y Wxs Cnlnma Courier VOL 42 COLOMA, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1938 NO. 29 substitute—M. Davis. The next and last game <Si the Civic Association is Coloma B. B. Team season for the Coloma girls' team Grade Pupils Will Two Tickets Named P. T. A. Plans Carnival will be played at Mattawan on Feb- Has Its Dps and Downs ruary 23d. Present Operetta For Village Officers Ready for Business DRAWINGS ARE ANNOUNCED For Manual Training Benefit — • FOR DISTRICT TOURNAMENT "Taffy Ann" to be Given by Coloma Fred Koerber Heads Citizen Ticket Important Standing Committees Won a Thrilling Game From Covert _ List of Committee Chairmen. School Children on Thursday and Allen C. Stark Heads the Were Named at Meeting Monday Committees Are Named for Big But Lost to Ean Claire—Coloma General admission—Harold Lyon The drawings held at the teachers' Noon—Next Meeting Will be Held Event to be Staged at High School I and H. C. Warrlner. The general Girls Defeated Stevensville. Evening, February 24th. Republican Ticket—Few of Old institute held last Friday for the on Friday, March 18th. admission of 10 cents will include Heading into the last lap of their district tournament at the St. Joseph Parents and friends of the Coloma Officers Re-nominated. February 28lh. the variety show at 8:30 p. m. high school gymnasium have been school are again reminded of the 14-gatne season which includes three Although the attendance at the One of the needs of the Coloma Check room—Helen Peterson. No announced by Coach McDaniels. operetta, "Taffy Ann," to be pre- more conference games and a dis- regular meeting of the Coloma Civic schools at the present time, and a charge, donation. In Class C six teams from Ber- sented at the high school auditorium trict tournament at St. Joseph, the VILLAGE NOMINATIONS Association was far short of what It Announcer—Frank Dlouhy. rien county are lined up, including on Thursday evening, February 24th, need In which the Parent-Teacher Coloma high school basket ball team should have been, a lively Interest Cafeteria—Mrs. A. C. Stark, Mrs. Watervliet, Coloma, Bridgman, Eau by the first five grades of the Association Is deeply Interested Is Alpha Neunum and Mrs. George scored a 30 to 21 victory over Covert In the session was taken by all of Claire, New Buffalo, and Benton school. The admission fee will be Stratton. last Friday evening. This victory at those present. The most Important the equipment of the manual train- Harbor St. Johns. Their games will ten cents for children up through the Citizens Ticket Candy and Ice cream—Mrs. Wm. Covert assured the Coloma team of business transacted was the appoint- ing department and the teaching of be played on March 3, 4 and 5. eighth grade and 15 cents for high Lehew and Mrs. Edith Dewey. sixth place, behind Covert by only For President—Fred Koerber. ment of the most important commit- In Class D only three teams are school students and adults. that subject. When the school was Fortune telling—Mrs. Gladys An- a few percentage points. For Clerk—Harry C. DeField. tees for the coming year by Presi- entered, Stevensville being the de- The story Is about a surprise party built a room was provided for such drews. • The Coloma basketeers made a For Treasurer—Mrs. Laura Sa- dent Charles C. Smith. These com- fending champion. The other teams in honor of the twelfth birthday of Fishpond—Kendall Wilcox. fast start, due to the work of Jol- watzkl. mittees are as follows: a department, but so far nothing has Taffy Ann O'Day. the favorite of the Balloon fight—S. L. McDonlels. lay and Schreiber, and found them- are Baroda and St. Joseph's Catho- For Trustees for two years—Ches- Entertainment — Howard Martin, been done toward the equipment of neighborhood. Even though it Is Penny games—Ernest Potts. selves out in front 9 to 4 at the end lics. Their games are scheduled for ter Hocker, James Klbler and Ross the department. her birthday, Taffy Ann Is worried. Paul Davidson and Paul Mast. Beano—Charles Andrews, Pete of eight minutes of fast playing. The March 4th and 5th. Hicks. Roads and Parks—James Klbler, In order to complete the manual She worries over her father who Is Clark and George Morlock. next fast quarter the Coloma team For Assessor—Wm. Bloomlngdale. Mrs. Esther Smith and Fred Koer- training department the Parent- out of work and about to lose his Variety show—Mrs. Nova Hamil- was outscored 5 to 4, but remained Teacher Association, at a recent truck; Elolse, her chum, lamed by a ber. ton. in the lead 13 to 9. After the inter- Child Welfare—Harry C. DeField, meeting, decided to hold a carnival fall, is threatened with Invalidism The above will be permitted to mission, Covert attempted a rush Republican Ticket Mrs. A. C. Stark and Harold Lyon. to raise funds for the purchase of Notes of the Courts and has to go to a hospital. Her name others to serve on the various and tied the score at 13 points each, Advertising—Frank Dlouhy, Rob- the necessary equipment. Charles greatest worry Is Gallle Jerome, the For President—Allen C. Stark. committees. Patrons of the C^ioma only to see Coloma forge ahead with mischief maker of the neighborhood. For Clerk—Paul Mast. ert Faulkner and Allen W. Baker. Andrews was named as the general school, the parents of the pupils, and two free throws and Jollay's two Speakers—Walter Gillice, Ai Kol- chairman of the committee to ar- A truckload of groceries which Taffy Ann, who Is anxious that For Treasurer—Mrs. Charlotte Sel- all others who have the interest of baskets to regain a lead of 19 to 13. berg and Erich Kerlikowske. range for the carnival. The other was stolen from the Baumeister gro- Gallle make a good Impression upon ler. the young people of the community In the fourth quarter Coloma was The association went on record as members of the committee on ar- cery store at Fair Plain was recov- his uncle, a missionary clergyman, For Trustees for two years—Roy at heart, are requested to bear the never in danger, but kept adding to favoring the purchase of sufficient rangements are Mrs. Grace Klbler, ered when officers arrested William tries to Induce Gallle to present a Leedy, Max Smith and August date of March 18th In mind as that its lead. In the final minutes of the flags by the village council and the Mrs. Nova Hamilton, Mrs. Alpha and Edward Neuman, brothers, 22 neater appearance and curb his Grahi. for the "Manual Training Carnival" game, Coach McDaniels gave his township board so that there would Neunum, Mrs. Nova Hamilton, Allen and 23 years old, at their home in many antics. In the confusion that For Assessor—Henry Kllmark. and to make no other reservations "subs" a chance to show their abil- be plenty of flags for the decoration C. Stark and A. J. Truhn. This St. Joseph township. The boys are follows, caused by Gallle's taking a for that evening. ity and the game closed with Jol- of Paw Paw and Church streets and committee met this week and the reported to have confessed to having freezer of ice cream that does not A meeting of ail carnival committees lay's basket for Coloma's fourth With two complete tickets nomi- two blocks on US-12 on all occa- following committee chairmen were robbed the store two times. The belong to him, Gallle goes Into hid- will be held at the school bouse on this victory with a score of 30 to 21. nated for officers of the village of sions when the flags should be dis- named to have charge of the carni- theft of a 55-gallon drum of gasoline ing. He Is later seen In a van which Friday evening, February 18th, at 7:30. Coloma for the ensuing year, there played. Erich Kerlikowske spoke val, the date of which was set for Merrill, the Covert guard, was the in Fair Plain led to the arrest of slides down hill Into a river. Gallic All committee members are urged to be are bound to be some changes made on this matter in behalf of the Amer- Friday, March 18h. chief threat, making nine points. the pair. The boys lived at the turns up the next day, dirty and present. In the administration. Village Presi- ican Legion, which order will care Jollay took high point honors with Emery resort along the St. Joseph disreputable, after spending the dent James J. Klbler, who has serv- for the flags, will put them up and 13 points, while Schrelber's nine river, and when their room was night in a coal bin. There is time ed several terms, declined to be a take them down at the proper time In addition to the regular seed and tallies were the next best individu- opened the officers found the stolen for him to be made presentable as Junior Farm Bureau to candidate for re-election. Those and will look after the installation fertilizer school, there will be a rally al scoring for the invaders. The goods, which included, among other his uncle is delayed by motor trou- who were re-nominated include of standards on the streets where of the Senior Farm Bureau members following line-up was used: things, four slabs of bacon, 30 dozen ble. Gallle makes a real hit with Harry C. DeField for village clerk; provision has not already been made Stage Seed Meetings to prepare for the membership eggs, a pork shoulder, 10 cartons of his uncle.
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