READ THE Funeral For Victim Sunday; NEWS Slayer Is Free On Bond WHILE IT IS NEWS A grief strickened 18-year-old Manasses high school senior FIRST was confining himself to the surroundings of his home and IN YOUR family Wednesday while funeral arrangements were being made for his 16 year old sweetheart syho was fatally wounded MEMPHIS WORLD in the heart by a bullet from, a .22 caliber pistol held in her lover's bunds. The young lover, mild mannered, VOLUME 27, NUMBER 78 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS John Bradford, of 495 Buntyn, St, told investigating officers that the $ - g'un’ was accidentally discharged while he; was showing It to Ills 7' sweetheart, Angerqnia . Kathryn Loving, who was visiting his;;hcma .at. the. time. She wais'rushed to John Gaston hospital •.■ where she was pronounced dead. Miss Loving, a junior JsiSSfan. assas, lived at 5118 Yellow‘ Ave, in White Station. ' ? . Bradford who was released on bond, later- Tuesday; said tiie dnei- dent oeeured about 10 o’clock that . morning. He said the, girl', came to his home to keep a date they had made several days previously. The. couple were thete alone, ac« Confesses Getting Angry cording to tile . lad’s mother. Tiie young man .said he first coll-, ed his father, who wag;on his job al Standard Oil Company-At 328 With Friend In Apartment Wisconsin, told him about ithd. in-, r idi'nt and said he . "believed the Serious trouble for o 21-yeor-old woman was started girl was dying’’. Next he called the twice on the second floor of a brick rooming house at 319 Her­ police. • -■ ' ■ nando St. The first time, pain and suffering was inflicted on .MOTHER TOI.D BY HUSBAND The boy's mother said she was her. The second time, she allegedly inflicted pain and suffering visiting a friend at 1010 S.^Park- on seven persons when she reportedly deliberately started a fire way East when: she was. informed ■ in a boy friend's second-floor apartment last Sunday night. of tlie accident, by her husband by At first the young woman. Mrs. telephone. She said On older son, Katerlne Jean Smith Banks, who James Bradford, Jr. 20. also a sen­ Regional Council Of gate her address as 1503 Thomas ior at Manassas, was accompanying Ft., told investigators she did not her. They were on their way down­ Negro Leadership To know what Ignited the olaze. How­ town on business. ever on Monday, she.admitted gett­ Mrs. Bradford, a day worker Hear Rev.H. D. Darby ing angry with her bo.v friend. Wil­ said, normally she would liave been lie Taylor. 25, and starting the "fire at work. She said Jahn was in bed CLARKSDALE, Milss—Rev. H. D. when she lefl her home about 8:16 by lighting a small heater and a YWCÀ WORKERS — Workers in the 1958 Mem­ Flora Churchville Cochran, Mrs. P. F. Carruthers, Darby of Prentiss, Miss., m^nfster that morning to drive her older ~ paper bag which she used to Ignite bership Enrollment of the Vance Avenue Branch anr civil rights leader, will address ■an to Manassas, but on the way ’ Mrs. Cleo Draper, Mrs. Gertrude Turner, Mrs. some loose wall paper. Taylor whs Young. Women's Christian Association; the Minister’s Conference of the she asked him to accompany her Carrie Smith Scott, Mrs. Mary Lou Taylor, and Seventh Annual Meeting of the Re­ still in John Gaston hospital suf­ downtown and report to school at Front row, left to right: Mrs. Mary Peeples Mrs. Elese M. Murphy; gional Council of Negro Leader­ fering serious burns. ■■loon. Bradley, Mrs. Hilda Kelly Helm, Sara Reed ship when it meets here April 25th. CHARGED WITH ARSON Mra. Bradford said she had never Dixon, Mrs. A. W. Jefferson, membership chair­ Third row; Mrs. Bertha Stegall, Mrs. Lilia Hall, Rev. Darby, along with Albert She was-charged with arson by met Miss Loving, hewever she had the fire marshal's office.' man, Mrs. Ruth O. Newson, Mrs. Belle Petti­ Mrs. Patsy Keys, Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. Lutisha Powell of Jackson, will also receive talked will) her several times by the organization's “Men Of The Mrs. Banks told Lt. C. E. Torlan telephone. "If she bad ever visited grew, and Mrs. Effie B. Flagg. Brown, Mrs. Maud D. Bright, Mrs. J. Ct Boyd, Year” awards. of the fire marshal’s office that my home before the Incident, I Second row: Mrs. Geneva Williams, Mrs. and. Mrs. Addie G. Owen. (Photo by Withers) The Ministers’ Conference is com- site .and Taylor had been drinking know nothing about it,” she related. prised .of clergymen of' all—deno^ “aifiOIgfiting lust before she started Miss Loving’s parents, Mr. and mlneffons and faiths’ from through­ the two alarm fire. She was being Mrs. Nathaniel Buggs, who also out the state.of Mississippi and are detained by the police. live at the Yellow Ave., add'.ess, using their , pulpits everywhere to National YWCA Week To . The woman') father J. C. Smith, raid they had never met their stimulate the drive for 100,000 Ne­ 66, a retired Oil Mill worker, told daughter's sweetheart. “We cannot gro registered voters Ln the state. the Memphis World Tuesday that say why she was visiting him at ,, The Rev. Darby has, recently she did not live at 1503 Thomas his- home. She had never mention- Be Observed April 20 26 Kills Superior gained national prominence by be­ St., his address. "I have not seen (Contln’wd On Page Eight) ing the. first person to challenge the her In two years, the last time she The Young Women’s Christian enrich their lives, the National registration laws of the State, of visited me," he declared. Association of Memphis announced YWCA Week Ls the time when. As­ Mississippi under the new civil Smith sa'd that h<s dnnobtér today it will join with YWCA’s in sociations In all parts of the Unit­ Rights laws. •more than 1600 communities in the •was always to some kind of trouble ed States concentrate on giving ' Ifowell also has been in (lie lead­ and she. is the cause of her hus- Unital.' State#* .to - observe National the .entire community a guller un­ WASHINGTON.___ ______ ..... — ____(INS) A lines recently. He is commander AMONG THE FLOWERING FORSYTHIA AT NCC-Sprlng at .North YWCA Week, April 20 through of the Jackson,. Miss., American ' band where hé Is today." derstanding of tile role of the YWC- newly-mairied Haitian diplomat in­ ’ Hep hilsband, John Banks, is sew­ Carolina College heralds the flowering of Forsythia time— and April 26. A,,not only in this country’ but in furiated by'orders recalling him to Legion Post whose charter . has , Duringv the week, the YWCA will tile 69 others where the YWCA is Port Au Prince Monday shot and been called by the State Legion Or­ ing a three-year sentenoe for be­ enpoying the flowers is pretty Carolyn Jaye Blue, a Durham center its program' around the at work today, Mrs. Owen said. killed Samuel Devicux, 52, Minister ganization because of Powell’s acti­ ing caught taking costume Jewelry honor student who looks forward to majoring in dramatic art. National Theme, ‘‘A Bigger World "The YWCA is a voluntary mem­ Counselor of the Embassy of Haiti. vity Willi tile NAACP. He is also from a department store, where Carolyn is the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Lloyd of 1922 Cecil For You-Join the YWCA's’’, ac­ bership organization with a Christ­ An official Embassy statement State President of the Progressive he was employed. He was imprison cording to Mrs. Addie G. Owen, ian purpose”, she pointed out. “Its named Andre Toussaint, 39, first Voters’ League. ’ ’ ed just before last Christmas. Street, Durham. Branch Executive- Director. membership is open to girls and secretary of The Haitian Diplomatic She married Banks in Hernando, ; On Sunday. April .20, the week women from different economic, Mission, as. the slayer. Miss., in 1956 thé father said. 1 will open with a program for. the racial, occupational, religious, cul­ After questioning by Washington Mrs. Borders "Woman's LIVED IN ALABAMA public at Centenary Methodist tural aii(j age groups. Based on police, Toussaint was held In cus­ Smith went on to say “the last Postmasters From 10 States Church on Mississippi Blvd. A present-day needs the YWCA con­ tody of Ambassador Luc Fouche, Day" Speaker At Salem- time he heard from my daughter speaker from the Mental Hyge?./ sistently to help individual develop pending Instructions from tile Hait­ she was living in Decatur, Ala. I Society will speak on “Menta* their full potentialities, to relate ian government as to whether he Gilfield April 27 didn’t even know she had returned Health”, at 3:3Q ,p, m. Wednesday, constructively to other at home and will be surrendered to U. S. author­ to Memphis until a sister-in-law April 23. the members of the YW aboard and to help build a com­ ities for. prosecution. Mrs. William Holmes Borders of called me and told me about read­ -Wives will be host to the repres­ U. S. postmasters from 10 states ed Beale Street and the park , to munity and world .in which all HAS IMMUNITY Atlanta, Ga, will be the lea cured ing where she was being held for paid tribute to Ute memory of the feel the same tilings that Handy entatives of the Press an^ Radio. people are able to live in selfre­ speaker at the annual Woman's Day- This wäll ba a luncheon at II :00 a.
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