SEED CATALOGUE AND GARDEN GUIDE. GIANT BUGNOT PANSY.-This I PHLOX DRUMMONDI.-If we anese flower in its quaint, yet ar­ is one of the finest strains of Pan- could have but one flower for our PETUNlfI~, tistic, beau ty . Ed!l'es of petals sies In existence . .The flowers are garden, that one would be the SUl'ely there is no garden com­ are cut and frlngea In the most of enormous size, perfectly round, Phlox. Its brilliant shades of plete without a bed of elegant complete manne r. In color it is of great substance and of the color. ranging from rlear white to Petunias or a few fine specimen pure white d.t tbe back. wbilst the most \'aried and attractive mark- brilllant scar1et make an almost plauts of It for t he center of beds, fl'iuged edges are of a brilliant iogs and colors; each petal 1?ears dazzling shO\v ; continually In crimson color, Per pkt.. IOc . ._ .J a blo.tch that runs out In delicate bloom. or for growing In pots. For out­ door decoration or house culture, veins to tbe edge of the petal. Cuspidata or Star.-See Novel- few plants are equal to this class. Per pkt., 25c. ties. Per p kt., l5c. Double Pea r 1.-See Novelties. I~~Yc~~~{::~~c~ ~~~~rlg! ~f~~~ Per pkt., 10c. throughout the wbole season, un­ til killed by frost; easily culti­ Grandiflora Alba.-Pure white. vated, requiring rlcb soil and a Pel' pkt., 5c. sunny situation, of late years the Grandiflora Coccinea.- Brilliant Single striped,mottled and double scarlet. Per pkt., 5c. varieties have been greatly Im­ Grandiflora Stellata Carminea.­ proved, arid the above cut gives Very handsome carmine flowers, but a faint idea of tbeir great with pure white. star-like eye. variety B.nd beauty. The double Per pkt., 7c. varieties require more care and Jubllee.-A decided novelty, be­ should be started in the house. Ing' an entirely new color in Phlox, Grandiflora Mixed.~Very large, a bright yellow. Attracted much elegant flowers; the largest and attention On our grounds. They handsomest of all. l!'ully twice are of strong. bushy, erect habit, the size of the old sorts, with tbe each plant presenting a mass of most beautiful shades of crimson. dazzling flowers. each of which is whlte,rose, maroon.etc., blotched, ne,... ly the size of a twenty dollar striped, vei ned, bordered, maI'ked Danebrog.-(Danlsh Flag}-The gold coin and of perfect form. and fringed. PCI' pkt., 20c. pecuJtar forms and shades of col­ Per pkt., lOco SNOW QUEEN PANSY.-Flow­ Hybrida Choice Mixed.-The best or blend and again contrast in ers of a delicate, pure, satiny Nana Compacta Mixed.-Dwarf, of the older sorts. carefully mix­ such a manner tbat the appear­ white, handsome and attractive. compact ,(rowing class; very fine ed. Contains some extra fine ance of the whole is most striking Makes a fine showing in beds or for bordel's and ribbons. Per pkt., striped and blotched varieties. and lovely. A large silvery-white for cut flower work, and beautiful Sc. Per pkt., 10c. blotch at the base of each petal, for cemetery use. Per pkt., lOco Fine Mixed Colors.-Per pkt., 5c. forming a white cross on scarlet Firebal1.-Brilliant, d a z z Ii n g ground. Per pkt., 6c. PANSY COLLECTION.- One scarlet. Per pkt., lOco Double Inimitable.-A splendid packet each of the above twenty­ mixr,ure; OUt seed is Benary's Fairy Blush.-The Immense glo­ three varieties. amounting to Snowball.-Delicate, pure white. best and will produce a large per­ bular flowers are perfectly dou ble $3.19, for only $2.20. Per pkt.. lOc. centage of fine double-flowering and measure from ten to thirteen plants. Per pkt., 25c. inches In circumference. The PORTULACA.-Thls old favor­ Graf Gero.-A distinct class of petals are elegantly fringed and ite Is brightest In the hot, dry Phlox. Habit, upright and com­ PYRETHRUM, Golden Feather.­ pure whl'te, except at the tips, weather when other flowers are pact, growing 4 to 6 Inches high. A very handsome toliage plant. where tbey are distinctly colored drooping. Thev are of almost Densely covered with many Per pkt., 5c. with rosy cream. Per pkt., 10c. every conceivable shade of color, bright colored flowers and is sure Golden Gem.-A beautiful plant White Crimson Tipped.-A n ew. and will make (lne of the brightest to attract attention on account tor edgings or ribbon beds. Double very handsome variety. which Is spots In the garden. o'f its dwarf habit and·free flower­ flowering. Per pkt.. 5c. unusually double. Petals are Grandiflora Single Mixed.-Large Ing. Very suitable for pot cul­ Roseuni.- Plant from which the tipped with crimson. Per pkt., Sc. flowered. A splendid mixture. tu reo Everyone will be pleased Persian Insect Powder Is made. Per pkt., 4c. with It. Per pkt., lOco Perpkt., Se. POPPIES.-The dear old flower which ou I' ~ra[Ldmot h ers loved so much agam occupies one of the first places in our gardens. For brill ian t, dazzli Uj! colors, these new Poppies are equalled only by the Tulip. Some of the flow­ ers are as large and double as the P ooo ny, others wi tb strange and handsome markings. Rosebud.-A most c h a l' min g novelty which we offer for tl;le fi rst tl me. Somewhat larger than the Shit'ley, but its distinctive feature Is the sh a pe of the un­ opened buus. wbich are mossy and shaped like a rosebud. hence its name. All colors and finely marked and tInted. Per pkt., 10c. Double Carnation.-A splendid The Shirley.-These exquisitely aswrtment of the best dou ble car­ handsome new Poppies have been nation 1lowered sorts. Will make Double Mixed.-Very handsome, Grandiflora Mixed.-Has a much exbibited in London and made an attracti ve bed. Per pkt., 5c. double as a rose, and contains a IM'ger flower than the common quite a sensation in England. In color tbey l'lm from the pu rest Preony-flowered.- Fine mixed. color and shading unknown In and preferable in every way. All Per pkt., 3c. --' t he Single. Our seeds is extra colors. Per pkt.. 5c. white through tbe most delicate choice and wlll produce 60 to 75 Phlox Collection.- One packet shades of rose and pink and car­ Papaver Umbrosum.-Flow ers per cent of flowers as double as each of the above eleven varieties mine to deepest crimson. Per rich, glowing vermillion, with a the most perfect rose. Per pkt., making a grand assortmel)t for pkt., I5c. deep shining black spot on~each lOco only 75c. The.Mjkado.-Essentlally a Jap- petal. Per pkt., 5c. .
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