Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-9-1983 The BG News September 9, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 9, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4154. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4154 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. vol. 66, Issue 8 frlday, September 9,1983 new/bowling green state university U.S. Navy destroys militia battery in Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The U.S. The Druse, in a statement issued by redeployed its troops to safer posi- The generals and other Marines N.C., visited the first nlatoon of Alpha Marine and French positions in west Navy unleashed its firepower in Leb- their Progessive Socialist Party, tions. took cover, while Marine gunners Company, which suffered two deaths Beirut were shelled. One Marine was anon for the first time yesterday, claimed Lebanese troops and Chris- THE U.S. NAVY frigate Bowen responded with six rounds from a Monday and two more Tuesday. wounded and at least two French destroying a Druse militia battery tian Phalange militiamen burned fired four rounds from its five-inch 155mm howitzer at the end of the MILLER SAID, "No one expects soldiers were killed. Informed that shelled Beirut airport while two down a Druse religious shrine in guns as the mountain fighting raged runway as the Bowen's guns blasted the Marines to stay here hunkered sources said a French soldier who Marine generals were inspecting Ma- Ebey, 7% miles southeast of Beirut and the Marine base below was away. down under fire from known positions was wounded later died. rine positions. and "massacred" 40 men, women and shelled. "We hit the target that we Lance Cpl. Michael Cavallaro of and not respond." The 1,200 Marines ashore are part No casualties were reported at the children who had taken refuge there. aimed at," Marine spokesman War- Providence, R.I., a driver in the gen- He also said he expected 2,000 Ma- of a 5,400 multinational peacekeeping airport, where four Marines have There was no independent confir- rant Officer Charles ftowe said. erals' convoy, took a piece of shrapnel rines waiting offshore to remain in force that also includes French, Ital- been killed and 28 wounded since late mation of the claim, the latest in a Lt. Gen. John Miller and Mai. Gen. in his helmet from the shells. reserve, but added: "If needed, they ian and British troops. They have last month. But police said 52 Leb- series of reports of massacres by both Alfred Gray were inspecting the Ma- Miller, commanding general of the will be used." been in Lebanon since Israeli troops anese were killed and 114 wounded in Christians and the Syrian-backed rine compound when the shelling Fleet Force Atlantic at Norfolk, Va.. Wednesday, U.S. and French Jet forced the evacuation of thousands of fierce Christian-Druse fighting in the Druse since Israeli troops pulled out started and witnesses said one round and Gray, commander of the 2nd fighters roared over Lebanon for the Palestine Liberation Organization mountains overlooking the airport. of the mountains Sunday. Israelis landed about 50 yards from them. Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, first time in a show of force after fighters from Beirut last summer. No wild pets? Debris found Stores hissing by Associated Press IN TOKYO, Soviet Ambassador by Jeft Jamas According to the ordinance, wild Vladimir Pavlov, in a meeting at the stall reporter or exotic animals are forbidden to Japan said the Soviets have found Foreign Ministry, said the Soviets be kept within the dry limits. debris from the downed South Korean would turn over to Japan recovered A controversy has arisen be- "They (city council) should re- airliner and will turn the material materials and documents from the tween two city merchants and write the ordinance to define what over, but there was no sign yesterday crashed airliner, Japanese officials Bowling Green's city council con- they mean by wild and exotic ani- of any other cooperation between the said. cerning a municipal ordinance mals because the law is too Kremlin and the nations and institu- They said he also told them his which prohibits the keeping of wild vague," Lull said. tions outraged over the Soviet attack. government will report on its search and exotic animals. An angry Secretary of State George operations off the tiny Soviet island of Michael Lull, owner of the Hutch Lull and Tache both agree the Shultz emerged from a contentious Moneron. Pet Store, 1017 S. Main St., and Tim ordinance is unconstitutional on meeting with Andrei Gromyko in Ma- It appeared the reason the plane's Tache, owner of Davy Jones' the basis that it limits what a drid and called the Soviet foreign debris was to be turned over to Japan Locker, 178 S. Main St, who were person, in this case a pet store minister's explanation of the attack is the absence of diplomatic relations cited Aug. 17 by Bowling Green owner, can sell. Lull said "the "preposterous" and totally unaccep- between South Korea and the Soviet Animal Control Officer Diana ordinance violates the 14th Amend- table. Union. Seoul has reportedly asked Johnson for violating the ordi- ment because it deprives a person British Airways canceled its flights Tokyo to represent its interests in the nance, said they believe the ordi- of property without due process of to Moscow, and European pilots' asso- nance is unfair. the law." ciations joined in a 60-day boycott to The Soviets have not pinpointed the Both men are scheduled to ap- protest the missile attack that crash site yet, Pavlov reportedly said, pear for preliminary hearings Bowling Green City Attorney claimed the lives of 269 people. The but they found fragments in four Sept. 14 in Bowling Green Munici- Patrick Crowley, author of the Soviets say the plane, which flew areas near Moneron. pal Court. The violation is consid- ordinance, said, "The city ordi- through Soviet air space, was on a spy There were strong indications the ered a fourth-degree misdemeanor nance, based on an Ohio state stat- mission for the United States - a Soviet refusal to offer an accounting with a possible fine of $250 and a 30- ute, was passed by the Bowling charge the United States denies. that satisfies the United States was day jafl sentence. Green City Council last year." The pilots, from France, Italy, Nor- leading to a further deterioration in Lull was first cited when his way and Denmark, were ahead of relations between Moscow and Wash- employee, Larry Kreais, 300 E. "Right now, Crowley is afraid of their governments in taking concrete Napoleon Road, was bitten by a saying the ordinance is wrong be- msawrei against toe Soviet Union. ta,... Madrid, a senior State Depart- boa constrictor while showing the cause he wrote it," Lull said. He NATO ministers meeting in Madrid ment official said Shultz probably snake to a potential customer. added the police will determine wen still considering how to punish would cancel a previously scheduled Tache also was cited for having a which animal is wild and exotic the Soviets. meeting with Gromyko in New York boa contrictor for sale in his store. and their decisions may vary from The U.S. State Department cau- later this month. day to day. tioned Americans against going to the Gromyko said he would have noth- He said, "people often mistake a Soviet Union because the airline oro- ing to say about his meeting with boa constrictor tor a python, which "RIGHT NOW, I have a store full tests could seriously disrupt travel. Shultz for the time being. may be the case with this incident. of animals and fish that would There are differences between violate the ordinance," Tache said. these snakes. For one thing, the "That means that I would get 10,- boa is not poisonous as most people 000 citations for every fish. believe," he said. "Pythons grow "Not so," Crowley said. "What I Tim Tache Dg news slotl/Potrick Sondor to a bigger size and are more will do is go to the stores and make aggressive." a list of the animals and such that The controversial ordinance was owns a tarantula, a water dragon violate the ordinance." the major topic of discussion at (a type of lizard) and a 22-year-old TACHE ALSO said he has taken Lull said if the two men are Tuesday night's city council meet- exotic turtle which he has had since his boa to show at grade schools, found guilty of the violation, "the ing as dozens of city residents he was two. Ward told council, nursery schools, Rotary Clubs and police would know right where to showed up to voice their displea- "parting with the turtle would be Kiwanis with no trouble from the go to find other people who have sure over the ordinance. like parting with a member of my snake. broken the ordinance." University student Corey Ward family." Exam schedule includes Saturday by Nancy Beach Eakin, who was head of the aca- and would have allowed no resting ing to the current schedule, some stofl reporter demic calendar committee of the now period for those students who had evening class exams might be held on defunct Academic Council, said he taken summer classes and were plan- Friday and/or Saturday nights.
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