Committee Members: Charles Kassly Michael Hagen Bill Poletti Samantha Carter Don Barkley Richard Avdoian Cha rles Daily Van Johnson Robert Triplett AGENDA CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS BUSINESS ALLIANCE COMMISSION Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - 1 :30 P.M. Recreation Room at City Hall (Door entrance is on the south end of the City Hall Bldg. Parking behind the Police Department) 10025 Bunkum Road Fairview Heights, IL 62208 or Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/817814877 Phone Number: 1-224-501-3412 Access Code: 817 814 877 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 20, 2021 4. DISCUSSION: Improving the Look of Commercial Properties (Charles Daily) 5. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Director's Report 6. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT - Director's Report 7. ROUND ROBIN REPORTS • Commission Members 8. SET NEXT MEETING - Tuesday, June 15, 2021 9. ADJOURN MINUTES THE CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS BUSINESS ALLIANCE COMMISSION (BAC) Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - 1 :30 p.m. City Hall 10025 Bunkum Road Fairview Heights, IL 62208 Fairview Heights Recreation Room Video Conference/Tele Conference Committee Members in attendance -Charles Daily, Don Barkley, Robert Triplett, Michael Hagen, Samantha Carter, Richard Avdoian and Charlie Kassly (arrived at 1 :45 p.m.) Committee Members absent - Bill Poletti, Van Johnson Other Aldermen and Elected Officials in attendance - Alderman Pat Baeske Staff in attendance - Paul Ellis, Andrea Riganti Recorder- Kathy Frawley Citizen's Comments None Approval of Minutes Motion and second were made by Don Barkley/Richard Avdoian to approve the March 16, 2021 Business Alliance Commission minutes. Roll call to approve the March 16, 2021 Business Alliance Commission minutes was unanimous. Motion carried. Presentation Director Paul Ellis introduced Fred Albrecht with CALC Institute of Technology. Mr. Albrecht gave his presentation. Questions and comments were discussed. Economic Development Director's Report Director Paul Ellis presented his report and touched base on the following items: • Upcoming Events 1. Signature Tap House - Grand Re-Opening -April 20, 2021 2. Small Business Week - May 5-9, 2021 - Free online seminars • Richard Avdoian discussed the event. Page 1 Economic Development Director's Report - continued • Marketing in the City 1. Deploy an entirely new Eco9nomic Development Website 2. Refresh and update building and site listings through Location One Information System (LOIS) 3. Refresh and update property listings offered through Intersect Illinois (state referral system) and Alliance STL (regional referral system) • Business Retention 1. The Director continues to work with brokers and the property owner at Crossroads Centre to retain a key anchor tenant. 2. Shortage of workers • Business Creation 1. The Metro East Business Incubator (MEBI) has begun enrolling clients via the Startup Space virtual platform, and has been sponsoring a series of events for entrepreneurs to help build the incubator's client base. 2. MEBI has applied for additional, federal, funding by invitation of Congressman Mike Bost, and additional private funding is being solicited. 3. Director is working with real estate brokers and investors to identify and facilitate redevelopment of underperforming commercial properties Questions and comments were discussed. Land Use and Development Director's Report Director Andrea Riganti presented her report and touched base on the following items: • Planning and Zoning 1. Consideration of a reduction in the minimum lot size in the R-3 Zoning District to below 10, 000 square feet at 991 O North Avenue 2. Map amendment to change the zoning designation from R-3 "Residential District" to M-2 "Multiple Family Residence District for property located at the northwest corner of Ashland Avenue and Oulvey Drive. 3. Map amendment to change the zoning designation from R-1 "Residential District" to C "Conservation District for 108 Circle Drive 4. Application to consider a text amendment for fences, walls and buffers. 5. Staff continues to work on various projects: Business Assistance programs, Economic Development website, Business Alliance Commission and TIF Questions and comments were discussed. Page 2 Round Robin Reports • Chuck Daily asked if there was any activity with the undeveloped property to the west of Target. Questions and comments were discussed. • Chuck Daily stated that there was to be curb cut on Lakeland Subdivision and residents did not want it. • Chuck Daily stated that he received signatures for a petition to have traffic signal lights in line with Winchester Apartments and Target. This was approved and IDOT put this in the development requirements. Please refer to Resolution No. 3392- 2008 attached. Motion and second were made by Richard Avdoian/Michael Hagen to move the next Business Alliance Commission meeting to Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 1 :30 p.m. Roll call to approve to move the next Business Alliance Commission meeting to Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 1 :30 p.m. was unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Submitted By: Kathy Frawley, Recorder Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3392-2008 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH TARGET CORPORATION TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT ILLINOIS ROUTE 159 AND WINCHESTER PLACE. WHEREAS, the Target Corporation is in need of land acquisition to install a four-way signal at its primary entrance on Illinois Route 159; and WHEREAS, the health and safety of the motoring public will be protected by the signalization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS: That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Target Corporation, 1000 Nicolet Mall, Minneapolis MN 55403 for acquisition of right-of-way and/or easements necessary for the signal installation at Illinois Route 159 and Winchester Place pursuant to Agreement attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A". PASSED: June 17, 2008 APPROVED: June 18, 2008 GAIL D. MITCH LL, MAYOR CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS ROLL CALL ON ALDERMEN VOTING uYEA" ROGER LOWRY SCOTT RICH GIL KLEIN NORMAN MILLER Y, VITY CLERK llffDA ARr~OLD CAROL WARNER 1...-/ ,- SPONSORED BY: Finance Committee ROLL CALL ON ALDERMEN VOTING "NAY" WARREN BAKER, JR. BONNIE CROSSLEY PAT BAESKE LINDA HOPPE Letter Agreement between Target and City of Fairview Heights Re: Phases I, II and III of Access and Traffic Signalization at Target Project June 4, 2008 EXHIBIT "A" Page 1of4 DRAFT June 4, 2008 Via E-Mail and U.S. Mail Mayor Gail D. Mitchell City of Fairview Heights 10025 Bunkum Rd. Fairview Heights, IL 62208 Re: Fairview Heights Target Phasing of Intersections and Traffic Signal Improvements at 159 and Winchester Place Letter Agreement between Target CorporatiQri and the City of Fairview Heights Dear Mayor Mitchell: This letter sets forth Target's commitffients to the City of Fairview Heights, Illinois (the "City"), with respect to the intersection:fttHighway 159 and Winchester Place in Fairview Heights, Illinois. Due to Target's need to continue hiring and moving employees to the Fairview Heights area who will staff the new Target store, Target has requested, and the City has agreed to give Target, a certificate of occupancy for the new Fairview Heights Target store so that Target can open the store in July 2008, even if Phase III (as defined below) is not complete by such time, all per the terms of this letter agreement. IDOT and the City have approved the access point known as "Phase I", which is the right­ in/right-out access point currently under construction along 159. Target will make this access point operational prior to opening the store for business. IDOT and the city have also approved the access point known as "Phase II", which is the full movement access point into the Target project from 159 and which is opposite from the entrance from 159 to Winchester Place. Target has committed to have the Phase II access point operational prior to opening the store for business. "Phase Ilf' of the intersection is installing and making operational a traffic signal at the Phase II access point. Target agrees that it will perform traffic counts two to three weeks after store opening, per IDOT request. When the traffic counts show that a signal is warranted, then Letter Agreement between Target and City of Fairview Heights Re: Phases I, II and III of Access and Traffic Signalization at Target Project June 4, 2008 Page 2·of 4 IDOT has stated in its e-mail to me dated May 8, 2008 (and which I forwarded to City staff) that IDOT will issue the Phase III permit. If the traffic counts do not warrant a signal, Target will perform traffic counts every two months until such counts show that a signal is warranted. When the signal is warranted, Target will promptly submit such traffic counts showing the need for the signal to IDOT and to the City. Once IDOT has issued the permit for Phase III, Target is prepared to install and make the signal operational within six weeks after issuance of the permit; provided only that no third-party approval necessary to install the traffic signal improvements remains outstanding. Target has sent a copy of the letter describing the signal issues to Winchester Place LLC's post office box address the City provided me. As City staff and I have discussed, Target has spoken with Winchester Place and its attorney numerous times, Target has paid Winchester Place's attorney fees for approximately four months, Target has met with Winchester Place on site and during that meeting staked out where the proposed signal pole would be located. However, Winchester Place LLC and its attorney are no longer responding to Target's overtures. Target has explained to them that Target is willing pay for the traffic signal and all consulting and other fees associated therewith, but Winchester Place has refused to discuss the matter.
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