REPUBLIC of TURKEY Civil Administration Units Municipalities Villages Turkey - 2002 1. Introduction Three institutions, namely the Ministry of Interior, the Central Command of Mapping and local administrations (municipal councils) have been authorized to standardize the geographical names in Turkey. Of these three, the Ministry of Interior has updated the registry of all residential areas in Turkey down to the village level starting from 2001 and made the information available to the public in printed and electronic form. 2. The Ministry of Interior The Ministry of Interior is the legally competent authority in the standardization of the names of administrative units and significant locations as well as physiographic features except places such as roads, streets, parks etc. within municipal borders. The Ministry of Interior started its standardization work in the 1930s and has since published various catalogues in this field. In accordance with existing law, the Ministry of Interior must take the views of the provincial local assembly concerned, composed of popularly elected local members, and of the provisional administration board before it reaches a decision on the naming of a place. These provincial institutions can also initiate the work themselves and forward it to the Ministry of Interior together with a statement of reasons. Next, the Ministry processes the request, if it deems it necessary, either by getting the views of expert establishments (such as the appropriate faculties or institutes of universities or the Turkish Linguistic and/or History Society etc.) or by concluding the matter by itself through an expert department. The final phase of the process is then carried out by the Ministry according to the administrative status of the place concerned: either a draft law to be submitted to the legislative is prepared or a joint or ministerial decree is issued. In this regard, - the naming of a province or a sub-province requires the process to be completed by the passing of a law; - the names of districts, municipalities, significant locations or physiographic features are standardized by a joint decree signed by the Minister of Interior, the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic; - a decree signed by the Minister of Interior is sufficient for villages and their dependencies. Finally, all the relevant public institutions are informed about the change by the Ministry of Interior in order to ensure the use of the standardized name throughout the country. The standardization of the names of significant locations and physiographic features is still continuing in cooperation with the relevant institutions. With regard to the naming of roads, streets, parks etc. within municipal borders, the municipalities themselves are the competent authority for the conclusion of the process. Since all decrees on the standardization of place names are by nature administrative acts, they are subject to judicial review on demand. 3. Central Command of Mapping a. Names of Inhabited Places The Central Command of Mapping updates the names of residential areas using an existing database while producing topographical maps of varying scales. The database itself is updated with the help of written reports supplied by the Ministry of the Interior. Though the database is still only internally accessible at the time of writing, it is expected to be made available for public access in the near future. b. Gazetteer Work Aside from the names of inhabited places, another aspect of the work being done in the field of geographical names is the publication of a Gazetteer. The first Gazetteer was published in 1977 using maps of scale 1:500.000. This data set comprises 30.000 entries. The next Gazetteer project, based on maps of scale 1:250.000, was begun in 1997 and concluded in 1998. The data, originally in arc/info coverage format, was converted to EXCEL chart format in 2001. The scale-1:250.000 Gazetteer was prepared in accordance with the NATO STANAG-2213 (3. Edition) Standardization Agreement. The data set comprises 58 geographical details and consists of 44.311 entries. The Gazetteer is updated on a regular basis in parallel with the ongoing numerical production of scale-1:250.000 maps. There are plans to upload the said data set to the Internet in the coming years. c. 1:1.800.000-scale Map of Turkey’s Civil Administration Units This CD-based map shows national, provincial and district borders as well as residential areas on the provincial, district and sub-district levels and areas important for tourism. The map’s underlying numerical basis is in vector form. On CD, however, the grid form has been preferred. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs The United Nations Division of the Directorate General for Multilateral Political Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the name authorities in Turkey of the developments within the UN on the standardization of the geographical names. The said-Division is also responsible for the preparations for the UN Conferences on this subject. T.C. İÇİŞLERİ BAKANLIĞI İLLER İDARESİ GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ Ministry of Interior The General Directorate of the Administration of Provinces TÜRKİYE MÜLKİ İDARE BÖLÜMLERİ BELEDİYELER KÖYLER Civil Administration Units Municipalities Villages Ö N S Ö Z Türkiye Mülki İdare Bölümleri adlı bu kitabın ilki 1970, ikincisi 1977, üçüncüsü 1985 yılında yayınlanmıştır. Geçen 16 yıl içinde meydana gelen değişiklikler kitabın yeniden hazırlanmasını bir zorunluluk haline getirmiştir. Kitap iki bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Birinci bölümde; iller hakkında genel bilgiler, iller ile alfabetik ilçe listesi , iller itibariyle mülki idare bölümleri, belediye, mahalle ve köy sayılarını gösteren cetvel, büyükşehir belediyeleri, büyükşehir ilçe belediyeleri ve büyükşehir alt kademe belediyeleri yer almaktadır. İkinci bölümde; iller itibariyle ilçe ve bucaklar, bucaklardaki belediye ve köyler alfabetik bir sıra dahilinde sayıları ve merkezleri ile birlikte verilmektedir. Her ilin başına, toplu bir görünümünü verebilmek maksadıyla o ilin mülki idare bölümlerini gösteren birer harita konmuştur Kitabın incelenmesi sırasında da görüleceği üzere, 2000 yılı Genel Nüfus Sayımının kesin sonuçları henüz açıklanmadığından illerin nüfusları 1997 yılı Genel Nüfus Sayımı sonuçlarından alınmıştır. Kitap, 1977 ve 1985 baskılarıyla karşılaştırıldığında il, ilçe, belediye ve köylerimizin sayılarındaki değişikler hakkında mukayese imkanı da vermektedir. 30.11.2001 tarihi itibariyle bütün değişiklikleri kapsayan bu kitabın ilgililere ve uygulayıcılara faydalı olacağını ümit ediyoruz. Saygılarımızla. Muzaffer ECEMİŞ Vali Müsteşar P R E F A CE The first edition of this catalogue, Civil Administration Units, was published in 1970, the second edition in 1977 and the third one in 1985. The changes that have taken place in the past sixteen years have necessitated the new edition of this book. The book consists of two chapters. Some general information about provinces, the list of provinces and sub-provinces in alphabetical order, civil administration divisions by each province, municipalities, the table covering the number of districts and villages are presented in the first chapter. Sub-provinces and districts by each province and the numbers of municipalities and villages together with their centers within districts are alphabetically laid out in the second chapter. At the beginning of each province section, a map indicating the administrative divisions is included to enable the reader to get an overall view of the administrative structure of the province concerned. It will be noted that the figures regarding the population of the provinces are based upon the 1997 general census, since the results of the 2000 census have not yet been announced. The catalogue gives the opportunity to compare the changes which took place over the numbers of provinces, sub-provinces, municipalities and villages. We hope that this catalogue covering all the changes up until 30.11.2001 will be useful for the practitioners as well as those who would be interested. Muzaffer ECEMIS Governor, Undersecretary Y A Z I K I S A L T M A L A R I / Abbreviations B. - Belediye / Municipality . C.Ö - Cumhuriyetten önce kurulmuş olan iller / Provinces established before the Republic(1923) A Ç I K L A M A L A R/ Explanations 1- Merkez İlçe/Subprovince centre: Bir kaymakamın idaresinde bulunmayan ve doğrudan doğruya vali tarafından yönetilen, il merkezine bağlı bucak, belediye ve köylerin sınırları ile çevrili alanı ifade eder. /Sub-province constituting the centre of province 2- Merkez Bucak/District center: Bir bucak müdürünün idaresinde bulunmayan ve doğrudan doğruya kaymakam tarafından yönetilen ilçe merkezine bağlı belediye ve köylerin sınırları ile çevrili alanı ifade eder: District constituting the centre of subprovince 3- Mahalle/Neighbourhood: 1580 sayılı Belediye Kanununa göre kurulan yerleşim birimlerini ifade eder./The administrative (residential) area within municipalities 4- Bağlı/Dependencies: belediye ve köylere bağlı kom, oba, mezra, yaylak, kışlak, ılıca, kaplıca gibi yerleşme yerlerini ifade eder. /The settlements within boundaries of any village or municipality but situated geographically outside downtown 5- İllerin yüzölçümleri valiliklerden, nüfuslarını gösteren rakamlar ise Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Başkanlığının “1997 Genel Nüfus Tespiti İdari Bölünüş” adlı kitabından alınmıştır./The area figures were obtained from the office of governors, the population figures were quoted from the book “1997 General
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