~tufjmmm»wxeiS ^^SS^fe*M^S2MiiA &*?/* i » .- t • '.^'^V^i^^m^i^^p^^^^^^-:-^^ '" - -H t**r»*r**^ , fe, —&_ u— _ 7 3") ^C"' a*?* T.:.i^:i3Ss!iX&£j £-»**<& .* >, *«• "W Tho dramatic roli of Fanny AHtn^Wnvtrf Frtd»y(retenwrj'«,J957 IL and daufhttr of aanosHc Itftan Allin, «» told Irt this articl* from COLUMBIA, national publication of the Knights of Columbus. en's Whea Fanny tripped out ^iwMenly, t beheld «mer«inr of tfce sacristy with the ikrw- SITW flver «n wtiihal er Vase, the imp «f EthaaT» 7X ^t ^rnorf ireaemblliiK « monater .^ftM/Si •?;/ perverseness working, wlthui mm at Hah, for It waa oT «x- , her» she MWWhot Save known traordliuury tiae au»d heorM she was taking her first steps on. a new road. P*K fer taxes unwarranted, their prop­ I ^-Once-at the center of the ; erty confiscated? altatr, directly before the tsn> DAttlfLS ernswle, she stopped dead. Her new reading now taught Nee that she didn't try to ^Bhsssi^em -^^jH^L^Jf fttatAheae. atsftjlhlBeftaBsBta4B» Ahsstm her that the Catholic Qiurch move; she simply couldn't o^Kv jrMMrwi lino IHQITOHPOI *• would alway* be persecuted, move. She just stood, titers even to the end odt time. She t unable to • budge. Suddenly clfyr, only to b« d«p«rl#d t* obaerved concretely" as sb-e had ake feel on her knees, mur- never before that no. one she murinr, "My God! My Go*."* • rvtiKtont prisoner. Fanny Alton/ knew in Vermont haa any inter­ It was her first act of faith, est in the abuse of Catholics; beettriful ttauglifwr of the "Grtat inf tdol," that indeed her ovfn family HE WAS .received into the tried" to discourage ''her from Church and while preparing r»^o iwkly Into Montreal and aar« h«r- pursuing the matter, ioSr first Holy Communion, wrote home the good news. Her itif up « prtiontr of God .tho first woman T THE AGE of twgenty- parents, of course, removed her A three engaged to a student from the academy at once; but !>*KOIIM at the Infant University of Vei* now they were to hear the , of Now England hi a nun. mont, the son of a wealthy- Bos­ worst: Fanny wanted to join a ton merchant Fanny suddenly Sisterhood! In the ignorance of God) in whatever wtnpany lie announced a keen desire to that time such a wanton wish »^-OURlSTS AND skier* who round out her education by was branded "voluntary sui­ I invade Vftsitfrtt's. pwxtvl was found. studying French in Montreal. cide of a human soul." Vermont,State officials visit burial place of Sister Frances A«>en in orypt of Hotel-Dleu bn Mon- •: laWys, fllttnr tlNtr eye* in She and her fiance planne-d af­ YfTXHETHEJt ALL these treml where she died December Jft, 1819. sassamtr with the Green Moun- ter marriage to travel abroad. Her mother tried vainly to i jttsss* kufc trandeur, and in \T charges were true or not, French would be necessary. distract her from the thought; it h certain that hi$ work, "Aea> Was this the real reason? Then followed their clergy­ MHsrtetegtianc*r twltin i In the white she took her Into the fashion­ "No Room In The inn' " Iwiee ** flated slopes, sre aon the only Oracle of Man," a able 'society of eastern cities man son. Virgil Barber, who MvpL ywrM Or did she In realty use this studied in Rome and was or­ yarssdl its theJaistory «k syptem of— natural -religion, after Fanny promised to -wait excuse as an expedient to learn dained a Jesuit: in 1823 he built lAlla^tiae doughty "Boy" ! >nown also ~ai "The Oracle* ol a year. After six months, how­ JReajKWj," or Ethan AU«n'aBlb»«, at first hand, and in a Catholic ever, the Pennimans had to let the first Catholic church In FVew tsa* JFVwt Ttoonderofa, convent school, the beliefs and Hampshire. At the time of his California School Board -TiUhenarneoftht -was the origlrial hook: publJih- her go when hei* health suf­ , practices of Catholics? She fered. She had become despond­ ordination his wile entered the .Jfttaslr. jaM.ISel^iitfc •-*#. in AfneWc* i»"ntt«o7 to the Visitation Order. finally won the Pennimans* con­ ent and melancholy. Her heart Totes Nativity Play Ban •• *4octrhfW'0fTt»v»iW weliKton. sent, but not before they in­ was elsewhere. • «nrt«i>c««ttendin«tbelll« ' That he iniluenced h4a wcgnd. Nearly all pf Virgil Barber's Sierra Madre. Calif,—(RNS)J J ^who voted to bar Christmas rf*-'- sisted she be baptized by. the -wife to hl» Indtpendent vle>*i la Rev. Daniel Barber, Presbyter­ foi mer congregation folio-wed — The school board here voted,) , plays said they had no objec­ ststjavter, F«n»y Allen, vafter ^ot^knowii, hut ther« la -ev^- ian minister, to strengthen her Back In Montreal, visiting 3-1, to bar traditional Nativity' ! tion to Chrtsrmas carols be­ , W the Catholic hospital at him Into the Roman Cntriollc 6jf nee, it, he spoke her opinion* against undue Influence. convents In quest of an order to Church, among them a military plays from all the community's cause they were "cultural." ;f^ssfcfcyejn^ correctly, that -the bride and join, she and her mother went officer who examined into the schools. groom' (widow and widower) At the Notre Dame-Academy, tr. the Chapel of the Hotel were entering the marriajre narrow laws biased Against The ban was immediately In Montreal, the Sisters found Dleu, operated by a nursing and Romanists. atate with aimllax non-conform- River outside Weitminster on Fanny quick ahd observing. contemplative group of nuns. protested-by the Parent-Teach­ Bishops Ask Tito iatideaa. the Vermont-New Hampshire Moreover, she acquired knowl­ The Virgil Barber's five chil­ er Association of this Los border. edge of the religious exeredses There she identified St Jo­ dren later in life became Catho- Angeles suburb of 8.000 resi­ To Free Cardinal 35i» snnotuicefinent -of. their of theJ31sterA--4h-thetneacriine g seph In a painting of The Holy hes; one daughter Joined the dents. Members of the Minis­ ^intention, to marry caused as- Family as the man In the brown V" i sit a t Ion -nuns; the other terial Association called (or a, tonishrnent. for the|r courtship, ER ACCOUNT of the incl- 4--raetta}asTndtender care of the three girls became Ursullnes; transcript of the school board Trieste, Italy — (NO —Nine­ JLjldent appears in the An­ pUpils, as well as of their piety, robe who had saved her, when teen bishops in Yugoslavia have if there was one, was known to gentle manners ahd refinement. a child, from the river mon­ and Samuel, their young broth­ meeting before deciding upon fell have been_brjirfu Tradition ha» nals of the Hospital of Hotel er, was ordained a Jesuit. action. asked the communist govern­ Dfeu, Montreal: She admired and respected ster. Her decision was made.. ^itthat earlier the tavern keep­ ment of Marshal Tito to return them. Ethan Allon once roared into er at Westminster, who prided "I was wsfldni oste day on The issue was raised at the Jlimself that he knew every­ She joined the Religious Hos­ Montreal to capture the c-lty, Cardinal Stepinac, Archbishop the banks of the river which But because she made no pitallers of St. Joseph, was first school board after Mr. and Mrs., thing that went on, said to only to be deported to England, George D. Roane wrote a let­ of Zagreb, to his See, accord­ flowed not very far from eur secret of her unbelief, erven professed in 1808 and spent the Fartnf Buchanan, "Fanny, if a reluctant prisoner. F"anny A1-. ter declaring that presentation ing to reports reaching here. house. The water, .although making fun of religious aterv- rest of her life at the Hotel you marry General Allen, you Ices, the nuns feared for the len, beautiful daughter ot the of the Nativity scene in public very clear, rolled by in tor­ Dleu in the sick wards and In "Great Infidel.** rode meekly The request was said to have will be queen of a new state." rents. Suddenly, I beheld faith of the school's young schools constituted a "direct "Her retort wis qulclc, "Yes, pupils, and were about to send {.rayer,. beloved by all who Into Montreal and gave liocs^K violation of the Constitution of been made after a conference emerging from the river an knew her. up a prisoner of God—the Qrst of Yugoslav bishops, reported­ and if I married the Devil I animal more resembling a her home. A young nun to the United States." w«uH between otiheB!" • whom she had become attached woman of New England to be­ ly held In Zagreb early In Jan­ 3 :. •nMPpMfvontr fMUst wk HSBWB| ICHT l» won a reprieve for her. The fruits of Sister Fran­ come a nun. The three board members, uary. was sf aarttfcoraiaarar six* sand ces Ailen'a life work were iteriM atwaa. It WSM eontlhg SttU Fanny continued diffi­ abundant. The doctor who at imvi VtU, Wham, aaldV "As torn cult sund inSOltlng .in hear re­ tended her at her death be­ ,-anyisU, 1 haVe TH> |«at opln- a«sr*v»MsMy«4etlwMtiiat marks; until on* day, the least come a convert and » Car­ «•* - ,J^^^^M |-^JK 4aaaaHS ^fwus^in aiii^ thusian monk. Her llanos lt« at socfc lomaUtyV and, m ^nn»»o» no* nHR jMCVm ••Usl of the Blessed Mother's birth, horn what 1 can dlicovtr, she Jawsj^WISw^a^Bsjra ^ day, the two were arranging gave all his riches se the -mdmt*^mm- for ~^"~ —"Ittle? ortrarfSrinat- "While I was Is* this tor- * ::aWW*?»' ">».
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