THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Performing Edition. Volume A. Part . Pages VI-XXX. Blessings at Matins. Kalendar. Table of Moveable Feasts. General Rubrics. Edited by William Renwick. HAMILTON ONTARIO . THE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF CANADA . MMXIII. The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada, Mercer Street, Dundas, Ontario, Canada LH N. The Gregorien Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University. The Sarum Rite is distributed over the internet through .pdf files located at: www.sarum-chant.ca This document first published April , . All rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded and stored on personal computers, and may be printed for purposes of research, study, education, and performance. No part of this publication may be uploaded, printed for sale or distribution, or otherwise transmitted or sold, without the prior permission in writing of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada is a charitable organization registered by the Federal Government of Canada. www.gregorian.ca © The Gregorian Institute of Canada, . VI But one short hour will change the lot of the highest and of the lowest. Breviary, whether serving private hours or church choir, according to the use of the renowned church of Salisbury : together with all of its regulations, fittingly set forth in their proper places. C. CHEVALLON 1531 VII Blessings at Matins. BLESSINGS AT MATINS. Lessings are said before each Lesson at Matins throughout the whole year. B Whenever nine Lessons occur during the whole year, these first six Blessings are said at Matins before the Lessons except on Feasts of St. Mary and All Saints. They are also said on Feasts of Three Lessons without Exposition of the Gospel whether the Choir is ruled or not, and on Octaves and within Octaves and on ferias in Eastertide according to the order of the Nocturns. In the first Nocturn these Blessings are Blessing is said. said. By the words of the Gospel : may Ay the everlasting Father bless our sins be blotted out. Mus : with perpetual blessing. When the Gospel of John is read : this May God, the Son of God : deign Blessing is said. to bless and help us. May the fount of the Gospel : fill May the grace of the Holy Ghost : us with the doctrine of heaven. enlighten our hearts and bodies. When there is no reading of the Gospel In the second Nocturn these Blessings then this Blessing is said at the seventh are said. Lesson. May the almighty Lord bless us May the Creator of all things bless with his grace. us now and forever. May Christ grant unto us : the joys At the eighth Lesson this Blessing is of life eternal. always said : except on the Feasts of St. May the kindly Spirit cleanse us Mary and All Saints. without and within. May the Divine assistance : remain When the Gospel of Matthew is read : always with us. this Blessing is said. However when the Exposition of May the reading of the Gospel be Gospel is appointed as the first Lesson unto us health and protection. then this is the second Blesssing. When the Gospel of Mark is read : May the Divine assistance : remain this Blessing is said. always with us. By the armour of the Gospel may However on Feasts of Saints, except the Creator of the world defend us. on Feasts of St. Mary this is the ninth When the Gospel of Luke read : this Blessing. Likewise on Feasts of Three VIII Blessings at Matins. Lessons with Exposition of the Gospel let On all Feasts through the year outside this be the third Blessing. of Eastertide and when there is no May the King of angels bring us Exposition of the Gospel : these three into the fellowship of the citizens of Blessings are said. heaven. May God be merciful unto us : and When however nine Lessons are from grant us peace. the Temporale throughout the whole May the power of Christ : dwell in year : except from the Feast of the Holy our hearts. Trinity through to the Advent of the May the kindly Spirit sent from Lord, let this be the ninth Blessing. heaven teach us. In the unity of the Holy Ghost : On Feasts and Commemorations of may the Father and the Son bless us. St. Mary throughout the whole year : let Let it also be said on the Feast of these Blessings be said. Corpus Christi and within the Octave of In the first Nocturn these three the same, on the Feast of the Blessings are said. Transfiguration, and on the Feast of the Kindly Virgin of virgins : intercede Name of Jesus : and on Sunday within for us to the Lord. the Octave and on the Octave of the May Christ, the Son of Mary : be same, and on the Feast of the Exaltation merciful and favourable unto us. of the Holy Cross, and on the Feast of May the Holy Mother of God : be the Dedication of the Church : and on unto us a helper. the Sunday and within the Octave and In the second Nocturn these three on the Octave of the same. Blessings are said. When however there are three Lessons By the merits of Holy Mary : bring of the Temporale with Exposition of the us to the heavenly kingdom. Gospel, let this be the third Blessing. Thou who didst bring forth the In the unity of the Holy Ghost. as Christ, entreat for us unto him. above. Mary, Star of the Sea most gracious : From the Feast of the Holy Trinity succour us. through to the Advent of the Lord : on In the third Nocturn these three Sundays when Sunday is observed let this Blessings are said. be the ninth Blessing. Through the merits of Mary : may May the power of the Holy Trinity the reading of the Gospel profit us. strengthen us : in perfect charity. May the Virgin Mary : obtain for us IX Blessings at Matins. divine consolation. O Virgin worthy of God : be thou May the Queen of Heaven guide us : favourable to those who plead. into the fellowship of the citizens of Intercede for us, O pious Virgin heaven. Mary. Likewise other Blessings of St. Mary May she who brought forth a when service is made of the same within Flower : grant unto us the Flower’s Octaves only. fragrance. In the first Nocturn these three In the third Nocturn these three Blessings are said. Blessings are said. Pure, chaste, pious : O Mary, have Preserve thy servants : O Virgin mercy upon us. Mary. O Mary, pure, chaste and pious : By the prayers of holy Mary : may have mercy on the wretched. the Father and the Son bless us. O Virgin Mother : make thy Son to Son of the Virgin Mary : grant unto be favourable unto us. us the joys of eternal life. By the prayers of the Mother : may On the Feast of All Saints : the the wisdom of the Father save us. Blessings are said as indicated before the In the second Nocturn these three Lessons of that Feast. Blessings are said. X The Kalendar. THE KALENDAR. J ANUARY . Golden KLKLKL The first day of the month and the seventh truncate as a sword. number. January hath xxxj. days. The lunar month xxx. iij. AAA January. The Circumcision of the Lord. Lesser Double Feast. ix. Lessons. j. b iiii. No. The Octave of St. Stephen. Double Invitatory, iij. Lessons, ij. with the Choir ruled. xj. c iii. No. The Octave of St. John. Double Invitatory, iij. Lessons with iij. the Choir ruled. d eve of No. The Octave of the Innocents. Double Invitatory, iij. Lessons iiij. with the Choir ruled. xix. e Nones. Vigil. Memorial only of the Octave of St. Thomas. Memorial v. of St. Edward the Confessor. viij. f viij. Ides. The Epiphany of the Lord. Principal Double Feast, ix. Lessons. vj. g vij. Ides. The Keys of Septuagesima. vij. xvj. AAA vj. Ides. Memorial only of St. Lucian, Priest, and his Companions, viiij. Martyrs. v. b v. Ides. ix. c iiij. Ides. x. xiij. d iij. Ides. Sun in Aquarius . xj. ij. e ij. Ides. xij. f Ides. Octave of the Epiphany. ix. Lessons. Middle Lessons of St. xiij. Hilary. x. g xix. Kalends. St. Felix, Priest and Martyr, iij. Lessons. xiiij. February. AAA xviij. Kal. St. Maurus, Abbot and Confessor, iij. Lessons. xv. xviij. b xvij. Kal. St. Marcellus, Pope and Martyr, iij. Lessons. xvj. vij. c xvj. Kal. St. Sulpice, Bishop and Confessor, iij. Lessons. xvij. d xv. Kal. St. Prisca, Virgin and Martyr, iij. Lessons. xviij. xv. e xiiij. Kal. St. Wulfstan, Bishop and Confessor, ix. Lessons. xix. iiij. f xiij. Kal. St. Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs, no Exposition, ix. Lessons. xx. g xij. Kal. St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, no Exposition, ix. Lessons. xxj. xij. AAA xj. Kal. St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr, no Exposition, ix. Lessons. xxij. j. b x. Kal. xxiij. c ix. Kal. xxiiij. ix. d viij. Kal. The Conversion of St. Paul, ix. Lessons, Triple Invitatory. xxv. Memorial of St. Prejectus. e vij. Kal. xxvj. XI The Kalendar. xvij. f vj. Kal. St. Julian, Bishop and Confessor. Double Invitatory, iij. xxvij. Lessons. vj. g v. Kal. St. Agnes, Second Feast. Double Invitatory, iij. Lessons . xxviij. The Keys of Lent . AAA iiij. Kal. xxix. xiiij. b iij. Kal. St. Bathild, Queen and Virgin, not a Martyr, iij. Lessons. xxx. iij. c ij. Kal. xxxj. Night hath xvj. hours : Day to be sure viij. The pious love joyous cups and the feasts of Janus, Let blood be released : lettuce and chick-pea shall be sown.
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