Complimentary Copy Join FFRF Now! Vo1. 31 No. 3 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. April 2014 FFRF complaints Better Life/Christopher Johnson A © create buzz Rebecca Newberger Goldstein and Steven Pinker, photographed for Christopher Johnson’s A Better Life: 100 Atheists Speak Out on Joy & Meaning in a World Without God. March roared like a lion from begin- the board’s public censure. ning to end in winter-weary Wisconsin, Garnering at least of a week of me- and so did the Freedom From Religion dia attention in March was a letter from Pinker named FFRF’s Foundation, acting on many egregious Co-Presidents Dan Barker and Annie entanglements between religion and Laurie Gaylor to Green Bay Mayor Jim government. Schmitt, reprimanding him for invit- first honorary president FFRF’s complaints stirred up lots of ing the pope to visit the Wisconsin city regional and national news coverage, next year to make “a pilgrimage to the crank mail and crank callers, starting Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help.” with the March 3 announcement that Schmitt’s invitation on city let- religious incursions in science and gov- the Tennessee Board of Judicial Con- terhead was signed “Your servant in ernment, including testifying before duct agreed with FFRF that former Christ” and extolled in excited tones The Freedom From Religion Congress. He prevailed against a pro- magistrate Lu Ann Ballew violated “the events, apparitions and locutions” Foundation is delighted to announce posal at Harvard to require a course on codes of judicial conduct by ordering a in 1859 that “exhibit the substance that world-renowed scientist Steven “Reason and Faith,” saying, “[U]niver- boy’s named changed from Messiah to of supernatural character,” involving Pinker, already an honorary FFRF di- sities are about reason, pure and sim- Martin at an August hearing. “the first and only Blessed Virgin Mary rector, will serve as its first honorary ple. Faith — believing something with- Ballew said Messiah is a title “earned apparition approved by the Catholic president. out good reasons to do so — has no by one person, and that person is Jesus Church in the United States.” Pinker, a Johnstone Family Profes- place in anything but a religious insti- Christ.” Staff Attorney Rebecca Mark- While noting Schmitt is “welcome to sor in the psychology department at tution, and our society has no shortage ert’s letter of complaint set in motion personally believe” in the supernatural Harvard University, is on Time’s list of of these. Imagine if we had a require- sighting of the Virgin Mary a century the “World’s 100 Most Influential Peo- ment for ‘Astronomy and Astrology’ and a half ago, the FFRF directors told ple.” As an experimental psychologist, or ‘Psychology and Parapsychology,’ ” Schmitt he’s not free to use his civic of- he’s one of the world’s foremost writers he wrote in an op-ed titled “Less Faith, Inside This Issue fice to promote “your personal (and on language, the mind and human na- More Reason” in the Harvard Crimson Ask a Skeptic: highly embarrassing) religious beliefs.” ture. His research on visual cognition in 2006. Weddings and At a press conference Schmitt called and the psychology of language has In a 2007 interview with Salon.com, communion to defend himself, he admitted his let- won awards from the National Acade- Pinker noted, “Atheists are the most Page 9 ter was a “little heavy” on the religion. my of Sciences, the Royal Institution of reviled minority in the United States, This is not FFRF’s first tussle with Great Britain, the Cognitive Neurosci- so it’s no small matter to come out and Schmitt, who was stopped by FFRF’s ence Society and the American Psycho- say it.” federal lawsuit from putting a nativity logical Association. Pinker is part of an intellectual pow- Jamila Bey: scene atop the entrance of City Hall. Pinker told FFRF, when receiving er couple with his wife, Rebecca New- ‘Coolest job’ FFRF, by the way, also criticized the its Emperor Has No Clothes Award berger Goldstein, a recipient of a Mac- includes invitation to the pope to address Con- in 2004: “I was never religious in the Arthur “genius grant.” A philosopher community gress from Catholic politicians John theological sense. I never outgrew my and novelist, Goldstein was named a building Boehner, U.S. House speaker, and conversion to atheist at 13.” Freethought Heroine by FFRF in 2011, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: Born in Montreal, Pinker studied at when she spoke poignantly about her Page 12 “Congress needs a visit from the pope McGill University and Harvard, where escape from the strictures of strict Or- like Boehner needs more time in a tan- he earned his Ph.D. He taught at MIT thodox Judaism. ning booth.” for 21 years and also at Stanford. He’s Among her books are 36 Arguments Bart Ehrman Gaylor and Barker also stirred up an the author of six critically acclaimed for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction, speaks at online hornet’s nest for reprimanding books for a general audience, includ- and the just released nonfiction work, Raleigh Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for misus- ing The Language Instinct (1994), How Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Convention ing his official gubernatorial Facebook the Mind Works (1997), The Blank Slate: Won’t Go Away. The Boston Globe calls and Twitter accounts to promote re- The Modern Denial of Human Nature her “a playful, bouyant, witty stylist who Back page ligion. On March 16, Walker posted (2002), and The Better Angels of Our Na- parses intractably difficult philosophi- ture: Why Violence Declined (2011). cal and religious ideas with breaktak- Continued on page 13 Pinker has actively worked against ing ease.” Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2014 Get your ‘godless’ reward — a ‘clean’ dollar bill Help FFRF grow by recruiting a member! Help the Freedom From Religion a new member who has a U.S. address. Foundation continue to grow in num- Sorry, but renewals for yourself or oth- bers and influence by persuading a new ers do not qualify (“clean” money is member to join today! For each new hard to come by). member a current member recruits, Use the handy, inserted self-ad- ment, PO Box 750, Madison, WI 53701. duo back in 1976 and welcomed its you will receive a “clean,” pre-“In God dressed envelope inside this issue, Or phone 1-800-335-4021 9-5 Central 20,000th official member in February. We Trust” dollar bill. which contains full details. Or mail a weekdays if you’d like to sign up a new (See Ken Knighton’s story, page 3 Please specify whether you want us money order or check for at least $40 member using your credit card. (Sorry, of the March issue, about becoming to send your dollar bill to your recruit earmarked for membership. our online form doesn’t accommodate FFRF’s 20,000th.) or keep it yourself. Include your name and address and this short-term recruitment drive.) All dues and donations are deduct- This offer applies only to current your recruit’s name and address and The offer ends June 30. ible for income tax purposes. FFRF members paying for or recruiting mail to: FFRF, Membership Recruit- FFRF began as a mother-daughter Freedom depends on freethinkers. ‘Immortals’ ensure healthy outlook for FFRF The Freedom From Religion Foun- her proud.” bequest brochure, please contact Co- 1-800-335-4021 or email Lisa at lisa@ dation is pleased to announce addi- • Linda and Dan Kettner. President Annie Laurie Gaylor or Di- ffrf.org. tions to “The Immortals,” those very • David and Linda Reichert. David rector of Operations Lisa Strand at Freedom depends on freethinkers. generous members who make provi- writes: “I am always very glad to help sions for FFRF, a 501(c)(3) education- FFRF as I am insanely passionate about al charity, in their estate planning. separation of church and state issues The category was suggested by Life and you are so capably working to pre- Lake Hypatia ‘Glorious Members B. Babow and Mike Kirk- vent the U.S. from becoming a theoc- land in hopes it would raise awareness racy. I would be honored to be on ‘The of the importance of legacy planning Immortals’ list.” 4th’ — mark the date! for FFRF’s future. Confidentiality is • Doug Walty. assured. Only “bequesters” giving ex- • Stephanie Smith and Harry Wild- press permission will be listed. gen. FFRF’s newest Immortals include: Thanks to all these kind members • Guy T. Craig. who have taken steps to ensure FFRF’s • Herbert A. Davis, who writes that future. Also taking an unprecedented he doesn’t “need the publicity but am step to encourage future bequests is proud to be a supporter of your orga- Life Member Monty Cleworth, who last nization. Everyone who matters knows year kicked off FFRF’s official endow- I am an atheist and I describe myself ment fund with a spectacular $100,000 as a ‘militant atheist.’ Anne Gaylor is a gift to create it. heroine and you youngsters are doing If you would like a copy of FFRF’s FFRF welcomes 15 new Lifetime Members The Alabama Freethought Asso- Meals are served on the cool lake- ciation, FFRF’s longest-lived current side pavilion, and the area abuts Tall- chapter (based in the “buckle of the bi- edega National Forest. There are both The Freedom From Religion Foun- New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Tex- ble belt”), will hold its annual Glorious formal and informal events at this dation is delighted to welcome its new- as, Wisconsin and the District of Co- Fourth conference on Independence child-friendly event.
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