..--'.■I- - :i: n'- y 'r \ 'f ■itti Arwag* Daily Net Press Ron T h e W «B th«r Vor ttke Week Ended raramal o f D. « . WmUimr B n s a a August S4, IM S ■ Clear and eool again toolglit. 13,521 Low 48 Is SO. Tuesday mm aj imd Member at the Audit plrassnt. High near W. Bwresu of Obvulstlaa , M aneh^ter-^A City o f ViUage Charm (assstfied AdserlMng m b Fug* 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS' ▼OL. LXXXU, NO. 278 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAlT, AUGUST 26, 1963 City af Contrasts Scene of March plex of greenery and, marble, a the same tinve. Although the crime lems. Most of these committees there without intermittent or bil­ EDITOR'S NOTE — The nation’s ious fever.’’ attention.. focuses Wednesday on monument that looks east to the has received wide and often lurid are ruled by Southerners. Some Capitol, north to the White House' publicity, it differs llttie from residents say these congressmen Like India's New Delhi and Washington when thousands of Brazil’s Brasilia. Washington is a civil lights advocates mass to west to the Lincoln Memorial and crime rates in other big cities have no sympathy for a 67 per south to the JTefferson Memorial of America. Washington is ninth cent Negro city with Integrated city created as a capital, with no dramatize the struggle for Negro other reason for life. It does not rights. The city that awaits them and the Tidal Basin rimmed with in size with a population of 764,- schools w d restaurants and is sketched In the following ar­ cherry trees. 000 but 13th in crime rate. stores. have the vitality and culture of Paris or London or Rome or even ticle. Then they will march a few Some observers see signs of As they drive through the city, blocks down huge avenues and discontent among the city’s Ne­ the demonstrators will see very Mexico City. By STANLEY MEISLE^ across parklands to the Lincoln • groes and evidence of rising ten­ little Industry, and it is Industry Washington has had many epi­ Memorial, a temple in the style of sion between the races. Last that usually yields mass tax rev­ sodes of demonstrators marching WASHINGTON (AP) — the Parthenon of ancient Greece. Thanksgiving, a riot, bristling enue. lor a city. on the city and pleading for spe­ cial causes. None has been as The civil rights marchers may These are the symbols of gov­ with racial overtones, erupted at To make up for thl.s. Congress ernment and beauty and history the high school championship foot­ large as Wednesday’s march pro­ not see it all, but this is a city appropriates a lump sum each mises to be. Some have ended nerved by power, lined with that draw almost 5 million tour­ ball game. Negroes say there is year and hands it to the city. ists to Washington each year. But job discrimination in the city and in violence. marble, vibrant with areas of The city always complains It is Washington has other faces, too. housing diiicrlmlnation in its sub­ far less than the amount that In 1894, “ General” Jacob Sech- beauty and blighted by con­ In the last decade, Washingfton urbs. ler Coxey of Massillon. Ohio, an­ would flow in if federal property nounced a march on Washington. trasting areas of squalor. has become the only major city The people who live in Washing­ were taxable. To the 100,000 or more civil in the nation that has more Ne­ ton do not rule themselves. They The nation was in a depression, groes than whites. During these now have the right to vote for The marchers likely will finv. a and Coxey wanted the federal rights marchers expected here hot and muggy city on Wednesday. We^esday, Washington will be a years, 200,000 whites have rushed president but, since the 1870s, they government to print $500 million into the nearly all-white suburbs have not been allowed to elect That's usually the way of the city in paper money and put the un­ symbol of national power, a capi­ in late August. In 1806, RufUs tal where men and women peti­ of Virginia and Maryland. Their their local officials. employed to work huilding roads. places have been taken by Negro The ultimate power lies in the King, a senator, said, “ No one, Coxey said 300,000 would march tion for redress of. grievance. from the North or the high coun­ 'ITiey will gather at the base of migrants from the South, many hands of Congress — specifically with him, but only 400 came when forced into slums. in the committees that handle Dis­ try of the South, can pass the the soaring Washington Monu­ months of August and September ment, the center of a vast com­ A rise in crime has come at trict of Columbia money and prob­ (CoDtinaed on Page Eleven) State News Word Soft Roundup Giant Drill Bit B y Isra el Three Escapees On Clash Remain at Large JERUSALEM, Israeli Sec­ Route o t the' propoBod "Miajrcii tor Jobs and Freedom”, in Washington, D. C., Wedirteday tor (A P)— Prime Minister by racial demonstrators. They plan to asseirtble n w the Wa^lngton Monument and ENFIELD (AP) — Three Reaches Bottom parade down Independence and Oonotttuitlon Avenuea to the Lincoln Memorial. (AP Pmo- escapees from the Osborn Levi Eshkol told Parliament State Prison Farm remained today that if peace does not at large today. return along the Syrian bor­ state Police twice received tips der Israel “ will be duty-bound during the weekend, on Uie where­ and entitled to take steps to abouts of the three, but each time defend itself.” Students Put Down; the leads fizzled. He made only scant and The men are Raymond PelleUer, Of Escape Hole relatively mild mention of the 92, of litchfleld, and Harold Day- sharp exchange of fire between ton, 22, of Thomaston, both serv­ Israeli and Jordanian border ing time tor breaking and enter­ troops in this divided city Sun­ ing and A. Z. Smith, 38, of Wln- TT A /F T .T O N ’ Pft (AP)__ ^you to. You will have to tell us^and concrete poured In to seal It. day. sted, serving a term for risk of what It looks like.’ This plug eventually will Diem M eet The drill bit today broke drilled out, just as rock Is. “ I hope the Jordanian authori­ . Smith asked Fellin if the coal Injury to a minor. Indecent as­ ties will do their duty in order to sault, and furnishing liquor to a through the first part of the around the bottom of the hole During the 10:30 a.m. lull in the drilling, rescuers checked with punish the guilty persons and re­ minor. plug at the bottom of the es­ looked solid. Fellin said it did. store peace in this sector,” he SAIGON, Sooth Viet NamtO®**** arrested and several^ They converged on the Unlvers The first tip osms from sn cape hole for Henry Throne Smith told Fellin that three Fellin on conditions in their chamber. said. • - injured. Ity of Saigon to protest what they East Windsor HUl farm worker and David Fellin. capsules were ready tor the final An Israeli soldier was reported (AP) — U.S. Ambassador As fears of an attempted coup call the government’s harsh rule, rescue, but It was undecided One asked if they had enough who told i>oUoe he spotted the men News of the break came when killed in the clash and Jordan Henry Cabot Lodge mrt with subsided. Lodge was expected to but never had a chamce to demon­ on the H. Duys Ric. tobsooo fsma. which capsule to use, If any. air and Fellin said yes. claimed Israeli shells fell on strate. Police hauled students off Fellin.- shouted into his micro­ President Ngo Dinh Diem to­ confront Diem for the first time A searching party, using biood- Smith had asked whether Fellin “ How’s Hank?” Fellin was densely populated sections of the with U.S. vlewii on the Internal bicycles, scooters and motorcy­ phone : and Throne were getting much asked. day in tlw wake of a massive lumnds, found only a aodt teat ap­ “ Something came down.” Holy City. strife dnd determine just where cles, threw them into trucks and parently b^ongad to one of the dust and Fellin answered “ not “ Okay.” Speaking cm the eve o t resump­ student revolt smashed by the Vietnamese chief stands. drove them away. Asked wlmt it was, he said, too much." Throne has been little heard in Rifle fire wounded two teen­ escapees. tion of U.N. Security Council de­ aimed police and troops in full Lodge arrived Thursday, -the day The search turned yesterday to “ Some clay.’’ conversation between surface and bate on border violations, Eshkol age girl students. One uncon­ Then came Fellin’s electrifying battle gear. after Diem cracked down‘on Budd- a HtoUard diner where smployes “ Good. That’s a good sign,” shout; “ Something has come the chamber today. Fellin has said “ despite all the Syrian pro- The newly arrived American dlp- hW oppoeition and placed the firmed report said Pblted khot md said Gordon Smith, deputy secre- said Throne will be the first UUed a- .17ifeaxs«ld-gtai.:attanq>U ApottOd the thrjBs m m t . e JIpJ e?-, down.’’ - - vocaticme we have restrained oor- lonat presented.............................. U s credentialss to eoimtry under- martial law. esmtllsil the descriptions of the BU'lf''df mines. “ It means we have Churning away steadily, 'with man up.
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