Milestones February, 2009 Regional Office for Central Asia © Stefano Zardini “WE INVESTED 20 MILLIONS DOLLARS IN TAJIKISTAN LAST YEAR TO COMBAT As Ambassador of the USA to Tajiki- guard conscripts earn a few dollars a DRUGS” stan, you must have to deal with a whole month and in such circumstances the host of issues. Of these, how important temptation of a bribe is hard to resist. would you rate the issue of drug traffick- This must be addressed by increased ing and drug abuse in the country? resources from the budget of Tajikistan. - The US takes the drug trafficking and What is the overall U.S. drug control drug abuse problem in Tajikistan very strategy in Tajikistan as well as the larger seriously. We spent $20 million in region? 2008 to combat drugs by providing infrastructure, equipment, and train- - In Tajikistan we have a two-part ap- ing to improve law enforcement, proach. We work to develop the law strengthen the border, and support the enforcement, military, and security ser- Drug Control Agency. We work in vices to secure borders and interdict close partnership with UNODC as well traffickers throughout the country. We as the EU, OSCE, and other donors on work to enhance rule of law to break these issues. Notwithstanding our ef- the cycle of corruption which under- forts, however, narcotics consumption mines public confidence in the agencies is rising. Official figures for 2008 are responsible for public order. At the Tracey Ann Jacobson 8,660 thousand addicts including 422 same time we build professional liai- women, 79.4% of these are addicted to sons between U.S. law enforcement Ambassador of the USA heroin. These numbers count only agencies such as the Drug Enforcement to Tajikistan those who registered in order to get Agency and the Federal Bureau of In- treatment. Narcotics trade breeds cor- vestigation and Tajik counterparts to ruption. Tajikistan is poor. Border actively work together in investigations. 2 UNODC Published by UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia Interview We believe our work in developing but also the root causes that allow the health, education, economic and and sustain drug trafficking. How serious is the impact of corrup- agricultural sectors is a tool against tion on the drug trafficking and or- the drug trade and drug abuse as Are you satisfied with level of coop- ganized crime problem in the region? well. eration between the US and UNODC in the field of drug control - Obviously corruption is at the The U.S. Government has been the in Tajikistan and in particular, in root of the narcotics trade and or- biggest contributor to the UNODC regard to border control project ganized crime, but unfortunately project supporting the Drug Control work? because there are no reliable statis- Agency (DCA) in Tajikistan. How tics; it is difficult to know the full would you assess impact of DCA ac- - The embassy has a professional, extent of the problem. Govern- tivities on drug trafficking situation productive relationship with ments must work together, and also in the country, and UNODC’s imple- UNODC in implementing U.S.- engage populations, to battle the mentation of the project? funded border security program. problem and its underlying causes. We work closely with UNODC to - We highly value our relationship improve infrastructure along the Do you see a relationship between with the UNODC office in Afghan border. With our financ- organized drug trafficking and other Dushanbe. Our continued funding ing, UNODC has rebuilt and security issues such as terrorism in the of the project to create and sustain equipped three border observation region? the Drug Control Agency shows our points with two more underway. confidence in UNODC and its pro- The Border Guards are pleased - Of course we know that the profits ject managers. Of course, we want with their new facilities. As the from narcotics trafficking support to see better results such as the DCA posts are located in some of the terrorism in the region, so there is a busting up a major drug ring, and most intensively trafficked border nexus. convicting and imprisoning senior areas the officers and soldiers fre- traffickers. To achieve this we need quently interdict large quantities What, if anything, would you like to UNODC's professional advocacy of heroin and opiates, as well as see done differently by the DCA or and wide experience to strongly arrest many traffickers. This dem- UNODC. weigh in with the government to onstrates that our assistance and move beyond interception of low- UNODC's work directly contrib- - We would like to see UNODC level couriers and small-time smug- utes to border security. advance more regional solutions to glers. common problems. As I said above What measures do you think neces- the DCA needs to arrest and convict Does the US Government plan any sary to undertake to improve drug senior traffickers. I recognize that new initiatives to address the drug situation in Tajikistan? regional problem solving is much control problem in the country? easier to say than to do. Coopera- - Tajik law enforcement and secu- tive bilateral relations between Cen- - We have a new program to sup- rity services need more resources tral Asian states are essential to re- port the rule of law. This is a major from the government of Tajiki- duce trans-border crime. Interna- $2 million program which began in stan. They simply cannot main- tional donors and organizations 2008. The program addresses root tain the operational readiness to provide opportunities – it is up to causes of corruption – lack of access address the threats without addi- the states to accept them. That be- to justice, lack of knowledge of the tional assets. We see some evi- ing said, however, we see encourag- law; support for the legal rights of dence that the government is ad- ing signs of cross-border coopera- the indigent and underprivileged; dressing this issue, at least with a tion between the Tajik DCA and training and equipping prosecutors small increase in the budget for the neighboring counterparts facilitated and judges with the tools and Drug Control Agency, but more by the UNODC. We look forward knowledge they need to fairly and needs to be done. To raise salaries to expanding on this with the even- impartially implement the law; sup- to reduce the attractiveness of cor- tual goal of CARICC playing a sig- port for a robust defense attorney ruption requires increased govern- nificant role in regional law en- cadre to ensure balanced represen- ment revenues, and that requires forcement cooperation. tation of the accused. We intend for economic development which these projects to address a broad hinges on investors having confi- range of issues, not just interdiction, dence in the rule of law. Published by UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia UNODC 3 Report to donors NATO-RUSSIA COUNCIL SUMMARIZES 2008 ACTIVITIES A coordination meeting on the train- ing of law enforcement officers of the Central Asian states and Afghanistan in the field of countering the illicit drug trafficking was held on Decem- ber 18 -19, 2008 in Vienna. UNODC reported to donors and member states on the project imple- mentation outputs in 2008, including the findings of the recently conducted independent interim project evalua- tion. In 2008, all twenty six Russia- NATO Council member states acted as project donors. In the course of the meeting, representatives from the beneficiary states reported on the project’s positive impact on employ- ees performance indicators, and noted that all large seizures of nar- work plan for 2009 was developed with a total budget $600,000; Hun- cotic drugs carried out in the region with the involvement of donors and gary expressed its willingness to con- had been initiated or conducted by member states. duct two training courses in Afghani- officers trained in the framework of In particular, eight training courses stan with the budget $20,000; other the project. One of Tajikistan’s DCA for law enforcement personnel from countries, including US, expressed employees was awarded a high gov- the Central Asian countries and Af- their readiness to participate in the ernment decoration which can be ghanistan are supposed to be con- seminars as well. considered one of the qualitative in- ducted this year on the basis of Inter- The meeting participants agreed dicators of the specialists’ retraining. national Interagency Training Centre upon the general criteria of the pro- Experience obtained during fixed site of the All-Russia Institute of Ad- ject performance evaluation which and mobile training courses was dis- vanced Training MI Russia was positively assessed by the donors. cussed at the meeting. The parties (contribution to the project budget discussed the challenges they had amounted $800,000). Turkey ex- Photos made during the training for faced implementing the project as pressed its readiness to conduct six- DCA officers in the framework of well as the positive experiences. A teen training courses in 2009-2010 NATO-Russia council project 4 UNODC Published by UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia Conference WorkshopsNews from the region CARICC – TRANSITION FROM PILOT PHASE TOWARDS FULL FUNCTIONALITY After recent ratification of the server status received from Finland, ing to ensure the candidates’ integrity Agreement on the establishment of France, Italy, the USA, and Interpol. and loyalty to CARICC’s principles. CARICC by the parliaments of four In addition, the members of the Coun- Currently, about 100 applications for member countries – Kazakhstan, cil are expected to endorse the nomi- the advertised vacant posts in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turk- nations made by the international CARICC were received from almost menistan – the process of transition panel for the posts of the Director, all member states and from all com- from pilot activities of the Centre Deputy Director and Financial Con- petent authorities including police, towards full functionality has been troller of CARICC.
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