...and Fanwood Independent 10 CENTS A COPY VOL, £ iin SCOTCH PLAIN8-FANWOOD, N.j.» THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1964 Christmas Season Starts IN THIS ISSUE: Endorse Candidates , Pg, 2 Lou Warshaw reviews the recent concert at Christmas Lights Provided,,..,Pg. 2 THE LIGHTS GO ON IN SCOTCH PLAINS. A view of the shopping area which the Scotch Plains Community Choir Talk of the Towns Pg, 4 looking South, minutes after the switch wasthrownby the Mayor, presented Handel's "Messiah" ...and then All Things Considered Pg. 6 (Staff Photo) goes on (from the sublime to the ridiculous) S.R.0 Pg. 8 to discuss the annual consumption of the BeCu Pg. 10 MAYOR PETERSON (INSET) throws the switch which lights cocktail frankfurter at Christmas parties. up the downtown area with gay streams of Christmas hang- See Page 6 ings, (Staff Photo) 2,..SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, December 10,1964 of Americans feel as I do. What Challenges Speaker is more, I refuse to look under my bed every night to sea if a Dear Sir- Communist is hiding there. The On November 22, 1964, at the question I want to ask you is— Shackamaxon Country Club, "What are you really aspiring to Martha Rountree, formerly of do and who is backing your move- Meet The Press reputation, ad- ment?" Why don't you submit a dressed an audience of some prepared text of your speeches if three hundred and fifty people. you are going to deliver such Few speakers have ever had such questionable indictments in a captive audience. Her listeners places like Scotch Plains, as well were there to be consoled. Scoops as other places where you are and flashes of documented (?) billed in advance as "an Ameri- evidence carrvi fast. All that she can," and not an "Extremist?" omitted was a brandishing of Sincerely, "None Dare Call It Treason" or Virginia Dekle •'The Grave Diggers," Name's In Print Miss Rountree, like any other American, has the right to Dear Sir- I am sorry I am late with express herself on any issue. my remittance for your fine This right is guaranteed in the paper. Many times before I have 1st Amendment, Article 1 of our subscribed to various "sup- Constitution, which pertains to posedly" S. P. papers only to freedom of speech. I take serious find more news of other small exception to the use of so called surrounding towns than Scotch documented evidence as gospel Plains & Fanwood - where my truth, It merits questioning, and interest lies. I have lived most It was a cold, cold night when these Civic-minded Citizens turned out for the Christmas Light the record should be clarified. of my 81 years in Scotch Plains Ceremony. From left: Norman Kerr, Ted Millar, Bill McDermott, Jim Brown, and Anthony Rossi. Why does Miss Rountree SUD- and Fanwood with just a few DENLY make such an issue of years here and there away - so (Staff Photo) VietNam? Certainly, as a news- I know quite a few residents & paper woman in Washington she locales. Thank you so much for must be well aware that Viet- a wonderful coverage of school Nam was a serious problem more church & town news! EDITORIA1 than eight years ago. The patterns Heres a little news Item if of development are the same in you can find a line or two, VietNam as they were in Korea, Mrs, Winston Sanford of Moun- Why didn't Miss Rountree speak talnviaw Ave. S.P., & Mrs, So- Civic Minded Group Provides Lights out in 1952 when Korea was set- phie Hartvlgsen of Johnson St. tled by a truce, not a peace. S.P, recently took their two Christmas Lighting over the WOULD WE BE IN VIETNAM IF that out-of-the-area organiza- He selected BUI McDermott of granddaughters, Nancy &, jane streets of Scotch Plains has been tions, such as the Flalnf laid Trust the Helpee Selfee Laundry as WE WERE NOT FIGHTING THE Hartvlgsen of Whippany, N, j, on long overdue. The Scotch Plains Company in Fanwood and the "second mcommand", and start- COMMUNISTS? a 4 day trip to Williamsburg Businessmen's Association de- Weidon Concrete Company of ed the job. Ted and Bill,'working People like Martha Rountree &. Jamestown Va. with stopover cided it was about time something Watehung, also contributed sub- with Bill Miller's son and Ted's feel that they are the only ones in Washington D.C, & a visit was dona about it, stantially as a matter of com- own crew fromSowcraft, slugged who apeak for America. I, too, to President Kennedy's grave— Jim Brown, president of the munity good will. it out for days, rain or shine, pride myself on being a good See I'm human - lite to see my Association, put Ted Miller of Then a real crisis developed — American, I believe everyone who name in print if possible, but Boweraft in full charge of the the lighting contractor, with It is rare, in this day and age, to went to a polling booth in Ameri- it may be interesting to a few program. After securing appro- whom the Businessmen had been, find men willing to donate their ca on November the 3rd is also a readers. val from the Township for the negotiating, found he could not time and to work in the cold, good American. On what meat erection of the Christmas Lights, meet the target date for com- in the rain, Just to get something does Martha Rountree feed (to Sincerely, Mr. Miller set about collecting pletion. done for the benefit of the com- paraphrase Shakespeare)that she Sophie Hartvigsen the very considerable amount of Ted Miller decided that the As- munity. Not only the entire mem- has grown so great? I believe money needed to rent the lights sociation should buy the neces- bership of the Scotch Plains Busi- that Americans are intelligent How To Ceiebrat© from an outside contractor, He sary cable, poles, lights, etc, nessmen's Association join in enough to know how and why they enlisted the help of Tony Rossi and do the job themsleves. The their thanks to Ted and his crew are voting as they do, Dear Sir- of Rossi's Funeral Home, and Businessmen would then own for their amazing accomplish- There have been too many so- Now that wa are into the Christ- the two men put on an intensive their own lights instead of renting ment, but we find from the many called "Truth Squads," We cer- mas season I thought perhaps drive from local business people. them from year to year, and if phone calls and letters, that the tainly don't need to pay dues to you could use a little different Literally everyone donated gen- the weather held, it could be people of Scotch Plains also feel join another "Truth Squad" with erously, It was gratifying to find done in time. the way we do. a "scoop artist" In Washingtonto story of ways people celebrate. help us dig out the facts. Every We often read and hear of how American has the capacity to people of other countries cele- utilize his own sources of Infor- brate this greatest of Holidays, mation, but maybe you and your readers Police Chief Gives Helpful Hints No , Miss Rountree, I don't would like to know how an aver- At this time of year, after choose to join your following, I age American family has always there are several things a driv- pump the brakes—to keep wheels the first real snowfall, it be- don't accept your distortion of enjoyed Christmas. er can do about it," he added, from locking and going into a gins to dawn on the most op- facts concerning the Brooklyn On Sunday, Dec, 20th, our fam- naming the following- skid, timistic of us that there isn't Navy Yard, I don't accept your ily will be entertaining all our 1. Reduce driving speed and 3, Remember that stopping abi- much we can do to stop winter, distortion of facts concerning children's friends who live on increase following distance (be- lity can be somewhat improved But Police Chief James Osnato inadequate defense, I don't accept our block, along with their par- tween cars) on slippery pave- by use of snow tire.s and that maintains there's a lot we can do your assertion that our Univer- ents. This is our third year in ment. Never tailgate, reinforced tire chains will be to keep winter from stopping us, sities and Colleges are riddled N.j. and our third Tree-trimming 2, When a stop is necessary, considerably more helpful. with Communists, I accept little party. All the children from 5 "We had the anticipated num- if any, of your statements. to 20 come at 3 P.M. to make ber of traffic tie-ups and minor I repeat I do not choose to all the decorations. The kitchen accidents during and following join your so called "TruthSquad," the snowfall," the chief report- and I am convinced that millions Continued on page 32 Joint Civic Committee ad, "but with a little citizen support we should be able to get straightened out before the full Scotch Plains TIMES and Fanwood INDEPENDENT force of winter strikes," Endorses Board Candidates AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TOWNSHIP OF SCOTCH PLAINS AND THE To reduce winter accidents, The Fanwood-Scotch plains Mr. Lawson seeks a 3-year term. drivers must remember that joint Civic Committee, a non- BOROUGH OF FANWOOD Dr. Herbert W. Samenfeld, their braking power isn't nearly partisan group of local residents, Dean of Students at Newark State as effective on snow and ice as has announced the names of their College, also seeks a 3-year EDITOR-PUBLISHER JERRY FISCHTROM it has been on dry pavement, endorsed candidates for the term.
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