SemanticSemantic TechnologyTechnology ChrisChris WeltyWelty IBMIBM ResearchResearch WhatWhat areare semanticsemantic technologiestechnologies DatesDates backback toto thethe 60s,60s, 70s,70s, 80s,80s, 90s90s STRIPS,STRIPS, SNePSSNePS,, CG,CG, KLKL--ONE,ONE, NIKL,NIKL, CLASSIC,CLASSIC, LOOM,LOOM, RACER,RACER, etcetc…… TodayToday wewe havehave standardsstandards Normative CommonCommon Logic,Logic, IKLIKL XML RDF,RDF, SKOS,SKOS, OWL,OWL, RIFRIF } syntaxes ODM,ODM, PRRPRR WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo withwith SemanticSemantic Technology?Technology? BuildBuild informationinformation systemssystems Thesauri,Thesauri, terminologiesterminologies Learning,Learning, testing,testing, trainingtraining systemssystems EventEvent processing,processing, backback--officeoffice systemssystems SoftwareSoftware designdesign automation,automation, architecturearchitecture WebWeb services,services, Planning/schedulingPlanning/scheduling IntelligenceIntelligence analysisanalysis ……whatwhat dodo youyou need?need? CanCan’’tt DatabasesDatabases DoDo that???that??? NoNo YesYes WellWell…….... AdvantagesAdvantages ofof SemanticSemantic TechnologyTechnology ConsiderConsider SoftwareSoftware ArchitectureArchitecture MoreMore declarative,declarative, openopen BetterBetter abstractionabstraction CheaperCheaper maintenancemaintenance BetterBetter integrationintegration ……byby makingmaking thethe semanticssemantics explicitexplicit AtAt leastleast aa littlelittle…… CommonCommon LogicLogic StandardStandard (ISO/IEC(ISO/IEC 24707:2007)24707:2007) syntaxsyntax andand semanticssemantics forfor FirstFirst OrderOrder LogicLogic (FOL)(FOL) XMLXML andand ““KIFKIF stylestyle”” syntaxessyntaxes ““WebWeb savvysavvy”” (can(can useuse URIsURIs)) AA fewfew implementations,implementations, stillstill inin nurturingnurturing stagestage AA contextcontext--logiclogic extensionextension proposedproposed (IKL)(IKL) SemanticSemantic WebWeb RDFRDF A language for semantic graphs The nodes are anywhere in the web The arcs are labeled OWLOWL A language for giving more semantics to RDF graphs classes of nodes Constraints, equality, negation RIFRIF Rules for extending graphs automatically CanCan’’tt UMLUML dodo that???that??? ThereThere isis overlapoverlap betweenbetween UMLUML andand OWLOWL Classes,Classes, relations,relations, constraintsconstraints ButBut therethere areare significantsignificant differencesdifferences OWLOWL hashas aa fullfull modelmodel--theoretictheoretic semanticssemantics OWLOWL isis designeddesigned forfor specifyingspecifying informationinformation systemssystems OWLOWL limitedlimited toto consistent,consistent, sound,sound, andand computablecomputable reasoningreasoning ODMODM InteroperabilityInteroperability standardstandard betweenbetween severalseveral semanticsemantic technologiestechnologies FacilitatesFacilitates MOFMOF--enabledenabled toolstools toto workwork withwith RDF,RDF, OWL,OWL, CL,CL, …… Editors,Editors, translatorstranslators VisualizationVisualization GivesGives semanticsemantic technologiestechnologies aa UMLUML ““flavorflavor”” TheThe SemanticSemantic WebWeb VisionVision ~80%~80% ofof webweb pagespages areare generatedgenerated fromfrom backback endend databasesdatabases PublishPublish thethe semanticssemantics (schema?)(schema?) asas wellwell asas thethe datadata URIsURIs provideprovide aa webweb--basedbased formform ofof identityidentity It’s the semantic WEB, not the SEMANTIC web NOTNOT:: humanshumans willwill markupmarkup theirtheir webweb pagespages withwith semanticssemantics NOTNOT:: NLPNLP willwill populatepopulate thethe SWSW fromfrom webweb pagespages ErrorsErrors byby analogyanalogy TheThe web:web: justjust hypertexthypertext TheThe web:web: badbad UIUI designdesign TheThe semanticsemantic web:web: justjust semanticsemantic technologytechnology TheThe semwebsemweb:: badbad KRKR designdesign HistoryHistory ofof HypertextHypertext 1945: Vannevar Bush’s Memex Associative Indexing and links 1965: Ted Nelson coins hypertexthypertext “Nonsequential writing” 1967: Andries van Dam’s Hypertext Editing System (sponsored by IBM). 1985: Janet WalkerWalker’s Symbolics Document Examiner 1987: Bill AtkinsonAtkinson’s Hypercard on the Mac 1991: Tim BernersBerners-Lee proposes HTTP, HTML, & URL Genesis c. 1989 1993: Mark Andreesen releases Mosaic for Mac, Unix, Windows… HypertextHypertext ResearchResearch DatingDating backback atat leastleast toto thethe latelate 60s60s ManyMany focifoci TechnologyTechnology (mouse,(mouse, software,software, protocols)protocols) UserUser interactioninteraction AestheticAesthetic PostPost--modernmodern EngineeringEngineering LargelyLargely ignoredignored byby webweb developersdevelopers EspeciallyEspecially inin thethe earlyearly daysdays ofof thethe webweb (93(93--96)96) GrassrootsGrassroots toto thethe WebWeb EarlyEarly webweb dominateddominated byby ““whatwhat itit lookslooks likelike”” inin MosaicMosaic Unimpressed UI and Hypertext researchers FocusFocus onon spreadingspreading thethe word,word, notnot doingdoing itit rightright ManyMany earlyearly webweb pagespages didndidn’’tt havehave linkslinks inin texttext atat allall “Catalog” pages with lists of links “Text” pages with few or no links Embedded images more interesting than links JustJust dodo itit ratherrather thanthan dodo itit rightright ButBut…… The web became serious Then research started to matter Tooling for web/UI design became important OntologyOntology ResearchResearch DatingDating backback…… MultipleMultiple focifoci Technology (logics, reasoners…) Meta-physics (what there is) Knowledge Acquisition NLP Engineering LargelyLargely ignoredignored byby SWSW developersdevelopers Web 2.0, groundswell Specifically criticized by some SW pundits GrassrootsGrassroots toto thethe SemanticSemantic WebWeb Dominated by putting lots of data up Unimpressed KR and Ontology researchers Focus on spreading the word, not doing it right Most LOD sources don’t have published semantics at all Sources that provide popular utility (imdb, dbpedia) LOD= “Linked Open” or “Lots Of” Data? Just do it rather than do it right AA littlelittle semanticssemantics…… TheThe SWSW catchphrasecatchphrase “A little semantics goes a long way” SometimesSometimes strengthenedstrengthened A lot of semantics isis tootoo muchmuch 80/20 rule DoubleDouble--edgededged swordsword FOAF doesn’t look like even 1% The simplicity of FOAF hides any serious value proposition for SW SW not for people, for data Reasoning? Quality? WhereforeWherefore Reasoning?Reasoning? VeryVery hardhard toto ““sellsell”” OWLOWL reasoningreasoning ManyMany usersusers wantwant veryvery simplesimple reasoningreasoning Simple subclass Simple range/domain constraints Simple rules (q.v. RIF) SomeSome usersusers wantwant moremore thanthan OWLOWL But just to express their semantics, not in run-time system ReasoningReasoning supportssupports qualityquality ImprovingImproving precision?precision? Must be measured. ImprovingImproving recall?recall? GettingGetting itit rightright DoesDoes qualityquality matter?matter? GoodGood qualityquality ontologiesontologies costcost moremore RequiredRequired forfor somesome applicationsapplications ImprovementsImprovements inin qualityquality cancan improveimprove performanceperformance [Welty,[Welty, etet al,al, 2004]2004] 18%18% ff--improvementimprovement inin searchsearch CleanupCleanup costcost ~1mw/3000~1mw/3000 classesclasses BUTBUT …… lowlow qualityquality ontologyontology stillstill improvedimproved basebase WhereWhere’’ss itit going?going? RealReal businessbusiness usesuses willwill requirerequire reasoningreasoning && qualityquality ReasoningReasoning && QualityQuality drivedrive needneed forfor toolingtooling W3CW3C notnot aboutabout APIsAPIs ToolingTooling ProtProtééggéé (Stanford(Stanford && Manchester)Manchester) ODMODM metamodelmetamodel && profilesprofiles EclipseEclipse--basedbased ATL IBM STK (Semantic Technology Toolkit) alphaworks VOMVOM UML-profile plugin (e.g. Rose, MagicDraw, RSA…) Integration with reasoning services ……othersothers (growing)(growing).
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