Colorado Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000 This list contains the quadrangle names and publication dates of all Colorado topographic maps published at the scale of 1:24,000 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). One, non-circulating copy of each map is held in the Map Room Office. The Library does not own maps labeled "lacking." The maps are sorted alphabetically by sheet name. Colorado 1:24,000 Topos -- A Abarr 1974 printed 1977 Abarr SE 1968 printed 1971 1968 (without color) printed 1971 Abeyta 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 Adams Lake 1974 printed 1978 (dark), 1978 (light) 1974 (without color) printed 1978 1987 printed 1988 Adena 1963 printed 1965, 1975 1963 (without color) printed 1965 1984 printed 1984 1984 (without color) printed 1984 Adler Creek 1968 printed 1971 1968 (without color) printed 1971 Adobe Downs Ranch, New Mexico-Colorado 1963 printed 1965 1963 (without color) printed 1965 1979 printed 1980 (dark), 1980 (light) Adobe Springs 1969 printed 1972, 1992 1969 (without color) printed 1972 Agate 1970 printed 1973 (dark), 1973 (light) 1970 (without color) printed 1973 Agate Mountain 1983 printed 1983 1994 printed 1998 Aguilar 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 Akron 1973 printed 1976 1973 (without color) printed 1976 Akron SE 1973 printed 1976 Akron SW 1973 printed 1976 Alamosa East 1966 printed 1968, 1975 1966 (without color) printed 1968 Alamosa West 1966 printed 1969, 1971 1966 (without color) printed 1969 Aldrich Gulch 1957 printed 1958, 1964, 1975 (dark), 1975 (light) 1957 (without color) printed 1958, 1964 Alkali Lake 1968 printed 1971 Allens Park 1957 printed 1959, 1962, 1968, 1973 1957 (without color) printed 1968 1978 printed 1978, 1984 1978 (without color) printed 1978 Allison 1954 printed 1955, 1965 1954 (without color) printed 1955, 1965 1971 printed 1973 1971 (without color) printed 1973 1975 printed 1978 Alma 1970 printed 1973 (dark), 1973 (light), *1973 1994 printed 1998 Almont 1964 printed 1967, 1980 1964 (without color) printed 1967 2001 printed 2004 Alpine Plateau 1963 printed 1966, 1972 1963 (without color) printed 1966 1983 printed 1984 Alpine Ranch 1969 printed 1972 Alpine Ranch NE 1969 printed 1972 Alpine Ranch NW 1979 printed 1979 Alpine Ranch SW 1979 printed 1979 Alps Mesa, New Mexico-Colorado 1972 printed 1975 1972 (without color) printed 1975 Alta Vista 1970 printed 1973 Altvan, Wyoming-Colorado 1963 printed 1967 1978 printed 1978 Alvin, Colorado-Nebraska 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 1984 printed 1985 1984 (without color) printed 1985 Alvin NE, Colorado-Nebraska 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 1984 printed 1985 1984 (without color) printed 1985 Alvin NW 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 1984 printed 1985 1984 (without color) printed 1985 Alvin SW 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 1984 printed 1985 1984 (without color) printed 1985 Amalia, New Mexico-Colorado 1963 printed 1967, 1975 1963 (without color) printed 1967 Amherst 1962 printed 1964 1962 (without color) printed 1964 Amherst NE, Colorado-Nebraska 1962 printed 1964 1962 (without color) printed 1964 Amherst SE, Colorado-Nebraska 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 Amherst SW 1971 printed 1973 1971 (without color) printed 1973 Anderson Mesa 1949 printed 1955 1949 (without color) printed 1955 1950 printed 1950? 1950 (without color) printed 1950? 1960 printed 1961, 1971 1960 (without color) 1961 1994 printed 1994 Andrix 1978 printed 1979 1978 (without color) printed 1979 1996 printed 2000 Aneth 1 NE, Utah-Colorado 1958 printed 1958? (lacking) Aneth 1 SE, Utah-Colorado 1959 printed 1959? Antelope Creek East 1973 printed 1976 1973 (without color) 1976 Antelope Creek SE 1973 printed 1976 Antelope Creek West 1973 printed 1976 (dark), 1976 (light) Antelope Mesa 1977 printed 1978 Antelope Reservoir 1960 printed 1962 1975 printed 1978 1997 printed 2000 Antelope Springs 1951 printed 1952 1984 printed 1984 Antero Reservoir 1956 printed 1957, 1975 1956 (without color) printed 1957 1979 printed 1982 1994 printed 1997 Antero Reservoir NE 1956 printed 1957 (dark), 1957 (light), 1957 (medium) 1956 (without color) printed 1957 1979 printed 1986 Anthracite Range 1961 printed 1964, 1983 1961 (without color) printed 1964, 1968 2001 printed 2004 Anton (for proof see "Lindon 4 SW") 1978 printed 1978 Anton SE 1977 printed 1978 Antone Spring 1973 printed 1976, 1980 (dark), 1980 (light) 1973 (without color) printed 1976 1994 printed 1994 Antonito 1967 printed 1971 1967 (without color) printed 1971 (dark), 1971 (light) 1985 (lacking) Anvil Points 1952 printed 1954, 1966, 1975 1952 (without color) printed 1955, 1966 1952 (shaded relief) printed 1954, 1967 1982 printed 1984, 1987 1982 (without color) printed 1984 Apishapa Bridge 1970 printed 1973 1970 (without color) printed 1973 1984 printed 1985 1984 (without color) printed 1985 Arapahoe 1982 printed 1982 Arapahoe NE, Colorado-Kansas 1969 printed 1971 Arapahoe NW 1982 printed 1982 Arapahoe SE, Colorado-Kansas 1969 printed 1971 1969 (without color) printed 1971 Archuleta Creek 1984 printed 1984 1984 (without color) printed 1984 2001 printed 2005 Arcola, Wyoming-Colorado 1963 printed 1967 1963 (without color) printed 1967 1991 printed 1995 Arickaree 1977 printed 1978 (dark), 1978 (light) Arkansas Mountain 1980 (proof) printed 1980 1980 printed 1981, 1985 Arlington 1978 printed 1978 Arlington NE 1974 printed 1978 Armel, Colorado-Kansas 1963 printed 1965 1963 (without color) printed 1965 Aroya 1978 printed 1978 Arriba 1979 printed 1979 Arriba NE 1979 printed 1979 Arriba NW 1979 printed 1979 Arriola 1965 printed 1968 1965 (without color) printed 1968 1973 printed 1979 1979 printed 1988 1994 printed 1994 Arsenic Lake 1982 printed 1982 Arsenic Lake SW 1982 printed 1982 Arvada 1950 (without color) printed 1950? 1957 printed 1958, 1963 1957 (without color) printed 1958 1965 printed 1967, 1969 1971 printed 1973 1971 (without color) printed 1973 1980 printed 1980 (dark), 1980 (light) 1994 printed 1994 Aspen 1960 printed 1964, 1969, 1979 1960 (without color) printed 1964 1960 (proof) printed 1964? 1987 printed 1988 Atkinson Creek 1950 printed 1950? 1950 (without color) printed 1950? 1960 printed 1961 1960 (without color) printed 1961 (dark), 1961 (light) 1994 printed 1994 Atwood 1951 printed 1953 1951 (without color) printed 1953 1971 printed 1972, 1985 1971 (without color) printed 1972 Atwood NE 1951 printed 1953 1951 (proof) printed 1952? Autograph Cliff NW, Oklahoma-Colorado 1968 printed 1971 1968 (without color) printed 1971 Avalo 1978 printed 1978 (dark), 1978 (light) 1997 printed 2000 Avalo SE 1977 printed 1978 (dark), 1978 (light) 1997 printed 2000 Avondale 1960 printed 1962 1960 (without color) printed 1962 1974 printed 1976 Axial 1966 printed 1970 (dark), 1970 (light) 1966 (without color) printed 1970 Colorado 1:24,000 Topos -- B Badger Wash 1968 printed 1971 1968 (without color) printed 1971 Badito Cone 1969 printed 1973, 1979 1969 (without color) printed 1973 1994 printed 1998 Baggs, Wyoming-Colorado (formerly "Baggs SW, Wyoming-Colorado") 1982 printed 1983 Baggs SE, Wyoming-Colorado (now "Dixon, Wyoming-Colorado") (topo lacking) 1975 (orthophoto) printed 1978 Baggs SW, Wyoming-Colorado (now "Baggs, Wyoming-Colorado") (topo lacking) 1975 (orthophoto) printed 1978 Bailey 1945 printed 1964, 1973 1945 (without color) printed 1964 1949 (without color) printed 1949? 1979 printed 1984 1987 (proof) printed 1987? 1987 printed 1987 1994 printed 2001 Baker Draw 1972 printed 1974 1997 printed 2000 Bakers Peak 1969 printed 1972 1969 (without color) printed 1972 1973 printed 1980, 1988 Bald Mountain 1986 printed 1986 Baldy 1965 printed 1968 Baldy Cinco 1986 printed 1986 2001 printed 2005 Baldy Mountain 1964 printed 1967, 1980 1964 (without color) printed 1967 Banta Ridge 1964 printed 1968 1964 (without color) printed 1968 1973 printed 1981 Banty Point 1962 printed 1965 1962 (without color) printed 1965 Bar JH Ranch 1960 printed 1962 Bar X Wash, Utah-Colorado 1970 printed 1973 1970 (without color) printed 1973 1987 printed 1987 Barcus Creek 1966 printed 1969 1966 (without color) printed 1969 Barcus Creek SE 1966 printed 1969, 1970 1966 (without color) printed 1970 Barela 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 Barkelew Draw 1964 printed 1968 1964 (without color) printed 1968 1973 printed 1984 1994 printed 1994 Barking Dog Spring 1970 printed 1973 1970 (without color) printed 1973 Barnesville 1950 printed 1952, 1972 1950 (without color) printed 1952, 1969 Barrel Spring 1968 printed 1971 Barrel Springs Draw 1978 printed 1978 Barron Creek 1979 printed 1979 Bartlett 1978 printed 1979 Barton, Nebraska-Colorado 1961 printed 1963, 1982 Basalt (for proof see "Carbondale SE") 1961 printed 1963, 1965 1982 printed 1984 1987 printed 1988, 1991 1987 (without color) 1988 Basin 1964 printed 1968, 1980 1964 (without color) printed 1968 1994 printed 1994 Basin Mountain 1968 printed 1972 (dark), 1972 (light) 1968 (without color) printed 1972 Bates Lake 1971 printed 1974 1971 (without color) printed 1974 1993 printed 1993 Battle Canyon 1977 printed 1978 1997 printed 2000 Battle Mountain 1979 printed 1979 1987 printed 1988 Battle Rock (formerly "Moqui SE") 1979 printed 1979, 1985 Battleship Rock 1962 printed 1964, 1969 1962 (without color) printed 1964, 1969 Baxter Pass 1964 printed 1968 1964 (without color) printed 1968 Bayfield 1968 printed 1972 (dark), 1972 (light) 1968 (without color) printed 1972 Bear Creek 1969 printed 1973 1969 (without color) printed 1973 1994 printed 1998 Bear Mountain 1964
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