S6678 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 12, 2020 model to advance international develop- providing stability and the opportunity to ager Rob Pelinka, and head coach Frank ment, nutrition, resilience, and economic se- self-govern; Vogel, deserves congratulations for con- curity; Whereas, as of 2019, not less than 1,000 tinuing the excellence of the franchise; Whereas the Interagency Working Group manufactured home communities were resi- Whereas the Lakers overcame an unprece- on Cooperative Development— dent-owned, accounting for approximately 2 dented season stemming from the (1) is an interagency group that is coordi- percent of all manufactured home commu- coronavirus pandemic, including a shutdown nated and chaired by the Secretary of Agri- nities; that lasted more than 3 months and 95 days culture to foster cooperative development Whereas the growth of worker cooperatives inside the NBA ‘‘bubble’’; and ensure coordination with Federal agen- in the United States is allowing more work- Whereas Lebron James was named Most cies and national and local cooperative orga- ers to own and have greater control over Valuable Player of the NBA Finals for the nizations that have cooperative programs their businesses; fourth time, averaging 29.8 points, 11.8 re- and interests; and Whereas many small businesses convert to bounds, and 8.5 assists per game, while (2) as of the date of introduction of this cooperatives when faced with closure or a shooting 59.1 percent from the field per resolution, had organized 4 meetings; buyout, ensuring the business can continue game; Whereas the bipartisan Congressional Co- to serve its community; and Whereas the entire Lakers team and orga- operative Business Caucus unites Members of Whereas the cooperative business model al- nization honored the legacy of Lakers legend Congress to— lows business owners to retire and transfer Kobe Bryant by winning the 2020 NBA Cham- (1) create a better-informed electorate and business ownership to employees or con- pionship, showing ‘‘Mamba Mentality’’ a more educated public on the important sumers, protecting local ownership and sup- throughout the playoffs; and role that cooperatives play in the economy porting local communities: Now, therefore, Whereas, although fans of the Lakers could of the United States and the world; be it not be in the arena to cheer on their team, (2) promote the cooperative business Resolved, That the Senate— Lakers Nation was vital in showing un- model, because that model ensures that con- (1) designates October 2020 as ‘‘National matched support for the team on the way to sumers have access to high-quality goods Co-op Month’’; an NBA Championship: Now, therefore, be it and services at competitive prices and costs (2) commends the cooperative business Resolved, That the Senate— that improve the lives of individuals, fami- model for— (1) congratulates the Los Angeles Lakers lies, and their communities; and (A) its contributions to the economy; for winning the 2020 National Basketball As- (3) address and correct awareness chal- (B) the jobs it creates; and sociation Championship; lenges among the public and within the Fed- (C) its positive impacts on local commu- (2) recognizes the historic achievement of eral Government relating to what coopera- nities; the entire Los Angeles Lakers organization, tives look like, who participates in coopera- (3) expresses confidence in, and support for, including the players, coaches, and staff, for tives, where cooperatives are located, and cooperatives to continue their successes; and a victorious season after a truly unprece- why individuals choose cooperatives; (4) will be mindful in crafting legislation dented year in the National Basketball Asso- Whereas the Bureau of the Census, as part that affects business models that are not the ciation; and of the 2017 Economic Census, asked each cooperative business model so that the legis- (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to business if the business was organized as a lation does not adversely affect the coopera- transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution cooperative, and the responses of businesses tive business model. to— yielded both quantitative and qualitative (A) the head coach of the Los Angeles data on the effects and importance of co- f Lakers, Frank Vogel, and the 2019–2020 Los operatives across the economy of the United SENATE RESOLUTION 772—CON- Angeles Lakers team; States; GRATULATING THE LOS ANGE- (B) the owner of the Los Angeles Lakers, Whereas, throughout rural areas of the Jeanie Buss; and United States, many utility service pro- LES LAKERS FOR WINNING THE (C) the general manager of the Los Angeles viders operate as cooperatives and are tasked 2020 NATIONAL BASKETBALL AS- Lakers, Rob Pelinka. with the delivery of public services, such as SOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP electricity, water, telecommunications, and Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Ms. f broadband, in areas where investor-owned HARRIS) submitted the following reso- SENATE RESOLUTION 773—CON- utility companies typically do not operate; lution; which was considered and Whereas utility cooperatives have inno- GRATULATING THE LOS ANGE- agreed to: vated to meet the evolving needs of their LES DODGERS FOR WINNING THE member-owners and help rural individuals in S. RES. 772 2020 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL the United States prosper; Whereas, on October 11, 2020, the Los Ange- WORLD SERIES Whereas, in the financial services sector, les Lakers (referred to in this preamble as cooperatives, including credit unions, farm the ‘‘Lakers’’) defeated the Miami Heat with Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Ms. credit banks, and other financing organiza- a score of 106–93 in game 6 of the 2020 Na- HARRIS) submitted the following reso- tions that lend to cooperatives, provide nu- tional Basketball Association (referred to in lution; which was considered and merous benefits to the member-owners of this preamble as the ‘‘NBA’’) Championship agreed to: those cooperatives; Finals; S. RES. 773 Whereas member-owners of cooperatives Whereas, during the 2020 NBA playoffs, the vote in board elections, and earned profits Lakers defeated the Portland Trailblazers, Whereas, on October 27, 2020, the Los Ange- cycle back into cost-saving programs or re- the Houston Rockets, the Denver Nuggets, les Dodgers (referred to in this preamble as turn as dividend payments; and the Miami Heat on the way to a 16–5 the ″Dodgers″) defeated the American League Whereas purchasing and shared service co- overall record; Champions, the Tampa Bay Rays, by 3–1 to operatives allow independent and franchise Whereas the victory by the Lakers marks win the 2020 Major League Baseball World businesses to thrive; the record-tying 17th NBA Championship of Series in 6 games; Whereas food cooperatives range in size the franchise; Whereas this marks the seventh World Se- from small, local buying clubs to multi-store Whereas every member of the 2019–2020 ries championship for the Dodgers franchise regional giants that compete with chain Lakers team played a key role in the record- and their 6th title since City Council Mem- stores with locations across the United tying championship, including— ber Rosalind Wyman helped bring the Dodg- States; (1) Kostas Antetokounmpo; ers to Los Angeles in 1958; Whereas, in the housing sector, housing co- (2) Avery Bradley; Whereas, during the 2020 playoffs, the operatives and resident-owned communities (3) Devontae Cacok; Dodgers defeated the Milwaukee Brewers, in which members own the building or land— (4) Kentavious Caldwell-Pope; the San Diego Padres, the Atlanta Braves, (1) are an alternative to conventional rent- (5) Alex Caruso; and the Tampa Bay Rays en route to winning al apartments, manufactured home parks, (6) Quinn Cook; the World Series; and condominiums; and (7) Anthony Davis; Whereas after being down 3 winning games (2) empower each resident with ownership (8) Jared Dudley; to 1 loss in the 2020 National League Cham- and responsibility; (9) Danny Green; pionship Series to the Atlanta Braves, the (10) Talen Horton-Tucker; Whereas housing cooperatives have roots (11) Dwight Howard; Dodgers showed true heart and grit by com- dating to the late 1800s and are increasingly (12) LeBron James; ing back to win the series; becoming a housing alternative for students (13) Kyle Kuzma; Whereas the Dodgers have won the Na- at colleges throughout the United States; (14) Javale McGee; tional League pennant in 3 of the last 4 Whereas shared equity housing coopera- (15) Markieff Morris; years; tives are a critical option for preserving (16) Rajon Rondo; Whereas the Dodgers completed the short- long-term, affordable housing; (17) JR Smith; and ened 2020 regular season with an impressive Whereas cooperatives allow residents of (18) Dion Waiters; overall record of 43–17 to finish first in the manufactured home communities to collec- Whereas the entire Lakers organization, National League West Division and with the tively purchase the land on which they live, including owner Jeanie Buss, general man- best regular season record in baseball; VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 13, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO6.021 S12NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE November 12, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6679 Whereas the opponent of the Dodgers in the Senate proceed to the immediate The legislative clerk proceeded to the 2020 World Series, the Tampa Bay Rays, consideration of the following resolu- call the roll. showed true sportsmanship and respect for tions, en bloc: S. Res. 716, S. Res. 717, Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask the game; S. Res. 746, S. Res. 764, S. Res. 765, S. unanimous consent that the order for Whereas every member of the 2020 Dodgers roster played a key part in winning a World Res. 766, and S. Res. 767. the quorum call be rescinded. Series during this unprecedented season, in- There being no objection, the com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cluding— mittees were discharged, and the Sen- objection, it is so ordered.
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