'$ # '·"'~-M' :\ \ ~>t 1975: The Creative Woman: ~trlcia Beatty, An , 'fJttSoutHam Editorial Susan Cohen Editor / Redactrice S1 one de Beauvoir's oft quoted remark that "it is in La remarque familiere de Simone de Beauvoir a l'effet que CL. t re that women have best succeeded in asserting " c'est dans le monde culture! que la femme a le mieu :"'e e lves" is especially true in dance and particularly reussi a s'affirmer" s'avere particulierement vraie dans le Canadian dance in 1975, International Women's domaine de la danse et surtout sur la scene canadienne. s Selma Odom, a professor of dance history at en 1975, an nee internationale de la femme. Pour emprun­ J iversity, puts it in her article, "it is almost ter quelques mots de !'article de Selma Odom, professeur - ·· to f ind the number of their accomplishments d'histoire de la danse a l'Universite York, " ii est presque .... : e fiel d. The Canadian women who have made etourdissant" de constater la latitude qu'on a accordee a ions to dance are many. As teachers, organizers la femme aujourd'hui et l'ampleur de ses realisations dans 3. :: ::e...,ormers , they have genuinely shaped the dance ce domaine. On ne compte plus les canadiennes qui ont :- • -·e:'"'at we know. In the list we find the three founders contribue a la danse, leur nombre est trop imposant. :· =-· ....,a;or ballet companies, Gweneth Lloyd, Celia Comme professeurs, organisatrices et artistes, elles ont = a- :a a~ udmilla Chiriaeff, Betty Oliphant, principal of laisse leur marque; elles ont en fait fa<;:onne l'art de la a: -ial Ballet School, Monique Michaud, first dance danse que nous connaissons. Parmi ces femmes, nous e Canada Council, not to mention performers trouvons des Gweneth Lloyd, fondatrice du Ballet Royal i h, Karen Kain and Veronica Tennant. What de Winnipeg, Celia Franca, fondatrice du Ballet National, ecade off from the preceding is the growing Ludmilla Chiriaeff, fondatrice des Grands Ballets, Betty - --:e· ::i' omen involved on the creative side - as Oliphant, directrice de l'Academie du Ballet National, :.,: =-;;·a::'lers, desi gners and composers in dance. In Monique Michaud, premiere representante de la danse au s:-e celebrating women's accomplishments for Conseil des Arts du Canada, sans oublier les artistes du -·,:;•-c· 'la Women's Year, those are the talented calibre des Lois Smith, Karen Kain et Veronica Tennant. Et :: • =-as pon whom we have concent rated. Selma la I iste est encore longue. Mais ce qui caracterise la ~-aces for us t he woman's image in the Western derniere decennie, c'est le nombre accru de femmes qui ·ical t ra d ition while Penelope Doob, a contribuent au cote createur de notre monde. C'est aces =·:·,:;:::· - English at Glendon College, introduces a femmes que nous consacrons ce numero. Selma Odom -= ·ea·_ ·e n he magaz ine, Review, with a consideration nous esquisse !'i mage de la femme dans la tradition e..., "l lS ballets. Anna Blewchamp, a Toronto historique de la danse occidentale tandis que Penelope --:·e:;;·a "er. talks to and about Patricia Beatty, co­ Doob, professeur d'anglais au College Glendon, apporte : ·e-:•:· - '· e - oronto Dance Theatre. Beatty's frequent un nouvel element a la revue dans notre section intitulee :::: a::::·a,-· composer Ann Southam, is profiled by "Review" qui examine quatre ballets feministes. Anna C-•-a ist Ulle Colgrass. Finally, Vancouver Blewchamp, choregraphe torontoise, observe les travaux ·=-='°--;;::a ce w rite r, Elizabeth Zimmer, introduces us de T rish Beatty, co-directrice du Toronto Dance T heatre. - er s demanding, reserved choreographer, Nous retrouvons aussi la compositrice Ann Southam dont •, . .,.,a.,_T'le list of women writing and being written U lle Col grass, journaliste du monde musical, nous trace le a:: - - :::a ce n Canada is by no means exhaustive. Nor profil. Finalement, Elizabeth Zimmer de Vancouver nous =: :cussed all th e activities taking place during - offre quelques notes biographiques sur une choregraphe · - ;. ea.· - •on o's Festival of Women and the Arts, the severe et pleine de reserve: Anna Wyman. Notre repertoire ibition of women's artistic accomplish­ de femmes, celles qui ecrivent aussi bien que celles sur : is year, wi ll be the subject of a piece in a lesquelles on ecrit dans la Revue, n'est nullement epuise. B he fact that we have had to deliberately Au contraire, nous nous sommes contraints a une ces is in itself a sign of how healthy the selection arbitraire, mais c'est la l'indice de l'abondance any women are participating in it today. du choix et de !'importance du nombre de femmes qui collaborent aujourd'hui. see inances still preclude our returning to -gua format. In t he meantime, translations of Un dernier point. Comme vous le verrez, l'etat de nos ~- - 2.- : e ,;,.n, ::ieing made in mimeographed form and f inances nous oblige a retourner au x mesures plus strictes ::c ::r•:: -·: Me oages of the printed magazine. We hope en ce qui concerne l'aspect bilingue de la revu e. D'ici ace ·?. =- ·==:: e • emporary, compromise between lack que tout aille mieux, les traductions des articles seront _--~ 2. ,:: - commitment to bilingualism. We regret photocopiees et i nserees entre les pages de la revue. Nous =- =- ce to our readers. • osons croire que vous ve rrez la un compromis convenable, sinon temporaire, entre le manque de fonds et notre politique de bilinguisme. Nous regrettons tout inconvenient cause a nos lecteu rs. • FALL 1975 AUTOMNE Editor/Redactrice: We Are Magicians Susan Cohen Anna Blewchamp Design/ Dessinateur: In Search of Women in Dance History Page Publications Selma Landen Odom Translator/ Traduction: Profile: Ann Southam Louise Meilleur Ulle Colgrass Anna Wyman: Not for the Uncommitted Advertising Representative: Elizabeth Zimmer Gitta Levi Review Photos: Penelope Doob Elaine Bowman Andrew Oxenham Noticeboard Peter Sloman Toronto Dance Theatre Anna Wyman Dance Theatre Rod Gillingham Cover/ Couverture: John Mahler Photograph by Elaine Bowman of Patricia Beatty in her Anthony Crickmay own piece Rhapsody in the late Afternoon. Tony van Muyden Royal Winnipeg Ballet Dance in Canada is published quarterly by Dance in Canada Les Grands Ballets Association. The views expressed in the articles in this publication are not necessarily those of Dance in Canada. The publication is not National Ballet responsible for the return of unsolicited material unless Entre-Six accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope. Subscription: David Davis $6.50 per year. Single copy $2.00. BMI The publication Dance in Canada is included with membership in Dance in Canada Association. Special Thanks to/ Danse au Canada est publiee trimestriellement par !'Association de Sinceres remerciements a: la Danse au Canada. Les opinions exprimees dans !es articles de The Ontario Arts Council cette publication ne sont pas obligatoirement celles de Danse au The Canada Council Canada. Le redaction n'assume aucune responsabilite quant au Gloria Cohen renvoi de materiel non solicite, a mains que celui-ci ne soil Jackie Malden accompagne d'une enveloppe-reponse affranchie et adressee. Jim Plaxton Abonnement: $6.50 par an. Prix du numero $2.00. Lawrence Haskett Les membres de !'Association de la Danse au Canada recevront d'office la revue Danse au Canada. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the individual contributor and the Dance in Canada magazine. Taus drois reserves. 11 est defendu de reproduire toute partie de cette publication sans avoir prealablement obtenu le consentement ecrit de tout auteur et de la revue Danse au Canada. Dance in Canada: 314 Jarvis Street, Suite 103, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C5. ISSN 0317-9737. We Are Magicians Patricia Beatty's philosophy reflected in her work ....._ ____ Anna Blewchamp,-----~ On being a choreographer/performer/teacher/ Dancers too must tap all areas of their being. I artistic director at Toronto Dance Theatre: ___ suffer anguish and disillusionment when some The problems are small in comparison with the joys dancers don't realize the challenge and the and rewards. I must dance my own dances, opportunity, when they seem to want movement and especially the new ones, rather in the same way that 'steps,' and balk at too much direction. This is a I must live my own love affairs and give my own tender area; it is made of a very delicate balance. I interviews. In choreographing or dancing a work, know this well because I am a dancer myself. I think the puzzle is mine. I love it and I must follow it that we work in fertile ground at the Toronto Dance through. I must find the solutions and experience Theatre, though at the moment we do need more the results. For me, there is only one problem. I can't trained dancers who want to put their lives on the do and see at the same time. I can't be the outsider line on the stage, who do not want to dance about and insider simultaneously. I am getting closer to it dancing, but about the poetry of their experience but can't yet manage it all. As a choreographer, I and of ours, their choreographers'. would like to watch my works from the house - but, to use a slightly shaky image, I must stay close to the Study for a Song in the Distance stove and the market place in order to keep cooking. One of Trish Beatty's wittiest pieces, particularly so I love to teach, to direct rehearsals and to study because there is not a single movement or relationship and receive direction and insights from others, and explored between the dancers that could be expressed in in a company structured as ours is, with three words.
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