A A Wednesday, June 27, 2018 • Vol. 12 Issue 9 July 4th in Orinda! JULY 8 a.m. Haley’s Fun Run for a Reason Independent, locally 9 a.m. Book Sale 26,000 copies owned and operated! delivered biweekly to 10 a.m. Lamorinda homes & Best Hometown businesses 2018 Parade! 925-377-0977 www.lamorindaweekly.com 11:30 Party in the Park FREE Local newspaper delivered to Lafayette,Family fun Moraga for all ages! and Orinda Visit OrindaParade.com Presented by The Orinda Association since 1984 JULY 2018 A ConFire firefighter drops a lit sparkler in a nearby field. The vegetation was ablaze five seconds later. Photos Nick Marnell This happened in five seconds By Nick Marnell apt. David Woods dropped a lit sparkler to the ground If you try this at home, you will likely not be immedi- cause hundreds of fires, taking off the street firefighters who during a June 19 Contra Costa County Fire Protec- ately surrounded by professional emergency personnel. could answer other emergency calls. Laing recommends that Ction District training session and in five seconds, the “Sparklers burn at 1,200 to 2,000 degrees. They can very you enjoy the aerial firework displays licensed and regulated vegetation was completely ablaze. The exercise occurred in easily start fires, they are not safe and they are illegal,” said by the fire districts, like the Fourth of July fireworks show a confined, regulated space, with dozens of firefighters read- Capt. George Laing. put on by the town of Moraga. ily available. With the dry grasses in the area, illegal fireworks can “We do not need any more ignition sources,” Laing said. Advertising 25 Rustic Way, Orinda 21 Sycamore Road, Orinda 4400 El Nido Ranch Road, Orinda Letters to the Editor A9 Community Service B4 Not to be Missed B6-B7 HOW TO CONTACT US B7 Classified C2 Offered at $4,250,000 Offered at $4,700,000 Offered at $1,825,000 Shop Moraga C4 www.25rusticway.com www.21sycamoreroad.com www.4400elnido.com CalBRE#01272382 Laura Abrams (925) 253-4611 www.lauraabrams.com City rushes to rezone as developer pursues La Finestra deal to lease original 315-apartment project Hacienda falls through By Pippa Fisher By Nick Marnell ine dining at the Hacienda de to house a restaurant, including Flas Flores will have to wait accessibility to comply with the until at least 2019 after the La Americans with Disabilities Act. Finestra Restaurant pulled out of Also mandatory, according to a potential deal to lease space at the lease agreement, were reno- the Moraga landmark. Restaurant vations to the kitchen equipment owner Jeff Assadi said the insur- and systems, including upgrades ance liability was too high and of the grease traps, the dishwash- that the required tenant improve- er, the hot water heater, the fans, ments ran nearly double the origi- the sewer connections and the fire nal cost estimate. suppression system. “There were “We would be leasing a por- expenses I never thought I would tion of the building, and my liabil- incur,” Assadi said. ity within the leased area was OK. Town Manager Cynthia Bat- But since alcohol will be served tenberg said the town will apply for there, anything that occurs any- grant funding to comply with ADA where on the property, we would regulations in the building, includ- Aerial view of the Deer Hill Road development site. Photo courtesy City of Lafayette be liable,” Assadi said. ing upgrades to the bathrooms and Because the building will the parking area. “By this time hile Lafayette city leaders Road in order to bring it into com- day moratorium temporarily halting become multiuse, additional re- next year, the town could begin the Waddress the rezoning of the pliance with the general plan, they any development on that land. quirements had to be met in order work. ... continued on page A5 controversial land on Deer Hill also took the step of enacting a 45- ... continued on page A3 Civic News A1-A10 Life in Lamorinda B1-B8 Sports C1-C4 Our Homes D1-D16 Orinda Community Park Cal Shakes’ Lamorinda’s Working master plan rewritten – ‘Quixote Missing Link with kids page A6. Nuevo’ dirt bike team around the extends on the road – home – Fire Districts A8 schedule – page C3. page D1. Fire code violations found page B1. at local schools – page A8. Page: A2 LAMORINDA WEEKLY 925-377-0977 www.lamorindaweekly.com Wednesday, June 27, 2018 395 DALEWOOD DRIVE, ORINDA 395DALEWOODDRIVE.COM | OFFERED AT $2,895,000 Public Meetings JUST LISTED! City Council Monday, Juy 9, 7 p.m. Lafayette Library & Learning Center, 4 BEDROOM + OFFICE + 4 BATHROOM + 4502± SQ. FT. ON .58± ACRE Community Hall, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. = MAGICAL ORINDA DOWNS RETREAT Planning Commission Monday, Juy 2, 7 p.m. LAMORINDA’S #1 REALTOR SINCE 2011 Lafayette Library & Learning Center, Community Hall, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. 925.339.1918�|�LICENSE #: 01482454 DANAGREENTEAM.COM Design Review Monday, Juy 9, 7 p.m. Lafayette Library & Learning Center, New Lafayette parking lot promised by end of summer Arts & Science Discovery Center, By Pippa Fisher 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. west corner of Mt. Diablo Boule- School Board Meetings vard and Mt. Diablo Court is up Acalanes Union High School District and running, serving Lafayette, Wednesday, June 27, 7 p.m. Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek, the AUHSD Board Room time has come to demolish the old 1212 Pleasant Hill Road, Lafayette www.acalanes.k12.ca.us plant next to Ace Hardware at 3305 Mt. Diablo Blvd. to make way for a Lafayette School District new car park. TBA Regular Board Meeting Construction of the newly com- District Office Board Room pleted 16 million gallon per day fa- 3477 School St., Lafayette cility included extending a 30-inch www.lafsd.k12.ca.us waterline up Mt. Diablo Boulevard. The new plant replaces the original Check online for agendas, meeting 60-year-old plant, which had a ca- notes and announcements City of Lafayette: pacity of only 12 million gallons www.ci.lafayette.ca.us per day and whose pumps were un- Phone: (925) 284-1968 reliable and inefficient. Chamber of Commerce: EBMUD Senior Public Infor- www.lafayettechamber.org mation Representative Jenesse Miller said that demolition of the old plant should be completed by midsummer. The utility company Share your thoughts, insights anticipates that the new parking and opinions with your lot will be in place by the end of community. summer 2018. Permanent paving in Send a letter to the editor: front of the new parking area will Demolition will soon begin on the old pumping plant next to Ace Hardware to make space for a new parking lot. take place following the parking letters@lamorinda Photo Pippa Fisher lot’s completion. weekly.com he long-awaited and much- closer as the East Bay Municipal the old plant. Tneeded new parking lot on Utility District moves onto the next Now that the new Diablo Vista the east end of Lafayette is getting phase of work – the demolition of pumping plant located at the south- Lamorinda Spirit Van celebrates 12 years of service to seniors By Pippa Fisher week.” Cruz Boardwalk on Saturday, June vehicle and a 12-passenger vehicle Bruns says she is truly grateful 30 and to John Muir Woods on funded through the 5310 Federal for the community support without Saturday, July 28. Bruns says that Grant program. “With additional which the program would not ex- anyone interested in joining the fun volunteer drivers, we could have ist, referring to their funding from should call (925) 283-3534 for de- two vehicles at a time out serving the city of Lafayette, Contra Costa tails. the community when there is high Community Development Block Currently the program has 11 demand.” Grant, the County Connection, the volunteer drivers and Bruns says Any residents interested in Lamorinda Movers, the Lafayette she is very grateful for them but volunteering should contact Bruns Community Foundation, the Mora- adds that ideally she would like to at [email protected] or ga Juniors and the Orinda Woman’s have 20. Each volunteer generally call (925) 283-3534. It is a volun- Club, as well as passenger fares drives one four-hour shift a week teer service greatly appreciated by and individual donations. in the morning or afternoon. Bruns those who would otherwise be un- The Lamorinda Spirit Van will explains that the program now has able to leave their homes. be taking passengers to the Santa two mini-vans, a nine-passenger Eddie Caravalho with the 2009 Lunch Bunch. Photo provided his month sees the 12th anni- es Coordinator, Mei Sun Li, met Tversary of the Lamorinda Spir- with Tighe Boyle and Paul Bran- it Van. It is a remarkable achieve- son from the county and indicated ment for any program but perhaps that yes, older adults in Lamorinda even more so in this case since the needed transportation options once program is mostly operated by vol- they could no longer drive. She set unteers and is largely grant-reliant. up community focus groups, and The program is looking for addi- the public validated this need,” ex- tional volunteer drivers. plains Bruns. Program Director Mary Bruns Using a donated County Con- says the Lamorinda Spirit Van gave nection used vehicle and with its first ride on June 19, 2006 to funding from the city of Lafay- the C. C. Café at the Walnut Creek ette and the East Bay Community Senior Center. The Spirit program Foundation, and with support from serves adults age 60 and up who the town of Moraga and the city of live in Lamorinda, although Bruns Orinda, the program was born.
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