THE JARVIS FAMILY; THE DESCENDANTS OF THE FIRST SETTLEHS OF THE NA)rE I~ MASSACHUSETTS AXJ) LOXG IS~ASD, THOSt: \YHO HAVE MOUE llt:ct;.,.,.LY ,s!,.'TT!,Ell IX 0THt:R l'AKTS ut· TIIJ;: UNITED HTATE.,; AXI) BKITl:,<H .'l.llt:RICA. C''OLLJ!:CTt:D AND COXJ"IU:O nY GEORGE A ..JAR\.IS, w Nr,:n· Yo1:K; GEORGE .MlJRRA y JARYIS, OP OTTAWA, CAXAllA; WILLIAM JARVIS WETl[OHJ,;, ot· NEw YoRK: .ALli'RED fL\HDlNG, o, Biwc.Krsx, N. Y. IIAHTFOHD: Pm:ss OP TuF: c .. ~.:. LOCKWOOI) ,I; Bi:AlNAltll COMPANY. } Si !I. PREF.A.CE. ,\ HUl'T fin, yeal'l' have now cbpsed i-iuce we, first couceive,l the project of tmdng the gcm•alogy of tlw Jarvi,- Family in this country. Lc•tten; were written tn prominent men of the name in different parts of tht· l;nited State:< and British America, from many of whom favorable rcsponi:cs wen• r<ie<•iv, .. l. Severa! in Canada, Nova S<·otia, aml );',,w Bnmswick were highly intere:;ted, ofTning their valunhlc coll,•ction,-. to :Lid tht• entl'rprisc. Many, al"o, in the United· States were cqunl·ly intl're:,;tcd. nml oJicn.-<l their eull,-ction:,; an,i any aid within their powt•r. The addres..-<es of ,Iiffercnt members of famili,.,. were sought out and solicited, u.nd hundreds of letter.; written for :my records, ,:kl'tehcs, steel and lithograph engravings, or any items of history c~mnccted with the n:mw, worthy of being transmitted to posterity. :Many responded promptly; some, by indifference, delayed the work; while others ncgll'Ctcd lLltogcthl'r to notice our applications. Fro111 these causes there will be found ,;ome frugmcnt:iry u.nd skeleton f<'Cords, which must cause r,•1,.'Tet to those whose remissness has made it impossible for tlw Compilers to give more perfect account of their families. We hu.,·e adopted a tabular forru of exhibiting the records, believing that it l~ more ea.sily understootl than the plan will 0 usually followed in works of the kind. \Ve ha,·e, also, aimed to prl',;ent, not only the• dates of hirths, but alsu, when they could be procured, the marriages and <lcaths, something which is often neglectc<l in genealogies. )!any of our friends who have favored llti with sketches, ha,·e granted us the privilege of revising them. \Ye han· assumd this prerogatfre in regar<l to all, but lmve ,·ndeavored not to change the meaning, or leave out any import­ ant item. F~r tl1is act we u.sk the indulgence of our friends. 1n a work like this, receiving records from various sources, many of them written in an obscure hand, the chirography not plain, am! ""metimt:>s almost illegible, and figurt•,- and dates being very numerou". it wonld not l,e str:mgc if. with all our vi1,-ilancc, some errors crept. in. It would i,eem nlmost a miraclr if they did not. · The different ;ipellin~ too, of some nmnes has given us much trouble, but we have taken the utmost ca.re to get 1.he proper !'!'I'll• ing, and make the work in that respect as corn.>et 11-" possible. In the Appendb: will he found many interesting historical and other document.... in connection with the name, and cspecfo.lly in relation to those Ull'mbers of thn J?amily who lin•,1 during the period of the Revolution. The lists of births, marriage!<, and deaths, it has been deem<-><l import.not to preserve 11-" aid,; to those families whose records are imperfect, and as helps to subsequent researches. All genealogies that we have met with have lx-en more or Jess fragmentary in their beginning. Ours is peculiarly so. We l1ave . found many import.an•. branch~, hut have been unable to trace them to one root, hence we haw been obliged to t."'ke tl1e evidences of tho desccndant.s of each branch for the origin ci! their forefathers, and leave it to some more successful aspirant to finiah what we have been unable to accomplish. Our book commences \\;th n. chart entitled the "Genealo:zy of Gothic Nations," taken from a work called "The Norman Peo­ ple;" not that we claim that the ,Jnn,s Family dates back to the period from which this chart traces the origir of the;<.~ nations, but insert it as a. document which may be of interest and informa­ tion to our readers. At the end of our volume will be found a Family Register for the records of births, marriages, deaths, or any fact.~ or incident.... that may be worthy of note. This, if made use of, ,,;n be a convenience to every family, and a great rlc.•ridP-ralum in case another genealogy should be determined on hereafter. In collecting the materials for this genealogy from so wide a field oi inquiry, much labor and expen..~ has b ... en incurred, and, as we have already said, some errors will undoubtedly be found, for which the indulgent consideration of those for whom it has 1: een prepared is respectfully solicited. In conclusion, the hearty thanks of the Authors are most grate­ fully given tc the many friends and relath-<-'S who have ten<ll•red their ,·aluable contributions and sen-ices in aid of this enterprise, without which its progress would hM·e been greatly retarded, if not wholly abandoned. Among the many. permit us to name the follo'l'.-ing: Dr. Edward Jarvis, Dorchester, :Mass.; the late Hon. KPnt, ,Jarvi!', llln.,~illon, Ohio: Cnpt. P. C. ,Jan;g, Huntin~n, L. I.: Mr. Charles 1''. O~born, Non\·alk, Conn.: :\In;. .Mary P. S. Cut.ts, Brattleboro, Vt.; Hon.• lohn B. ,Jervis, Rome, N. Y.; Dr. Milton Fl. .Tan;s, Cn.mL~totn, N. Y.: :\Ir.• Tolm Head Jan-is. Bangor, Me.: Rev. Tierbert ~l. ,Jan;s. Nova Scotia. NF.w Yoai.. January _13, !Si!l. CONTENTS. 1•,\GIC. l'REF,\CE, • ill G~'E.\LOGY OF GOTIIIC :S,\TIO:S,<, Ix INTRODUCTIOS, • I PARLLUIE.'\"T.\RY WIIITS, 3 EXTR.\C'l'S lo"IIO)I BtTRKJ,;",< L\XDED GE:'.TJ:Y. DESCENDA.'\"TS OF STF.l•JIE.'( ,T.\RYIS 01" UUNTl:SGTO:\, L I., WILLI.Ul J .\lt\'IS TIIO)I.\S ,1.\1:\'J" ,JON.\TIL\.'I J.\l:'.'IS X.\TU,\.'(IEL ,1,\ltVL,; )IOSr:" J .\Tt\'IS_ :,.\Tll.\:\LEL J.\R\'IS OF' 110,-;ToX, )1.\,-,-;,, JOll:S ,T.\R\"IS F'Ju.Gll&.'\'TAltY 1:,:co1m,-;, ,\PPJQ.'DIX: ,\. TOWN Olll>El'~ . ll. LAW SUITS, .\S!UULT .\:SD JIAT'n:1tY. A:SD Tllr: ltED J,;.\Jt KISSl?W, C. XA)IE.".\.'(D IXCIDEXT,<, F'llJt..'(JSllr:D BY DII. .ED\\'.\TtD J,\lt\'IS OF )l..:\::.S..\Clll!SETTS, :!j(l D. In."TIL\CTS FROM TUE ltECORDS Or' TUE To\\':'! OJ,' 111':S- TlXGTOX, L. L. :!52 E. T.\.'i: r.1,-;T J,'l(O)I ST.\TE l>OC('.)11':ST~. l[l'.:S-1'[:SGToS, L. I .. If""~ 21il P. CO:\'TIL\CT IIETW.EE:S JOSEl'll WOOD .\.'(D WILLl.\ll J.\R\'IS, ~~a G. LIST OF nnrrns .\:-(D )I.\Rr.I.\Gr:", F'lJJ::SISIIED llY Dlt EDW.\ltD JAR\"IS OJ,' )l.\:<S.\ClIU,-;J:."TTS, ~,;:: II. DEEi> 01'" ,Jo,-;EPII WOOD TO \\'JLLl.\ll J.\R\'I:<, . ~~ii I. LIST OP M.\RIU.\GI-:-< .\:SD B.\ l'TIS)[,-;, PRE.,UYT.ERI.\X L'IIUltl'II, IIUNTl~GTOX. L J.~ :,.lfiti J. LISTS OJ,' )U:)IUElts Or' l'J:E:<IIYTE!tl.\:S c111·1w11. Jll':STl:SG TON, L. I., !!7-1 K. CO:STJ:.\CT OJ,' s.nn:r:L ,-;TJL\TTO:S .\:SD \\'ILLl.\ll .J.\lt\'JS. :?':•I 0 L. E.'i:TR.\CT l'RO)! LETTER OJ,' RE\ , ))JI. BE.\JU.sLEY, , ,?';:; :11. FRO)[ "NEW YORK IIOOK OF )IAl:IUAGE."." :?':~, N. fil.."TRACT>, !,'RO)[ ''OLD Tl:\IES L'( l!l':STl:SGTO:S,'" BY IIO:S. IlE.'(RY C. l'L,\TT, • :?':tl 0. Li>,T OF l'El!:<O:S-S WIIO TOOK TIU: 0.\TII Or' LOY.\LTY .\ND PE.\CEABLE IlEII.\\'10r~ :!>'I J-AQJC. r. CO~'FISCATION n•;EH OF l'ROPlffiTY OF n•:N,T.\)IIN ,TARYIS, ~· (/. PETITION OP Tnt: INIIABIT.\NT:< o•' m;NTINGTON. L. I., TO ROBERT DIGBY. llliAJ! AmllltAL m· TIIE RED. 2"3 R. PETlTION TO GO\". GEO. CLINTON, ~ S. LETTER FRO:\! RI:.'\'. AURAlll JARVIS TO .REV. ,-;A:O.IUEL l'F.TEl?.'1, LONDON, :!>11 T. TIJE LOYAJ.ISTS. !n."'I'R.\CT FROll "LOS:-ING'S l'!El.D llOOK OF TUE ItE\'OLUTJO:S," • :l2l': U. SKETCH OF ,JIJl><lE ~"ELSO:S JARVI:- WATlsi:.BUR\', :!Sil VALEDICTORY, :n11 INDEX: I. Dt:SCENDANT!< NA:0.IED ,TARVIS, ::?I TI. NA:'tlES OF l'ER.'IONS wno IIAVE MARlllEI> INTO TUE ,IAR.YIS FA..'\llLY, AND N.\llt~..; OF D•~-;ct:::-.'1>.\N1'S m:.umw oTnt:lt SUIU,A)lE.-<, ERRATA, FA:-.ULY RF.CURD. PORTRAITS AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. rAOL COAT OF ARMS {)IUPEllNl, Fro111i"J1iece. COAT OF ARMS (A.,CllNT), PORTJG\IT RT. REV•• \lllt.\ll,\ll ,JAl:YIS, D.D .. rn llEZEKLl.11 ,JAlt\'J,;, ••JAifflS ll0l1SE.'' NOUWALK, CT•• ll1."l!N A?.'D !IIUSIC BY .mm, ,1.\ItVJ,; AND Dlt. Wll,LIA!II ,IAH\'IS WETMOltE, :l:! l'OltTRAIT REV. SAMUEL F ••JARVIS, S.T.D•• u .. n., .15 NOAil JARVIS, r.c1 RE\'. WM. JARVlS, ,,:; GEO. A. JARVIS, ~ COL SAMUE!.. COLT, !r.! GEO. C. JARVJS, !11.D... 11:. TITOS. :NEWTON ,IAUVIS, 117 !,IILTON n .•TAR\"ls. l(.D., •f NEJ....;os ,T.
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