PAGE 12 THURSDAY. APRIL 6, 1972 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT ^ Union County Trust Co. POLICE BLOTTER MONDAY, MARCH 27 is missing. May Imperil Programs Merges, Gets New ISSame Last Saturday the Canton THURSDAY, MARCH 30 A new bank. United Mr. Raymond W. Bauer, House, 1540 Irving Street, L. Evans of 402 Hamilton Plans for expansion uf a Senator Rinaldo explained Counties Trust Company, who announced the effective reported a break, entry and Street reported a break, eh- pilot rheumatic fever pre- chat the Heart Association was formed when Union date, said stockholders of larceny. Entry was gained try and larceny. Entry was vention prograjn could be has conducted free throat County Trust Company, Ell- Keansburg-Mlddletown Na- through a bathroom window apparently made through an imperiled by a shortage uf cultures on pupils in the zabeth, and Keansburg-Mid- tlonal Bank will receive 2.6 on which the bars were cut open bedroom window. About NEW JERSEY'S OLDES^TEfeKL^NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 funds. State Senator Matthew Rah way school system for dletown National Bank, Mid- shares of United Counties and pulled toward the out- $47 in currency was stolen J. Rlnaldo of L'mun said the [jst two years. The dletown, merged at the close Trust Company on a tax-side leaving a small opening, together with ,20 record al- today. Senator Rinaldo, who threat cultu res are tested of business March 31. As a free exchange basis for each Outside in the dirt a very bums valued at $100. is chairman of the fund drive tu detect the presence of result of me merger. United of their shares. small footprint was discov- FRIDAY, MARCH 31 conducted by the I "niun strep toe nc *- a 1 infection, Counties Trust Company has ered. Aiout $150 in bills John P. Schweitzer, Jr. County Chapter of the Amer- which :> frequently a lore- 25 banking locations inMon- and change was stolen from of Bloomfield reported his RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1972 ican Heart Association, re- [••NIIIU r .)! rheumatic fever. mouth, Somerset and Union R. J. Falk Realty the cash register. car stolen from Parking Lot Counties with total assets of ported that prelim ma r> re- "in jjixniun tu cutting back WEDNESDAY C. over $335 million. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 turns on the t-ebri.ary i,.:\J. >>n the threat culture project, Mrs. Elsie Burke of 670 drive were disa^j. uisuia^. we alsn mi£h[ be required to Raymond W. Bauer and Barnes P. M. Peck Grove Street reported a _ 2 The Heart Fund has realize George W. Bauer, former Rob- curratl expansion >>t our ef- R. J. Falk Realty, 805 break, entry and larceny. a little more than $fn < ,0* 'u, president and board chair- e Edison f. rts "In TeK-m.-rry," he con- Innttan Avenue, Colonia, an- The lock was pried off the which is 40 percent short -ji man of Union County Trust was recovered on Albermar- Unud. I'hifc, invulvt-b ln- l.IoNb A I PLAY...Members ot the Clark Lions Club and their wives attended the nounces the appointment of rear door to gain entry. the $100,UOO gual fi-r tt-.f 1 Company respectively, will le Street. Tfie left rear fen- staliatik ii , ol , hone s\ stems annual charity ball of Lions District 16-E in the Robert Treat Hotel, Newark. Philip M. (Phil) Peck as Several rooms were ran- drive. it; am bti 1 anc es fo r use in condnue to serve in these der of the vehicle was dam- Pictured at the affair are, left to right, seated, Mrs. William Sangiuliano, Mr. and head of their business op- sacked, and $100 In currency aged. "l.'niess collections \r.\ - [ rjiibiii Ltang e 1 e c t r o-car- Mrs. Stephen Drenkowski, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Futnoky; standing, Mr. and ' " -~- * •< DstSCti VGS 3.X6 MONDAY, APRIL 3 prove within the- nt-xt H u d'.<. '.crjiri into rm ition uii Mrs. Casper Lutz, Mr. Sangiuliano, a candidate for governor of District 16-E; weeks, OTe Heart -crri-i •• ii ,i : v i- a-ftr-nttj—W+KT—ttT-rr- f A hammer head was thrown "TUTST TOrm Flanagan^ tvrr:—Ktansnjarr; ' ' :—WH±hH«—ftetaeon—amHvU with the Spirit Shop Inman tlenry Schieferstein of tion will be t'orc ~ Avenue^ Colonia, for TI Plain field nepui ted, that- bade on its plan tlonal Bank, named residency to Boston. chairman 1 / X spent money for debris re- ''Pork barrel operations appropriation.-Lwould the rheumatic feve 959. He is a mpval a.id that the money txOTi progi'iim in nrn hutlxjqs tu ARMED FORCES Douglas^Warti During ore than a month committee. All directors television set 1 flood control | the grade of the should not be tolerated by g ljcion oifl- at sea. nd his shipmates serving bodi banks now con- Robinson's Branch bed Is went "down the drain." He y Council member or die The Council recessed for wide level," tu- .K Coast Guard Petty Officer galled the project a "pork search-and- sritate--tn ^c^rd_^f_Unltcd pe Chamber-QIC. Qmig constant and ffiit the Orchard DubUc," Mr. Lawrence de- 20 minutes to discuss g :ra a plckup cab.A bo x containing ™1 operation because rust-Company. .L—HTC—M ylTcgT1 ?Tr cost of the nrotect E&red. He added that the therfip lr they have not ^ — —^gTr,T-y Orchard, SgeeL^pjablem Eiremen InteL irtso-J^aTo-1-d ©ol ^M^n to be generg or f,- ta~ ir?~ Coancii at its "Monday ld ho ^F pruventrun and " telemt try lorth Atlantle on Ueeatifata- graptricr- Mrs. Johrr D'Addaxio of 1630 As Smoky Fire programs are tangible ex- tion Delta aboard the high search oh ocean station arid pointed chairman of the new Store Association. anii Ie^ ' ! tile work being lssex Street, Rahway, is aendurance Coast Guard Cut- should return to Boston In Monmouui County regional f Ti}U members < "weekend warrior" at the Mr. Peck is the delegate ji :n LA iieari Fund dollars,' ter Chase homeported at late April. board. from the NJPSA to the Na- payers Assocladon. '..-- s ud. Because the> are.\aval Air Reserve Training Let Anthony's Est. 1919 I nit in Lakehurst. ticmarl tiquoT Store As- The vote was unanimous Damages House t such vital ini^'ortance, \v e Street and Lakeside Drive, spilled at Rahway Junior Hi 1 sociation. He formerly ser- on die amended versioiv -of— I\--at read', our goal.' As a member of the Naval the WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 School. Washed down by fire" - "ed as a member of the Install SECURITY •jmrrmi.—.in IM . -» ordinance. The measure Two Clark Townshi;: fire- Air Reserve, he attends a Small fire ia vacant house men. l men were- in jure J. lut>[ weekend drill once a month oodbrldge Township In- _ _ ^-> '" <Hmuif»- j' m-» a '-•• - was amended earlier after Christopher Dietz of-Rah— 20-6,—to-support Mr. Dieiz__. on Lexingion Rii'il.^vard. 4-SK p.m Grass fire at DEAD BOLT LOCKS. Thursday b\ a Ii VK. V, ^id'. Douglas D. Levy and spenJs two weeks on lustrial Council, Citizens Ad- A NEW-START '.".. Going over plans for-j£SL"ruesaa:y~riIghl*s reorganization meeting of the it had been pointed out that way, candidate for Union in his quest for the county damaged tire" homr <~*t ttrr- active duty each year. Brush fire on Joseph rear of 1104 Fulton Street, visory Board to the Board Rahway Republican Club Freeholder (1. to r.) 4 Walter E. Ulrich of Rahway, Walter Canning, [he title of the ordinance County Democratic chair- Democratic leadership. Five ; Street. Thomas rarrill^'s, it -\ckrr I , i. Ar [ oroe First L-t. 5:40 p.m. Clothes dryer of "Eaucation and Citizens Double Cylinders president of the club, Herbert Heilman, Jr., freeholder candidate, standing, and Freeholder identified the project as a man, last Thursday received committee members ab- Drive. i). .liviUs l">. l..c\, sun of Mr. THURSDAY, MA.RCH 30 fire at 1538 Irving Street. Advisory Board for the Col- Edward H, Tiller, a former director of the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. The general Improvement while the endorsement of the Rah- stained from voting and three and'Mrs. Rudolph Lev; ofF.W. Caesar Fire In attic at 11 Acken 7:47 p.m. Car fire at 167 onia Library. (See Our Display) Republican freeholder slate spoke before the club which has been dormant for several years the ordinance called it a way City Democratic Com- did not vote. Patrick E. O'- Deputy Lhiel Ka> Blakel\ ~ bainc Uernidln Drive, C' lark, Drive. Moderate damage. was treated at the scene for Midshipman Frederick W. W. Emerson Avenue. He lives on Jeffrey Road, and Is now starting up. (Photograph by Gaylord Studios for The News-Record and The Patriot) local improvement. mittee for the post. Donnell, city chairman, re- v.a:= runu-d ^uiaunUing Jun- FRIDAY, MARCH 31 Co a a cut over his left L-U-. Caesar, son of Mr. and Mrs. CLARK WEDNESDAY MARCH 29 l°nl . with his wife, Alda, Under the terms of a gen- The City Democratic Com- ported the vo^e was taken by ior officer o! tile War at and hla Foreman Arthur Slingc-r re- Fred W. Caesar of 132 Stem- SUNDAY, MARCH 26 Chimney fire at Hyatt 8-10 a.m. Trash fire near daughter, Ellen, and 1537 Irving Street Rahway, W.J. eral improvement, all of die mitteo, at a meeting in the roll call. Njkhun Pliir.om Ruj al Thai mer Drive, Clark, was named Brush fire on Exter Drive.
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