January 20, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S667 Mr. REED. Mr. President, with re- Mrs. Marian Robinson and the daughters of (Applause.) spect to the nominations confirmed the President-elect, Malia and Sasha Obama, Mrs. FEINSTEIN. In that spirit, we today today, I ask unanimous consent that accompanied by Assistant Secretary of the not only inaugurate a new administration, Senate Sheila Dwyer, assembled on the we pledge ourselves to the hope, the vision, the President be immediately notified President’s platform. the unity, and the renewed call to greatness of the Senate’s action and that the The First Lady, Mrs. Laura Bush, and the inspired by the 44th President of the United Senate return to legislative session. wife of the Vice President, Mrs. Lynne Che- States, Barack Obama. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ney, accompanied by Secretary Chao, Mrs. (Applause.) pore. Without objection, it is so or- Bennett, Mrs. Boehner, and Republican staff Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Thank you, and God dered. director of the U.S. Senate Committee on bless America. Rules and Administration, Mary Suit Jones, (Applause.) f assembled on the President’s platform. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. At this time I call upon Dr. Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback LEGISLATIVE SESSION Mrs. Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden, accompanied by the Secretary of the Senate, Church in Lake Forest, CA, to provide the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Nancy Erickson; the Clerk of the House of invocation. pore. The Senate will now return to Representatives, Lorraine Miller; Mr. Blum, Pastor WARREN. Let us pray. legislative session. Mr. Pelosi, and Mrs. Reid, assembled on the Almighty God, our Father, everything we see and everything we can’t see exists be- f President’s platform. The President of the United States, the cause of You alone. It all comes from You. It INAUGURAL CEREMONY Honorable George Walker Bush, and the Vice all belongs to You. It all exists for Your President of the United States, Dick Cheney, glory. History is Your story. The scripture Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- accompanied by Senate Republican leader tells us: Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, imous consent that the Inaugural Cere- Mitch McConnell, Senator Robert Bennett, the Lord is one. And You are the compas- mony proceedings be printed in the House Republican leader, Representative sionate and merciful one, and You are loving RECORD. John Boehner, and Secretary for the minor- to every one You have made. Now, today, we There being no objection, the mate- ity David Schiappa, assembled on the Presi- rejoice, not only in America’s peaceful trans- rial was ordered to be printed in the dent’s platform. fer of power for the 44th time, we celebrate The Vice President-elect of the United a hinge point of history, with the inaugura- RECORD, as follows: States, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., accompanied by tion of our first African-American President INAUGURAL CEREMONY the inaugural coordinator for the Joint Con- of the United States. We are so grateful to Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama, gressional Committee on Inaugural Cere- live in this land, a land of unequaled possi- January 20, 2009, 11:30 a.m. monies, Jennifer Griffith; Senate Deputy bility, where the son of an African American The Joint Chiefs of Staff assembled on the Sergeant at Arms Drew Wilson; House Dep- can rise to the highest level of our leader- President’s platform. uty Sergeant at Arms Kerri Hanley; Senate ship. And we know today that Dr. King and The Diplomatic Corps assembled on the majority leader, Senator Harry Reid; House a great cloud of witnesses are shouting in President’s platform. majority leader, Representative Steny heaven. The Governors of the United States and its Hoyer, assembled on the President’s plat- Give to our new President Barack Obama territories and the Mayor of the District of form. the wisdom to lead us with humility, the Columbia assembled on the President’s plat- The President-elect of the United States, courage to lead us with integrity, the com- form. Barack H. Obama, accompanied by the staff passion to lead us with generosity. Bless and Members of the 111th House of Representa- director for the Joint Congressional Com- protect him, his family, Vice President tives of the United States, led by majority mittee on Inaugural Ceremonies, Howard Biden, the Cabinet, and every one of our free- whip James E. Clyburn and Republican whip Gantman; the Senate Sergeant at Arms, Ter- ly elected leaders. Help us, O God, to remem- Eric Cantor, assembled on the President’s rence W. Gainer; the House Sergeant at ber that we are Americans, united not by platform. Arms, Wilson Livingood; chairman of the race or religion or blood but to our commit- Members of the Senate of the United Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural ment to freedom and justice for all. States assembled on the President’s plat- Ceremonies, Senator Dianne Feinstein; Sen- When we focus on ourselves, when we fight form. ator Robert Bennett; the Speaker of the each other, when we forget You, forgive us. Former Speakers of the House of Rep- House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi; the When we presume that our greatness and our resentatives, Thomas Foley and Newt Ging- Senate majority leader, Harry Reid; House prosperity is ours alone, forgive us. When we rich, accompanied by Mrs. Foley and Mrs. majority leader, Representative Steny fail to treat our fellow human beings and all Gingrich, assembled on the President’s plat- Hoyer; House Republican leader, Representa- the Earth with the respect that they deserve, form. tive John Boehner, assembled on the Presi- forgive us. Former Vice Presidents Walter Mondale, dent’s platform. As we face these difficult days ahead, may Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President and Vice Dan Quayle, and Al Gore, accompanied by we have a new birth of clarity in aims, re- President, Mr. President-elect and Vice Mrs. Mondale, Mrs. Quayle, and Mrs. Gore, sponsibility in our actions, humility in our President-elect, ladies and gentlemen, wel- assembled on the President’s platform. approaches, and civility in our attitudes, come to the inauguration of the 44th Presi- Mr. William M. Daley, Ms. Penny Pritzker, even when we differ. Help us to share, to dent of the United States of America. Mr. John W. Rogers, Jr., Mr. Patrick G. serve, and to seek the common good of all. (Applause.) May all people of goodwill today join to- Ryan, and Ms. Julianna Smoot, cochairs of Mrs. FEINSTEIN. The world is watching the 56th Presidential Inaugural Committee; gether to work for a more just, a more today as our great democracy engages in this healthy, and a more prosperous nation and a and Mr. Emmett S. Beliveau, executive di- peaceful transition of power. Here on the Na- rector of the 56th Presidential Inaugural peaceful planet. And may we never forget tional Mall, where we remember the found- that one day all nations and all people will Committee, assembled on the President’s ers of our Nation and those who fought to platform. stand accountable before You. make it free, we gather to etch another line We now commit our new President and his The President-elect’s Cabinet and agency in the solid stone of history. The freedom of wife Michelle and his daughters, Malia and designees assembled on the President’s plat- a people to choose its leaders is the root of Sasha, into Your loving care. I humbly ask form. liberty. In a world where political strife is this in the name of the one who changed my The Chief Justice of the United States, the too often settled with violence, we come here life, Yeshua, Esau, Jesus, Jesus, who taught Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., and the As- every 4 years to bestow the power of the us to pray: Our Father, who art in heaven, sociate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Presidency upon our democratically elected hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. United States assembled on the President’s leader. Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. platform. Those who doubt the supremacy of the bal- Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive The 39th President of the United States, lot over the bullet can never diminish the us our trespasses as we forgive those who Jimmy Carter, and Mrs. Rosalynn Carter as- power engendered by nonviolent struggles trespass against us. And lead us not into sembled on the President’s platform. for justice and equality like the one that temptation but deliver us from evil. For The 41st President of the United States, made this day possible. No triumph tainted thine is the kingdom and the power and the George H.W. Bush, and Mrs. Barbara Bush by brutality could ever match the sweet vic- glory forever. Amen. assembled on the President’s platform. tory of this hour and of what it means to (Applause.) The 42nd President of the United States, those who marched and died to make it a re- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. I am so pleased to intro- William Jefferson Clinton, and Senator Hil- ality. Our work is not yet finished, but fu- duce world renowned musical artist Aretha lary Rodham Clinton assembled on the Presi- ture generations will mark this morning as Franklin to sing ‘‘My Country Tis of Thee.’’ dent’s platform. the turning point for real and necessary (Performance by Ms. Aretha Franklin.) The children of the Vice President-elect, change in our Nation. They will look back Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Please join me in wel- CPT Beau Biden, Hunter Biden, and Ashley and remember that this was the moment coming my colleague from Utah, the Honor- Biden, accompanied by House Chief Adminis- when the dream that once echoed across his- able Robert Bennett.
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