870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 21, others, citizens of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., asking for the passage of the By Mr. GROUT: Of 495 ·citizens; and of 692 citizens of the second Senate bills 52 and 53-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. district of Vermont. By Mr. KLEINER: Petition of the Indiana. State Grange; of the By Mr. HAYDEN: Of 248 citizens of the fifth district of 1Ia.3Sachu­ Indiana Tile and Drainage Association; of the Indiana State Board of setts. Agriculture;. and of the Indiana Horticultural Society~ in favor of By Mr. KETCHAM: Of 48 citizens of the sixteenth district of New establishing agricultural experiment-stations-to the Committee on York. Agriculture. By Mr. LANDES: Of 206 citizens of the sixteenth district of Dli­ By Mr. MARTIN: Petition of the American Shipping and Industrial nois. League, in favor of the Dingley bill, and for other purposes-to the By Mr. LITTLE: Petition of Mrs. HenriettaL. Monroe, president, Select Committee on Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. and other officers of the Ohio Women's Christian Temperance Union, By 1\Ir. MOFFA.TT: Petition of R. B. Reynolds and 35 others, of for the passage of the Blair bill. Inland, Benzie County, Michigan, in favor of the passage of House bill By Mr. PINDAR: Of citizens of the twenty-fourth district of New 2933-to the Committee on Agriculture. York. By Mr. MORRILL: Petition of Grand Army of the Republic, Post By 1\fr. SAWYER: Of 94 citizens of the thirty-first district of New Soldier of Kansas, asking for the passage of the Edmunds-Tucker Mor­ York. mon bill-to the Committee on Judiciary. By Mr. MORROW: Memorial by telegraph from thepresident ofthe Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, Cal., in favor of appropria­ tions for coast defenses and increased naval force-to the Committee on SENATE. Appropriations. FRIDAY, January 21, 1887. By Mr. NORWOOD: Petition for the continuance of collector at Brunswick, Ga.-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Prnyer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. By Mr. OSBORNE: Resolution of the New York Board of Trade and The J ou.rnal of yesterday's proceedinga was read and approved. Transportation, favoring the passage of the interstate-commerce bill­ ROBERT ST.RACH.A.N. to the Committee on Commerce. Also, resolutions of the Western Pennsylvania Agricultural Associ­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the amendment ation, favoring the passage of the Miller bill relative to pleuro-pneu­ of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 574) for the relief of Rob­ monia-to the Committee on .Agriculture. ert Strachan; which was referred to the Committee on the District of Also, resolutions of the KnightsofLaborofWashington, D. C., favor­ Columbia. ing the passage of the bill (H. R. 7217) providing for the organization of BATTLE SWORD OF CAPT. S. C. REID. the Territory of Oklf}homa-to the Committee on Territories. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following Also, resolutions of the New England Ship-owners' Association, favor­ message from the President of the United States; which was read, and, ing the passage of the Dingley pilot bill-to the Select Committee on with the accompanying papers, ordered to lie on the table, and be American Ship-building and Ship-owners Interests. printed: By .Mr. PERKINS: Petition and papers in support of the pension To the' senate and. H011.se of Representatives: claim of James Spring, of Winfield, Kans.-to the Committee on In­ I herewith transmit a. communication addressed to me by Mr. Samuel C. Reid, vaHd Pensions. who offers to the United States the battle sword (now in my custody) of his father, Cnpt. Samuel Chester Reid, who commanded the United States private­ By Mr. PINDAR: Petition of George A. Trumbull Post, No. 157, armed brig General Armstrong, at the battle of Faya.l, in September, 1814. Grand Army of the Republic, of Experience, N. Y., asking for the pas­ I respectfully recommend that appropriate action be taken by Congress for the sage of the Edmunds-Tncker bill-to the Committee on the Judiciary. acceptance of this gift. GROVER CLEVELAND. Also, resolutions of the New York Board of Trade and Transporta­ EXECUTIVE M.L~SION, tion Company, relative to the· interstate-commerce bill-to the Com­ Washington, January 20, 1887. mittee on Commerce. By Mr. RIGGS: Letter from Col. W. H. Fulkerson, of Jerseyville, STATE DEPARTMENT CONTINGENT FUND. Til., in favor of the Miller pleuro-pneumonia bill-to the Committee The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following on Agriculture. message from the President of the United States; which was read, and, By Mr. STEELE: Petition of Sylvester Johnson, president Indiana with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Appro­ Horticultural Society; of Milton Trusler, master of the Indiana State priations, and ordered to be printed: Grange; ofT. E. Chandler, president of the Indiana Tile and Drain­ To the Senate of the Un ited States: age Association; and of W. B. Seward, president Indiana State Agri­ I have the honor to transmit to the Senate herewit-h a. report of the Secretary of State in answer to the resolution of the Senate of the 11th instant, requesting cultur:U Association, asking for the passage of the bill establishing ex­ "estimates for the contingent fw1d of each bureau" iu the Department of State. perimental farms in the several States-to the same committee. GROVER CLEVELAND. :By Mr. W. J. STONE, of Missouri: Petition of S. T. Ryan and others, EXECUTIVE MANSION, citizens of Missouri, in favor of the experiment-station bill, and for Washington, January 20, 1887. other purposes-to the same committee. CLAIMS AGAINST REPUBLIC OF HAYTI. Mr. TAULBEE: Petition of Nimrod Mcintosh, late private Com­ By The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following pany D, Sixth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, and second lieutenant message from the Pl'esident of the United States; which was read: Company K, Fourteenth Regiment Kentuc1..~ Cavalry, for the removal of the charge of desertion standing against him-to the Committee on To the Senate : I transmit herewith a. report of the Secretary of State in answer to the resolu­ Military Affairs. tion of the Senate of D ecember 8, 18 6, relative to the claims of .Antonio Pelle~ By .l'tlr. VAN EATON: Papers relating to the claim ofMrs. Elizabeth tier and A. H. Lazare against the Republic of Hayti. Mackin, to accompany Honse bill 6113-to the Committee on War GROVER CLEVELAND. EXE CUTIVE 1\IANSION, Claims. Washington, Janua1-y 20, 1887. By Mr. WAIT: PetitioliofHngh H. Osgood, of Norwich, Conn., for the repeal of certain internal taxes-to the Committee on Ways and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair calls the attention of Means. the Senator from Vermont [Mr. EDMUNDS]. The Chair is in doubt By Mr. WILSON: Petition of the town council of West Grafton, W. whether it is necessary to order accompanying documents to be printed. Va., for an appropriation for a national cemetery at Grafton, W.Va.- Mr. EDMUNDS. Probably they had better not be printed at first, to the Committee on Military Affairs. · and the Committee on Foreign Relations can examine them and see whether they need be printed. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The message will be printed, and, The following petitions, praying for -the enactment of a bill provid­ with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Foreign ing temporary aid for common schools, to be disbursed on the basis of Relations. illiteracy, were severally referred to the Committee on Education: EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. By Mr. BUNNELL: Of 222 citizens of the fifteenth district of Penn­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Senate a sylvania. communication from the Secretary of State, transmitting copies of a By Mr. BURROWS: Of 297 citizens of the fourth district of Mich­ memorial of several historical societies, and making statement relative igan. to the purchase of a digest and catalogue of documents in Europe rela. By Mr. J. 1\L CAMPBELL: Of citizens of Somerset, Pa. t ingtotheea.rlyhistoryofthe United States, prepared by B. F. Stevens. By Mr. CURTIN: Of 323 citizens of the twentieth district of Penn­ Mr. HOAR. I move that all the papers be printed and referred to sylvania. the Committee on the Library. They are very brief. By Mr. EVERHART: Of 127 citizens of West Grove, and 40 citizens The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does the Senator desiro iho lotter of Spring City, Chester County, and 14 citizens of Delaware County, of the Secretary of State read? Pennsylvania. Mr. HOAR. It is not necessary. By :hir. FARQUHAR: Of 218 citizens of the thirty-second district Mr. EDMUNDS. It ought to be read. of New York. Mr. HOAR. Yes; that is the ordinary courtesy. 1887. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 871 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The letter need not be read. It bacco dealers pay only $240 a year. The petition is sent to me with will be printed with the accompanying papers, in the usual way. the following letter: The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica-­ LOUISVILLE, KY., January 19, 1887. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report frpm the 1\IY DEAR SENATOR: At the request of a large number of our mer<:han.ts, I writ.e and inclose a bill reducing the wholesale and retail dealers' spec1al hc~uses on United States Treasury relative to an appropriation of $50,000 for oleomargarine, and request th:a.t you introduce the same and ask for 1ts refer­ printing and separating silver certificates and legal-tender notes, and ence to your Finance Committee.
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