2005 Bramble Agent Training Table of Contents 2 ........... Blackberry Certification Program 47 ......... Blackberry Cultivars In Depth 87 ......... Bramble Disease Control 105 ....... Bramble Life Cycle and Environmental Requirements 139 ....... Estimated Costs of Producing, Harvesting & Marketing Harvesting & Marketing Blackberries in the Southeastern Blackberries in the Southeastern United States 169 ....... Fresh Fruit & Food Safety 204 ....... IR-4 Program: How it Works and What is in the Pipeline for Brambles 235 ....... Pruning & Training Brambles 277 ....... Significant Insect Pests of Significant Insect Pests of Caneberries and Caneberries and Management Options Management Options 338 ....... Update on Blackberry Production in South Georgia 361 ....... Weed Control in Brambles Blackberry Certification Program Zvezdana Pesic-VanEsbroeck Department of Plant Pathology North Carolina State University Gina Fernandez Department of Horticultural Science Tania Guzman Department of Plant Pathology Myron Fountain N.C. Crop Improvement Association, Inc. PrimaryPrimary PurposePurpose ofof thethe MicropropagationMicropropagation UnitUnit atat NCSUNCSU ToTo meetmeet thethe increasingincreasing needneed ofof smallsmall fruitfruit andand vegetablevegetable industriesindustries inin NorthNorth Carolina,Carolina, thethe southeastsoutheast andand otherother areasareas forfor virusvirus--indexed,indexed, diseasedisease--free,free, truetrue--toto--typetype vegetativelyvegetatively propagatedpropagated andand certifiedcertified plantingplanting stocks.stocks. PrimaryPrimary FunctionFunction ofof thethe MicropropagationMicropropagation UnitUnit ToTo developdevelop andand maintain:maintain: *Nuclear*Nuclear StockStock inin vitrovitro culturescultures (tissue(tissue cultureculture plants).plants). *Nuclear*Nuclear StockStock MotherMother plants.plants. *Foundation*Foundation plantsplants (first(first generationgeneration fromfrom NuclearNuclear StockStock MotherMother plants)plants) thatthat are:are: virusvirus--indexed,indexed, truetrue--toto-- typetype andand diseasedisease andand pestpest--free.free. MicropropagationMicropropagation UnitUnit ProgramsPrograms **SweetpotatoSweetpotato *Strawberry*Strawberry *Blackberry*Blackberry *Blueberry*Blueberry StatusStatus ofof blackberryblackberry cropcrop inin thethe BlackberrySoutheasternSoutheastern initiated U.S.U.S.in2000 *New*New cultivarscultivars fromfrom thethe UU ofof ARAR breedingbreeding program.program. *Only*Only oneone nurserynursery inin thethe regionregion (N.C.)(N.C.) thatthat producesproduces micropropagatedmicropropagated virusvirus--indexedindexed CertifiedCertified plants.plants. *Rapid*Rapid increaseincrease inin commercialcommercial blackberryblackberry acreage.acreage. *Insects,*Insects, virusesviruses andand otherother pathogenspathogens areare oftenoften spreadspread withwith nurserynursery plantingplanting stocks.stocks. *Diseases*Diseases cancan reducereduce marketablemarketable yieldyield andand longevitylongevity ofof blackberryblackberry plantations.plantations. StatusStatusBlackberry ofof blackberryblackberry initiated virusesviruses in2000 inin thethe U.S.U.S. *Most*Most researchresearch hashas beenbeen donedone onon raspberryraspberry virusesviruses inin thethe PacificPacific NorthwestNorthwest *Research*Research onon blackberryblackberry virusesviruses waswas initiatedinitiated inin 20002000 at:at: NCSUNCSU (Z.(Z. PesicPesic--VanEsbroeckVanEsbroeck,, T.T. GuzmanGuzman && G.G. Fernandez)Fernandez) UU ofof ARAR (R.(R. GergerichGergerich)) USDAUSDA--ARSARS--OROR (R.(R. Martin)Martin) BlackberryBlackberry virusvirus projectproject atat NCSUNCSU waswasBlackberry initiatedinitiated inin 20002000initiated in2000 1.1. DeclineDecline ofof cultivatedcultivated blackberriesblackberries inin commercialcommercial plantingsplantings asas earlyearly asas 22--33 yearsyears afterafter planting.planting. 2.2. VirusVirus--likelike symptomssymptoms onon plants.plants. 3.3. ReductionReduction inin marketablemarketable yieldyield andand berryberry quality.quality. BlackberryBlackberry virusvirus surveysurvey inin 20012001 && 20022002 NorthNorth Carolina,Carolina, SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina andand VirginiaVirginia Sites:Sites: 55 inin NorthNorth CarolinaCarolina 44 inin SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina 11 inin VirginiaVirginia Cultivars:Cultivars: Apache,Apache, Arapaho,Arapaho, BlackBlack Satin,Satin, Choctaw,Choctaw, Chickasaw,Chickasaw, Chester,Chester, Kiowa,Kiowa, LochnessLochness,, Navaho,Navaho, RosboroughRosborough,, ShawneeShawnee && TripleTriple CrownCrown SampleSample collection:collection: 1.1. LeavesLeaves fromfrom primocanesprimocanes andand floricanesfloricanes,, rootsroots andand seedseed fromfrom symptomaticsymptomatic blackberryblackberry plants.plants. 2.2. LeavesLeaves fromfrom primocanesprimocanes andand floricanesfloricanes fromfrom asymptomaticasymptomatic blackberryblackberry plants.plants. BlackberryBlackberry virusvirus surveysurvey inin 20012001 && 20022002 NorthNorth Carolina,Carolina, SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina andand VirginiaVirginia VirusVirus detectiondetection byby ELISAELISA ((AgdiaAgdia)) for:for: TobaccoTobacco ringspotringspot virusvirus TomatoTomato ringspotringspot virusvirus TobaccoTobacco streakstreak virusvirus RaspberryRaspberry bushybushy dwarfdwarf virusvirus ImpatiensImpatiens necroticnecrotic spotspot virusvirus TomatoTomato spottedspotted wiltwilt virusvirus **dsRNAdsRNA forfor unknownunknown virusesviruses BlackberryBlackberry virusvirus surveysurvey inin 20012001 && 20022002 NorthNorth Carolina,Carolina, SouthSouth Carolina,Carolina, VirginiaVirginia && ArkansasArkansas TobaccoTobacco ringspotringspot virusvirus (leaves,(leaves, roots,roots, seed)seed) TomatoTomato ringspotringspot virusvirus (leaves,(leaves, roots,roots, seed)seed) RaspberryRaspberry bushybushy dwarfdwarf virusvirus (leaves,(leaves, roots)roots) ImpatiensImpatiens necroticnecrotic spotspot virusvirus (leaves,(leaves, roots)roots) TobaccoTobacco streakstreak virusvirus -- negativenegative TomatoTomato spottedspotted wiltwilt virusvirus -- negativenegative TwoTwo newnew crinicrini virusesviruses characterizedcharacterized atat USDAUSDA-- ARS,ARS, Corvallis,Corvallis, OR:OR: BlackberryBlackberry yellowyellow veinvein virusvirus BeetBeet pseudopseudo yellowsyellows virusvirus Table 1. Incidence of six blackberry viruses in three states State Location Positive samples/total samples TRSV ToRSV TSV RBDV INSV TSWV North 1 71/76 37/80 0/76 1/76 37/80 0/76 Carolina 2 1/46 13/52 0/46 0/46 1/39 0/33 3 92/187 105/161 0/152 2/152 53/152 0/152 4 93/136 30/100 0/80 0/80 34/80 0/80 *5 0/6 0/6 0/36 0/63 1/6 0/6 South 6 11/44 28/47 0/44 0/44 7/25 0/34 Carolina 7 6/6 6/6 0/6 0/6 2/7 0/6 8 1/3 3/3 0/3 0/3 nt nt 9 3/10 10/10 0/10 0/10 nt nt Virginia 10 0/42 0/42 0/12 0/12 2/20 0/20 nt-not tested BlackberryBlackberry varietyvariety trialtrial CunninghamCunningham ResearchResearch StationStation ArapahoArapaho TobaccoTobacco ringspotringspot virusvirus KiowaKiowa ImpatiensImpatiens necroticnecrotic spotspot virusvirus TripleTriple CrownCrown ImpatiensImpatiens necroticnecrotic spotspot virusvirus ArapahoArapaho TobaccoTobacco ringspotringspot virusvirus ImpatiensImpatiens necroticnecrotic spotspot virusvirus ArapahoArapaho TobaccoTobacco ringspotringspot virusvirus ImpatiensImpatiens necroticnecrotic spotspot virusvirus Unidentified virus(es) (dsRNA) In 2003 a crinivirus associated with a chlorotic line pattern in blackberry was detected in cultivated blackberry plants in North Carolina, South Carolina and Arkansas. Martin, R.R., I.E. Tzanetakis, R. Gergerich, G. Fernandez and Z. Pesic. 2004. Blackberry Yellow Vein Associated Virus: A new Crinivirus Found in Blackberry. Acta Hort 656:137-142. Virus Survey in August 2003 *Sites: 6 blackberry plantations in North Carolina & South Carolina. *Leaf samples were collected from 29 plants with virus-like symptoms, 2 samples/plant. *Symptoms: vein yellowing, mosaic Incidence of BYVV Site Cultivar Reaction 1 Kiowa, Chester + 2 Dirkson, Navaho + 3 Chester, Apache, Hall + 4 Apache, Arapaho, Chester, Kiowa + 5 Apache, Choctaw + 6 Kiowa, Arapaho, Navaho + 29/29 plants tested (+) for BYVV. Either one or both leaf samples from the same plant tested (+) for BYVV. One sample tested (+) for RBDV, and all samples tested negative for TRSV & ToRSV. Vector? Whitefly, species ???? Blackberry plants infected with BYVV alone are usually asymptomatic. Co-infection with the second virus (synergism) is required for symptom expression. How many viruses infect blackberry in the Southeastern U.S. ??? RANGE OF SYMPTOMS OF BLACKBERRY YELLOW VEIN VIRUS ON SEVERAL BLACKBERRY CULTIVARS. THESE IMAGES ARE FROM FIELD PLANTS THAT COULD HAVE HAD MIXED INFECTIONS THOUGH THEY TESTED NEGATIVE FOR RASPBERRY BUSHY DWARF, TOBACCO RINGSPOT, TOMATO RINGSPOT AND STRAWBERRY NECROTIC SHOCK VIRUSES. A. ARAPAHO; B. NAHAVO; C. CHOCTAW; AND D. KIOWA A B C D ArapahoArapaho AgrobacteriumAgrobacterium crowncrown gallgall SystemicSystemic orangeorange rustrust CaneCane blightblight ManagementManagement ofof plantplant virusesviruses andand otherother pathogenspathogens andand pestspests inin nurseriesnurseries andand cultivatedcultivated blackberryblackberry plantingsplantings UseUse ofof CertifiedCertified micropropagatedmicropropagated virusvirus--indexedindexed andand diseasedisease andand pestpest-- freefree stocksstocks toto establishestablish nurserynursery blocksblocks andand commercialcommercial plantings.plantings. MicropropagationMicropropagation && CertificationCertification MicropropagationMicropropagation::
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