Jul / Oct 2020 Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce H.M. THE QUEEN MARGRETHE II A Biotecnologia para conhecimento Novozymes de todos. bioblog.com.br O Bioblog é uma iniciativa da Novozymes, multinacional dinamarquesa líder mundial no segmento de soluções enzimáticas e microrganismos, que visa disseminar conhecimento nas áreas de biologia, biotecnologia e sustentabilidade. Com matérias que descrevem desde conceitos básicos, tais como o que é uma enzima ou o que é sustentabilidade, até conteúdos mais robustos, como o cenário do biocombustível no Brasil, o Bioblog é uma rica fonte de informações para as pessoas que desejam estar atualizadas acerca dos principais temas que tratam do desenvolvimento de tecnologias sustentáveis. Acesse o Bioblog e descubra como o universo da biotecnologia está mais próximo do seu dia-a-dia do que você imagina: www.bioblog.com.br A Biotecnologia para conhecimento Novozymes de todos. bioblog.com.br O Bioblog é uma iniciativa da Novozymes, multinacional dinamarquesa líder mundial no segmento de soluções enzimáticas e microrganismos, que visa disseminar conhecimento nas áreas de biologia, biotecnologia e sustentabilidade. Com matérias que descrevem desde conceitos básicos, tais como o que é uma enzima ou o que é sustentabilidade, até conteúdos mais robustos, como o cenário do biocombustível no Brasil, o Bioblog é uma rica fonte de informações para as pessoas que desejam estar atualizadas acerca dos principais temas que tratam do desenvolvimento de tecnologias sustentáveis. Acesse o Bioblog e descubra como o universo da biotecnologia está mais próximo do seu dia-a-dia do que você imagina: www.bioblog.com.br EDITORIAL Brazilian Review H.M. Queen Margrethe II 6 Coronavirus ROYAL PROFILE hits Brazil H.M. Queen Margrethe II celebrates 80 years 6 ECONOMICS very hard Fernando Honorato, Bradesco 10 Fernando M. Gonçalves, Banco Itaú 12 Ana Paula Vitali Janes Vescovi, Santander 14 Coronavirus (COVID-19) hits Brazil very badly and as of June Economical News 18 25th - 1,4 million have got the coronavirus and 58,000 people have died - shocking and terrible. INFORMATION The big problem is that there is no vaccine or medicine to treat Danish Ambassador Nicolai Prytz 8 the virus, so this is a huge challenge for the world’s scientists. How Denmark is handling COVID-19 16 Brazil has entered into an economic recession, which has also National Park “Tumucumaque” 24 hit the rest of the world, and there will be negative growth in 2020 of 6-8% in Brazil. Hanne Andreasen – “Dane of Year 2020” 27 The isolation and social distance measures implemented in A Unique Church in Sao Paulo 30 many cities/ states have hit the economy very hard and unem- Tivoli Gardens` New CEO 32 ployment is at 15 million. Jørgen Lange celebrates 103 years 34 The bank interest rate has been reduced to 2,25% and infla- Pelé- one of the most famous people in the world 35 tion is under control, but the exchange rate hit BRL/USD 5.35. Denmark with salmonella 38 The situation is most concerning in terms of health, economy Lego Brick by Brick 40 and politics, and the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro defi- Karen Andreasen the only Danish Dentist in Brazil 42 nitely isn’t helping the situation. The Rise of the Chief Digital Officer 44 Hanne Andreasen was elected as “Dane of the year 2020” Novo Nordisk receives the title of “Pro-Ethical Company” 72 due to her significant contributions to the Danish community Sonova Hear The World 92 for decades. Recife - an invitation to Danes 98 My heartily congratulations to Hanne! German loves Denmark 100 The Chamber has been closed for 15 weeks but we are an- Jan Lomholdt – COVID-19 help 106 swering all emails and requests immediately-the chamber will My Trans-Siberian journey 108 only start its activities as from September 1st. The Chamber has done two coronavirus researches among Danish compa- Tokyo 2021 – UEFA EURO Cup 2021 111 nies which clearly show that all Danish companies are very PROFILES concerned and their businesses have been hit with reductions ranging from 20% to 90% - quite surprising. Grundfos`75 years Anniversary 36 In Denmark the coronavirus situation is very different; 605 Danica Capital 48 people have died and Denmark is at the moment slowly eas- Norden – A continued commitment to Brazil 50 ing up the “isolation”. Denmark has been very disciplined in Danfoss increases investments in innovation 52 their coronavirus strategy and actions. Dynatest – Engineering, Equipment and Pavements Systems 56 The following Chamber activities have been planned in the TeamWork – International Moving 58 next couple of months - please note it might change due to GN ReSound - Leaping forward in the hearing health tele-assistance 60 the coronavirus situation: Viaduto - Meet the Danish 62 th Maersk 2020 is the year of accelerated change 66 Sep 16 - Business Council - Leo Pharma Oct 5th - Chamber Prize 2020 Joao Doria - Governor of São Paulo Ramboll Brazil Management of COVID-19 and Prevention Services 68 Oct 19th - Business Luncheon – Startups, Jesper Rhode Andersen WS Audiology Brasil 74 Oct 7th - Chamber Danish Investment Seminar Grupo Vikings 2020 76 Nov 10th - Feira Escandinavia 2020 Sanovo Technology South America 78 Nov 17th - Economist Octavio de Barros th BTP – Leading through the crisis for a container terminal 80 Dec 4 - Chamber Christmas Party Scancom do Brasil 82 The Chamber strongly recommends to ”stay at home” to Soco System in Brazil 86 protect yourself and your family. This coronavirus disease is Novozymes - Sustainability and innovation 89 deadly and dangerous. Thornico`s next chapter 90 We hope all members and friends are taking care of themselves. 28 God bless you and your families Frank Jensen Lord Mayor of Copenhagen Jens Olesen Copenhagen’s Green Initiatives President Her Majesty The Queen’s Address at her 80th Birthday on 16 th April 2020 Celebrating one’s birthday is an old and rable. Also here, it shows that when the that the lack of close human contact – and deep-rooted tradition in Denmark. We cel- crisis strikes, we can and will unite in our the lack of a hug – means more than we ebrate it in different ways, but most people community – together, but at a distance. had imagined. prefer to celebrate it together with family Almost a month ago, I talked about the seri- Much indicates that together we contribute and friends. ous challenge of the corona crisis – not only to bringing the disease under control. We This is also the usual way in my family. I to our society, but to the world at large. I have shown that we can pull ourselves to- have always looked forward to celebrating made an urgent appeal to everybody to un- gether, and that we are moving in the right my birthday. To be able to feel, quite literal- derstand the seriousness of what we face. direction; but now is a critical moment, for ly, the warm and heartfelt atmosphere that Each and every one of us is put to a severe we are not out of danger yet. surrounds me on my birthday. It has always test. Many are ill, many have lost their loved It is tiresome and a nuisance to make ev- meant something very special to me. ones, and many are concerned about the fu- eryday life work. It has become sad and This year, it has not been like that. ture. My thoughts go to each and every one. lonely for many, especially for single and We have had a visit from an uninvited and We live in uncertain times; but we also see elderly people, who feel cut off from their dangerous guest that has marked the entire that everybody is making an effort to see normal life. But now we must hold on and country. Many celebrations, confirmations the crisis through and comply with the di- persevere, to ensure that we all, big and and weddings have been affected, and this rections of the authorities – this applies to small, young and old, can get through the is also the case regarding my birthday. children as well as adults. crisis. Then we can return to a Denmark, Does this mean that it has been a long and We have just celebrated Easter, and many which may well have changed, but which sad day? No, not at all. On the contrary, the of us have had to spend it in a different way will, nevertheless, be the Denmark we all day has brought me so much pleasure and than we are used to. This has not made the share – rooted in our community and trust enriched me more than I can say. message of Easter less powerful. Also here, in each other. I am deeply moved that so many have we have experienced being together, al- My birthday did not turn out the way I had wished to celebrate my birthday also this though separately. imagined, but I am grateful for the way it year. I thank you with all my heart for But the crisis has also taught us something turned out – I wish to thank all those who the greetings, the songs and the many about ourselves that we can be proud of. have contributed to making my birthday a thoughts that throughout the day have We are able to do more than we think; on festive and memorable day. poured in from all parts of the Kingdom. matters large and small, the Danes help Now we are slowly opening Denmark The Danes’ creativity and inventiveness each other from our individual places in so- again. My thoughts and greetings go once have been overwhelming. Despite their own ciety. There is drive, and new ideas spring again to every single person in this country concerns and sorrows, many have taken the forth, and we see new ways of working and in the entire Kingdom with my wishes time to send me their birthday greetings.
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