Progress Report July 2014 – June 2015 Progress Report July 2014 – June 2015 i ii Contents Minister’s Message 2 Regional Initiatives 18 Appendices 132 Director General’s Message 3 Gascoyne 19 Appendix 1: Country Local Government Fund - Individual Local Government Signed Agreements 2014-15 133 Introduction 6 Goldfields Esperance 21 Appendix 2: Country Local Government Fund - Individual Royalties for Regions Act 2009 7 Great Southern 23 Acquitted Agreements 2014-15 136 Royalties for Regions principles 8 Kimberley 25 Appendix 3: Country Local Government Fund - Regional Groups Signed Agreements 2014-15 141 Western Australian Regional Development Trust 9 Mid West 26 Appendix 4: Country Local Government Fund Royalties for Regions funding allocation 2014-15 10 Peel 28 - Regional Groups Acquitted Agreements 2014-15 143 A snapshot of Royalties for Regions investments 12 Pilbara 30 Appendix 5: Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme State-wide Initiatives 13 South West 33 (Round 20) 150 Regional Investment Blueprints 14 Wheatbelt 35 Appendix 6: Regional Airports Development Scheme 151 Seizing the Opportunity Agriculture 15 Royalties for Regions Acknowledgements 154 Expenditure by Region 2014-15 38 Regional Telecommunications Project 17 Contact Details 155 Royalties for Regions Expenditure by Category 2014-15 65 Royalties for Regions Disbursements and Expenditure 2014-15 80 Royalties for Regions Financial Outline 2014-15 128 Progress Report July 2014 – June 2015 1 Minister’s Message Hon Terry Redman MLA Minister for Regional Development Western Australia’s regions are significant drivers of state projects that enhance economic and social development. The Department of Regional Development has undertaken growth and Royalties for Regions is continuing to invest in • Regional Western Australia now experiences the most significant work on a long-term regional services reform projects and programs that improve services and infrastructure comprehensive mobile and internet coverage ever, with plan, which will enable people living in regional and remote for regional communities, businesses and investors. Investment 113 new towers across the state, and a further $45 million areas to drive social and economic opportunities. in regional communities makes a substantial difference to over four years will provide even better services in more A $150 million Royalties for Regions commitment will regional quality of life and economic prosperity. areas of regional Western Australia. The new Regional support better outcomes in education, health, social We are now seven years into the biggest investment Telecommunications Project will co-fund projects with the wellbeing and employment for regional and remote Commonwealth’s $100 million Mobile Black Spot Program in regional communities in Western Australia’s history. communities. and invest in 130 new or upgraded mobile base stations. Royalties for Regions has invested more than $6.1 billion I would like to thank the Department of Regional into more than 3,600 projects and programs driving regional • Fifteen programs focused on removing barriers to Development for its strong governance of the Royalties development. This Royalties for Regions Progress Report sustainable agriculture in the regions have been for Regions program and the Western Australian Regional developed for the $300 million Seizing the Opportunity highlights the range and diversity of projects undertaken Development Trust for its advice throughout the year. I Agriculture initiative. The 15 programs will improve throughout regional Western Australia in 2014-15. access to land, water and infrastructure and help also acknowledge the significant contributions of the Key new initiatives in 2014–15 included the Growing our the agriculture sector meet the growing demands of Regional Development Council and the state’s nine Regional South program, the Regional Telecommunications Project domestic and global food markets. Development Commissions. and the Seizing the Opportunity Agriculture initiative. The state’s nine Regional Development Commissions have • Growing our South is a new program allocated a each developed Regional Investment Blueprints, providing a $600 million Royalties for Regions investment over five framework for investment through the $292 million Regional years to implement major infrastructure projects across Blueprints Initiative. The Blueprints inform and align regional the Peel, Wheatbelt, South West and Great Southern growth, development and investment for each region to regions. The state’s nine regions now have access to build economically and socially communities. a revitalisation fund, which can be used for priority 2 Footnote: All Blueprints were released as of April 2016 Director General’s Message Ralph Addis Director General Department of Regional Development The Department of Regional Development is making Over the last seven years we have reached many significant Royalties for Regions is transforming regional Western a significant contribution to regional Western Australia milestones and our effort and investment are increasingly Australia as it continues to build a stronger economy and through administering and facilitating the Royalties for targeted towards growing regional economies, creating jobs better quality of life in each of the state’s nine regions. Regions program. and building the capability of our regional communities. We are constantly exploring new ways to unlock our regions’ The Department of Regional Development continues to potential and capitalise on their enormous opportunities. We develop new and strategic investment opportunities crucial work closely with our community, business and government to regional Western Australia’s sustainability. From now on partners to improve social and economic opportunities in the direction of future regional development will be guided regional Western Australia. by the Regional Investment Blueprints. The Blueprints I am pleased to present the 2014–15 Royalties for Regions are formulated by the regions for the regions and present Progress Report, which highlights just a few of the a framework for a comprehensive approach to strategic transformational opportunities that Royalties for Regions has decision making. created. I would like to congratulate and thank all our staff In 2014–15, 65 submissions were Cabinet approved and and partners for our achievements in 2014-15. Their 104 funding agreements were signed. These investments will commitment ensures we are constantly able to deliver provide long term, sustainable benefits to regional Western quality outcomes to meet the growing demands of regional Australian residents and visitors. communities. Progress Report July 2014 – June 2015 3 Explanatory Notes This report provides details of projects approved and funds disbursed in 2014-15. Expenditure of financials are unaudited. It is as reported by recipients of funding as 30 August 2015. 4 Introduction Progress Report July 2014 – June 2015 5 Introduction Royalties for Regions underpins the State Government’s Royalties for Regions focuses on long-term commitment to develop Western Australia’s delivering benefits to regional regions into strong and vibrant communities that are Western Australia through six objectives: desirable places to live, work and invest. Since December 2008, Royalties for Regions has invested $6.1 billion of mining and onshore petroleum royalties in • building capacity in more than 3,600 projects and programs, including transfers regional communities to the Future Fund and other special purpose accounts. Royalties for Regions promotes and facilitates economic, business and social development in regional Western • retaining benefits in Australia for the benefit of all Western Australians. In 2014-15, $1 billion was allocated to agriculture, regional regional communities revitalisation, health, community services, education, sport, transport and tourism through Royalties for Regions. • improving services to Future investment for the next four years is capped at $1 billion per year. regional communities • attaining sustainability • expanding opportunity • growing prosperity. 6 Royalties for Regions Act 2009 The Royalties for Regions Act 2009 was enacted on 27 March About the Department of Regional 2010 and sets the foundations for Royalties for Regions Fund Development investment; promoting and facilitating economic and social The Department of Regional Development administers development in regional Western Australia. the Royalties for Regions program. It works in partnership Prior to the Act’s establishment, the fund was operated with the Regional Development Commissions, Regional pursuant to Section 10(a) of the Financial Management Development Council, and the Western Australian Regional Act 2006. When the Act came into operation, Royalties Development Trust, and collaboratively across government for Regions monies held in the Treasurer’s Special Purpose agencies, the private sector, and community partners. Account were transferred to the Royalties for Regions Fund’s The department assists the Minister for Regional Special Purpose Account. Development to bring a stronger focus to regional The fund has the following subsidiary accounts: development in Western Australia. • Country Local Government Fund • Regional Community Services Fund • Regional Infrastructure and Headworks Fund. The Act allows for other subsidiary accounts to be created on the recommendation of the Minister for Regional Development and provides a legislative base for the
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