Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 1-17-1957 Spectator 1957-01-17 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1957-01-17" (1957). The Spectator. 573. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/573 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. TOP STORIES CHIEFS COP OF SETTLE 7TH PLACE 56 NAMED Vol. XXIV «&&>(!) SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 17, 1957 No. 13 Gov. Rosellini to Crown Homecoming Royalty By GAIL DELWORTH The signal for the startofHome- Copy Editor coming will be "Take-Off," other- Governor Albert D. Rosellini wise known as Open House, on will be the guest of honor and Monday, Jan. 28, at 7:30 p.m. principal speaker at SU's 1957 "Take-Off" will include posters, Homecoming. Co-chairmen Lolly displays and skits by campus or- Michetti and Jim Plastino pointed ganizations. A near-record number out that this will be one of the of clubs have entered the compe- first official appearances of the tition, and several of these are new Governor. working with Boeing's on their Gov. Rosellini, the first Catholic entries. in the ever to be elected Governor Slated for Tuesday, Jan. 20, at of Washington, crown state will 8 p.m. is the traditionalFaculty- Alumni game. "Combat"is the title given to the game betweenthe SU Chieftains and Buchan's Bakers Jeanne Bremble scheduled for 8 p.m. on Wednes- day, Jan. 30. Wins Tourney 1st The Homecoming will a" wintry morn Monday at 5:30 Queen be CHIEFTAIN FOLLOWERS Braved Jeanne Bramble, freshman, won crowned by Gov. Rosellini at 10:30 winning at Airport. An enthusi- a.m. to greet their team Sea-Tac place in at p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31, in of students was led in the welcomeby the cheerleaders first laurels Discussion the astic crowd the Northwest Invitational Tour- Spanish Ballroom of the Olympic and the S.U. band. nament at Seattle Pacific College Hotel. Friday, Feb. 1, has been last week end. GOV. ROSELLINI declared the date for the annual The National Collegiate Discus- the Homecoming Queen at the President's Holiday. No classes Resignation of Brightman sion Topic this year is, "What dance. Co-chairmenMichetti and will be held that day. should be the United States' Role Plastinostated that they are "very Ron Cass, off-campus publicity inthe Middle-East Crisis?" Brian gratified by his acceptance, espe- co-chairman, has reported that the Tops '56 Story Poll Cullerton, Wayne Angevine and cially considering his busy sched- Homecoming Court will appear on of January." sudden resignation by basket- Associated Press poll and in 1955 Fred Jensen also took part in the ule for the month KING-TV on Wednesday, Jan. 30, A the Women's Na- tournament which was attended Gov. Rosellini has been invited to ball coach Al Brightman, ending Pat Lesser won 1:30 p.m. Other radio and TV ap- by over 200 students from 14 col- all the Homecoming activities, in- being planned. a seven-yearreign at Seattle Uni- tional Amateur Golf Champion- pearances are top news ship. Both these stories won top leges and universities. cluding the game against Buchan's versity, was voted the was Personality sketches of Sophomore 1956 a poll recently honors In the Spectator survey. BrianCullertonand Wayne An- Released at the same time story of in gevine travel to for "Vapor Trails." Homecoming princess. See page 3. by the Spectator news Runner -up to the Brightman will the McNeil the schedule conducted story Island Federal Penitentiary staff. was the appearance of Gen. Brightman story being Alfred M. Gruenther on campus Wednesday, Jan. 23, to debate a With the team from Penitentiary Round adjudged top spot by this selected specifically to speak at the com- the of Halls, Zimson, Bill Mc- Consecration group of students, it marked the mencement ceremonies of the TableClub. Dan third year a sports graduating class of 1956. Menamin and Fred Jensen have consecutive that accompany story has wonthis title. The inauguration of a new receivedinvitations to Other Projects Planned the debatersas judges. In 1954 the Chieftain basketball award in this poll appeared this Several new Sodality projects Seattle University now has on team gained fourth place in the year in the setting up of the for Winter Quarter were outlined campus an officialunit of the Con- "Newsmakerof the Year" title. at the general meeting held last fraternity of Christian Doctrine. Winner in 1956 was Jim Plas- This committeenow aids spastics, mo, Sunday in the Lounge. t wholost a torrid student body AWS Meets As the month of January is ded- the handicapped and the blind, presidential Vets Slate Dance election race to Bob icated to the family, the Sodality but needs morevolunteers to carry Martin and also directed the UGN Today is aiming for the consecration to on the work. Anyone who can drive, the story making: the sev- at12:15 many spare a few hours to do little Sat., At 12:15 p.m. today, Jan. 17, a theSacred Heart of as fami- On Jan.19 enth spot on the "top story" poll. lies as possible. things for them which are greatly Gil Martin, president of SU's general AWSSU meeting will be The top ten: Since many students reside on appreciated is asked to contact a Veteran's Club,announces the date Brightman held for all women students on 1. Al resigns: 256 pts. Cathy Corbett, AWSSU campus and would not benefit memberof the CCD in the Sodal- for their first dance of the Winter 2. Gen. Alfred campus. M. Gruenther, president, will convenethe meet- from the consecration of their ity office. Quarter. It will be held Saturday NATO chief, speaks at SU: 233 pts. at home, Marycrest and The Mission Committee is now from 9 p.m. to ing in the lounge of the Student families evening, Jan. 19, 3. Ford Foundationgrants Seat- Xavier Halls will be publicly con- sponsoring a book drive to help 1a.m. tle U $432,900: Union Building. 215 pts. of include secrated on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at stock the libraries of two new Knights of Columbus Hall, lo- 4. John Castellani named Order business will high Fiction, head discussion of AWSSU activities in 7 p.m. The Most Rev. Thomas E. Alaskan schools. sci- cated at 722 E. Union St., is the basketball coach:140 pts. Gill, D.D., pastor of St. James Ca- ence, children's books or any oth- scene for this dance. Miles Vaughn which all women students are may 5. JudicialBoard and Assembly participate for thedral, has been invited to per- ers will be appreciated. They and his orchestra, long-time cam- Board dispute authority: urged to the Win- 121 pts. ter Foremost on the form this consecration.Regis, Bor- be left at the Information Booth pus favorite, willprovide the mu- 6. Martin, Quarter. Building. Corbett win top stu- agenda be the entry deaux and McHugh Halls will be in the LA sical background for the evening's dent body offices: pts. will co-eds' drive 108 in the poster division of Open privately consecrated. As a reminder, the stamp dancing. 7. UGNdrivehits 101 pts. Saturday Devotion conducted by this committee is a per couple 145%: House for this year's Homecoming First Admission is $2.50 8. Janet Hopps wins Women's Sodality initiate the perpetual one, and any and all members Week which is scheduled to begin The will and limitedto male over National Intercollegiate Tennis ti- Saturday stamps are still needed. The con- age their dates. on Monday, Jan. 28. The perma- First Devotion to Our 21 years of and tle (tie with) Chieftains gain third Lady beginning on Saturday,Feb. tainer for them is in the Sodality Legal proof of age must be pre- straight playoff nent council members who are NCAA bid: 99 pts. handling this entry are Ina Kay 2, with 8:15 a.m. Mass at the Ca- office. sented at the entrance. 10. Buddy Morrow plays in The first Day of Recollection for campus Duber, Joan Colleran and Felicia thedral. All are invited to attend. Martin announces that dance concert: 79 pts. Lady's has reserv- Winter Quarter will be held on handling ar- Bouker. Our Committee committee heads ed a section in the church so the Sunday, Feb. 3. Details may be rangements andpublicity are Tony Cathy Corbett announces that Monday, 4, dateset for students can makethe devotion in found in the coming weekly bul- Vukov and Bob Olwell. Feb. is the Gaveleers Plan the Town Girls meeting a body. letin. MixerPlanned Challenge Meet TheGavelClub today announced the initiationof the Challenge Cup Sun.InLounge Tournament here at Seattle Uni- SU's out - of - towners organiza- versity. To stimulate interest in tion, the Totem Club,is sponsoring both intramural and intercollegi- a mixer this Sunday evening, Jan. ate debating, the cup is to be in 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the lounge of the form of an engraved trophy the Student Union Building. Pres- which will be awardedat the end ident Harry Hungerbuhler an- of every Spring Quarter to the nounces that this mixer will be debate team compiling the great- the only one held in Winter est number of challenge points Quarter. during the year. Music at the dance is provided The competition is open to all by the club's record collection.Ad- regularly enrolled students and is mission will be free for Totem not restricted to Gavel Club mem- Club members while 25 cents is bers.
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