DENVER , COLORA D O THURSDAY , MARCH 8, 2012 COLORA D O CONVENTION CENTER WWW .MI C -C OLORA D O .ORG 12th Annual Meetings Industry Council of Colorado Educational Program and Trade Show Program Sponsored and Produced by: Christian Meetings and Convention Association Colorado Festivals and Events Association Colorado Society of Association Executives VISIT DENVER...The Convention & Visitors Bureau Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International Denver International Association of Exhibitions and Events Rocky Mountain Chapter International Special Events Society Denver Chapter Meeting Professionals International Rocky Mountain Chapter National Speakers Association - Colorado Greater Denver Chapter National Association of Catering Executives Professional Convention Management Association Rocky Mountain Chapter Rocky Mountain Business Travel Association 3.08.12 Society of Government Meeting Professionals Rocky Mountain Chapter EL C OME TO THE 12TH ANNUAL MEETINGS IN D USTRY COUN C IL (MIC) W OF COLORA D O ED U C ATIONAL CONFEREN C E AN D TRA D E SHOW We are grateful that you have chosen Consultants (RMEC), the team that manages the MIC, to spend the day with us! We are has worked diligently over the last year to produce this excited to mix things up a bit this day of education and networking. One last thank you year with a new format for the day, to NSA Colorado. Every year this organization does an including an opening general session outstanding job of preparing a line up of session topics and revised afternoon schedule. The and presenters that are both relevant and of the highest council has worked hard to bring you caliber. They’ve outdone themselves once again! cutting edge educational sessions, On behalf of the 13 meetings industry related emerging meeting technologies and organizations that make up the MIC of Colorado, we enhanced exhibitor ROI. We are confident this year’s thank you for your continued participation, attendance event will be one of the best ever. and support. You allow us to achieve our mission One of the Council’s goals this year was to elevate the year after year by strengthening the relationships awareness and credibility of MIC and the Meetings between organizations, and their members, through Industry in Colorado. We are thrilled to have two special communication and cooperation. dignitaries addressing you today, Denver Mayor Michael Enjoy the day! Hancock and Al White, Director, Colorado Tourism Office. These individuals understand the importance meetings Nicole Marsh, CMP, DMCP and events play to our economy and are honored to Chair, Meetings Industry Council of Colorado speak to our prestigious group. I’d also like to give sincere thanks and appreciation to Having experienced all that the Meetings Industry Council of Colorado the 2012 MIC members for their efforts to produce the Educational Conference and Trade Show has to offer, we look forward conference this year. The volunteer members of the to seeing you next year for our 13th Annual Meeting at the Colorado Council dedicate not only their time, but their talents Convention Center. Please watch MIC’s website for information and as well. This group along with Rocky Mountain Event updates: www.mic-colorado.org. 2012 MEETINGS IN D USTRY COUN C IL (MIC) OF COLORA D O MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHAPTER PROGRA M OVERVIE W MARCH 8, 2012 - 7:00 A M - 5:45 P M 7:00 A M – 8:00 A M 1:45 P M – 3:00 P M REGIS T RA T ION /BREAKFAS T CONCURREN T BREAKOU T SESSIONS (5) Mile High Ballroom Pre function area CON T RAC T ING ... WHA T YOU KNO W , WHA T YOU DON ’T Sponsored by Visit Newport Beach KNO W AND WHA T YOU NEED T O KNO W - Room 403/04 8:00 A M – 9:30 A M Facilitated by Bill Light, MBA, CMP, and Kim Brust. Panelists: OPENING GENERAL SESSION - Sponsored by Gateway Park Kelly Wright, CMP; Nicole Marsh, CMP, DMCP; Lars Hotel Alliance / Gateway DIA Group Federhar; Chuck Potter, CMP - Sponsored by RMPCMA TED M EE T S MIC – TOP TRENDS YOU NEED FOR HO W T O MAKE MONEY (REGARDLESS OF T HE SUCCESSFUL MEE T INGS ECONO M Y ) - Room 406 Shawna Suckow, CMP; Kelly Kucera; Todd Gehrke; Tami Forero - Sponsored by ISES Dan Yaman Mile High Ballroom 3-4 IGNI T E ! - LIGH T ENING ROUNDS . 8 SPEAKERS . LO T S OF LAUGH T ER AND COUN T LESS W AYS T O S T RENG T HEN YOUR 9:30 A M – 10:00 A M B USINESS - Room 407 BREAK ~ Mile High Ballroom Pre function area - Sponsored Numerous Speakers - Sponsored by NSA by Wyndham Hotel Group TECHNOLOGY & TRENDS : HO W NE W ADVANCE M EN T S 10:00 A M – 11:15 A M ARE SHAPING T HE EVEN T PLANNING INDUS T RY - CONCURREN T BREAKOU T SESSIONS (5) Room 402 COLLEC T IVE IN T ELLIGENCE (PLANNER ONLY SESSION ) Kelly Kucera - Sponsored by CMCA Room 405 Group Discussion - Sponsored by MPIRMC T RA T EGIC EE T INGS ANAGE M EN T - and Brede Exposition Services S M M (SMM) 101 Room 401 YOU ’RE THE CEO OF YOUR EVEN T - Room 402 Deborah Borak, SMMC - Sponsored by RMBTA Debra Benton - Sponsored by SGMP P M P M THE W FAC T OR IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE : HO W T O 3:00 – 5:00 TRADE SHO W ~ MILE HIGH BALLROO M 1-2 WIN , WO W , AND HAVE WOR T H W HILE MEE T INGS & EVEN T S - Room 403/04 (Suppliers not exhibiting at the 2012 MIC Trade Show are invited to the closing reception on the Trade Show floor from 5:00 to 5:45 pm) Monica Cheeks, LES, CMP, Dave Hoemann, Simon Purvis, Moderated by Sidney Stoper - Sponsored by NACE 3:00 P M – 5:00 P M BREAK OU T SESSIONS FOR SUPPLIERS (2) FRO M MEE T ING T O TW EE T ING : PREPARING FOR T HE CONFERENCES AND SE M INARS OF TO M ORRO W - GUERRILLA SELLING – HO W T O CLOSE MORE BUSINESS Room 406 A T HIGHER PRICES , REGARDLESS OF T HE CO M PE T I T ION Robert W. Wendover, CSP - Sponsored by CSAE - Room 403/04 Orvel Ray Wilson, CSP - Sponsored by HSMAI MEE T ING ME T RICS - Room 401 Bruce Lemmon, CEM - Sponsored by RMC-IAEE THRIVING IN CHAOS - Room 406 Brian Vogt - Sponsored by CFEA 11:30 A M – 1:30 P M LUNCH - Sponsored by Alberta, Canada 5:00 P M – 5:45 P M Emcee: Scott Friedman, CSP RECEP T ION AND EN T ER T AIN M EN T - MILE HIGH BALLROO M 1-2 KEYNO T E SPEAKER Enjoy great food and continue networking to share all that you learned.- Sponsored by Destination Quebec/Quebec Tourism Sponsored by Destination Hotels & Resorts DEVELOPING A CO M IC VISION All of the 13 member organizations of MIC are available Tim Gard, CAP, CPAE to answer any of your questions throughout the day in the Mile High Ballroom 3-4 Mile High Ballroom pre function area 11th ANNU A L EDUC A TION A L CONF E R E NC E A ND TR A D E SHOW 8:00 - 9:30 A M ~ OPENING GENERAL SESSION TED M EE T S MIC – TOP TRENDS YOU NEED FOR SUCCESSFUL MEE T INGS This TED-formatted session will feature subject matter snapshots of areas integral to the success of today’s meetings. Who’s TED and why should I be there? The changes in the meetings industry are coming so quickly that the savvy planner needs extra hours in the day to stay on top of them. This year’s Opening General Session gives you insights into four areas, using the TED format, where speakers are given a maximum of 18 minutes to present their ideas in the most innovative and engaging ways they can. Grab breakfast and be in your seats – this session is not to be missed. About Our TED Presenters: Striving for Meetings 3.0 – Shawna Suckow, The Senior Planners Industry Network A planner for nearly 20 years Shawna Suckow, President of SPIN, the Senior Planners Industry Network, has grown the association into the world’s largest senior-level planner organization, with 2,300 members. In addition to writing her first book due out spring of 2012, Shawna has written for many industry publications, and speaks domestically and internationally on meetings industry issues. TECHNOLOGY T O ADVANCE YOUR MEE T INGS – Kelly Kucera, Image Audiovisuals After 10 years in the hospitality industry, running AV events for clients of well-known Denver area hotel, Kelly followed her passion for planning and arranging audio visual production for corporations and associations and joined Image Audiovisuals. In this role, she oversees all sales for the corporate office and has raised the bar on what companies can do with their AV budgets and her creativity. DES T INA T ION 101: PAR T NER SOLU T IONS W I T H TRUS T AND TRANSPARENCY – Todd Gehrke, Telluride Tourism Board Over the past 15 years Todd has acquired experience with Destination Marketing Organizations, Travel Agencies, Hotels, DMC’s and Meeting Management Companies. It is this industry knowledge that allows him to provide clients with a complete travel solution, driven by a true understanding of the components that make up each and every experience. One of his biggest strengths is aligning personal interests with truly unique experiential travel itineraries, His local supplier partners and he, strive to stay ahead of the curve with new trends and innovative concepts.
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