V O L . UL, N O . 107. 8otJivs£ia«€pBa^^ NINE PATIENTS DIE i. AS ASYLUM BURNS Wm doi In P u k As Runes NEW ENGLAND ASKS H a t N a G h b u Destroy Donnitery; Many TARVFPROTECHDN F « r ^ Dqirecnled Dnr> Keepa His Piaige To G ot Up Resoied By Nurses and KW f Updattn WM Be GaW . Fake vbbnnttm Frikiaf A lto tte Lart it Rrenien. Congress Swunped Witt kp- fin d e A A tlliis Scssiai. IS FOUND MDIOIERED 1 M u o e U ft His CeoB- peak For Eoergo^ Cleveland, Feb. 8.— (A P ) — OTne - Washington. Feb.' S.^CAP)-^ Berilm Feb. S.-i(AP)—Tk women psychopathic patients wte Started Oat T o S tij Over- l r ] r ~ ^ AdMB Comes ib Speaker Garner today dispOpOd . olT erful. GatooUc parties, took toeir fled in panic before flames that de­ Legkhttm On Rates. Republican, nttenqita to^ force first thrust tadky at Chancellor stroyed a dormitory at Bidgeclill Sarprise — Seeps Orer- through tariff raistog lecd^atlon Adolf flltltf ' wito.; toe aU^rstlon oifttt Vitt'a Fnsri iart. sanitarium in suburban Vl^ddlfle Washington, Feb. 8.— (A P )—The with thb dedaratioii . t ^ t '<th«I» that Prealdtot-PmiL ycq Hihden- early today were burned to death de­ appeal of New England' nianufac- will be nh foreign de|ir^^ burg was led dnto dtss^Vliig toe. Friih]^ No W c a a iF a n d , a i ^ b F^esideBlial Rd- spite heroic efforts of nurses to res­ turers for Federal assiatance In roic^J iegjstotioh- Reichstag on the baria o f . foIse in- cue them. meeting foreign coirqietltion hu session o f Oongreas.’*. formatom that they tofoeed -to tol ace. AH o f the bodies had been recov­ been read into the Senate record by Gamer.made hisstatement' to erate toe Hitler Cabinet Ifineola, N. Y., Feb. 8.—(AP) — ered eight hours after the bnflce Senator Hatfield, (D., W. Va.) newapapdrmen. ’ Monaignbr, Ludwig Saaa, leader T o u don’t want me to go, do ybu out but most of them were chaurred of toe Catholic Gsstrista, in ettm While New England RqmUlcans T h b question is too important mother?” said Mary Hdro (yOon- By ittCRABD E. FBDEELL beyond recognition. in the House pressed forpaanage^on <tf protest to the chancellor and toe (COpyrizht 193S By AP) n e ruins were still smoldering fo r the -consideration 'it vyould -: le- noT, 15 years old. last Friday as she February IS of l^rislation' to In­ cdve at' the shoit session,” he said. Frmident aald Hltier’e Jimker-Nazi whan Dr. vniliam GHendenning. coahtloB O iM iiet Tdelibezately vbrtAe was about to leave for' an ororiiigbt Managua, Nicaragua. Feb. 8 crease duties on products froin coun­ "It-is unnecessary i f not foolidi to visit with a fritod. (AP) —A promise of peace after o f the sanitarium's superin­ tries whose -currencies have depre­ wfth .the Centrists at the' h ^h t. of tendent and a ptaff phystdan, brand­ undertake a large problem like this Her mother ieplied: "Don’t pay six years of revolt against the dated, tel^rams have poured into with tha Senate in the conditiain it negotiatioDS. before the dissolution ed: the flro as of incendiary origin. -decree was gnmted by the - Presi­ any attention to my fooHab wor­ American aavtoed governments Of the offices of Senate membisrs from iB. , ' . ■ - sv. At his request police imiosted a dent . ries. dear.” NTcaragna was le ft behind today by New England industries, beseeohlng 'There is quite a dliqiositi^/jUt Chardon fhrmer with whom hospital support for the tariff equalization This charge was echoed in In­ But last night James O’Connor the colorful General Augusto Satodo the House to take caire of tie sit­ I* stood before a pile of underbrush officials had been in dispute. hiU.. dignant -speiroh - by • Dr. Heinrich as be headed back to the mountoto Bad- Blade Threats uation temis^t idwut bj^ the de- '■S' ,HeiA premier o f Bavaria and- lead­ near Massapequa, looking down on beadquartera of his ariny. hiduded among the tel^rams I redated fproigpi rurrOndes and Dr. Caendenning asserted the er o f toe'Bavarian PopuUste, the a body, and brokenly he said: The importance o f. bis message wore appeals from the commlsdon- their effOct on imports.'The. prob­ ‘Tt is my ohUd—Muy Hden.” farmer had threatened his wife with er of a^culture of Maine, F.< P. Centrists’ allies,’ at ‘Biebstatt, Ba­ was almost forgotten to the excite­ death and yesterday telephoned the lem is enitiiled to adeq ( c<^d- varia. She bad died after a struggle. ment caused by the sensational Washburn, who wired, ''Agricultural, eration, whidi it vrould hot recdve That much was .dear, for .her doth- i^tutiOta’a ofRce and said: 'Til sardine and pulpwood interesta in It-was said in polltieal droles the manner in whicb be. delivered get even it it kills me.” this state siffiering severely from at tU t sesdon^” V tw o Catholic .paraes planned to ing was tmm and thSro were bruiaes His visit was a complete surprise. The bodies o f Mrs. Isabel McBride, Ezteoded fleaiings. give Hitler one year d gtoce- -he on her body. But it did no. appear A plane fron\ Us northern jungle ciurency advantage now enjoyed by I t Is more than inotoer tovi^MMit Ifrs.'.Beatrlce Snipes feels for thp she had been attacked .criminally. 60, o f New Castle, Pa., and BCss foreign competitors. Appreds^ Shctended. hearings have been asked for four.- In taunwming his retreat arrived here yesterday wito Ixvane Dean, 76, of East Cievdand. hdd by the ways and .mears com­ new-bom child here: idiowp to hei!i anna.: Fm the baby .is generoll'y^cfto* campaign for the new Reibbstag {Stains foimd on ber.clBtoing are yrour support o f. legiSlatiiKi correct­ ceded to hav^ saved Ito/motoer frcto the. dcctrlc chair. Mrs. toilpm had Sandino, bis father, and three' pdi- were identifled siz hours after the mittee on legislation totf^toyiiatic dections March' 5. It was bdleved being analyzed. Police thought they tical allies. With an automat^ ing this unfair situatioiL” been condemn^ to deiatS.fpv, t)to'1dl]lng.of: a York, S*^C^ policeman^ but' might be iodine, or Some dark liquid flto etas discovered at 1 a. m. Hmee Percy R. Todd, president of the increases ip toriffs to aflNtitlto.ef­ toe alleged disdosures that the pistol swinging on bis hip, Sandtop other bodies remained unidentified. ber'sentdice was.rommut^.;tp Hfa .ln^ronment following nationrwlde buried at the. girl by n samst slay- Bangor A Arpostouk Railroad Com­ fect o f depreciated fOtollP* moniy atq>eato to bdiaU o f the eiq>MtantiEnoto4r. Pieeidrat waa deoeived '.7oald bol- walked into the presidential palace, ^ le shrieks of the terror-stricken pany, said that " l am sure that the on the American muket T^W>• stor the GhtoqUe dection front. sat down with fteriden t Juan Bau­ women, all suffering from nervous majority of the people of the state publicans , in caucus bopnd . BlffB’ Wednesday’s'negotiations osten- Aft autopsy late last night failed tista Sacass arid made his pledge or mmtal disorters, rent the chin of Maine, win stand strtmgly behind selves to supports some f u ^ sllriy vrme'Conducted by Hitlpr to to esteUisb the time at. her death. o f peace. District Attorney ffiyin Edwards night air as the flames ate nqddly this pnqioaal,’? and Arthur B. New- latiOD a n d a petitlca has hcim’d i ^ win suppmt of toe>Cathdic parties, Sleeps In Palace through, ttie frame dwelUa# The ed'by 150-me: tordng.'aww as he' lacked 46 votes o f a m ajoiito said it viras a "fap* toference that Then the man who had hurited hall of the Hood Rubber Company, she dlyd-toe day she left home.” amoke niBifl heat soon becams ad ia- Watertown, Mias., wlied that ''^ FebfuaiM^lft ig up toe «im h m toe' ReiebstSg. and aad been'hunted by Nicaraguito, tf— > that entrance to o ittsgs in prozimatd y AINMMNN) o f rub­ matic. ta:M.tf^g|l69e bilh Offlee Ipft^Open Sodie of Murder native 8ol<flers and American M ir ' whhA paHa ^ and Eaiifl«r Cl|» Jtoqr The miniatry of :tetiee post had The murder scene is & reafpstete riries since 1926 enjoyed the luxoty^ ber f nntrrnir ubm IlM Oit llll In 1982 devdopment, with sldeiaml^ laM 'b^ i'S aasWarinini aiiq>loyea ‘ at nflnous prleae^Shiliist half>a Raittsg^ ttaoitoced toe been left open: thifb dgyal In -toe particularly for him. Of a mgbtig would hold a tototos on too evpretoed hope: toe .Gkntrtato: would wltoout' residences ‘ . Ai .^workman sleep in the palace;. '' mUlloD pairs hi'HP^^i^rpractical- fpimd the body as w l^. <^'toring ^ ! T o ___^ _____ fy none in 1930. T b «n 4,000,000 It was his dedaied In accept it Srortlj after 461' an­ 'Teace is imw a fact Nicaragua, When tta flm was dtooosered taro away brusb^te yeiosrday. ’’ pairs Tepresmtappc9|i|bEni^^ 8,400,- bsma the party majprli^ agiiivt nouncement th ey .. b a d : rsfoied t o entered a new era when the ' butt nnrssi, Mrs. Ethel Craig and Miss coniflderinB to f .si^ c^ rb cito re ^toe astor toe Cabiiiqt. the Hsltostag The overnight bag J she ^ caMed United States Marines d^artod 000 hours of work | m ’ to American vtojm'ahe (eft home, ;y|id;hw ptQ^, Floeenee F an efli led 17 Woaadndhmi worheiB in 1082.” £ ‘ new adm lnigbM m .
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