DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 HARIPUR HR15D16001-Installation of Electric Poles and Wiresat Moh: Azizabad Village Panina (CO 135,000 MDC Dheenda) HARIPUR HR15D16002-Provision of 02 No. water bores UC BSKhan. 450,000 HARIPUR HR15D16101-pavement of street & WSS in DW Dheenda 1,015,000 HARIPUR HR15D16300-Boring of handpump/ pressure pumps atvillage Pind Gakhra. 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16500-Provision of bore at KTS Sector # 3 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16501-"Provison of bores (3 No) at Nara (c/oArif), Alloli (c/o Rab Nawaz) & Jatti Pind 450,000 (c/o Khan Afsar)." HARIPUR HR15D16502-Provision of bore at S/Saleh. 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16503-Provision of bore at Serikot. 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16504-"Provision of bore at village Pindori,UC Bakka." 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16601-Electrification work in Mohra Mohammadonear tube well (CO MDC Dheenda) 350,000 HARIPUR HR16D00009-WSS Moh: Qazi Sahib village Ghandian. 150,000 HARIPUR HR16D00011-WSS Moh: Dhooman village Ghandian. 149,000 HARIPUR HR16D00019-Pavement of streets/ path/ culverts/protection bund etc in different Moh: of 648,889 Kot Najibulah. HARIPUR HR16D00020-Improvement/ extension of WSS in DW KotNajibulah. 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00063-"Pavement of Path at Peeli Tarar,Village Ghumawan" 400,000 HARIPUR HR16D00092-Leveling and dressing of Play Ground atVillage Ghari Serian 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00171-WSS at Village Tiyal 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D00177-Boring of two Hand Pump/Pressure Pump atVillage Jaulian 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D00202-WSS at Kalinjar 78,435 HARIPUR HR16D00210-Boring of pressure pumps & ext: ofpipelines for DWSS in DW including moh: 198,013 Ch. Khaliqdad Qazipur. HARIPUR HR16D17380-Construction of Nullahjaat UC Dheenda 489,199 HARIPUR HR16D17501-Provision of furniture and equipment forscience Laboratory at GHS No 3 1,300,000 HARIPUR HR16D17502-Provision of school uniform / equipmentsfor GHS and GMS (Boys & Girls) 150,000 HARIPUR HR16D17503-Provision of furniture / equipment inGMS and GHS (Boys & Girls) 600,000 HARIPUR HR16D17504-Provision of equipments & medicines forurban dispensary at Moh: Central Jail 100,000 HARIPUR HR16D17505-M&R works & provision of basicfacilities in BHU Mankarai 600,000 HARIPUR HR16D17506-leveling & dressing of ground atPharalla 100,000 HARIPUR HR16D17507-Purchase of sports goods for govt:Schools / Registered sports clubs in UC 230,000 Rehana.(Against Balance Fund ofRs. 0.230 m) HARIPUR HR16D17508-Provision of sport goods to differentclubs of District Haripur. (CO Abdul 1,000,000 Wahid) HARIPUR HR16D17542-Purchase of equipment for communitycenter in Noor Colony DW South 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D17600-Provision of water bore in DW Sirya. 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D17601-Pavement of streets in DW Sirya. 213,000 HARIPUR HR16D17602-WSS/ water bores in different villagesof DW Muslimabad. 454,000 HARIPUR HR16D17603-Const: of drains at village Pindori VCGherain. ( C/O Ch. Akhter Nawan). 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D17604-Provision of irrigation pipeline invillage Dheenda ( c/o Abdul Wahid Panni) 1,500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17605-Pavement of street/ drain & disilting ofdrain at DW Khanpur. 600,000 HARIPUR HR16D17606-"Provision of Pipelines at VC Tarnawa,Choi & VC Najafpur." 450,000 HARIPUR HR16D17607-Const: of VC office building at Bakka. 700,000 HARIPUR HR16D17608-Provision of 03 No. bores in UC Ali Khan 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17609-Const: of Janazagah at village JogiMohra 700,000 HARIPUR HR16D17610-"Const: of community center in DWTarbela, Phase-1." 1,500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17611-M&R works & provision of basisfacilities in BHU Mankarai. 600,000 HARIPUR HR16D17612-Purchase of sports goods for govt:schools/ registered sports clubs in UC 230,000 Rehana. ( Against Balance fund ofRs. 0.230 m) HARIPUR HR16D17613-Const: of water channel at village BSKhan. (c/o Ch. Akhter Nawaz) 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D17614-Const: of P/wall at VC Hattar. (C/o Ch.Akhter Nawaz). 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17615-PCC path at GHSS Jab .(C/O D/N) 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17616-Provision of WSS/ bore at Moh:Nariyan(c/o Rizwana Aftab allocated Rs.0.100 150,000 m & MDC Sikanderpurallocated Rs.0.050 m). HARIPUR HR16D17617-Pavement of street village Soha ( c/oSamreen Bibi). 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17618-Const: of community centre Moh:Roshanabad (c/o Saeeda Perveen). 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17620-Const: of waiting Shed at Bokaitor StopSerikot 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17621-Construction of Hujra at Moh: PipaZiarat DW Sarai Niamat Khan 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17622-Pavement of street Chohar Sharif(Balance Work) 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D17623-M&R Works & Const: of Rooms at GMS# 4 UCNorth. 1,400,000 HARIPUR HR16D17625-Leveling of grounds / Const: of CricketPitch DW Kundi 400,000 HARIPUR HR16D17626-Const: of pulley at village SanjialaMoh: Nigi 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D17627-Provision of Water Bores at Nara Amazai(CO Zobina Syed) 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D17628-Provision of furniture / equipment inGHS Kupri 600,000 HARIPUR HR16D17629-Construction of Civil Dispensry Taliala. 2,890,000 HARIPUR HR16D17630-Provisiion of school uniform / equipmentfor GHS &GMS (Boys & Girls) in DW 150,000 K/Bala HARIPUR HR16D17631-"Const: of culvert near MadrassaTafhemm-ul-islam, khalabat Road Haripur" 399,000 HARIPUR HR16D17632-Provision of water bore at Beer (C/OZobina Syed) 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D17633-"Const: of civil hospital, Kotla,Phase-1" 1,400,000 HARIPUR HR16D17634-WSS Mohallah Barat Miraj VC Degra parba 120,000 HARIPUR HR16D17635-Water tank with pipeline at Chakli VCKupri 150,000 HARIPUR HR16D17641-Const: of B/Wall GMS Kohala Payeen 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D17642-Const: of roads/ Paths/PCC/Street in DW 237,532 HARIPUR HR16D17643-Provision of water bores in villageMoonan & Chak Shah Muhammad 337,000 HARIPUR HR16D17644-M&R Const: of B/Wall BHU BS Khan 1,400,000 HARIPUR HR16D17645-Construction of Path street in DWPandakPhase-II 566,000 HARIPUR HR16D17646-Pavement of street in DW Panian PhaseIII(OOBF 2016-17) 270,000 HARIPUR HR16D17647-Extension of WSS/Pavement of street/RWall/Culvert in DW Bareela Phase-I 138,000 HARIPUR HR16D17648-Provision of Water bore/WSS in DW PanianPhase-I 280,000 HARIPUR HR16D17649-Const: of P/Wall village Islampur 184,000 HARIPUR HR16D17650-Const: of path for GGMS at Hassanpur 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D17655-Const: & Renovation of Riaz Chowk, Sari 150,000 HARIPUR HR16D17656-Const: of new dispensary Ainpur. 1,120,435 HARIPUR HR16D17657-Provision of water bores in DW Dheenda. 197,000 HARIPUR HR16D17658-M&R Works & Const: of room in GGMS GhebaVC Kalawan 1,400,000 HARIPUR HR16D17660-Const: of streets / WSS / Const: of Bore& Well for village Council Kundi 670,000 HARIPUR HR16D17661-Pavement of street in DW Hattar 120,000 HARIPUR HR17D00012-Completion of WSS at Village Budhar. 300,000 HARIPUR HR17D00013-WSS & Water Tank at Village BandiKiyala. 300,000 HARIPUR HR17D00020-DWSS Village Mumrial. 135,088 HARIPUR HR17D00032-Pavement of PCC path at Moh: Khan atVillage Darkot. 79,434 HARIPUR HR17D00038-Const: of PCC path at village Cham. 49,500 HARIPUR HR17D00061-Const: of Community Centre for VillageMakhan at DW Mankarai. 140,129 HARIPUR HR17D00067-Provision of 08 No. Water Bore/ SupplyScheme in DW Kot Najibullah. 1,200,000 HARIPUR HR17D00070-Pavement of Path / Streets in DW Sirya(Phase-II). 60,925 HARIPUR HR17D00087-"Const: of P/Wall along with roads atvillage Kotla & Karwali, DW 400,000 Muslimabad." HARIPUR HR17D00090-"Provision of hand pump near graveyard,Rarra." 200,000 HARIPUR HR17D00092-Construction of Balance work of Bridgeat Todu and pavement of paths in DW 301,913 Panian. HARIPUR HR17D00095-Construction of wall graveyard nearhouse of Altaf Pind Kamal Khan. 77,958 HARIPUR HR17D00096-Const:/ widening of Janazagah Galham(c/o Yousaf Ayub Khan). 259,600 HARIPUR HR17D00117-Construction of bridge/ P/wall atvillage Pakshahi. 631,705 HARIPUR HR17D00128-Provision of Water Bores at DifferentVillages 245,379 HARIPUR HR17D00137-Provision of hand pumps / pipelines forWSS in DW Khanpur 402,196 HARIPUR HR17D00141-Pavement of Path / Streets in DW Sirya(Phase-II). 44,674 HARIPUR HR17D00162-Pavement of streets in DW Khanpur. 154,855 HARIPUR HR17D00163-Boring of 06 No. Pressure Pumps / HandPumps in different villages / moh: in 366,124 DW Muslimabad HARIPUR HR17D00164-PCC of path/ streets in DW PK khan (Phase-1) 335,572 HARIPUR HR17D00165-Boring of hand pump/ pressure pump at DWNajafpur.PCC of path / streets in 1,457,498 DW PK Khan (Phase-I).A HARIPUR HR17D00173-Const: of R/Wall at Moh: Mohra Haji WaliMuhammad. 200,000 HARIPUR HR17D00174-Pavt: of streets/ path in DW Tofkian(Phase-I). 242,514 HARIPUR HR17D00192-PCC of roads in DW Ladarmang (Phase-I). 971,565 HARIPUR HR17D00193-Dozer work at DW Ladarmang. 165,287 HARIPUR HR17D00199-Provision of LT Lines / Poles forVillage Doyian Khushki. 145,000 HARIPUR HR17D00203-Const: of B/wall for graveyard at DWLadarmang. 200,000 HARIPUR HR17D00213-Water tank with pipeline at Chakli VCKupri 38,525 HARIPUR HR17D00215-WSS Mohallah Barat Miraj VC Degra Parba 25,286 HARIPUR HR17D00229-Pavement of streets Mohri No. 02 360,000 HARIPUR HR17D00231-Pavement of streets / path in DW SN Khan(Phase-I) 352,408 HARIPUR HR17D00232-Pavement of streets / sanitation work inDW Dingi (Phase-I) 511,025 HARIPUR HR17D00235-Const:of Paht/Streets in DW Pandak 652,552 HARIPUR HR17D00242-provision of Water Bores for DW ali khan 647,352 HARIPUR HR17D00243-provision of 10 Nos of Boring Well inDW BS Khan 410,000 HARIPUR HR17D00248-provision of 04 Nos Boring Hand Pumps DWJabri 249,138 HARIPUR HR17D00250-Const: of Kacha / Shingle Road in DW SNKhan 300,000 HARIPUR HR17D00254-Const: of streets / WSS/ bore & well forVillage Council Salam Khand. 1,400,000 HARIPUR HR17D00259-"Provision of Water Bores in DistrictHaripur (c/o Muhammad Ali Jan, Member 194,373 Youth)" HARIPUR HR17D00262-Pavement of street in DW Dhenda.Phase-IIInstead of "Purchase of land for 711,000 graveyard VillageChohar Shareef, DW Dheenda." HARIPUR HR17D00264-"Const of R/Wall for road in Bagra# 1,near h/o Syed MehboobShah." 300,000 HARIPUR HR17D00265-Provision of Pipeline DW Bareela.
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