VOL. 117 - NO. 20 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 17, 2013 $.30 A COPY 20th “Taste of the North End” Brings Community Together for Largest Neighborhood Fundraiser by Matt Conti The 20th Taste of the Service Awards recipients North End brought several were Barbara Summa, hundred people to the Steriti Founding Taste of the North Rink for a night of charitable End supporter of La Summa giving to benefit community Ristorante and your very non-profit organizations. The own NorthEndWaterfront.com annual fundraiser is cel- editor Matt Conti. ebrating its 20th year and fea- New to the event this year tured over 40 of the North were “Best Of” contests voted End’s best restaurants giv- on by attendees. Winning for ing back to the neighborhood. Best Food and Best Display There was also a high end was Al Dente Ristorante silent auction with hotel and while Mike’s Pastry took restaurant packages, Boston the crown for Best Dessert. sporting tickets and memo- First responders received th rabilia. Organizers said the complimentary admission The 20 Taste of the North End was held at Steriti Rink in the North End of Boston on th event was the largest Taste this year and there were Friday, May 10 . Several hundred people attended this annual fundraising event. of the North End yet and several attendees from Bos- (Photo by Matt Conti) likely to raise over $100,000. ton Police, Fire and State You” plaque to the outgoing on samplings of world fa- non-profits that received Donato Frattaroli of Lucia Police including several that Boston Mayor. Also in atten- mous North End cuisine — contributions include North Ristorante and James Luisi, were at the Boston Marathon dance were State Senator all generously donated by our End Head Start, St. John CEO of North End Waterfront finish line on April 15, 2013. Anthony Petruccelli, State neighboring restaurants. School, Eliot School, North Health Center co-chaired the Part of this year’s Taste of Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, Proceeds benefit North End End Against Drugs, Nazzaro event, hosted by NECN TV the North End proceeds will State Rep. Marty Walsh, Waterfront Health and other Center, North End Athletic Diner’s Billy Costa. Philip also go to The One Fund for City Councilors Rob Con- children and seniors chari- Association, St. Leonard Frattaroli of Ducali Pizzeria victims of the tragedy. salvo and Sal LaMattina. ties in the neighborhood. Church, St. Steven’s Church was Executive Director with Local celebrities and offi- Initiated in 1993 by North End Waterfront Health and the North End Music and Event Coordinator Marianne cials attended including Donato Frattaroli and Nancy is the largest beneficiary of Performing Arts Center. See Aiello and committee mem- Mayor Thomas Menino and Frattaroli, Taste of the North Taste of the North End, TasteoftheNorthEnd.org bers Daniel Leonard, Noreen his wife, Angela. Taste of End brings together hun- supporting health programs for a full list of beneficiaries Manning & Mary Wright. the North End organizers dreds of participants to feast and charity services. Other and sponsors. This year’s Community presented a special “Thank (Additional Photos on Pages 8 & 9) Mayor Menino’s Neighborhood Coffee Hour News Briefs at Christopher Columbus Park by Sal Giarratani On Wednesday morning May 15th, Mayor Thomas Menino’s final North End Neighbor- The Lone Ranger Rides Again! hood Coffee Hour Series was held at Chris- Soon coming to a movie theater near you, a topher Columbus Park. Although Mayor masked man and Indian will be riding across the Menino was unable to partake in this years plains in pursuit of justice and the American way. Neighborhood Coffee Hour Series, many Sounds a bit like “Superman” but just remember politicans and North Enders were in atten- the William Tell Overturn and its “Hi-yo Silver dance. Away!” The Long Ranger rides again. The newest The Neighborhood Coffee Hours give resi- movie out gets a cinematic re-do with Johnny dents a unique opportunity to speak directly Depp playing Tonto. However, for me these two with Mayor Menino about open space and riders in the sun are an icon of an American other needs in their neighborhoods. culture disappearing quickly. It all started on Through these one-on-one discussions and radio in 1933 and moved to TV from 1949 until a suggestion box at each site, Mayor Menino 1957. In 1958, I remember going to the Puritan looks forward to hearing how the City of Bos- Theater in the South End by Northampton Sta- ton can improve upon local parks, public tion to see “City of Gold.” Actors Clayton Moore areas, and city services. and Jay Silverheels were both role models. Each All participants enjoyed coffee and break- of them took their characters seriously and viewed fast treats provided by Dunkin’ Donuts and themselves as role models for children of the fif- ties and did the best they could to live up to the L-R: Chief Michael Galvin, Christopher high standards of this legendary duo. Richard Fincham, Lark Batteau and Parks Neal, a retired city cop and instructor for several Commissioner Antonia Pollak. Ohio criminal justice training academies put it best when describing the Lone Ranger saying, “He fresh fruit from Whole Foods Market. In sacrificed his very identity as a person to protect addition, each family in attendance received the weak and needy of the frontier.” In many ways a flowering plant grown in the city’s green- the Lone Ranger and Tonto were lawmen of the houses as a gift from Mayor Menino. Resi- Old West. His silver bullets acted as a symbol dents at the event were also be eligible to of justice and served as a reminder that life is win a raffle prize package including a (Continued on Page 14) Dunkin’ Donuts gift basket. (Photos by Rosario Scabin, Ross Photography) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 17, 2013 Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Turiello Res Publica Nostra by David Trumbull A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our ancestry...our lineage...our roots. “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy.” — Daniel Webster, 1819 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON Tuesday, the Treasury Inspector General endar days which crossed two election cycles of Tax Administration (“TIGTA”) released its and spanned 3 years. report on the targeting of conservative • Allowed unnecessary information groups by the Internal Revenue Service requests to be issued and then later (“IRS”). The following is a report summary informed some of those groups that they did compiled by the Senate Finance Commit- not need to provide the information which tee Republican staff. was previously requested. FINDINGS • TIGTA determined that the additional • IRS used inappropriate criteria that iden- information requests sent out to 98 of 170 tified for review organizations applying for (58 percent) organizations that received tax-exempt status based upon their names those requests were unnecessary. or policy positions instead of other objective The surprise is not that Obama’s IRS tried criteria. to shut down Tea Party protesters. The sur- • Ineffective management allowed the fol- prise is that even the Lame Stream Media lowing to occur: is reporting the story. Perhaps, after realiz- DATE OF BIRTH: February 9, 1773 • Inappropriate criteria was developed ing that they had been totally played by the PLACE OF BIRTH: Charles City, Virginia Colony that stayed in place for more than 18 Administration regarding the Benghazi months. affair, the propaganda office of the White DATE OF DEATH: April 4, 1841 • About 1/3 of the applications subjected House, i.e., ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC, have PLACE OF DEATH: Washington, D.C. to additional processing included Tea Party, suddenly awoken to realize that NO, he WIFE: Anna Patriots or 9/12 in their names. doesn’t respect them in the morning. And PRESIDENT: March 4,1841 - April 4, 1841 • Resulted in substantial delays in process- now, with the revelation that the Obama William Henry Harrison was our ninth C.E.O., ing certain applications. Administration has been reading the phone He defeated Tecumseh, so that settlements could grow; • All applications that included the inap- records of Associated Press reporters the Served with distinction in the Indian Campaigns, propriate criteria experienced substantial way an overly-protective father might peak Then defeated the British on the Canadian plain. delays in processing. into his teenage daughter’s diary, perhaps • The majority of the impacted applications they see that, as they say, It’s not paranoia He beat out Van Buren in his presidential race, sat without any work done on them for 13 if they really are out to get you. Portrayed “Van” as a glutton, while feeding his face; months. Over twenty years ago P.J. O’Rourke After taking the oath Bill was ready to go, • 28 applications were withdrawn given summed up the problem with Washington But he died of pneumonia after one month or so. the length of time taken to process. best when he said, “Giving money and power Married a gal named Anna from Morristown, NJ, • 160 out of the 196 applications reviewed to government is like giving whiskey and When her father objected, Bill whisked her away; by TIGTA were open from 206 to 1138 cal- car keys to teenage boys.” The reason dad gave for his vehement objection, A soldier can’t make the financial connection.
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