I , r , , l' .~ I .. ! If I ~U<r - S~2222lf(, t. I- J "-. All The News • Of An The Poir.tes Every Thursday Morning ross~ oln"e ews Bonu the News Complete .~ ew~'Coverage .of ~lr the Poirltes of . • :.: ... , ~' I. .', • I ~ Entered as Second Class Matter 5c Per Copy Fully Paid Circulation VOLUME 17-NO. 4 at the Post Office at D~troit. Mich. <;7RQSSE P6'JNTE. MICHIGAN, .)ANUAR'( 26. '1956 $3.00 Per Yea-e TWO SECTIONS , ", .. ' .. ' . \ ,- Covered Walk to .'C'on'nec,f,T¥io>,Sch:ooL.Buildi'ng's Voters Give HEADI ..IN ES - '. ... ' Nod to' Plan WEEK For Building d.J CompiJ~(j by the ~O$S~ Pomt" News Junior High School, Two Swimming Pools and New Heating System Seen Thursday, January 20 ANTOINE. PINA Y. foreign .Donors Needed to Make Project Success; Red Cross The School bond issue was minister of France, urged anti. passed by a small majority, Reds to band together to pre. Bloodmobile to Be at Memorial Tomorrow. vent Communists from getting special school election held seats in the French Cabinet. He Friday. January 27 and re - districting oft h e ;said anti-Red parties can get School D i s t r i c t. was ap" together in a Government al. The War Memorial Center is making a last minute prov-ed overwhelmingly. in liance. appeal for donors to contribute to the blood bank tomor- the special school ~lectlOn In a message presented to the row, January' 27, between 2 and 8. p.m. held on Tuesday, January 24• . newly opened National Assemb- The total number of votes ly, he said that the Reds will The. American Red Cross is ~ . cast in favor of the issue was continue to win Cabinet seats if continuously called upon to I . 3 968 and opposed, 3,005; for the "other help continues to be re- meet emerge~cies and to allevi- Wi ns 'rop H,on,or r~cla~sification, 4,981, against, jected with obstinate disdain," ate the suffermgs of people the . 2,006. All told, 212 ballots were The Communists have expressed world over.' This is the. reason' spoiled. '. ~ willingess to support aRe. your blood is so desperately This is how the scnools voted. publican front Cabinet with needed. Trombly: bond issue~ .yes. - their 152 votes, the strongest l!'ew,Appointments Made 235, no ....;...205; reclasnflcatlOn, single bloc in the new As- Tomorrow,' the Red Cross . C yes-319, no-I03. sembly. Bloodmobile wIll be at the en- Defer: bond issue, yes-238; '" '" .. ! ter. It will be the only time MICHIGAN DEALERS have \" this winter. Appointments have no-336; reclassification, yes - , . 334, no-262. bought enough "bootleg" cars ,':' ,': ,. been dIscouragingly few. I Maire: bond issue, yes - 370; to supply a state th~ size of Mrs. G. R. Koester and her 'f . I"-..~ '. ". ,~/.,'" hard-workm' g volunteers "'re l'n no - 355; reclassification, yes- Cal1 orma, it was reported by a I'~~"."::.~.,'"." "" 320 Senate sub~committee headed . '. ", ..~..~, ,. ~,.'".; hopes that' readers of thl'S ar~ 426, no - . d by Senator Monroney (...D., '. \". '" tI'cle wI'11stop. at the Center. 32 Richard: bon issue, f'yes . - . , . ,.. "',' Lake Shore road,. to donate 482, 1'10 - 508; reclassi Ication, , O. k-l a..) H~arIilgs were opp:.1.1edI[1"'., . :/\4' '.k" '. m Washmgton today, hrst ''-' <r:~:v«<, ~.<.'.,••;;r.~',.~~.':,..'...;....."..;;,:.:.....~,y '...,"',Y ;.••;~:,.,:.,:,w.:.iL;",.*:.:;:;..:~ ...:.'...,...~.;.<..~.:.":.. .,1 their pint of blood. yes - 741, no - 250. witness at the hearing will be ::::.:...',:'. '..,' ':,.:,'.:.'.:.~.> ~.~. .~- -. --"" - -, Y .. v Transportation will be pro~ Vernier: bond issue, yes -314, George Romney, president of Workmen' are erecting a covered walkway which will connect the Grosse Pointe High School Building and vided for those who request it; no - 212; reclassification, yes- Amencan Motors corporation. the former Country' Day School structuJ..e. A gateway permits' cars to enter and exit from the large parking all that need be done is to call 384, no -bI35. ' . bIb h b 'ld' TU 1~6030.Also, there will be Mason: ond issue, yes-591, ov~Th e hearmgstwo mooth~WIll e extended t at etween t e two UI mgs. -Picture by Fred Runnells - ~b~"~moohmd~carefur no - 352; r~ass1 if'~abo~, y9 M .d h . hi' the smail children of donors. -694, no - 336. m~n~~I;~re:e;a;hO~V:J ~c~l~a~ ! ~ltores' Plea Former A.,la'skanGovernor IKlewan;an's Center Wants Bank Monteith: bond issue, yes - 1 'c II Th- Center 1.Sl'n'terested and 687, no - 390; reclassification, dealers bought •.t h 0 usa n d s /'I'.J ...~ 2 " h 11' S. P1 P anxious' to build a blood b.ank yes - 826, no - 42. Michigan.more carsHethana150t eys.aidse thatIn I F Wate To DIescuss tatehood In . an arty for re'sl'dents of the Pointe who Kerby:579cond1 issue,'f' yest' - 607. many new cars are drIven from or r . are not connected with an or~ Willia~ Clay Ford is'Detroit'g ~g6- ;~~~asSI Ica lon, yes- Detroit to f.ar-.aw~y points. t r ~anization lor . cone,e~n, where "Outstanding Young _Man. of ' no - ... • S-ide.t'rackedII C. eIebrlet y. S'erlese L.,ee.ure F'0' 'Ch;Z'dre'" It n they cal~ ~o~tribut:: blood,:~or -1955/' the' Detroit Junior' Boai'd , It 'ras,~fflClally dIsclosed that RED CHlNA...GHARGED that ' . v.,_., . i. " u'-""j. .___ ','~~.::i- ,'_. ,use.J)y::tih~U',lmm~4ia~e.faJ;rllhe~ of Commer.ce announced~ato.iis' t~e.eectlon brought C1,1?Q1.l..L~he ','; --- . - ,- .. "" I k • . in case--of an emergency .•' annual" -DXstinguished Service hIghesf. turn. out of'votes durmg ;~~o~~~tetor~~.at~s' b[Oe:~t~~.~~ \ Farms Agrees. to ,Offer \ Er~est, GrueniJ:l.9, Noted Editor",.-to Jalk Jrom Personal, :Arlnua .S atIM9 Event to. Be Tomorrow }s, thE\ 'beginning Award- Banquet on January 19 school e~ec~lOnshel~ so far. agreement on Formosa. Umted .Standby Service Rather .1 Experiences and from D.ata Gath.9r~d Held at WOQds.Lake ..o of the Community Blood 'Bank. at the Hotel statler. ~ maJorIty of. Pomte ~rgaru- . f' P k F 'b' Will you deposit a pint? ' . .' zatlons anq reSIdent-taxpayers States Ambassador U. Alexis Than Guarantee' \ . Over Many Y,e~rs' . '. .. r~nt ar, ,e ~-5' I M::.Ford, 30 years old; :is VIce. expr.essed themselves as being Johnson n Geneva, dedared -------' preSIdent of th~ ~o~d, ~otor. in favor of the bond issue, and e that a 2,500-word statement by The Farms-coUncil'",irtual.' Th.e q.uestion 'of statehood :e9r ~laska.,-will be di.scussed' The. K'i wan i s' Club of Fmal CWean-Up '. Compan~ and gr,o~p.~lrector of a good number were Opposed to Wang Png Nan, special Red . Sh" . G "P ,."t' h . ", 'J t d .ll the C0J.1tmental'DIY1Sl0~ ;and a it. Chinese ambassador, reflected, ly turned'down a, ores're. at the February 2 lecture of the -Grosse Pointe Celebrity .'lrosse OlD: e I ~s:co~J.P e e R 't 'W n:en:ber of the company S 'board However there h d ,. d "to some extent" the progress quest for - . continuance of S '" .t b"h'd t th E .. Th' t 15"11-E" t'J f' .p.ans for Its, thIrd. ~nual epor on ay 'of dIrectors. .' ~ . appea_e k f -water servI'ce untl.ll~57, dur. eL ..S, 0 e el a e .squ.u:e., eli ~r, .. J. c;.s . e -. skating' ,parhi ,for community __ . .' lIttle, If any. OPPOSItIonto the made.in 24 wee s 0 secret ne- f E t G G f Al k f ~J Acc,eptmg .tlie award for Mr. redistricting of the School DI'!'~ gotiations. Wang's statement ing a regular meetin'g held erson avenue. rnes I ruemng, oyernor a . as a rom children,' which will be held The final report and scrap Ford, wh;o was ~nable to attend trict. - broke the official secrecy on on Monday, January 16. 1939 to 1953. will be the featured speaker at 'the 11 a.tn. at the Wpods lakefr.on~ park album pertaining to the Point\~'s the banqU~ becaw=e of a recent alks and sumI!'arl'zed the S d F b 5 b . ~ . - ,The former was presented to the t City Manager Harry Furton lecture. 0 on un ay, e rtiary , €- participat10n :in the '1' e c e n t foot InJu was hIS brotner th t Chine~e version of the ex- '. 'e axpayers for their decision, told council that a survey con- Former Governor, Gruenl'ng ainning. at.2 p.m. .' Clean-Up Campaign for cities Benson Ford VIce-preSIdent of d th d" changes with Johnsop.. 0.' , an e re Istncting question ducted by Acting City Eng. wl'll analyse the ~,tatehood. of . The' afternoo.n of fun. wIll f, e.a- in the M,OOO population cate~ the. Ford Motor Company and d The American ambassador~' , was opene to all voters. Sidney DeBoer, showed that the Alaska not only from hI.S per- ture. 1r!a.ny','eve.nt,s.,,~.l,.n lud,m.g gory, was. sent to Washington, group dIrector of the Mercury . The two 's . said the "statement also at- b . 1 f Th d J 19 't as d S 'I Pdt D' . • I sues were. tempts to gloss over the stark Shores would not e serIOUSy sonal experiences "in Alaska, but ~ varIOUS.cO,ntests f~r'chil dr.en 0 on urs ay, anuary , 1 W an peCl<\. r~ uc s IVlSIons. I-To authorize the Board of iailur~ of the Chinese Commun- eff~ted if the Farms cut off its from data he gathered .from• all age ,groups un~.
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