0C fi 2 •-•om < n _J cc _j THE WESTFIELD LEADER « UJ O >~i MLJU. The Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County -i t~ « in 1/1 3 (VI UJ 0- •* 3 USPS 6B0O2I) NINETY!- 10.40 Second CIB\S Potlupc I'uitl WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THUKSDAY, MAY 5, 1983 Published u Wesiriclil. N. J. Every Thunday 26 Pages—25 Cents Bagger, Quinn Join GOP Slate, 403 Teachers Among 561 Democrats Name One Appointed by School Bd. Incumbents Harry Trenton and Washington, ment by drawing on my waste committee." Brown, first ward, and concern for our community background and ex- Capone, 39, is assistant The Westfield Board of staff and notify staff teaching staff members, 49 tain tenure with the Leo J. Senus. "This James Capone, third ward, based on lifelong perience, which includes professor of management Education appointed SGI members who will not be secretaries, 53 custodians 1983-1984 appointment. number includes all staff have been joined by residence, and thoughtful five years as township at- science at Kean College, a staff members for the offered a contract for next and maintenance "For a variety of members, including those newcomers Richard Bag- new ideas from the unique torney and four years ex- position he has held since 1963-1964 school term at a year at this time. Thus, the employees, 43 adminis- reasons, personnel holding whose salaries are con- ger, second ward, and Tom vantage point of youth. perience as planning board 1975, and teaches courses special meeting last week. special meeting was held trators, supervisors and 38 staff positions have been tingent upon federal or Quinn, fourth ward, in "Westfield is fortunate to attorney, as well as the ex- in business law, accoun- According to law, the last Wednesday. department heads; and 13 given notice of 'no con- state funding. Some of seeking Republican have a tradition of sound, perience I have obtained in ting, taxation and real school board, by an April Included among the 5G1 instructional aides. Of the tract' at this time," said these staff positions will be nomination for Town Coun- Republican leadership the last year and one-half estate. He is also a 30 deadline, must appoint appointments are 403 561 staff members, 23 at- School Board President appointed later, if and cil in the June 7 Primary which created, and now while serving as the chair- member of the American when these federal or state Election. preserves the special at- man of the finance com- Federation of Teachers funds are approved for Only one Democratic mosphere of our communi- mittee of the Town Council, and serves as treasurer of Baggers Westfield. candidate, Armando Cos- ty. I hope to make some and as a member of the Local 2187. He was elected "Staff decisions are bas- quer, third ward, has filed contribution to that tradi- laws and rules and solid (Continued last page, this section) '83 Graduation Rescheduled ed on projected student a petition for nomination. tion of outstanding local needs (number of elemen- Brown, who was ap- government, particularly Successor tary students and courses pointed to fill the unex- in maintaining careful selected by secondary pired term of Chesney Mc- land-use planning and sen- From June 16 to June 22 school students), on finan- Cracken and later ran suc- sible traffic patterns. cial resources and on ongo- cessfully for an unexpired "The fundamental Named? ing staff evaluations, the one-year term, is chair- responsibility of the Town board president stated. A new member of the Westfield High School graduation ex- man of the transportation, Council is to represent the Board of Education to fill members of a change in the graduation "As we go through this pro- parking and traffic com- interests of Westfield and ercises have been changed from Thurs- date," he explained. cess each year, we realize the unexpired term of day, June 1C, to Wednesday, June 22 — mittee of the Town Council be responsive to its Donald Bagger was ex- Dr. Petix released an end-of-the-year we have an excellent staff and serves on the finance, citizens. With this in mind, the 180th day of school. schedule for high school students this in our schools. We can be pected to be named by the School Superintendent Laurence F. laws and rules and license I intend to conduct an ac- school board at a special week. confident in them and pro- committees. tive, person-to-person Greene and High School Principal Final examinations for sophomores, ud of them. The high level session last night, too late Robert G. Petix recommended the Bagger, a lifelong resi- campaign. Only by walk- for Leader deadline. juniors and seniors will be given Thurs- of accomplishments of our dent of Westfield, is a ing on each street in the se- change to the Westfield Board of Educa- day, June 9, through Thursday, June 16. staff members and stu- member of the profes- cond ward and talking with tion at its special meeting on April 27. Friday, June 17, will be make-up exam dents gives testimony to sional staff of the House the people who live there Passage of Assembly Bill A 1733, day. their efforts and abilities." Select Committee on Aging can I best serve them as Several candidates, which would permit school districts to The schedule for the last week of The staff appointments and will attend Rutgers councilman. whose names were not dis- hold graduation exercises before the last followed an executive ses- closed, were interviewed in school follows: University School of Law "I will work hard to day of school, may not be passed in time' Monday, June 20 - a regular schedule sion which lasted until mid- in the fall. Active in an executive session of the to permit Westfield High School's grad- night or after. Prior to ad- serve Westfield with the board Tuesday night, and for all high school students to review ex- Republican politics and distinction in has grown to ualion.scheduledfor Thursday, June 16, aminations. journing into the private in private session last night , to continue as planned. most recently serving on expect from second ward Tuesday, June 21 - graduation rehear- meeting, Senus had harsh Congressman Matthew councilmen and coun- during a speciap l meeting j If I thought there was time for words for Town Council's Rinaldo's staff, he was the cilwomen," Bagger con- callelldd to appoini t a replacel - out of the decision the previous night Senate Education Committee and be ty day and individual exam review day first honor student in the cluded. Are You Registered? ment. for sophomores and juniors from 8:15 to on cutting the school 1978 graduating class of Capone announcing that Extended periods for registration for the June 7 voted on before the next scheduled budget by $450,000. Com- No business was meeting of the Senate on May 23,1 would 12:15. Westfield High School, and he is a candidate for Primary Election have been scheduled by the.Town listed i s agenda. ments on the board's "in- earned a bachelor of arts renomination for the office Clerk's Office, Residents may register through Mon- urge the school board to continue on with Wednesday, June 22 - graduation tegrity" were "totally un- the originally scheduled June 16 date; rehearsal for seniors from 8:30 to 12:30; degree from Princeton of third ward councilman day. Bagger'resigned his seat warranted" and "irrespon- University in 1982. however, I think that we had belter im- present sophomores and juniors will sible," said Senus. in the Republican Primary The Town Clerk's Office will be open for registration on the board in March hav- mediately change the date to June 22 - have a run through of their next year's "After considerable on June 7, said "I look for- from 9 a.m. too p.m. on the following dates, as well as ing served not quite a year the last day of School," he said. schedule from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The board, Senus con- thought, I have decided to ward to the campaign and the normal 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. office hours: of a three year term. It is cluded, "is proud to the continued discussion of Today, tomorrow and Monday. "May 23 would be far too late in the Graduation exercises will be held at 6 seek election from the se- expected that his successor year to notify students, parents and staff p.m. on Wednesday. June 22. welcome those who wish to cond ward to the Westfield issues of concern to the To register, persons must be 18 years of age on or will be sworn into office at be its advocates." Town Council in this people of the town and the before June 7,1983, must have lived in New Jersey 30 the regular meeting of the The post-executive ses- November's election," ward. My goal has been to days before June 7, 5983 in order to vote in the Primary Board of Education Tues- sion, the board also Bagger said. be of service to the people Election. ' J day, May 17, and will serve { directed Superintendent "I hope to offer the Town of the town, regardless of Those who have changed an address should notify i until the 1984 school dis- IContmuod last page, this section) Council the advantage of party. I think I can con- the County Board of Elections, 53 Rahway Ave,, trict election. At that time, knowledge of the tinue to make a contribu- Elizabeth, New Jersey (17207.
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