SOPHOMORE EDITION STUDENT WEEKLY PUBLICATION RICE INSTITUTE VOL. 16 HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY. APRIL 17, 1931 NO. 27 PHI BETA KAPPA TOUOLD BANQUET Political Cannons Open Fire » * * » * * + Hi # * '.it i|: * -t- :ti IK * * * * * * * * * * * >i' 'H * « * lit * sT sir * sfi * >|t NEXT WEDNESDAY PETITIONS OF TEN Election of New Senate and PRE-MED-LAW DANCE SLATED MONDAY MORE STUDENTS ARE Governors' Board Scheduled RECEIVED IN R A C E WILEY GEORGE AS THE THRESHER SEES IT FRED GARDNER WILL T11P B411BT „„ r.„ 'itiitmuiii iiimuiiuti THE BALL0T so FAR: Election of a new Senate and a The Thresher has been questioned as to what policy it will have in PLAY FOR AFFAIR AT Between 600 and 700 Votes complete board of governors will be regard to the forthcoming spring elections. It is stated: i DIVED AAITC C| AAD held Wednesday, April 22, at 0 p.m. in For President of the Student Asso- Expected at Election The Thresher will support NO individual candidate. Being a AlvJuIY UfmlYu aLUUll ciation: Jack Scott, Packard Barton, the Faculty Chamber by the Rice Beta On May 4 newspaper of all the students, and not for any particular student, _rt- Reuben Albaugh. chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, it was an- For Vice President of the Student The Thresher feels it would be decidedly unfair to favor one student I Stiffness To Be Taboo at iipO >00 -vutvs Vx- nounced Friday. against another, when each student should have the right of equa ' Association: Helen Forester, Carmen A banquet for all members of Phi Last Big Dance of Season Lewis, Mary Hutton, Marian Mo)linger, pWlcd ti>. he :. i41 Jk ; v.-: ir i>ri?,)' representation in the columns of his student publication. Mary Barrel. Loiila Bess Johnson. Beta Kappa, not only at Rice, but in In justice to each candidate, The Thresher will present the simple j dfirt '.i'k'rtiov, im Houston as well, will follow at 7 p.m. Before Exams For Treasurer of the Student ASMI- Ull cjlTljii. lo HtAVro. if .} JiimU-'i . facts of his candidacy, without embellishing. ciation: George Dunk at the Cohen House. The guest of honor I"of SIu<!•*•*:>! A— R MM, A r.v.'n-^T will be Ernest William Brown, Sterling The Thresher will accept—rather, it invites—announcements from As climax ol the social :,i;ason For Councilman-at-La IKC: William I In • ijowi'i fj professor of mathematics at Yale uni- each candidate. i prior to tin.' graduation affairs in June. Plath, Jack Callaway, Walter Judd For Assistant Business Manager of yt'rsr JIUUI it-. 11KJU versity, who will deliver the Phi Beta The Thresher makes one requirement-—that the candidate limit • will be the Spring Dance given by 'I'hi, Campanile: Frank Turner. T< j. Mu<it j'U, .ii't/nnjiti i' ; Kappa oration. his announcement to 100 words Announcements will be printed as;, the Pie-Medical and Pte-Law Socio-' I'itiUi.etes thi.s won"- R» 'iirn M-' Reservations for the banquet must received, and should be in the hands of the editor before 11 a.m. I ties next Tuesday night at River Oaks be made immediately. Dr. Floyd Sea- lihutfh .-for pi Murvv each Thursday of the two weeks prior to the elections. i Country Club. Cut' 1 n (.• r 1 .Li; t v / s "s. M.i r s, r M 111 h 1 j ward Lear requests all members to get The Thresher will oppose campaigns of graduate students for un- COMMITTEES NAMED ; : in touch with him at the Rice Insti- ' Deviating from the usual run of HWK InhhtiO, ;>'M| VI. 1 liv.ir: jnr tute, or at his home, phone Hudley dergraduate offices. The Thresher maintains that Rice is an under- I deerirations and formalities, the dance v-io*.' ptt'sutan!. I>viT!r; u,;' Ijmfe 8821. graduate and not a graduate school, and that until it becomes such, i will featuie a groon color scheme FOR FRESHMAN TRIP undergraduates should and must have complete conlrol of the stu- , fitting to the season, ibid the ilitl'O- (it>d .1 i M The subject of the oration by Dr : \ duct.ion of whit" linens and tin; lighter, man~.it • .>!«! J": Brown will not be announced until the dent government. : : : | 1 gay colored frocks worn by the belles TO BE MADE ON MAY 9 aw*h?tiiiiiH • ir. ii' '-Tii):"': > night of the banquet. The oration will The Thresher will not hesitate to point out any absurdities that ol the Institute when the weather be- be the first of its kind for 25 Phi might enter into the various campaigns for office, but in each ca.w I gins to him wanner. Formality, Other ' • .v'o • '" Beta Kappa initiates of the Rice Beta 'Nicholas' Will Leave Wharf it will limit itself strictly to facts. [tuxedos, and any stiffness will give <vrvk Jfu-ik chapter, taken in last June, October, (Signed) Elbert Turner. Editor, I place to the "can freeness" in fit tint, In Harrisburg at 1:30 iirrj Barton lk>.r mwnji ?;:• f and this March. They are: •with the attitude of a farewell fling to June, 1930: Margaret Jeannin Dix, i social life prior lo final examination*, For Sylvan Eleuterio de la Garza, Luke Osburn, SQUYRES IS NAMED j '1 he Dane" will be held next Tues- Lyle Leroy Payne, Mary Elizabeth Tis- day night, April 20. at, River Oaks With, the appointment ol a num- di'le, William JS^Van Zandt. JUNIORS TO ELECT : Only Five Weeks Remain 'Country Club. Fred Gardner's orches- iiuttc< . plans kit tin Fi, -.'iiiian Itijrttt ididiltes" petit ion;? at.n l E>t e-all-rd LfaiiV, BY WOMAN'S COUNCIL 1 October. 193t)r Howard Malcolm tra leom Textts University will furnish ride which will I i- held May !) ale 'iter stilted Fi a.;lu> tfi.a 1 ,.. sU rn ion a!-' Banner, Satnuel Rhodes Dunlap, Eliza- Until Students Squirm j the music from ton p.m.-until two a.m. the. deadline grVfin 1."uulesk' CLASS OFFICERS ON almost •(Complete, Henry 'Ms-a-low. beth Minerva Goodson, John Tom AS SOPHOMORE DUKE In Throes of Final Exams with only ;'i short intermission for tliirre were scrrn- <>f!i'.• I):n-'i president of die Freshman II'IRSS; ,m- Hurt. Edward Wister McCarthy, Hyman ietreshini rits irt midnie.ht. candidiite!-. won- i:ti'/11,i! 1 ( Dave Massin, Violet Madeline Mattson, MONDAY, APRIL 27 nouncfd at a ijrfx-tftij? M"nd;i; April Only five more weeks of school! In- The proceeds will be divided he- Pie ;dent 'Bat:'MM a-- iiai: tvi;i eiu't;. Marion Hubbell Montgomery, Thomas Anna O'Fiel To Participate ! cidentally, only five more weeks in • tween the two clubs, and those re- h lh« fact lit,-it jtjlfjrt'li'iJi' a caad'l.livte'is :ppt;i.^i Richard Meore. 1 1 "'ii does not neei ,ar:!y el.jljgo'l.t' d;1' In May Fete as which to try to pull those low grades Petitions for Candidates reived by the Pro-Mods will be used The 'Nicholas" will leave ili- harf March. 1931: Viva Buttery Andreas, to purchase science hooks for the signer to vote f.n.r lh<; (-..liaaiate at l;lie up to passing, Also only five more on Harrisburg Boulevard at V.'tO i> m Iris Isabella Bailey, Charles Melvin Senior Maid Must Be Submitted by I library. polls if he feels it .right, Ita.iuier sit-fited, weeks in which to come off "pro." for Syli'iin Bench when- a chicken 1 Blair, Babette Fancilc Friedman, Jose Those in charge of the arrangements R.un-ofl rii(?e>:' ."be belli -May I I. Seaman Squyres, popular Rice ath- | April 22 : dinner will be served, Garza y de Garate, Walter Lehmann Really this could go on indefinitely. are: Earl Amerman. Henry Trost, with the highest two-'candidal* s in the 1 Lenoir Bo wen. Louise R.igan Hazel 1 Judd, Joseph Meyer Lowewrtein, Juhn lete, has been chosen by the Woman's | But here's the catch. After these live I Murphy Stevenson, and Arthur Hamil- May 1 voting compelHr_- t- i <t'i-in - BULLETIN Cfloyer, Hallie Beth Talley, Willian^i Lewis Moilliet, Mildred Louise Muery, Council as Sophomore duke in the j weeks there is one week of exams. ! ton. Student bids are being sold in the Candid.ites obtaining .1 : 1-innty voto'-i Then we'll all be free again. Yeah! but As The Thresher went to press , „ n Barton, and Otto Nachlas are nu in in the first election wiii ;.-M Max Ferdinand Roy. May Fete to be held on the afternoon 0 II week for two dollars, Thursday night, three candidates had I ^'"-VP " hers of the committee working out the Plates for the banquet are 75 cents some of us are going to be only too while patron bids arc being sold by compel r 111 the runoff. j of May 2. It was also announced that announced for president of the Rice details of the ride. each. All Rice Phi Beta Kappa mem- free. club members for three dollars. The .following situdei at prewem , Anna O'Fiel will be senior maid in senior class of 1932. as follows: Kddins Milton Williams, secretary - treason-i bers are urged to attend. bold elective Studei,,' .1,1,,o ..f- the place of Jessie Robinson, who will (Mar) McNealy, Frank Hopkins, and I announced that class dues will he S3.(Ml The Senate and governing board to liees: Howard Banner, pi-.- i, nt; be unable to participate in the activi- Elbert Turner.
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