
AMP.6000.0128.7875 ASL NM Super Board Papers - November 2017 -AMP Strategy Towards 2022 AMP Strategy 2017 - 2022 Challenges Strong underlying them1tics Emerging opportunities - Global scale m insurance - /lgttnR population (doubi1n~ of 60+by 2050) - ~lru,tur.il ;earch for y1old due to ali(elOR demogr;iphcs - 1,,tens1fy1ng cump~l1tt0(1 - Mund.Jt~d doubting otAustralra'> suner~rnHMt on iy!ttem by ~026 - Exf)<>SUre to Cl11ri•Se dom•S\IC srowtn - Commod1tisatioo of ftffin<ial pl,rlorms Au>l•ali•n eronorny growing .it l% - Ri'Y.'Of wn~l1mcr ti.,pet-t'l'l(t - sh!fl to pa~<So1\e 11 Nt!i;tmen1 mJnctgt.'men1 - f11CJeo.lSlngco1•SU1llef l,l~flldfld r\Jlf lfdnSp-~Hl!llC)' YdiUt:, \,h01(e Jlld ex,p;:r t"OC.._.,. -T£>'<:1mology a1.d Llu~1nes~ n1odel al'>f upl!on - lfU'.t"~\mS f~SUbtorySCf11ti''V ilnd ri\tlUlrftrr'le.Ut~ - Clooal t.l(lft..-it In ~Arr-h or true <1!ph.t - Technnlogy driv111i eff1cioncy opportumtlf:'> Helping people own tomorrow lnvc:::t ·o grow Wealth Protection Gtobol O/S g, Advice New"l:<aland Global Partnor>hips M.a.ttJ re: Glob:il Inv. Mgmt lead,ng market -lntf!1riat1on011 p<>S1t1onw1th - Stroig pos,~on 1n - Laree st.1blto ('f"ofit -Glolnlry recognised - rw-.ted t11gti grovvth Advice str•tcgy Platforms & O/S - Strong mull assrt partm•1'jl.1ps opportttnrt:y fl,)( ~ marg1".s.1.inde-1 t11ghly comp~til1vc andcap1·a1 pool capab1llht>'" ret~1I ba•k group(MAG! wlto C11111a l.Jfe ionoval IVll 0/5 ~ pressure from low RfOwth m:tr\tet w1tl-t h!gh ma1gin:. Ll8.4.'!t(.-)dlllt:t - Con·preherv.11." 1nf1.lt1rUtiLHi" c.ap;ib1ht1~ an..: o.\LIFG scale global play~" bllt 1atur•lly IQOtplirtl offe1111g ~ retail and rroperly ~ Tru~t B:in ... Uf.'Cl1nmg book tt\f\.U-._tHlfM cotpc::u:Jt~s.c.pc_r - Stret1gth tf'\ andSMSf rt'al Jssels ........_.,,. ........_.,,. ........_.,,. ........_.,,. - Cootlnue lo - Alr:1'oe.. te ermvtll -.conl1nueto - Organic growt~ C"uatet r,.rt Jp.iU<111 - 111-to 1~1th<1 -l>tCt'ldMAG - Grow and extend - Accelerate -Conlnue n El••opc Nor1h ma11age tor yield m.=ir.agefo• Vta integrated n ,adv1• e val1ff· 011in enh.1n.te pl.stfcrm capab<ht1es partoer>111p w1h <omple11on of O/S pr ogres.Ive h111e11ca and As .a :ir'lrt rost effkien(Y yield and cap11~· goal>-based ccmpetfliwnes> 1 China lift f('IM~LH'<lnC.C to Do~ putdU(.to11y -cn~at~and rfl\oency solut1oos - Chu> 111• O/S relrase caprtal - £.xpl.Jrc: re1nsuramt via iec nol1gy - CM< boJsectO/$ manufacture Orgao1cand -Enhance 'AUF(, 1norg.1r11c.gro'htll opporlurily rocus on pnoflg_ opfJOrturities - Beccme f<OV;•Jer '1' - l)uve p<otessiornllsrn - Increase channel 1"'10Vi'li1ve go41lS r1ust B~uk 10 high ma1g1n partnership to ->ee> pailn~rrng 1J1rn!i. .ind 1.:a~e choJrL.e to advisers "Jnd bro..Jd~ nffe,.- J.\o{'li1i.' biied \mds ~a! actsets wrt.h uthl':r leadmg mJtottgrtnl•nt t<1 and brokers d,1ve gee-vi('' valii*' Str+•ngthf:'ti - Pr1Ce-forvolume -G1ow domestic real 0/S Pl•vers 1rt1prove marg.o~ - ComerVdllYt- ,15sets footpnnt gcvo1'11<111ceand Gtaw reiJl!nut.' n"i k-, tu"rung ..ind - hplore option> ro CA.impll~rtCt: f1t1H SM~f -Ewlve.tn<J cCJp1tal sett-mp d1~rupt 01ers.cas - r.lmpl1hc;;.t1nn focus public and offirlemy market s1r•;egles Focus on customer, cost, capital and cUlture AMP.6000.0128.7876 ASL NM Super Board Papers - November 2017 - AMP Owning Our Culture Anchored in the Anchored in the AMP Performance AMP Code of Conduct Promises & Leadership Behaviours We will... Respect and value differences and create a safe working environment Act in the best interests of AMP, its customers. business partners and shareholders Identify and manage any conflicts of interest Respect privacy and confidentiality Comply with our code. AM P's policies and the law and report any breaches immediately 2 AMP.6000.0128.7877 ASL NM Super Board Papers · November 2017 - Agenda AGENDA Concurrent Meeting of the Boards of AMP Superannuation Limited and N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited ABN 31 008 414 104 ABN 31 008 428 322 (ASL) (NM Super) To be held on Thursday 9 November 2017 from 8.30 am -10.00 am (Sydney time) 167 Flinders Street, Adelaide and via teleconference Noting= • I Approval = + I Trustee Services Cover= * ~ Item Presenter Entity Paper Est. Time 1. Material Personal Interests & Conflicts of Interest Chairman Alf Attached 8.30 am • (5 mins) 2. Administration 8.35am (5 mins) 2.1 M.i n_ute:u>Lt.!le_EloJK.d.l!leJ!Jlng_sJJ.e&.2LSJlp_~nibfilOJ1 Chairman All + Attached 2.2 Business Arising Chairman A ll • Attached 3. Trustee Services 8.40 am (20 mins) 3.1 GPR Funding Reguest - rustee Insurance Review Sansom ASL • Attached 4. Business Initiatives 9.00 am (60 mins) 4 .1 ~us.trajian l;.quitie~~u!k.J!ans fgr§. ;;indJ.n.¥.~strntill) Clark ASL Attact1ed ~nu URQ~§l *• 4.2 8.e spSJ.n~ bl~e§t~o.tl,.ftad_e.i:;; Al! fill:£1liao.§bare Suan, Chee ASL Attached Fund - Governance Process for Performance Based • ~ lntroducJ.i.Qn 4.3 ~~<:1.$.b..D..w_ofill_Agre_e.in.ent Clark ASL *• Attached 5. Chairman's Session Chairman All • Verbal 10.00 am (10 mins) 6. Other Business All Alf • Verbal 10.1oam (5 mins) Close 10.15am 3 AMP.6000.0128.7878 ASL NM Super Board Papers - November 2017 - Agenda Directors: Also Attending: ltem(s) Rick Aller! (Chairman) Full meeting Lionel Mateo Full meeting Michele Dolin Full meeting Rachel Sansom Items 1 - 4 Darryl Mackay Full meeting Natalie Sultana Items 1 -4 Louise Dudley Full meeting Lucinda Mccann Items 1 -4 Brian Salter Full meeting David Clark ltem4 Mel Jose ltem4 Sharon Suan ltem4 Jeffrey Chee Item 4 4 AMP.6000.0128.7879 ASL NM Super Board Papers • November 2017 - Agenda '';_ AMP~ ASU NM SUPER BOARD PRESENTERS NOVEMBER MEETING David Clark Head of Product Management > 4.1 Australian Equities - Bulk Transfers and Investment Menu Update ~ 4.3 AMP Super Cash Deposit Agreement Mel Jose Senior Product Portfolio Manager, Product Management )'> 4.1 Australian Equities - Bulk Transfers and Investment Menu Update ).- 4.3 AMP Super Cash Deposit Agreement Jeffrey Chee Senior Manager Investment Regulatory Governance > 4.2 Responsible Investment Leaders Australian Share Fund - Governance Process for Performance Based Fee Introduction Sharon Suan Senior Manager Investment Regulatory Governance }:>- 4.2 Responsible Investment Leaders Australian Share Fund - Governance Process for Performance Based Fee Introduction 5 AMP.6000.0128. 7880 ASL NM Super Board Papers - November 2017 - Material Personal Interests & Conflicts of Interest Please note: The register of relevant duties Is published on a quarterly basis on the AMP website pursuant to s29QB SIS Act. Changes shown below havl!' been made since previous publish date. Relevant Duties ,oa~- - ..1 '.fu11~or · -; ~ ·Ftcilit 1111eor Ress)Orisible-.-,. fEiitnv (ASL. - - ·Ro1e~ Dvty , :-- -~; !li!i.i ~eofrole'/ iliit~ -1 'entered In, 11 Responsible• . ti Pem•n . - . - l ~ndlor. NM s,ui>er)' f - . 1 !~91~1~ ·• · ':~~rfon .' .l . - " • l ' ..... ~ Trustee Directors 04·Dec-15, Richard Hugh Allert Non-executive Oireclor ASL and NM Super 1. Chairman and Non-executive Director ASL - Has a fiduciary duly 10 beneficiaries wilhin the ASL 2, Chaim1an and Non-executive Olreclor of NM Super RS Es 3. Member ol the ASL I NM Super Audi I Commlllee • Has a fiduciary duly to beneficiaries wilhin lhe NM Super RSEs - Responsible lor t11e stralegio direction and operalions ot A~l ~nri NM SUN>r. 04-Dec-15 Richard Hugh Allert Non-executive Dlreclor ASL and NM super Directoc or Genesee & Wyoming Inc and Genesee & Wyoming Aus1rafla Prv Lid ()4-Dec-15 Richatd l-lu911 Alfert Non-execulfVe Director ASL and NM Super Chairman of Weslern Deseft Resources Llmiled (in liquidation) 04-Dec-15 Richard Hugh Allefl No11-execo1rve Dlreclor ASL and NM Super Directo1 of RH Allert Ply Lid. 04-Dec·15 Richard Hugh Allert Non.,executlve Director ASL and NM Super Deputy Chairman of Cavill Power Products Pty ltd 04· Dec·1 5 Richard Hugh Allert Non·executive Director ASL and NM Super Chairman ol James Morrison Academy ol Music Ply Lid 04-Dec-15 Richard Hugh AllerJ Non-exectJtive Drrector ASL and NM Super Cha11man of KaJ<adu Tourism (GLC) Ply Lid and Kal<adu Tourism IGHCl Plv Lid 04-Dec-15 Richard Hugh Allen Non-executive Director ASL and NM Super Director of Kanjo Ply Lid 04-Dec-15 Richard Hugh Allert Non-executilre Dlfeclor ASL and NM Super Direclor of Penson Holdings PIY Lld 04-Dec·15 Richard Hugh Allert Non-executive Dlrecior ASL and NM Super Director of Ponl Pty Lid 04-0ec-15 Richard Hugh Allert Non-executive Director ASl and NM Super Director ot Taverners (Aust) Ply Lid 04-Dec-15 Richard Hugh Allert Non-executive Director ASt. and NM Super Director of RG & RT Trott Ply Ltd (Wirra Wirra Wines) 04·0ec·15 Richard Hugh Allen Ilion-executive Director ASL and NM Super Director of Indigenous Business Australia 08-IY!ay-17 Richard Hugi> Aller\ Non-execi;tive Director ASL and NM Super Direclor of tolersecl Group Pty Lid 08-May-17 Richard Hugti Allen Non-executive Director ASL and NM Super Chairman & Dlrecto< of Voyager Indigenous Tourism Australia PlY Lid 12-Apr-13 Michele Irene Dolin Non-executive Director ASL and NM Super 1. Non-executive Director ASL - Has a fiduciary duty 10 beneficiaries within the ASL 2. Non-executive Director of NM Super RS Es 3. Chair of the ASL I NM Super Audit Committee · Has a fiduciary dll!Y to beneficiaries wilhin the NM Super RSEs - Responsible for the s11a1egic ditecUon and opera1ions of ASL and NM Suoer.
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