Privateline Magazine-November-December-1995.Pdf

Privateline Magazine-November-December-1995.Pdf

Volume 2, No. 6 Nov ember/December $4.50 rivate line a journal of inquiry into the telephone system Alexander Graham Bell CABLE STATION ... OPERATIONS J • > , t f CANADIAN i TELECOM, - PART2 DIGITAL TELEPHONY BILL UPDATE MICROWAVE PROPAGATION BASICS DEF CON Ill REVIEW INDEX TO PR/VA TE LINE, VOLUME2 As reported oo CBS "60 Mlnu111•: How cortaln de­ vices can slowd own - 1v1nslop - watthour mel11I- Damien Thorn's ceLLULAR+co MPUTERS+TELco+sEcuRrrv :!'~:~d:,,~r~~Jro~: :ii~~~/!l!~~~~~:~ scrlbesm eler creep, overload droop, elc. Plans $29. 1,0, MANUAL,Exte rnal maoneUcwa ys (applled lo the melerlts eH)l o slow down and slopwaltllo ur melers 1 ULTIMATE HACKER 2011 Cruc en t Dr ., P.O . Drawer 537 ;l'~Ed~s ~'io~ ~~~~~r ~e~~~s :~~ ~ Alamogordo , NM 8831 o error modes( many), ANSI Standards, etc.Dem and and ~ (5051 439-1776 439 -8551 · Polyphan Melen. E,perlmcntalresulls l o slow and 8A M _ 7PM MST, Mon_ sai stop metersby others. $19. Any 2, $38. All 3, $59. Ell.!G (5051 434-0234, 434 -1778 (orde,s FILE ARCHIVE ON CD-ROM only;W you g el voice,enler• 111 111· anyUme): 24-hr ATMcrlm11 , abuses,,u ln111blllUn and dalHls 11- Fcea Te c h Byooo n; (relates dlrecUy1 0 your posedl1 00+ methodsd eta!ed, Include:Physka l, Reg. orderor prospectiveOfde~: Tu••· and Thurs. only. E. cipher, PINcompromise. card counterteltino, mao­ lili.lllunJJ tdlltlJl~ ZJ!ll±.AddS5 neticslrlpe, fa lse froo~ TEMrEST, Van Ed<.tapping , 10131s;lffOS: Canada) . Al aemsIn slock. VI SA.M C11dOK. spoollng,Inside lob , •~r-<ool, vfbrallon,pulse, high The entire underground NoCODs °' 'bill me•s.Ne w Catalog (200+ olfersl $2 voltage- olhers.C ase his1<>f1es,law, comlermeasures, order $5'N1! (check or MO).li!l..d.Qlru.. Since 1 g 71 As delal ed secunlychecldls~ labeled Internal pholos , Ilg­ seenon CB S •'1JMlnu lu • h rau etc ByJo ba Wlllans ures. ATMs containup 1o $250,000In cashl Recent archives from the Phoenix - kl<merLocl<lleed Seni0<' Englnc,,r, NMSU cs Professor,$35 0,000A TMc dmespree slil unsolvedl $39. ooo ElectronicWeapon s Engln~er.NIH H ealth Physicist. 13-J::f •] &• .P· '.i; j • l=J -I· 1fl[= I Rising Communications online l!iAnwli 7 MACllf1 , PC486, better- buy,~ado. Car<llolders, merchants,banl<s suffer $ Bil lons In •A ll software ■upporuo ■II IBM-PC co,... lossesannuafly because of creditcard f raud.Describe s pallbl• xae ■J■ l ■m• (aoaa • .,_nllum) every known meanso l credn card ~audand scams. service are now available on a l•>~~•a=Arn~••=t-J;l•)';l!);[I.,Pr,.•t.,.ec.,t,.yo.,.,u.n.,el,.ll..,.$2. , ..· ....,.,_.,.,,,.,....,....,. ......... ,.. Van Ecfsy st1ms ♦ Dall Card Read1.Wrllm ♦ l!iill1Jl.jff,1{,J..-f :W-·J?mj,1ff-j single CD-ROM!!! Hundreds of ATM2♦ RF/l:Mfl1d1111Jllrasonl"'1RDelocl omlecoJv- Cons& scamsa nd related swindlesfl eece Amerkansol er11Xm lll e rs/Jamm1r.-,i1ut ■ r1 ♦ SecurJly,Survell- $10-0+ ennonper yearl Themost c omprehensivesur ­ lanca♦ EML I 1>Wnponr,-t0untermeasure1 ♦ Neur- viva! manual on cons& scamso f aHkinds - lrom the megabytes consisting of text ophon&!lll&'llleronymu"1lesonanlCrystal Radionics c lassicto hi-tech.D etails on 100s and their manyv arla­ ♦ VoiceD i sgui sers ♦ Phone Color Boxes ♦ DTMFDo- tions, and countermeasures.Prolecl yourselfl $39. files, software and hacking coders ♦ Llnoman's Handse ts ♦ Bug& Tap Delectoo' -1 •::(.:I il'l•J ~., Blasler♦ Culack-llldnapFo ll er ♦ HearingAnlslor ♦ • • •i•\~•~!! .. ► ,* •1 Shrlel Modul e ♦ TENS ♦ &lhS enseCom municator ♦ ol11cetaaras c atng\tt a lso as errorr ateso ~ Subllmlnal MJm,.mp ♦ Levllator♦ vortexGene rator 20%1Ev er, knownerror mode - steallhmelhod a nd ma­ utility programs authored by ♦ NoiseCanc elling System ♦ UllrasenslllveSoundl t er1alu sed 1o minimizerada r renecttons- tacUcand Llgh~IMMF Deleclors ♦ Eleclfonlc Dowser ♦ Lam slfalC!IYlo fight unjust radartickets {that cosl you hackers and security experts. ♦ Bacteria Detecllon KIi- m0<el Seeo ur Newcatalog ! $100s In Insuranceand risk cancellation)• methods lo ,.,:[:. J 1 - .1 y J I ::[~ ,rt detecl andJam slonals - fullydescl1bedl $29 . I t ~ , ! :«i_,• . :w• O=C3;iil:Jl-i1i;\'U'Z.,W;f·MM More than 4,000 files in all. Also Wedesloooullobbtalrltepalr-tnodify,tnalnta11>tonsult 111 Optinum survtval a nd secuntyrad io equipment,mcth• anydevfco!;ysterr>ProceswroJect - elec!ricaltlectroolct eds, f req aflor:aHO!ISand volce-tlalascrtmb!Jngtncod­ phon&tampule.tnechanlcaltipllcaY.llftomotivef0<oosl- Ing.Includes small recelveiwansmllters telemetry an­ includes an archive of 3,249 nes"1>e!S0!13Hnventlonneed.Confidentiality guaranteed. lenna opllrriWIO!IS, remoto monllOffng ind con110( se­ Oescribeand Include$ 30 pre~lneerlng lee (doesnot curfly,survelUance, and uttrasonk, llber-optlc and lnfra- cellular and 14,413 hacking obfigale you), Tine andcosteslimales In 7-10 days. red commo.7 0+ cln:tJIIplans, tables. $2 9. HV devicesplans· Slun Gun Tam Prod Cano related messages from the !!'3!,i'1jli1~ri~il"£n, 0 ASCII)by top hackers& phreakers.Covers every maJor F lasher Blaster Zapper Audlo-Rlrlladar ia mmer 0 topk Inhackerdoml 3 HD Dl sl.s• $59. Jacob's Ladder, Plasma & VIn da Graaff Gens., Fence Internet. Charger, Gelgerco unler, ozone Gen.. Fishstunner. Describesin detailho w compulers penelfale each other, Plan! Slim., Klrllan, morelAll ansf0< on l $29. andh ow VIRUSES, TROJANH ORSES, WORMS, elc are • - • • Implemented. Dozensof computer crlmean d abuse Eleclromagnellc lnler1artnceand Eleclronlc Weapon methodsand_counlerme _asurcs.Incl udesdi sk filledwi th Attacksca use:C ancer, birthdelects, and pro loundpsy ­ Now shipping for $89.00. Next-day hacker !ext hies and Ulihlles, and the legendary FLU- chologlcal, neurol01Jlcal, cardiovascularand Immune SHOT+p rotccUoosys tem (Ed.Cho ice, PCMag azine). system disorders! Oestructlvetg p.eo le,a nimals, ants, BBSadvice , password dclcats, glossary - muchmorel equlpmenUInc ludes ACIUAWU .....u;.., ollU'-'+~"' Air Delivery available for an , Manual+ Dlsu • $39. (we iwestigaledlll ncfudeshow 10 vert and pinpoint -3ft\j,jjjtjlf}.m ■3ottf~:l{t::fi:tti!H!,m tMI andelec lfonlca ttacks ources,and spectnc counler­ additional $10.00. Mention this ad uvcsil roppmooo 1Van acompulervide rslona s us,119measures. $29. £M-8 .81'.l.ltlll.Ull8: Tulorlal anordinary TV descrlbedin deta~. includessec urtly in- and plansf or powirluHLECTROMAGNETICWEAP ONS duslryr eporls. Rangeup lo 1 KM. PlansInclude b oth andLAB DEVICES . Optimumcircuits, freqs, waveforms, and receive a free copy of our the Ccnsumertronlcs and lhe orlginalT op secretv,n dutycycles, Intensiti es.Thoroug h. $29. Both$4 9. Eckdeslgnsl $29. l;M•H•JM3----W,!,r•1N ■ t•1• "Tandy/Radio Shack Cellular ■ 3 ::jlj lj :J: I • j ~ •=Ii .,!,I• j • I =W t:xcltingeleclJical, electronic, elec ~omaonetic therapeu­ Seeour catalov 101our Infamouscellphooe modirica - tic, dlaonostic& preventivedevkes (m ostly eJQJerl~n ­ llonguide ( $69) - debRed,comprehensive, COYers an taJJ,Hislory, dcstll)tlons , plans(dozens) , availablfillcs Guide" (while supplies last). To makes - 1D limesm ore Info lhanco•titOf's "glide"). of Radlonlcs Devkes fromearly l o modem.Wil l e drugs (Do Special ProJacts (above)for up-to-dalehardwaro' cost S Hundreds.elec lrfcllycosts pennies! $2 9. H£A1. soflwue) I.H:a.£1.[: Plansfor 3 maierelectronic therapeutJc receive more information and a i!A•I ie=li&t ·11.. : t·!-i:J l~(cj devtcesof typesapproved by FDA.S 19. Both$ 3Q. HowV oice Mau Box (VMB) systemsare u sedand lh e . free copy of our current specificw ays they arehacked. Includ es ASPEN,MES -. Fivep owertlAmenu-driVen cryplo pro grams~• .CO"!and SAGE CENTER. SIX GENESISEZ SYDNEYPHONE .B AS sourcecode) lo anatyze. decrypt secure cl· MAIL AUDIX,' CINDYCEN TAGRA°MS PERRYLINK, phertexts.Worked-out examp les. Recommendedby pres­ newsletter, please send an SASE. RSVP, etc.Absoltrtely requir ed lor all users,sysops aoo tiglous"C ompulors& Securlly.' Manual+ Disk" $29. securlty personnel!$2 9. •¥Vl\iu(i1;j•J::ijc.]1r,tff_m.c;w1u1•J::fOrders charged to Visa or ;;.I:: f:• :_,::,--i •◄ j .'.'1, To most comprilien'ilvir,liiii-li,ffing, hf-t ac~ sur- 1 OOOsol PSXsar ehacked to ifietune 0 ($ Sillron,;'lfl vtval book t ver written! TopicsInclude electrool cs, WhHe•VOICE MAIL HACKIN G· details how VMSs are comptrters,en e('Jy, weapo~s. concealmenl revenoe, Mastercard are accepted via mail hackedf or 'phun· andpr ofit • Including VMSm ethods alarms,el c lo surviveloday s dangerousw orld.We all for hacking PBXsthe mselves_ 'PBX HACKING' ad- faceIncre asinglyfinanc iallyand p hyslcanybru lal times! dressesAll Issuesr elating 1o PBX hacking,Including Reid -expedient use cl teclinolOl)y rn various threat and or may be faxed to (209) 47 4- counlermeasuresl Canyour b usinessor agencya lf0<da conflict environmentsan d scenarlos.$49 . $90,000phone lra ud loss !the averageloss due lo 2600. Phone number must be hackedPBXs)? As descrlbe d n ForbH Magazine. $21 How 1o design andbuild soli d-propellantamat eur and PHREA KJNG CALLER ID & ANJ survivalroc kets.Emphasis on f onnulatlon, maoolacture. OelaUson how theyworl< and doze ns of effectiveways nstaRatlonof propellants\motors, .tonllers,et c. Includes included for credit card verification. of defeatiagC allerI D, ANI, •&9• ,57• and Call Blocking list of commoolyav aKabe matenals, andthe designo f and •&7 Also descrlbesC aller ID orange Beige launch padsand test bedsand the~ electronics.$29 . Purchase of disc conveys Ch . d CF B ESS ssi E"1 ' ario ' £1BiWl)JllU : Hownrecrackers (M-SOs, blocid>us t- H SI an oxes, , , ·• 1, v us ers cherrybombs) small rockets volcanos f ountains CLASS services, CM,, HONPUB D A. CAMA, DNR, spaildersand salety loses are'made and colored'. 800-ECR.D lnr1111, Extenders.C 1n~11- more.$29 . Simple,cheap common Ingredients $9 eolh$36 ownership of media only. Price IWVJ~ltl:.lili1~1:&ll•IYJ;t:I•Qfl . includes archiving and production Plus ca I Forwarding, Conlerenclnt Pllm k HtslDfJ, oetaned, comprehensivemanual describes 100+ tacU- ~-*-~~Glossary, Dlmt ars, Exttndtrs, o-ops~~, REMOBS, cal andstra tegicdriving tips .

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