BY'<..: I.I .E TOD,' · Taxi operators make money by driving the CHESTERVILLE~11 'J/w customers away. _OJ'' DUN OAS COUNTY THE LAND Of MILK ANO HONEY • · COVERS EASTERN ONTARIO'S GREATEST DAIRYl'NG 5ECTION1Il] Sixty-fourth Year, o. 24 Chesterville, Ontario, Thursday, March 13, 1958 Single Copies, 7c Storage Depot Planned-- Twp. Council to Pu~chase Land The regular meeting of Win­ chester Township council was held in the Presbyterian Hall, Public Speaking Contests Morewood, on Monday, March 3, at 11 a.m., with all members present. The minutes of the last Cover Many Subiects regular and special meetings were adopted as read by the Casselman-Gilroy W inners clerk and signed by the reeve. Council decided to purchase Chesterville High School pup­ man, "Birds I Harn Known;" two acres of land on Highway ils engaged in annual compet­ George Butcher, "The Royal 43 on Lot 12, Concession 5, as a itions Friday afternoon in pub­ Canadian Mounted Police;" Mel­ storage place for township equip­ lic speaking. They were compet­ anie Fyke, "Japan;" June Edge­ ment, snow fence, posts, etc., as ing for the Dr S. H. Hutt Shield ley, "The Cr owd May Be much of this seems to stray dur­ and the Rotary Cup. El ev~n Wrong;" Beth Laprade, "Friends ing the summer, never to return. students took part in the con­ and Neighbours;" Nancy Moore, The land will cost $400. There is tests which were chairmanned "Snowflakes;" Arne Vilmansen, a possibility that a building will by Mr C. A. Graham, one of the '·The Strategic Air Command." be erected in the future for the teachers of the school. The af­ Senior Division : Lorna Ar­ storage of township trucks and fair was held in Community buthnot, "My Trip to the Leader­ other machinery, and will prob­ Theatre. The judges were the ship Camp ;" Robert Gilroy, "The ably contain a room where coun- Rev E. B. Bugden, minister of Sun;" Margaret MacMillan, meetings will be held in fut­ Trinity United Church, Mrs "Shakespeare." years. Councillor McNabb Keith Graham, B. H. Sc., and Mr l the only dissenter to the Hosea Droppo, principal of Ches­ plan. terville Public School and presi­ To Observe 90th Birthday Seek Tenders dent of Chesterville Rotary Club. The clerk was instructed to The Record joins the many advertise for tenders for the Many ubjects friends of Mrs James Purves, Young H.S. Orators Win Hutt & Ro~ary Trophies Speake.rs ranged over a wide Russell, in offering congratul­ . work to be done on the follow­ PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITIO S of the Dr S. H. Hutt Trophy for the juniors and Robert ing drains during the coming field. Their subjects covered ations on her 90th birthday summer: Cinnamon drain in everything f r o m nature to which she will observe on Thurs­ high school h ere were held in the theatre of Gilroy, left, had placed first among the seniors Winchester Township, Mountain Shakespeare. The judges found day, March 20. Community Hall on Friday afternoon of last to receive the Rotary Club cup. Mr C. A. Gra­ and Osgoode Townships; the much to their liking in all the week. Eleven youthful contestants took part in ham, of the high school staff, officiated.-Record Coulthart drain and the Servage presentations but Ann Cassel­ 50th ANNIVER ARY the program and when the judges had made Photo. drain in Winchester Township. man in the junior division got their choices, Ann Casselman, right, had won the Work is to be completed on or the nod for the Hutt Shield. In Mr and Mrs W. J. Stark, before November 30, 1958. the seniors, Robert Gilroy in his a well-known Berwick couple, The road superintendent was talk on "The Sun" impressed marked their 50th wedding Mr Stark married Miss making of a corsage of hyacinth most favourably and he edged instructed to issue a building anniversary recently. A buf­ Bella MacQueen at the Mac­ petals, another featured a cup G. H. Bawden out the competition for the Rot­ fet supper was served in permit to Napoleon Lavictoire Queen home in 1908. Rev W. and saucer filled with colourful for the erection of a house on ary Cup. their honour at the home of small flowers suitable as a gift Attends Ottawa Conference Lot 11, Concession 12. Contestants and subjects were: their son and daughter-in­ D. Bell, of St. Luke's Pres­ for a patient; still another, a A petition was received from Junior Division: Carl Byers, law, Mr and Mrs Alex Stark, byterian Church, Finch, of­ "first pair" of baby boots hold­ G. H. Bawden, manager of the land owners living on the given "Atomic Power;" Ann Cassel- Niagara Falls, Ont. ficiated. ing small containers of tiny local branch of The Bank of road through Concession 12, be- sweetheart roses for a new moth­ Nova Scotia, has just returned Lots 9 and 10, asking that er. from a two-day conference of t• oad be graded and widened Tickets were sold on eight of bankers at the Chateau Laurier to 66 feet and offering to donate the arrangements while another Hotel in Ottawa. At a special the necessary land. Hospital Auxiliary Reports Record Year was given as a door prize. Lucky session on Friday night, M. Grat­ A resolution was passed on a winners were: Mrs Reg. Fetterly, tan O'Leary, president of the recorded vote that the snow plow The regular monthly meeting since the opening in 1948. She er demonstration under the dir­ Mrs Eric Casselman, Mrs Geo. Journal Publishing Company of open the lanes of members of of Winchester District Memorial also stated there was great need ection of Mrs J ack Rennison, of Elliott, Mrs T. Holmes, Mrs OJ. Ottawa, addressed the audience oouncil when it is necessary to Hospital Auxiliary was -held on for more hospital beds. "Muriel's Flowers." Mrs Ren­ sen, Mrs Roy Fawcett, Mrs Fred of bankers which included more go out on township business; March 6 in the assembly hall of A conference in Almonte of nisson's guest was Madame Paq­ Curtis, Mrs Wm. Doughty, Mrs than 60 BNS managers from the councillor McNabb was the only the hospital with a record at­ Region No. 10 will be held April uette, of Ottawa, was was as­ John Moffatt. The sum of S85 Ottawa Valley and district. member opposed to this. tendance of 150. Thirteen units 21. Tentative plans for a garden sisted by her son, Jacques, and was realized for the Auxiliary. The bank's two Ottawa direc­ The following accounts were were represented. party in June to commemorate they together created most beau­ Members assisting Mrs Archie tors, Brigadier General C. H. Mc­ passed and paid : Roads and Mrs Black expressed pleasure the 10th anniversary of the hos­ tiful and unusual floral arrange­ Rice and Mrs Keith Carkner Laren, C.M.G., D.S.O., and Col. bridges, S5,519.56; Garfield Bak­ in seeing so many members and pital were· brought before the ments of cut flowers. Using w e r e Mrs Lloyd Dixon, Mrs J. Th Fraser, also attended the er, Rural Municipalities, S80; guests present. After the reading meeting and units were asked Oasis-a miraculous substance George Elliott, Mrs Percy Rob­ conference. Gerald Holmes, Rural Muni­ of the minutes of the previous to bring opihions t0 the April which when dry is light as cork erts, Mrs Chester Robinson, Mrs Other highlights of the session cipalities, $80; J . Steen, Rural meeting, Miss Elliott presented meeting. A report of the annual and when wet holds 40 times its Gerald Helmer and Mrs D. Mac­ were talks which dealt with key Municipalities, 80; salaries and the treasurer's report. Total re­ meeting of the board of direc­ weight in water-as a base for Lean. aspects in banking, such as allowances, S68.90. ceipts amounted to S492.37. Lin­ tors which was held on Tuesday, some of the ten displays, exotic Mrs Allan Alford convened the credit, business development, A mcil adjourned to meet in ens purchased at a cost of S223.- March 4, was given by the presi­ arrangements were made in refreshments which were served staff traning and modern trends \~ hester on Monday, April 7, 73, left a balance of $268.64. dent. shallow bowls using gladioli, at the conclusion. in bank methods. at 11 a.m. Mrs Mulloy's report for hos­ Flower Demonstration 'mums, daffodils, tulips, with pital activities revealed that the The meeting was adjourned such greens as eucalyptus, salil, month of February had the and turned over to the Winches­ hurk and cedar. · Tory Convention highest average patient per day ter unit who sponsored a flow- One demonstration was the Marshall Page, 75, Dies Suddenly on Thursday Chooses Retired Trainman and Former Village Councillor A. Clair Casselman The community was saddened there placed in the Page plot Saturday afternoon A. Clair to hear of the sudden passing of at Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Casselman was nominateq as a former councillor and citizen, Monday. Conservative candidate for Marshall Sutherland Page, in Grenville-Dundas. It was his his 75th year. Mr Page suffered 11th nomination and if he is a seizure Thursday afternoon Licence Yet? successful at the polls on March and had passed away before As we go to press, we learn 31, he will approach the long­ medical assistance could be sum­ the last day to get car licences time record of sitting in the moned. He was at his home on has been advanced one day. House. College Street at the time. Today, March 13 is now the last The colonel was unopposed in Mr Page was the son of the day and after that date anyone his nomination as the only other late John Page and his wife, driving with 1957 plates will be name entered, that of F.
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