinent, the name of the person idcmifyiug the specintcia. 3. Precise geographic location, including latitude-longitude coot (Ii in/es. 1. Occurrence and straligiaphic position ill precise Terms; use of metric system exclursiyely. Slratigrapltic sentences should tint be included. llotceyer, references that tontaila theta call be cited. 5. Refcreucc to relevant publications. Cilatiots within a description should be to uuhor and year, with specific pages wherever appropriate. References to published date lists should cite the sample 110., journal (R. for Radio(arbon), )ear, vol., and specific page (c.g., N[-18:3°, It.., 1968, v. 10, p. 47). Full bibliographic references are listed alphabetically at the cud of the nlanuseript, ill the flout leconnueuded ill Sltggc+liotts to .lttihors. I. Date to collcclion and name of collector. 7. Name of person subntititig the sample to the laboratory, and Hauu and address of iuslituticnr or organization tvitlt which subuulter is affiliated. S. Conunenl, usually coutparirrg the date with other relevant elates, for each or which saurple numhcrs and rcfcrcuces must he quoted, as prescribed ahovc. ltuerpretiyc material, sunuttariziug the significance and inrplicity showing that the radiocarhou tncasun'eureot teas tvortlt making, belongs here, as do technical luaters, e.g., chemical pretrcatncul, special laboratory difticultics, etc. lllttslratious should not he included tndcss absolutely essential. They should be original drawings, although photographic reproductions of' liue drawings are sometimes acceptable, and should acconipany the unuutscript in any case, if the originals exceed 9 to 12 inches ill size. hclnztt(s. 'IItirty copies of each article, without corers, will be furnished without cost. Additional copies and printed covets can be specially ordered. 11wh issues. Back issues (vols. 1-9) arc available at a reduced rate to subscribers at $5`,'.00 a set, includes postage; vols. 10-11 are $20.00 for individual subscribers and 530.00 for iustittuions; single back issues .510.00 each; comprehensive index $10.00 each. Suggestions to authors of the reports of the United States Geological Survey, 5th ed., Washington, D.C., 1958 (Governutcut Printing Office, $1.75). NOTICE TO READERS Half life of "C. In accordance with the decision of the Fifth Radio- carbon Dating Conference, Cammbridge, 1962, all dates published in this volume (as in previous volumes) are based on the Libby value, IF 5570 ± 30 yr, for the half life. This decision was reaffirmed at the 8th International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating, Wellington, New Zealand, 1972. Because of various tnicertainties, when 1'C measurements are expressed as dates in years B.P. the accuracy of the dates is limited, and refinements that take some but not all uncertainties into account may be misleading. The mean of three recent determinations of the half life, 5730 ± 40 yr, (Nature, v. 195, no. 1845, p. 984, 1962), is regarded as the best value presently available. Published dates in years B.P., can be converted to this basis by multiplying them by 1.03. A.D./B.C. dates. As agreed at the Cambridge Conference in 1962, A.D. 1950 is accepted as the standard year of reference for all dates, whether B.Y. or in the A.D./B.C. system. 7 Meaning of 6''C. In Volume 3, 1961, we iudorsed the notation v (La- '-'C ment VI11, 1961) for geocliemical nmcasureumeats of activity, corrected for isotopic fractionation in samples and ill the NBS oxalic-acid standard. The value of 81'C that entered the calculation of -' was defined by refer- ence to Lamont VI, 1959, and was corrected for age. This fact has been lost sight of, by the editors as well as by authors, and recent papers have used 8'''C as the observed deviation from the standard. At the New Zealand Radiocarbon Dating Conferee cc it was recommended to use only for age-corrected saniples. Because we have 110 complete transcript of time reconnmiendations made by the conference, we will comment in more detail in the next issue of Radiocarbon. Radiocarbon Measurements: Comprehensive Index, 1950-1965. This index, covering all published ''C measurements through Volume 7 of RADIOCARBON, and incorporating revisions made by all laboratories, has been published. It is available to all subscribers to RADIOCARBON at ten dollars U.S. per copy. Publication schedule. Beginning with Volume 15, RADIOCARBON will be published in three numbers: Winter, Spring, and Sunn7ier. Tlie next deadline is June 1, 1973. Contributors who meet our deadlines will be given priority but not guaranteed publication in the following . issue. List of laboratories. 'Fhe coumprehermsive list of laboratories at the end of each volume will now appear ill the third number of each volume. Index. All dates appear ill index form at time end of the third number of each volume. Volume 15, Number 2 - 1973 RADIOCARBON Published by THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Editors RICHARD FOSTER FLINT - J. GORDON OGDEN, III IRVING ROUSE - MINZE STUIVER Managing Editor RENEE S. KRA YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT PHONON w Apparatus for RADIOCARBON DATING 4 High Pressure Oxygen Combustion Unit Li Reactor for acetylene synthesis Full details from PHONON Particle Beams Ltd 356 Wimpole Road, Lords Bridge, Barton, Cambridge, England Telephone: Comberton 2040 Vol. 15, No. 2 Radiocarbon 1973 CONTENTS ANU Michael Batbetli and lietnry Polacls :Australian National University Date List V _.. _.._ ............... BONN H. 11'. Schat penseel mitt T. Pietig University of Bonn Natural Radiocarbon lleasurcments VI 1 James Buckley Isotopes' Radiocarbon Meastlic'ments X .... ....... ..... _ .. .................... 280 IGS ii. ll'elin, L. lotgstrand, and S. i'aczy Ilistittile of Geological Sciences Radiocarbon Dates IV IRPA 11. Daachol-Dchoii and .1. Heylen Institttt Royal du Patrimoine :Aitistique Radiocarbon Dates IV ..... IVIC Al. A. Tamers Ii1stituto Venerolano de Ltyestigaciones CienIilicas Natural Radiocarbon Measurements VII \1C J. 1'homnterel and Y. Thottutteret Monaco Radiocarbon Measorcntcuts IN, __..... _.-- 321 N7 U I'-C. Hsu, Al-C. Ghosts, .1-C. bit, S-Y. List, and S-C. Lit National 'Iainan University Radiocarbon Measurements II ...... OWU J. Gordost Ogden, HI and L{utlt J. Hay Ohio W'esleyan Uniyersity Natural Radiocarbon Measurements V ._. 1' Barbara Lawn University of Pennsylvania Radiocarbon Dates XV ................ 367 R I1. Alessio ct al. University of Route Carbon-14 Dates XI ............ SI Robert ,Ststckestrath and J. F. Mielke Smithsonian Institution Radiocarbon Measurements VIII VRI Heinz Tclbei' and Edwin Pak Vienna Radium Institute Radiocarbon Dates IV Z Du3att Srdoc el al. Rudjer Boskovic Institute Radiocarbon Measurements II 435 r r [RADJocARBON, VOL. 15, No. 2, 1973, P. 241-251] Radiocarbon 1973 ANU RADIOCARBON DATE LIST V MICHAEL BARBETTI and HENRY POLACH Dept. of Geophysics and Geochemistry Australian National University, Canberra, Australia The present date list contains only details of C'4 measurements on sites selected for archaeomagnetic study. Except where otherwise stated in the text, all samples were collected in 1970 or 1971 during fieldwork by one of the authors (M.B.), and were pretreated with hot 2N HCl to remove any possible contamination by pedogenic carbonate.
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