o Mustang DallyUniversity Archives Tuesday, January 25,1983 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Volum e 47, N o. 59 Friendship and Poly hosts ‘Enterprise’ engineer Story and photo biii wiil solve by Brian Bullock The show appeared to be the hot alien problem ticket for a rainy Friday night as an early arriving crowd gathered by Mary Hennessy near Chumash Auditorium. They Staff Wiltar were anticipating an evening with the chief engineer of television's The movement of Mexican aliens over the U.S. most popular sci-fi series. border is probably the largest peaceful invasion of a “ Space . .the final frontier. civilized country, a former U.S. ambassador to Mexico These are the voyages of the Star- said during a Thursday night speech in Chumash ship Enterprise. ” was the chant Auditorium. of an overenthusiastic Trekkie "The people that come from Mexico are pioneers,” who happened to be the first per­ Julian Nava said. “ They are the valuable people that son in the endless line. Mexico would like to keep ahold of.” Many members of the large The former ambassador administered the largest crowd scurried for front row seats American Embassy ever in Mexico with a staff of to get the best possible view of 1,200 p>eople. He has studied in Venezuela, Puerto their intergalactic hero. As the Rico, Spain, Columbia and Mexico. muffled roar of the crowd was Nava, who was an ambassador during both the beginning to subside, a stocky, Carter and Reagan administrations, said an awareness dark-haired man dressed entirely of the two countries' mutual and binding interests is in green walked into the room. The essential to improve Mexican-American relations. crowd erupted in cheers as “ Star “ We should be dedicated to problem solving rather T re k "'s "Scotty", James than taking advantage of each other,” he said. Doohan, strolled around the Nava cited the Smith-Mazzoli pro(x>sal now before auditorium modestly accepting Congress as a workable answer to immigration pro­ the crowd's tribute. blems. The cheers came with equal en­ “ 1 don't think anyone is going to come up with a thusiasm from casual admirers as brighter idea, " he said. “ The bill is a result of commis­ well as devoted Trekkies. “ Star sions appointed by presidents since the Kennedy Ad­ Trek” paraphernalia, (T-shirts and ministration.” buttons) were in full display in the The bill includes provisions to increase the regular audience as Doohan stepped up to legal allotment of aliens into the U.S., forgive the the microphone to outline the violation of law by undocumented workers and apply schedule for the evening. A few sanctions against American employers who employ bubbles burst when Doohan spoke undocumented workers. in his normal dialect, which con­ “ It is not an illegal alien bill; it's an immigration tains a slight hint of Canadian in­ bill,” he said. fluence. He explained that, as an Nava also discussed the economic interests of the actor, he uses many different ac­ two countries. cents in his work, using up to five “ Neither country wants a common market,” he said different voices while working on in response to questions from the audience. “ A trans­ the animated version of “ Star national economic system is where out future lies.” T re k " James Doohan, actor in the televi­ Nava said that despite the grave national problems “ 1 only use the Scottish accent sion series S tar Trek and Mexico is forced to confront, she is far from having an when 1 get paid for it!” he said, subsequent movies appeared at internal uprising. reverting to the accent he is most Cal Poly Jan. 21 and 22. “ Mexico will probably have some civil unrest, but known for — that of Chief within the latitude of normal freedom of expression,” Engineer Montgomery Scott. he said. Plaate sea paga 2 Nava also discussed American businesses in Latin America and bilingual education in his hour-long presentation. “ It is a bum rap that foreign investments have ex­ Panetta press oonf ererx;e ploited Latin America,” he said. “ I don't pretend that U.S. companies are saints, but with rare exceptions, American companies operating in Latin America are far more fair, progressive and productive than the Duke’s cuts will hurt education local comMtition.” Nava also spoke on bilingual education. by Tereaa Marian! Panetta called Watt’s attempts to begin en­ " A horrible inhuman injustice has been done by Staff Wrttar vironmental studies into areas under the moratorium educators of all people,” he said. “ I f the brightest of us “ part and parcel of the (land) appropriations process, went to Mongolia and took an I.Q. test, we would be Rep. Leon E. Panetta, (D-Carmel), criticized Gov. and something we have to keep a close watch on.” labeled Mongolian idiots.” George Deukmejian's cuts in the CSU system's Panetta didn’t think W att would last much longer in budget during a press conference in San Luis Obispo the Reagan administration. “ Mr. W att is a loose can­ Friday morning. non on the ship,” he told the San Luis Obispo County Panetta said that while it was his job as a U.S. con­ Telegram-Tribune Friday. “It’s only a matter of time gressman to be concerend about the federal budget, he before he starts blowing holes in the bulkhead.” felt the cuts in the state's education budget were going Panetta also told reporters that he expects Congress to be harmful in the long run. to convene new hearings on licensing the Diablo Ca­ “ We're in a time of deep recession, and we need to nyon Nuclear Power Plant after all the studies on the pull ourselves out of it,” he said. “ Part of the answer plant are done. lies in education. “ 1 think it will be here in this district.” he added. OÜ Urn rapad “ I think we wind up shooting ourselves in the foot WcawBpg M when we cut education,” he continued. “ W e're hurting ourselves in terms of the future.” Panetta said £>eukmejian fails to see that “ any kind Student arrested of increase in fees or anything that makes it more dif­ f • aitMwfted iflw ie frIp A > f fafii. Ha ficult for young people to go to school is a step that's for tDank card theft '«Asad tip vkMm for.« rida to the Moth tola <tf going to hurt us.” b y C raig Stebbins 16«o It o i Panetta also told reporters that he plans to in­ SUlfWrltar W k m thay «ntoad, Im puUad oto « |im aad^ j troduce legislation to repeal Secretary of State James A dorm student has been arrested for allegedly stealing ^ ~ toa <4etlm to to « W att's decision to open up for exploration and his roommate’s computer banking card and using it to development some 600,000 acres previously make illegal withdrawals totaling $140. designated as wildlife areas. Sierra Madre resident Darryl A. Richardson was ar­ Panetta said W att bypassed Congress in deciding to rested Jan. 18 after successfully making two withdrawals open the wildlife lands to development, an action for with Julian Farnam’s Bank of America Versatel card. which there is no legal or procedural precedent. Farnam was notified by the bank that he was over "He (Watt) ought to be working with Congress,” drawn and became suspicious when he saw a Versatei Panetta said. “ Congress should decide which areas receipt in his roonunate’s car. Richardson did not have should be wildlife areas, and which shouldn’t be.” his own bank card and was the only one who had access to Panetta also intends to re-introduce legislation ex­ the victim’s card and checkbook'where the secret code tending until the year 2000 the ban on off-shore oil was written. PlaaM 9— p a g « 4 drilling from Point Concepcion north. Pag« 2 TiMÉday, January 2S. IM: Trek star abandons Enterprise for Chumash Kliau” brought out candid reactions fronr Ùm au­ From page 1 mount’s contract with the writers of “ Star Trek” is for dience, who were cheering the heroes and hissing the Doohan said that there were two halves in his show, a total of eight episodes, every 18 months, including villains. The hissing became so prominent that the the first part being “ serious” and the second half being the first two already released. noise sounded like an inner tube with a very bad leak. “ fun.” 'The two problems that have been delaying the film­ 'The movie itself is a spinoff of the television episode The serious half of the evening was a surprise, as ing for the next episode are William Shatner’s new “ Space Seed,” in which a small group of genetically Doohan explained his involvement as a spokesman for television series, ‘"T.J. Hooker,” and Leonard Nim oy’s perfect humans are sent from earth to establish a new the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. reluctance to return to the “ Star Trek” series, explain­ outpost on another planet. 'The chief villain, played by It seemed natural that the star ship’s chief engineer ed Doohan. The trouble with Nimoy seems to hint that Ricardo Montalban, returns to threaten the crew of would become "the most avid” spokesman for N A S A Mr. Spock will return from the dead to join the crew in the Enterprise, and Captain Kirk in particular. with all of his technical experience gained from work­ another adventure. The storyline of the movie delves into the ing on the Enterprise. After the question and answer segment of the show, background of several key personnel aboard the Enter­ “ Scotty” narrated the promotional film describing “ Scotty” stepped outside the auditorium to sign prise and gives each actor the chance to expand his the maiden voyage o f the Space Shuttle Columbia and autographs.
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