• f • • * 1 1* • • http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY of FARMERS and BREEDERS EDGAR COUNTY ILLINOIS ' '•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'''•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•''•'•'•-'tV i Published By PRAIRIE FARMER- Chicago IllinoiM Oldest and Sett Farm Paper http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-FoundPRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY 1 EDWARD LEVINGS, President J. G. BROWN, Vice-Preudent j 1 W. O. AUGUSTUS, Cashier g 1 CHAS. G. JUREY, Asst Cashier L N. SHAW, Asst. Cashier | I CITIZENS national! I BANK 1 ILLINOIS I PARIS I I Capital, $100,000.00 I 1 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $80,000.00 | s F^ '-•! s • ^ "1 R ' giiiiiii ^ R • T _,. , , *v-._.J T ' • ti : - . ——' Mil .iiiiiiiilii rmr ^ i n'^-^— The Bank that Service Built DIRECTORS: MILTON THOMAS J. G. BROWN W. H. HODGE C. S. HUNTER J. WM. SNYDER HARLAN SWANGO H. O. BOYER EDWARD LEVINGS J. B. WOOD ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-FoundFARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Crandall's Drug Store n n D D CHEMICALS, PHYSICIANS' SUP- PLIES, TOILET ARTICLES CANDIES AND CIGARS n n n D Agents for SAN TOX Guaranteed Remedies and Toilet Articles PARIS S. E. Cor. of Square ILLINOIS Superb Values in High-Grade Pianos and Player-Pianos Slightly used and Second-hand Pianos of well known makes at prices within the reach of every- body. THE NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" is unlike the sharp-toned talking machine which your neighbors have. Come to our store. Write or phone and (if you so desire) we will show you an Edison in your own home. A. C. LANDIS & CO. "S?TuaTe5 PARIS Both Phones 340 ILLINOIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ONC MAJNl ^m^ ALL PURPOSE IpHE Parrett Tractor enjoys a very good reputation—everywhere you hear the Parrett Tractor spoken of by everybody in unus- ually praiseworthy terms. This fact is clearly and definitely the result of uninterrupted service in the fields of hundreds of Illinois farmers. This is significant, because, as a result of the successful performance referred to, our sales of Parrett Tractors, each year has averaged over four tunes the amount of sales for the preceding year, and this fact is true of five consecutive years of Parrett Tractor business. Your Tractor investment is important. It represents so much abiUty to accomplish work. In this respect the Parrett offers more per dollars invested than other Tractors NO REGRETS—JUST PARRETT TRACTORS "Official Demonstration** The Parrett Tractor plowed forty-eight acres; Double disced thirty-two acres in seventy-two hours, continuous run. Motor sealed by Paris Com- niercial Club Committee. Twenty-two acres of alfalfa consumed 2 J/2 gallons of fuel per acre. Twenty-six acres stubble ground consumed I ^ gallons per acre. Burns Kerosene or Gasoline Auto Sales Tractor & Truck Co. JOE M. STEWART, Manager PARIS, ILLIIS^blS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllli:: Sntrobuction this directory we have endeavored to give Edgar INCounty farmers a complete and reliable directory of the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valuable reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tre- mendous one. We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers and business men of the county, without which the publication of such a directory would be impos- sible. In a very few cases we have found farmers unwilling to give the information requested, which accounts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no eflFort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the ad- vertisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever possible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real service to Edgar County farmers and in line with Prairie Farmer's policy of service to the farmers of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of Prairie Farmer in Edgar County which has resulted will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, and more prosperity for the county, and that our many new friends will become permanent members of the big Prairie Farmer family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher, Prairie Farmer. 7lllliilllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllll||||||illllllllll|||||||||||||||||||MI||||||||||||||||i||||||Mili= 1 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Street Scene in Newman, 111. NOW SEE flERE Let Us Make h, 1^' Your Old Clothes Look Like New MARY PHERIGO &V.C. MOATS, Proprietors Unique DRY CLEANERS "We Are On the Square." See? West Side Telephone Kin 969-J PARIS ILUNOIS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY SHOLEM'S DEPARTMENT STORE THE STORE OF PARIS FOR Men, Women and Children PARIS ILLINOIS -A>^*»>. Lumber and | We sell and recom- mend the following Building Material Triple-G goods: | Nails and Builders' Hard- All Roofing Mfg. Co. i Rubber Roofing ware, Red Cedar Posts, | Portland Cement Sashes and Doors, Galvan- I Lime and Plaster ized Roofing, Ridge-roll Apex Gates | Valleys, etc. _ 1 South - I Central Avenue - . - PARIS, ILLINOIS | PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY EDGAR COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Paris, Illinois Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits $140,000 r^ ^ R. N Parrish Frank F. Hager President Cashier George V. Dole Warren D. Cole Vice-President Asst. Cashier ^T ^ United States Depository We do a general banking business and solicit a share of your patronage. No account too small. Extensions of credit granted on approved security DIRECTORS; DANIEL ARTHUR ROBT. N. PARRISH CALEB WOODYARD GEORGE V. DOLE WILUAM S. LOGAN ALAN J. PARRISH S. C. HOGUE FRANK F. HAGER ; T i». Prairie Farmer's Directory Edgar County Illinois Complete Directory of the F"armers of Edgar County, with valuable information about each farm. Breeders' Directory, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Business Directory, giving list of all business houses in Edgar County. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1917 By PRAIRIE FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY ^ Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BINDER TROUBLES AND ADJUSTMENTS By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer. To have to await the services of an will test one part at a time and should expert when every minute of the har- locate the trouble without difiiculty. vest days is money is not only an ex- In testing out head for failure to re- pensive practice, but in most cases is volve, operate head by hand at back an unnecessary one if the operator of machine through shaft which will only use patience and good judg- drives head from elevator chai*'. ment and try to understand a few Troubles very simple principles of what seems General Binder a complicated machine. The purpose Chains. Undue wear in chains may of this article is to aid the operator be caused by the chain being run too in his most common binder troubles. tight or backwards. Run the chain To cover the ground in the most log- with the hooks of the links leading ical and concise manner, let us con- and with the openings of the hooks sider troubles under the three general out. The use of oil or grease on heads: general binder troubles, bind- chains, if the binder is being run in er head troubles and knotter head a sandy country or under dusty con- troubles. ditions, is not to be recommended, Starting. If possible, start the new for the oil will collect the fine parti- machine on a road or in a pasture cles of grit and ca'use excessive wear. before going into the grain field. Use Under such conditions use dry graph- plenty of kerosene and run the ma- ite. Chain jumping is caused by the chine empty for about five minutes, chain being too loose or by the taking notice that every duct to bear- sprocket being badly worn. If a worn ings and every oil hole is open. Then sprocket is the cause for the trouble apply lubricating oil. When you are a new one will have to be supplied. enter the grain with a new ready to Canvas Troubles. The creeping of machine, raise the machine well up, canvases is caused by running them forward; open the tilt the platform too loose or by the elevators not be- of the machine by throwiiig throat ing square. Test the elevators to see the butt adjuster forward and start in if they are square by means of meas- one-half of a full swath. with about uring the diagonals, and then square minutes work the machine After five by the special apparatus to be found for maximum results. If is ready for that purpose. Have the canvases to make a full swath at the compelled of the same tightness on both sides. start, cut the grain extra high. Never change the adjustment of a Canvases not elevating the grain new binder head before going into the may be caused by missing slats oi loose canvases. Broken slats are gen- field. It may miss a few bundles at erally caused by the elevators not be- first, but do not adjust. Apply a lib- ing square, or by the canvases not eral amount of coal oil to the knotter evenly and the head and the trouble will usually dis- being buckled thus slat is pass appear.
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