Annual Report 2006 Report Annual Teleperformance Teleperformance Annual Report 2006 . English translation English . action session success strategy Teleperformance Public Limited Company Graphicob Getty Image, Rajau, Benoit : Photos Capital: 137 756 850 euros 6-8, rue Firmin-Gillot 75015 Paris - France Tél. : (33) 1 55 76 40 80 – Fax : (33) 1 55 76 40 36 R.C.S. Paris B 301 292 702 www.teleperformance.com WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc Création www.ad-nova.com Création worldwide co-leader 42present in countries more than 56,000 12 offshore 2 workstations locations 69,000* employees * not including part-time workers WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc contentsAnnual report 2006 Teleperformance in action 1.1 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 8 1.2 Business Strategy and Positioning 11 – The Value-Added Partner 11 1 – The Expert in Optimizing Economic Models 11 – The Specialist in Business Transformation Solutions 12 1.3 Key Aspects of the Global Market 14 1.4 Objectives and Strategies for 2007 16 1.5 Teleperformance’s Key Operational Data 18 Structure and Key Information 2.1 Group management 24 2.2 The Key Value Charter 26 2.3 Simplifi ed Organization Chart 28 22.4 Shareholding and Stock Market Performance 30 Financial Report 3.1 Key Figures 34 3.2 Introduction to the business 36 3.3 General Information 42 33.4 Corporate Governance 45 3.5 Shareholding 63 3.6 Reports and Resolutions Submitted to the Combined General Meeting 70 3.7 Financial Information – Consolidated Financial Statements 85 – Parent Company Financial Statements 117 3 The global expert in contact center management creating more value through a better customer experience WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc Daniel Julien Jacques Berrebi Chairman of the Supervisory Board Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board 4 “Our values are the key to our success.” WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc successA more successful future In 2006, the Teleperformance Group became the world’s co-leading provider of outsourced contact center services. This achievement, which is remarkable in itself, is due to the very foun- dations of our Group’s identity. The pillars of this success are: – Our universal values: Open-mindedness, respect for differences, transparency, and demanding the best from ourselves – The commitment and devotion of our teams: Professionalism, strategic vision, operational solidity, and obsession with detail – Our passion for service: Customer Satisfaction is our aim The primary mission of Teleperformance managers all over the world is to continually promote and consolidate the elements of our genetic code. They do this everywhere with modesty, spirit, and determination, thus contributing to creation of a future that will be even more success- ful for everyone. We thank each one of them, as we also thank all our clients, employees, partners, and shareholders for their contributions and their confi dence in us. Daniel Julien Jacques Berrebi 5 WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc 6 WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc Teleperformance in action action 1.1 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 8 1.2 Business strategy and positioning 11 – The value added partner – The expert in optimizing economic models – The specialist in business transformation solutions 1.3 Key aspects of the global market 14 1.4 Objectives and strategies for 2007 16 1.5 Teleperformance’s key operational data 18 chapter 1 WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc we have made significant inroads into the en- ergy, technology, and automotive sectors. Our presence in the telecommunications industry is still strong, and thanks to our considerable knowledge of the sector, it is represented by a confirmation of our role as a “preferred part- ner” for our clients. Our desire for geographical expansion was demonstrated once more in 2006. We now offer our clients the largest international network on the market, with a presence in 42 countries. Several acquisitions have strengthened our leading position in Europe, in particular the purchase of SMCG, the Swiss number one, and a significant share in the emerging markets with the integration of Direct Star in Russia and Photel in Hungary. The merger of our two German subsidiaries has enabled us to create a more effective structure in one of the key mar- kets for customer relationship management. With regard to the US market, which represents over 50% of the global market, the merger of Teleperformance USA and CallTech, our two major American subsidiaries, has confirmed our will to rapidly become one of the leading strategic outsourcing partners in this market. From the same perspective, the expansion of our operations in the Philippines, and the cre- ation of Teleperformance Nearshore in Mexico, 1.1 Message from the Chairman have significantly improved our offshore ser- vice range for the North American market. messageof the Board of Directors The launch of a start-up in Chile and the begin- ning of our activities in China are also important Teleperformance is now advances that will secure our future growth. the global co-leading provider In addition to this high level of expansion, 2006 was a key year for your company, now recog- of Contact Center services nized by its clients as the global expert in cus- tomer relationship management. The emphasis For Teleperformance, 2006 was a year of highly on Teleperformance’s differential value, the ra- sustained growth. Led by a powerful growth dy- tionalization of the centers and working meth- namic, with revenues up by 15.8% versus 2005, of ods, as well as the ongoing adjustment of fixed which 11.8% is organic growth, today your com- costs, have led us to increase our productivity pany is sharing the global leadership in the out- and profitability. We have also continued to in- sourced contact center market. Our increasing vest in technology and human resources, with operating margin, which is now 9.5%, the high- over 10,000 new recruits worldwide this year. est rate in the last five years, proves the Group’s All the customer relationship areas have con- management excellence and capability to secure tributed to these results. Customer care man- its future by consolidating its position. agement remains our key activity. With an We have continued our growth policy thanks to increase of five percentage points over 2005, the implementation of new contracts signed in it now represents 54% of our revenues. This de- 2005 and an exceptional loyalty rate from our cli- velopment is the reason for the continuous in- ents. In addition to this high growth rate, which crease in our inbound activities, which reached 8 exceeds that of the market and our competitors, 65% of our overall business this year. As for WorldReginfo - 172e6bb3-3d60-4f76-8f50-6a8af6b5c3dc technical support, which is one of the spear- Germany, the US and possibly France) and the heads of our development, we have consolidated emerging markets (Eastern Europe). Our objec- our position with a growth rate that is above tive is to acquire significant-sized companies the Group average, and new developments are with profitability levels comparable to those of planned for 2007. Finally, our debt collection our Group. services, which have been strengthened by In 2006, a number of social and educational the launch of the Cash Performance brand in initiatives took place within your company Europe, and our continued investments in in- throughout the world. Whether in the US teractive voice response systems in the United through our very active part in the “Feed the States and France are two areas of medium-term Children” program, or in France through the development that Teleperformance considers support your company gives to the Fondation particularly important. Hôpitaux de Paris, a hospital foundation which We are now in a good position to make serves dependent elderly people, Jacques Teleperformance the global benchmark for Berrebi, Daniel Julien and I are all very keen on the contact center industry and to maintain a the socially responsible role that the company growth rate above the market level. should take. Growth, performance, expansion: These Finally, I cannot end this message with- three principles will shape the Group’s strat- out mentioning the quality and motivation egy in 2007 and guide its development in the of our employees and their managers. Their years to come. enthusiasm is one of the main reasons behind In particular, we want to: Teleperformance’s repeated year-on-year – Standardize the coverage of our offer in all outstanding performance, and I would like to countries, particularly in the areas of technical thank them here for the way they truly repre- support and debt collection. sent the soul of the company. – Accelerate the business transformation pro- gram aimed at in-house contact centers, which still make up 80% of the global market, in high potential countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany. – Continue to develop our offshore solutions, which currently represent over 20% of our ca- pacity, particularly in South America. Christophe Allard – Carry out homeshore production tests so that we can include this in our service offer within three years. – Maintain an IT investment policy that is ori- ented toward contact center productivity and automation. In terms of external growth, thanks to your con- fidence in us, the capital increase of $260 million carried out in November 2006 turned out to be one of the biggest successes on the Paris stock exchange. We now have the means to carry out an ambitious acquisition policy and gain a sig- nificant lead on our competitors in order to con- solidate our global leadership position. This strategy began as of early 2007 with the acquisition of Twenty4help (Germany), which will place Teleperformance in a domi- nant position in the global technical support market.
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