CORNELL UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCEMENTS JULY 24, 1963 HOTEL ADMINISTRATION 1963-1964 SCHOOL OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION ACADEMIC CALENDAR (Tentative) 1963-1964 1964-1965 Sept. 21 ...S . ...Freshman Orientation Sept. 19 ...S Sept. 23 . M. ...Registration, new students........................................... Sept. 21 ..M Sept. 24 ..T. ...Registration, old students............................................. Sept. 22... T Sept. 25 . .W. ...Instruction begins, 1 p.m............................................... Sept. 23 . .W Nov. 13 ,.W. ...Midterm grades due........................................................ Nov. 11 ..W Thanksgiving recess: Nov. 27 . .W. ...Instruction suspended 12:50 p.m.................................Nov. 25 . .W Dec. 2 . .M. ...Instruction resumed, a.m...........................................Nov. 30 ..M Christmas recess: Dec. 21 . .S. ...Instruction suspended 12:50 p.m ..............................Dec. 19 ... .S Jan. 6 . .M. ...Instruction resumed, 6 a.m............................................Jan. 4 ...M Jan .25 . ..S. .. .First-term instruction ends............................................ Jan. 23 ... .S Jan. 27 . .M. ... Second-term registration, old students........................ Jan. 25 ...M Jan .28 ..T. ... Examinations begin..........................................................Jan. 26 . T Feb. 5 ..W. Examinations en d ..............................................................Feb. 3 . W Feb. 6 .Th. ...Midyear recess....................................................................Feb. 4 ..Th Feb. 7 . .F. ...Midyear recess....................................................................Feb. 5....F Feb. 8 ...S. ...Registration, new students.............................................Feb. 6 ....S Feb. 10 . .M. ... Second-term instruction begins..................................Feb. 8 ...M Mar. 27 . .F. .. - Midterm grades due (at 12 noon)..............................Mar.26 .. .F Spring recess: Mar. 28 ..S. ...Instruction suspended, 12:50 p.m............................... Mar.27 ....S Apr. 6 ,M. ...Instruction resumed, 8 a.m............................................ Apr. 5 ...M May 30 ..S. .. .Second-term instruction ends...................................... May 29 ....S June 1 M. ...E xam inations begin..........................................................May 31 ...M June 9 .T. ...Examinations end ..............................................................June 8 ...T June 15 M. .. .Commencement D ay..........................................................June 14 . .M CORNELL UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Volume 55. N um ber 2. July 24, 1963. Published twenty-one times a year: twice in March, April, May, June, July, August, October, and December; three times in September; once in January and in November; no issues in February. Published by Cornell Uni­ versity at Edmund Ezra Day Hall, 18 East Avenue, Ithaca, New York. Second- class postage paid at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION 1963-1964 PROGRAMS TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONAL CAREERS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HOTELS, MOTELS. RESTAURANTS, CLUBS, HOSPITALS, AND INSTITUTIONS GENERALLY, AND IN THE DESIGN AND LAYOUT OF THE EQUIPMENT FOR THEM CONTENTS ACADEMIC CALENDAR Inside front cover FACULTY 1 SCHOOL OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION 4 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 9 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 32 PLACEM ENT SERVICE 33 ADMISSION 55 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION 61 CURRICULUM 62 RESEARCH PROGRAM 71 WORKSHOPS FOR EXECUTIVES 71 SUMMER SHORT COURSES 71 PRACTICE REQUIREMENT 72 EXPENSES 74 SCHOLARSHIPS 77 INDEX 83 LIST OF ANNOUNCEMENTS Inside back cover For correspondence with the School, see next page. Statler Hall, home of the School of Hotel Administration. The building's central section and much of the auditorium wing at the right are given over to classrooms, laboratories, and offices. Statler Inn, which is to the left and not shown in the picture, provides a practice laboratory for the students. CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING The academic requirements for admissions (see page 55) should be addressed to the Office of Admissions, Day Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. The personal requirements for admission (see page 56), specifically regarding interviews, should be addressed to the Dean, School of Hotel Administration, Statler Hall. The program of the School, the content of courses, the requirements for gradua­ tion, and questions of financial aid to students should be addressed to the Dean, School of Hotel Administration, Statler Hall. Credit against the practice requirement should be addressed to the Chairman, Practice Committee, Statler Hall. The School’s Committee on Admissions meets in the Dean’s office. Frequent conferences are needed to make a careful selection of student applicants, whose records have first been screened by the University’s Admissions Office. (Left to right) Assistant Dean G. W. Lattin, Dean R. A. Beck, and Prof. T. IV. Silk. On the wall to the right is a portrait of the late Ellsworth Milton Statler, founder of the Statler Hotels and principal benefactor of the School. FACULTY (As of July 15,1963) STAFF OF ADMINISTRATION J a m e s A. P e r k i n s , A.B., Ph.D., President of the University R o b e r t A. B e c k , Ph.D., Dean of the School of Hotel Administration and E. M. Statler Professor in Hotel Administration G e r a l d W . L a t t i n , Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the School of Hotel Administration and Professor in Hotel Administration K a t h e r i n e R. Sp i n n e y , B.A., B.L.S., Reference Librarian, School of Hotel Administration STAFF OF INSTRUCTION IN THE SCHOOL OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION (This list includes only those members of the University instructing staff whose sole responsi­ bility is the instruction of students in the School of Hotel Administration.) H o w a r d B a g n a l l M e e k , Ph.D., Sc.D. in Ed., E. M . Statler Professor in Hotel Administration, E m eritus F r a n k H . R a n d o l p h , B.A., M.E., P.E., Professor in Institutional Engineering, Emeritus Louis A. T o t h , C.P.A., Professor in Hotel Accounting, Emeritus O. E r n e s t B a n g s , Associate Professor in Food Facilities Engineering J a m e s H . B a r r e t t , Ph.D., C.P.A., Lecturer in Hotel Accoun^'ng R o b e r t A. B e c k , Ph.D., E. M. Statler Professor in Hotel Administration and Dean of the School of Hotel Administration M a t t h e w B e r n a t s k y , Professor in Hotel Administration L e s l i e E. B o n d , Cdr., USN (Ret.), Lecturer in Hotel Administration P a u l R . B r o t e n , B.S., M.S., Professor in Hotel Engineering R o b e r t M. C h a s e , B.M.E., M.B.A., Instructor in Hotel Engineering V a n c e C h r i s t i a n , A.B., B.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration C h a r l e s E. C l a d e l , M.S., C.P.A., Professor in Hotel Accounting R i c h a r d A. C o m p t o n , B.S.M.E., Instructor in Hotel Engineering J. W i l l i a m C o n n e r , B.S. in Com., B.S., M.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration M y r t l e E r i c s o n , M.S., Professor in Hotel Administration W a l t e r F o e r t s c h , B.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration C h a r l e s F o u r n i e r , President, Gold Seal Vineyards, Inc., Hammondsport, New York, Lecturer in Hotel Administration H . V i c t o r G r o h m a n n , B.S., President, Needham & Grohmann, Inc., Lecturer in Hotel Admin­ istration M r s . H e l e n a P. K e l s e y , M.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration A l b e r t E. K o e h l , B.S., President, Koehl, Landis & Landon, Inc., New York City, Lecturer in Hotel Administration G e r a l d W . L a t t i n , Ph.D., Professor in Hotel Administration and Assistant Dean of the School of Hotel Administration J o h n D. L e s u r e , B.S., C.P.A., Senior Partner, Horwath & Horwath, New York City, Lecturer in Hotel Accounting M r s . B a r b a r a M. M a i , M.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration W i l l i a m W . M a l l e s o n , J r ., Manager, Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pennsylvania, Lecturer in Hotel Administration K e i t h M c N e i l l , B.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration A d r ia n W . P h i l l i p s , LL.B., Executive Vice President, Hotel Sales Management Association, Lecturer in Hotel Administration I 2 SCHOOL OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION M r s . H e l e n J. R e c k n a g e l , Ph.D., Professor in Hotel Administration and Editor, School Publications E b e n S. R e y n o l d s , B.A., B.S., M.S., Assistant Professor in Hotel Accounting M r s . P e n e l o p e R i e l e y , B.S., M .F.S., Instructor in Hotel Administration J a m e s P. R o u r k e , B. of Arch., Instructor in Hotel Engineering C h a r l e s I. S a y l e s , B.S., M.E.E., Professor in Institutional Engineering M r s . E l l e n C. S e a b u r g , B.S., Lecturer in Hotel Administration J o h n H . S h e r r y , A.B., LL.B., Professor in Hotel Administration T h o m a s W . S i l k , A.B., B.S., M .S ., Professor in Hotel Administration M r s . L a u r a L e e W .
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