Combination unLock: SM Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club 7s start SM- SMACKED ACDEKMS SMACK, to strike sharply [v] SMACKER ACEKMRS one that smacks (to strike sharply) [n -S] SMALLER AELLMRS SMALL, of limited size or quantity [adj] SMALTOS ALMOSST SMALTO, colored glass used in mosaics [n] SMARAGD AADGMRS emerald (green gem) [n -S] SMARMED ADEMMRS SMARM, to use excessive flattery to obtain favors [v] SMARTED ADEMRST SMART, to cause sharp, stinging pain [v] SMARTEN AEMNRST to improve in appearance [v -ED, -ING, -S] SMARTER AEMRRST SMART, characterized by mental acuity [adj] SMARTIE AEIMRST smarty (obnoxiously conceited person) [n -S] SMARTLY ALMRSTY in smart (characterized by mental acuity) manner [adv] SMASHED ADEHMSS SMASH, to shatter violently [v] SMASHER AEHMRSS one that smashes (to shatter violently) [n -S] SMASHES AEHMSSS SMASH, to shatter violently [v] SMASHUP AHMPSSU collision of motor vehicles [n -S] SMATTER AEMRSTT to speak with little knowledge [v -ED, ING, -S] SMEARED ADEEMRS SMEAR, to spread with sticky, greasy, or dirty substance [v] SMEARER AEEMRRS one that smears (to spread with sticky, greasy, or dirty substance) [n -S] SMECTIC CCEIMST pertaining to phase of liquid crystal [adj] SMEDDUM DDEMMSU ground malt powder [n -S] SMEEKED DEEEKMS SMEEK, to smoke (to emit smoke (gaseous product of burning materials)) [v] SMEGMAS AEGMMSS SMEGMA, sebum (fatty matter secreted by certain glands of skin) [n] SMELLED DEELLMS SMELL, to perceive by means of olfactory nerves [v] SMELLER EELLMRS one that smells (to perceive by means of olfactory nerves) [n -S] SMELTED DEELMST SMELT, SMELL, to perceive by means of olfactory nerves [v] SMELTER EELMRST one that smelts (to perceive by means of olfactory nerves) [n -S] SMERKED DEEKMRS SMERK, to smirk (to smile in affected or smug manner) [v] SMIDGEN DEGIMNS very small amount [n -S] SMIDGES DEGIMSS SMIDGE, smidgen (very small amount) [n] SMIDGIN DGIIMNS smidgen (very small amount) [n -S] SMILERS EILMRSS SMILER, one that smiles (to upturn corners of mouth in pleasure) [n] SMILEYS EILMSSY SMILEY, representation of smiling face [n] SMILIER EIILMRS SMILEY, displaying smile [adj] SMILIES EIILMSS SMILEY, representation of smiling face [n] SMILING GIILMNS SMILE, to upturn corners of mouth in pleasure [v] SMIRKED DEIKMRS SMIRK, to smile in affected or smug manner [v] SMIRKER EIKMRRS one that smirks (to smile in affected or smug manner) [n -S] SMITERS EIMRSST SMITER, one that smites (to strike heavily) [n] SMITING GIIMNST SMITE, to strike heavily [v] SMITTEN EIMNSTT SMITE, to strike heavily [v] SMOCKED CDEKMOS SMOCK, to furnish with smock (loose outer garment) [v] SMOKERS EKMORSS SMOKER, one that smokes (to emit smoke (gaseous product of burning materials)) [n] SMOKEYS EKMOSSY SMOKEY, police officer who patrols highways [n] SMOKIER EIKMORS SMOKEY, smoky (filled with smoke) [adj] / SMOKY, filled with smoke [adj] SMOKIES EIKMOSS SMOKEY, police officer who patrols highways [n] / SMOKIE, sausage or hot dog [n] SMOKILY IKLMOSY SMOKY, filled with smoke [adv] Combination unLock: SM Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SMOKING GIKMNOS inhaling and exhaling of smoke of tobacco or drug [n -S] / SMOKE, to emit smoke (gaseous product of burning materials) [v] SMOLDER DELMORS to burn with no flame [v -ED, -ING, -S] SMOOCHY CHMOOSY suitable for smooching [adj -HIER, -HIEST] SMOOTHE EHMOOST to smooth (to make smooth) [v ED, -HING, -S] SMOOTHS HMOOSST SMOOTH, to make smooth [v] SMOOTHY HMOOSTY smoothie (person with polished manners) [n -HIES] SMOTHER EHMORST to prevent from breathing [v -ED, ING, -S] SMRITIS IIMRSST SMRITI, text of Hindu religious teachings [n] SMUDGED DDEGMSU SMUDGE, to smear or dirty [v] SMUDGES DEGMSSU SMUDGE, to smear or dirty [v] SMUGGER EGGMRSU SMUG, highly self-satisfied [adj] SMUGGLE EGGLMSU to import or export illicitly [v -D, -LING, -S] SMUSHED DEHMSSU SMUSH, to smoosh (to squash (to press into pulp or flat mass)) [v] SMUSHES EHMSSSU SMUSH, to smoosh (to squash (to press into pulp or flat mass)) [v] SMUTCHY CHMSTUY smudgy (smudged) [adj -HIER, -HIEST] SMUTTED DEMSTTU SMUT, to soil (to make dirty) [v] 7s contain -SM- ABYSMAL AABLMSY immeasurably deep [adj] AGEISMS AEGIMSS AGEISM, discrimination based on age [n] ALMSMAN AALMMNS one who receives alms (money or goods given to poor) [n -MEN] ANOSMIA AAIMNOS loss of sense of smell [n -S] ANOSMIC ACIMNOS ANOSMIA, loss of sense of smell [adj] AUDISMS ADIMSSU AUDISM, anti-deaf discrimination [n] (2018) AUTISMS AIMSSTU AUTISM, extreme withdrawal into fantasy [n] BASMATI AABIMST long-grain rice [n -S] BATSMAN AABMNST one who bats [n -MEN] BESMEAR ABEEMRS to smear over [v -ED, -ING, -S] BESMILE BEEILMS to smile on [v -D, -LING, -S] BESMOKE BEEKMOS to soil with smoke [v -D, -KING, -S] BESMUTS BEMSSTU BESMUT, to blacken with smut [v] BISMUTH BHIMSTU metallic element [n -S] BOWSMAN ABMNOSW bowman (archer (one that shoots with bow and arrow)) [n -S] CHASMAL AACHLMS CHASM, deep cleft in earth [adj] CHASMED ACDEHMS CHASM, deep cleft in earth [adj] CHASMIC ACCHIMS CHASM, deep cleft in earth [adj] CHIASMA AACHIMS anatomical junction [n -S, -TA] CHIASMS ACHIMSS CHIASM, chiasma (anatomical junction) [n] CHRISMS CHIMRSS CHRISM, consecrated oil [n] CIVISMS CIIMSSV CIVISM, good citizenship [n] COSMIDS CDIMOSS COSMID, hybrid vector used in cloning [n] COSMIST CIMOSST supporter of cosmism [n -S] CUBISMS BCIMSSU CUBISM, style of art [n] DAYSMAN AADMNSY arbiter (one chosen or appointed to judge disputed issue) [n -MEN] DESMANS ADEMNSS DESMAN, aquatic mammal [n] DESMIDS DDEIMSS DESMID, freshwater alga [n] DESMOID DDEIMOS very hard tumor [n -S] Combination unLock: SM Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club DISMALS ADILMSS DISMAL, track of swampy land [n] DISMAST ADIMSST to remove mast of [v -ED, -ING, -S] DISMAYS ADIMSSY DISMAY, to deprive of courage or resolution [v] DISMISS DIIMSSS to permit or cause to leave [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EGOISMS EGIMOSS EGOISM, extreme devotion to self-interest [n] EONISMS EIMNOSS EONISM, adoption of dress and mannerisms of opposite sex [n] EXOSMIC CEIMOSX EXOSMOSE, form of osmosis [adj] FAVISMS AFIMSSV FAVISM, acute anemia [n] HOLISMS HILMOSS HOLISM, philosophical theory [n] IODISMS DIIMOSS IODISM, iodine poisoning [n] JASMINE AEIJMNS climbing shrub [n -S] JASMINS AIJMNSS JASMIN, jasmine (climbing shrub) [n] KINSMAN AIKMNNS male relative [n -MEN] KISMATS AIKMSST KISMAT, kismet (destiny (fate or fortune to which one is destined)) [n] KISMETS EIKMSST KISMET, destiny (fate or fortune to which one is destined) [n] LENSMAN AELMNNS photographer [n -MEN] LYRISMS ILMRSSY LYRISM, lyricism (quality of being lyrics) [n] MELISMA AEILMMS melodic embellishment [n -S, -TA] MESSMAN AEMMNSS serviceman who works in dining facility [n -MEN] MIASMAL AAILMMS MIASMA, noxious vapor [adj] MIASMAS AAIMMSS MIASMA, noxious vapor [n] MIASMIC ACIIMMS MIASMA, noxious vapor [adj] MISMAKE AEIKMMS to make (to cause to exist) incorrectly [v -ADE, -KING, -S] MISMARK AIKMMRS to mark wrongly [v -ED, -ING, -S] MISMATE AEIMMST to mate unsuitably [v -D, -TING, -S] MISMEET EEIMMST to meet under unfortunate circumstances [v -MET, -ING, -S] MISMOVE EIMMOSV to move wrongly [v -D, -VING, -S] MOMISMS IMMMOSS MOMISM, excessive dependence on mothers [n] MONISMS IMMNOSS MONISM, philosophical theory [n] MUTISMS IMMSSTU MUTISM, muteness (state of being mute (characterized by absence of speech)) [n] NANISMS AIMNNSS NANISM, abnormal smallness [n] NEWSMAN AEMNNSW news reporter [n -MEN] NOMISMS IMMNOSS NOMISM, strict adherence to moral law [n] NUDISMS DIMNSSU NUDISM, practice of going nude [n] OARSMAN AAMNORS person who rows boat [n -MEN] OBIISMS BIIMOSS OBIISM, obeahism (use of obeah) [n] OGRISMS GIMORSS OGRISM, ogreism (state of being ogreish (resembling ogre (monster))) [n] ORGASMS AGMORSS ORGASM, to experience orgasm (climax of sexual excitement) [v] OSMATIC ACIMOST depending mainly on sense of smell [adj] OSMIOUS IMOOSSU OSMIUM, metallic element [adj] OSMIUMS IMMOSSU OSMIUM, metallic element [n] OSMOLAL ALLMOOS OSMOL, unit of osmotic pressure [adj] OSMOLAR ALMOORS osmotic (pertaining to osmosis (form of diffusion of fluid through membrane)) [adj] OSMOLES ELMOOSS OSMOLE, osmol (unit of osmotic pressure) [n] OSMOSED DEMOOSS OSMOSE, to undergo osmosis [v] OSMOSIS IMOOSSS form of diffusion of fluid through membrane [n -SES] OSMOTIC CIMOOST pertaining to osmosis (form of diffusion of fluid through membrane) [adj] Combination unLock: SM Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club OSMUNDA ADMNOSU osmund (any of genus of large ferns) [n -S] OSMUNDS DMNOSSU OSMUND, any of genus of large ferns [n] PHASMID ADHIMPS tropical insect [n -S] PISMIRE EIIMPRS ant (small insect) [n -S] PLASMAS AALMPSS PLASMA, liquid part of blood [n] PLASMIC ACILMPS PLASMA, liquid part of blood [adj] PLASMID ADILMPS hereditary structure of cell [n -S] PLASMIN AILMNPS enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] PLASMON ALMNOPS determinant of inheritance believed to exist in cells [n -S] PORISMS IMOPRSS PORISM, type of mathematical proposition [n] PURISMS
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