LAonewglogoo for trheediocfesleeof Scaskattoson refRlectsothe tohemte edThe ithnree treCes, ehach rwiithsthrtee lavrgericsentrialobran nches, of a recently-launched diocesan vision: Rooted in Christ. are reminiscent of the Trinity in which each Christian is Designed by diocesan webmaster Cary Molyneux, the baptized – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. logo features three trees, with the trunk of the central figure The triad also represents three levels of our faith reaching down, signifying deep roots in Christ. At the same connection – the universal Catholic Church, the diocese of time, the trees are reaching out with dynamic, flame-like Saskatoon and the local parish. branches, signifying our Christian call to reach out to the The group of trees signifies our collective strength as whole world. Christian people and parishioners of this diocese, recalling Symbols of strength and life, the trees are coloured green, the importance of community, and of working together a colour related to the province of Saskatchewan and towards a common vision, rooted in Christ and united in our illustrating growth, life, springtime and renewal. faith. Newsletter of the DVisit us oin tohe webcat: wwew.sasksatoonercdioceseo.com f Saskatoon Spring 2009 Diocesan Pastoral Council discusses cTwao mmajor iniptiativaes inithge dioncese of afamniliesdbuildinvg ouir dsioceisaon homn e. We Saskatoon were the focus of discussions at need all of our 20,000 families across the recent meetings of the Diocesan Pastoral whole diocese to build our diocesan home,” Council (DPC). he said. The progress of the Uniting in Faith Breaking out of the idea that parishes campaign to build a new Cathedral and exist in isolation is a major benefit of the Catholic Pastoral Centre, and the entire process, he said. “We as a diocesan implementation of the Rooted in Christ community have to continue building these diocesan vision were the focus of DPC relationships, and as a faith community discussions in both February and April. continue to provide support for each other.” The DPC includes representatives from Challenges of recruiting volunteers, and the seven deaneries in the diocese, as well accomplishing the home visits that are the as from Catholic organizations and groups. most effective method to campaign, were A consultative and advisory body, the DPC also discussed. Reporting how the meets regularly with Bishop Albert LeGatt. campaign is being received in their Precious gifts Across the diocese of Saskatoon particular parishes and deaneries, DPC Josie Norris (left) and Brady Gauchier prepare to bring forth the gifts with help volunteers are undertaking the Uniting in representatives agreed that support for the from catechist Cherryl Schumacher at a Sunday celebration of the Eucharist at Faith campaign. While some parishes have project depends on how well people St. Anneʼs parish in Delisle. During the celebration Bishop Albert LeGatt already reached or exceeded their understand the role of the diocese and their commissioned local volunteers working on the diocesan Uniting in Faith fundraising goal for the new Cathedral and own connection to the diocesan church. campaign to build a new Cathedral and Catholic Pastoral Centre. Catholic Pastoral Centre, others have yet to “Often people simply need some more start the campaign, the DPC heard. information,” said Susan Seidel of About two-thirds of the diocesan goal Kindersley, who represents Eatonia deanery to raise $12.5 million for the project has on the DPC. “The more prayers there are New translations of Lectionary now been reached, reported development about it, and the more education there is, the officer Don Gorsalitz. Holy Family Parish Holy Spirit will open our hearts,” she said at and Roman Missal on the way has now raised nearly all of its $16 million the February meeting. As of Pentecost, May 31, 2009, a revised and will probably be implemented in a couple share of the building which will be its new Rose-Anne Kielo, a representative of Lectionary containing the scripture readings of years, said Bishop LeGatt. parish home. the Saskatoon Rural Deanery on the DPC. for Sundays and Solemnities will be officially Once implemented, these changes will be Gorsalitz stressed the importance of described how her parish in Delisle is implemented across Canada – including in noticeable in the prayers of the Mass and in engaging the whole diocese in building the organizing a number of fund-raising the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon – some of the assembly’s prayer responses, he although most people probably won’t notice said. There will also be instructions related to Catholic Centre and Cathedral. “It’s not a events as a way to permit people of all the changes, said Bishop Albert LeGatt. the posture at different points in the liturgy. question of whether we’re going to be ages and incomes to contribute. “We want This revised edition of the Lectionary for This is part of a world-wide look at the successful. Of course, we’re going to be every person to feel part of this Uniting in Sundays and Solemnities replaces the earlier translation of the Latin texts into the successful; this project is going ahead and Faith effort,” she said at the April DPC version published in 1992 by the Canadian vernacular of many languages after Vatican we have the capacity as a diocese to do this meeting. Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). II, not only English, the bishop noted. and much more. But we don’t want just 500 DPC - PAGE 2 Both were adapted from the New Revised Over the next couple of years there will Standard Version of the Bible (NRSV). be catechesis and information sessions about The 2009 revised edition of the the upcoming changes to the Mass prayers, Lectionary becomes the version officially LeGatt said. approved by the Catholic bishops of Canada Archbishop Raymond Lahey of and authorized by the Holy See for liturgical Antigonish will be in Saskatoon Tuesday, use by Catholics of the Roman rite in Canada. June 16, presenting information to priests, The new Sunday Lectionary will Parish Life Directors and all those eventually be followed by revised editions of responsible for planning liturgy. Lahey is the other materials, including the ritual and CCCB representative on the International weekday volumes and revisions to psalms in Commission on English in the Liturgy the Catholic Book of Worship hymnal. (ICEL) that is working on the new “The revision was called for by the translation. Congregation for Divine Worship and the “Resources for teaching on the liturgy, Discipline of the Sacraments (at the Vatican) and explanation of the changes, will also be to address certain portions of the text which prepared by the National Liturgy Office, to be needed more precise translation,” explained used in dioceses once the changes come Diocesan celebration Bishop LeGatt. about,” said LeGatt. He said an extensive Priests from across the diocese renewed their commitment to priestly service Changes are also on the way related to a process of consultation into the translation is April 6 at the annual diocesan Chrism Mass. Representatives from across the new more-literal translation of the Roman currently underway, involving the ICEL and diocese also attended, receiving the sacred oils blessed by Bishop Albert Missal (or Sacramentary) from Latin to the national bishops’ conferences in English- LeGatt, and used in the sacraments over the next year. English – but these are still being finalized speaking countries around the world. Page 2 Newsletter of the DIOCESE OF SASKATOON Spring 2009 Diocesan Pastoral Council reflection (C ONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) With “diocesan unity” one of six priorities identified in the Rooted in Christ diocesan vision, the current focus on the Uniting in Faith campaign certainly relates to Members of the Conquest boysʼ club carry the cross on Good Friday. Our Lady of Guadalupe parish members. the vision as well, said DPC executive secretary Diane Cote of St. John Bosco parish. Way of the Cross features prayers for justice and peace The other priorities outlined in BY KIPLY LUKAN YAWORSKI for justice Members of the Conquest boys’ club the Rooted in Christ diocesan The suffering of Christ was linked to issues Uniting In Faith... carried the cross to the ninth station, praying vision are evangelization; life-long for youth and the issues that they encounter in of justice and peace during a downtown Way of faith formation; liturgy and the Cross Good Friday morning in Saskatoon. schools. vulnerable, suffering because of who they are,” worship; justice and peace; and Over 700 people of all ages took part in the she said, calling for a Church that will be a Development and Peace representatives two and a half hour walk, following the cross living, breathing community that “offers hope, prayed about violence at the tenth station, building and sustaining as it was carried by volunteers, singing hymns kindness, acceptance and love to all people, while University of Saskatchewan campus community. along the way, and stopping to pray at 14 regardless of what their circumstances might ministry representatives addressed the issue of Ways to highlight and stations, led by a variety of community groups be.” affordable housing, and members of the implement the Rooted in Christ and representatives in an ecumenical effort Restorative ministry was the theme at the environmental organization Earthcare prayed vision at the deanery and parish organized April 10 by the Roman Catholic fourth station’s reflection Jesus meets his about the recent financial
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