"i" I'wSpWfl''' "'" " 'r,"W1P-r- ' i '. id(' I 'ifiiv'ty '"'r'"r37twyq)il', gar''yyBiBB,it' V 'i . -- EYEtfESt? iPUBrrC EEDGrER-rmrXDELr- HrA', FRIDftYrTjECEMBER 12, 19CJ' lo : r Jnni rTrii - mtmmrtf ,t MANS DELIGHT s H GINGERBREAD y -- Mrs. M. A. Wilson, Evening Pub- - wJK r i it ;. .. teat TYfrOtrisimas .irannrMTC lie Lodger Food Lxport, sur- tie prises Soldiers at Bazaar EGGLESS RECIPES ARE USED "Gee! 'Some gingerbread. That's ilkPlush the kind mother used to tnaVc." Soldier boys In uniform munched the pungent gingerbread that was made by Mrs. Mary A. Wilson, food expert for the Evening Public IiEDor.n, at the vm 100th Infantry bazaar In the First Eleventh and Market.StreetA. trmmLimm m Jrm m Eleventh and Market, Streets. Regiment Armory last night and de- JrJrmmtM Jm M3m. Jr cided It was "some gingerbread." The supply that was made Jot demonstration -- purposes only was exhausted in less timo'' than it takes to tell it, and the ova clamored for more. Famous the World Over as the Plushes That Look Like Fur That Preserve In her talk on economical recipes and the elimination of waste in cooking, Jin. Wilson startled the housewives by tell- ing them that it it were not for the the Silken Textures Genuine Wear Better Than of Furs and cheaper cuts of Fur lorcigners who ue the taeat steaks would cost from SZ.nO to $3 a pound. "The yoifng housewife of today never thinks of buying a piece of neck or ENTIRE floor devoted exclusively to these coats, fashioned of the WORLD-RENOWNE- D EVENT only possible at FRANK ik SEDER'S, because, recognizing the shin, or any other cheaper cuts of meat unless tbev are drcBscd up by the butcher AN "SALT'S" SILK PLUSHES AND FUR FABRICS. An ANpre-eminen- ce of "SALT'S" FABRICS, we have concentrated on "SALT'S" Ond called by n fancy name, and then such VALUES in fashioned and fabricated stocks impossible of anywhere fho pajTB the butcher for his trouble. event offering remarkable coats only of "SALT'S" fabrics that no productions today carry "SALT'S" duplication "Only 20 per cent of the carcass is woman or miss contemplating "the possession of a new Plush or Fur Fabric Coat can afford to else. And we give these remarkable VALUES in spite of a great scarcity of "SALT'S" bought by the average American houe-xrif- the other 74 per cent is virtually pass it by. FABRICS everywhere else. unknown in the American home." said Mrs. Wilson. "If it were not for the foreigner who buys the forcquarter of the meat, the price ol steaks would he, from 82.50 to S3 a. pound." 1 J Mrs. .WlUon urged the housewives to FiRST FL00R I return to the habits or their mothers, "ili lrT Til 1 p Q ipend more time in the home nnd econ- lirC v ( omize, fill on the use of rxnenivr food. She recommended that home baking be tidaptcd to the present conditions, that vgglcss recipes bo used and simp sub- stituted for sdgar until the present sugar shortage is pased. In her demonstrations Mrs. Wilson is using1 the cggless, sugarless recipes which she recommends. Womens &Misse$ 'Sizes Mlllc BUcuIts ffiarQ9.WMaIues F Thrco cups flour, One teaspoon tali, ' Three tablespoons halting powder. Mix with three tablespoons shorten- ing nnd dough up with one cup milk. The quantity will make thirty-si- x small biscuits. (Use level measurements onlj-J- . Gingerbread - On nvi onahalf cupi molasics. One-ha- lf cup shortening. One cup voter, One teaspoon cinnamon, One teaspoon ginger, r One-ha- lf teaspoon allspice, Four cups flour. Three tablespoons Inking poiciler. Beat and pour into a"wll greased and floured pan nnd bake for fort Ave minutes in a slow oven. (Use lsvel measurements only). SEES T SNAKE (Stranger Dashes Madly From Stable. Search Quickly Reveals "Reptile" m "HpIr! Police!" "What's broken loose here!" "There's a snake in thre sixteen fert slong and as thick as a telegraph pole." r cl,il,faf milpli.aviiitniT n n I,. n ...Ul... I ,nan.I1U.4 Mf l.aIII Idashed from the Carborry T,ivprv Sta-ble- Thirtieth street and Columbia ave- - (iiue. The stable hands werp startled. Sight of pink, green nnd other hued snakes before, the days of prohibition was not uncommon, but lately there has been none about. So they begnn a search. Armed with pitchforks, clubs and. other weapons,' and augmented by n "dozen armed policemen called from the For- tieth district police station, they began the search. It ended as abruptly as it started. They found the "snake" just where the stranger said he saw it. but 'it consisted only of a great, big, brown whisky bottle. It wns empty. Fire In Social Club Rooms A lighted cigaretto1 butt among left-"- i over Halloween decorations, dried leaves and bunting, is said to have caused a slight fire early today which ruined the furniture in, the S. and F. Social Club looms, second story rear of 026 North Forty-fir- st street. The fire was speed- ily extinguished. f "SALT'S" Esquimette and "SALT'S" Fur-Enrich- ed The History of Behring Seal Plush Coats Behring Seal Plush Coats Look for the Genuine "SALT'S" $55.00. & $59.50 Values $65.00 to $75.00 Values "Salt's" Label Sewed in 346 Coats: Plain and' 275 Coats: S k u n h Every One of These Pile Fabrics fur-trimm- ed S p o r t si Opossum, Nutria and I) 1JL3U t'Send Me to $10.50 Garments commercially full-leng- self-trimm- ed 1836 Sir Titus Salt Coatees and th Coats and Some Poor Little INdeveloped alpaca. Later he aided in J Coatees. Girl the development of the manufacture Coats. "Salt's" Peco of (the of the angora goat). flare-bac- mohair hair flare-bac- k models-wit- h --beautifully lined Belted and k models beautifully lined Silk Plush great fame Belted and "There arc thousands of These proved the basis of his plain or fancy silks. Sizes up to 5P). with plain or fancy silks. Sizes up to 5,. them in Philadelphia, you and fortune, and through them the trade and com- n ilulmguiihnl ho under-.lourish- en- look for it know thin and fd merce of the whole world were extended nnd this label in soul as well riched. in the Cont as in body. To them In 1850 Sir Titus Salt erected the model town i rTjrf Christmas means only a of Saltaire, England. Pltu&slhi "Salt's" Esqui- In 1891 a portion of tho English plant was altVKhadsosi. Seal Coats longing the things England, to Bridgeport, for removed from Saltaiie, . mette Plush they've seen In the win- Conn., and the American plush, velvet and pile Sports Coats and Wraps, $100.00 to $125.00 Values dows. fabric industry of the company was established These garments the last word in elegance trimmed with Natural Raccoon, Skunk n ilLittnaulshrd bu "Any one of them would Ameiican pile fabric business increased so Seal and Pur. Hrocaded and fancy SO I(ihp,ltooh 1m i H The Opossum. Australian Opossum, Hudson Nutria ltn love mer-o- became necessary to establish additional pp7l IT fit i rm to have r that it silk lined. 'most any other toy that plants. your children have out- plushes and textile fur pioducts today grown or discarded. SALT'S by the experience of thrpe generations "Salt's" Behring "The Public Lodger San- both hero and abroad. The Evening Wraps and Sumptuous Capes Seal Plush ta Claus Club will see company'maintains a largo mill in France and mill that thev reach tho right connections in England, in constant touch with Elaboralely garments fabricated of "Salt's" Hudson Seal Plush and "Salt's" Behring Seal Plush, Saturday at distinguished by Httle girl and there'll tho ever-varyin- g trend of fashion. this label look lot it be a feeling of warmth in the font Christmas and cheer ) 0 around your heart that $97.50 $125-0- $149-5- would be cheap at any "Salt's" Hudson price. Plush "Want you send mo or Seal a check to buy me to the A-- Personal SESdH3 Small is illsllnguishtit by this label look for U Deposi- Charge n the Coat, ' Public Ledger t- . "SALT'S" fashioned garments are also dis- solicited tinguishable Hie Santd Claus Club within reason, will x accounts bu extra uldth of all "SALT'S" any of these ,of r.espo nsibl.e f! 18 Chestnut Street hold Streets! ' sweeping richness in the aarmenta only possible l Eleventh and Market parties. Call, bu the nilA fnhrirji. England garments-unti- write use of "SALrS" The Plant at Saltaife, or phone, Vksess f Christmas, ,S gBgTgBJ" ap T5 t,, fP" - v n W - -- V - - " 1 W 4- J M A- -- t - -- 4- ?.? vyr ? T ft ' t r rrv" .$"- - .r" k . ai;j&Jik.-f..s- t JV y Hi j vm.
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